They aren’t all “deep state operatives”, apparently she was just a “disposable deep state puppet”.

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There are sooo many "dots" to connect to the deceased Susan Wojcicki:

1- Her father Stanley: In whose garage did Sergei Brin allegedly "found" Google? In Stanford physics dept chairman/professor emeritus Stanley Wojcicki's garage! Yes, that's right, Stanford Univ Physics Professor Emeritus Stanley George Wojcicki, who is the father of Susan Wojcicki AND her sister Anne Wojcicki, front/foundress for the repulsive DNA collection company 23andMe!!




2- Sergey Brin: Who is Anne Wojcicki's ex-husband? Sergey Brin who, according to a fairy tale spread all over by the fake media, started Google in a garage, LOL, like the other fake "billionaires" Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, who are mere frontmen for the techno-enslavers of Silicon Valley, who in turn are backed by the private bankers and ultimately by globalist, one-world government, and the Swiss banks, who seek to hang all of us with a digital noose consisting of on-line censorship, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), FedNow® Service, gun control laws, planned touted "15-minute smart cities" (which are just digital prison camps by another name), transhumanism, and coerced injections to be enforced by "vaccine" passports, and much more ...


3- Who is Sergey Brin other ex-wife? That would be Nicole Shanahan, the Vice Presidential running mate of RFK Jr. Yes, the same Nicole Shanahan. You can't make this stuff up!


4- Strange too: Susan Wojcicki's son Marco Troper was just recently found DEAD (Was it really a drug overdose? Or murder?) in his dorm room at UC Berkeley!!!


The above are NOT lightweight persons who happen to have lots of $$$$$. These are key player seriously plugged into the EVIL CABAL that is seeking to chip, enslave, murder, and turn humanity into transhumans! IMO opinion they and those with whom they associate -- including RFK Jr. -- are NOT to be trusted, not that ANY politician should ever be trusted.

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I think you make sense. It's up to each & every one of us sentient moral beings to stand up, with authority, for our Inalienable God Given Rights, and throw off the rapidly increasing shackles of the inhuman, inhumane monsters masquerading as "people" pulling the strings of all Nations in the Formerly Free Western World.

Demons truly exist, imho, & many are infected with them. Sociopathy, Psychopathy & Narcissism also exist as does high level Masonry & Satanism.

We ignore Evil at our peril. Those words & ideals in the US Constitution & Bill of Rights are Golden. We must always fight for them, daily, minute by minute.

Boycott the Darkness. Starve it out. Expose it.

Do your part to work for a human world. It's the only way forward, imho!

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They violate equal individual rights under the guise of protecting us from imaginary ills. People believe this stupendous violation of the Constitution, of humanity, of Justice and her garbage is backed by millions of misguided people that think they are being virtuous by committing crimes against humanity.

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Jesus will be setting up his awesomeness earth soon. That is the only answer now...2-28end.com

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here here!!!

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Can't open link.

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Your comment on our rights is truly excellent!

Yes indeed let us never forget those rights are unalienable and this must always be emphasized.

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Thank you.

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"And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and from in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." KJV.

Satan walks among us.

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Nihilism doesn't help humans or bring positive outcomes.

If words produce fear or despair, they come from the darkness.

Read "the Spiritual Journey of George Washington." It's a revelation.

If anyone should have despaired it was him. God, or Divine Assistance showed up, from "Kind Providence" as G.W. always named our Creator, in the form of a "Beautiful Lady" who told him in the depth of the winter of Starvation, Disease & Despair, that America, the United States would survive & stand for human Freedom, against the greatest Empire ever seen.

He believed & kept the faith & kept praying. The French sent their fleet & we were saved.

Never, ever, ever give up!


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The naive, the 'other's, aren't stupid. They are the most easy to 'control' This girl. Elana Freeland, lays it out quite well. https://www.elanafreeland.com/geoengineering-transhumanism

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These two statements are contradictory: “they aren’t stupid,” and “are easiest to control.”

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Think about it, you just might get it.

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If only I had a bigger garage! I'm sure I could be a billionaire too!

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"... a bigger garage ..."


And a private banker with offices on Sand Hill Road right across from Stanford University, e.g. Kleiner Perkins, Sequoia Capital, Kohlberg/Kravis/Roberts KKR Accel, etc.

*** Most serious subjects benefit from some laughter, so I share with you now a very clever, well-done song by Mr. Foundring ***

"Hey, Susan Wojcicki" (2024) by Foundring



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🎯 🎯 🎯

It is an oft-repeated Cinderella story very appealing to the emotions, i.e., if one works really, REALLY HARD, then one can become a billionaire, like Bezos, Brin, Zuckerberg, Gates, etc., etc.. The public invariably falls for the fairy tale, LOL! It is also sad. "The intellect is always fooled by the heart."~Richard D. Hall

Like the (older) Cinderella of story 4 working class scousers from Liverpool with NO formal musical training, who could not even READ MUSIC yet who nevertheless became the GREATEST songwriters of all time and the GREATEST rock band of all-time, the Beatles, with Lennon-McCartney duo being even better than Rodgers & Hammerstein, LOL.

♫ Yeah, yeah, yeah! … ♫ Yeah, yeah, yeah! ♫ … Yeah! ♫

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All of these relationships are no coincidence. These people are so incestuously involved it makes me sick. The cabal doesn’t even try to hide it anymore

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1. “THE PENTAGON CANCELED its so-called LifeLog project, an ambitious effort to build a database tracking a person's entire existence.

Run by Darpa, the Defense Department's research arm, LifeLog aimed to gather in a single place just about everything an individual says, sees or does: the phone calls made, the TV shows watched, the magazines read, the plane tickets bought, the e-mail sent and received. Out of this seemingly endless ocean of information, computer scientists would plot distinctive routes in the data, mapping relationships, memories, events and experiences.

LifeLog's backers said the all-encompassing diary could have turned into a near-perfect digital memory, giving its users computerized assistants with an almost flawless recall of what they had done in the past. But civil libertarians immediately pounced on the project when it debuted last spring, arguing that LifeLog could become the ultimate tool for profiling potential enemies of the state.

Researchers close to the project say they're not sure why it was dropped late last month. Darpa hasn't provided an explanation for LifeLog's quiet cancellation. "A change in priorities" is the only rationale agency spokeswoman Jan Walker gave to Wired News.”

2) 4 February 2004 - Facebook founded


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Thanks for the link. The Tom cruise movie Minority Report comes to mind. Those who want to BE GOD will always be with us. I really really really wish we would all get together and just stop paying taxes. Doing it by myself only hurts me. That is only one way but an important way to cut the head of a snake.

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And you believe them? Lol.

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They may be still undertaking this project… COVERTLY!

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Whitney Webb's work is priceless!

"Lawyer up," folks, in your own reasoning, in your own minds, get a good understanding of the crimes committed against us, "We The People" and turn the tables on these criminals & traitors.

Stand and take an oath to the Constitution & make them, the elected representatives of The People, stand on theirs!

Get after them. Emails, letters, phone calls, books.

Send them all Whitney Webb's work. Support the few exposing the system. Educate our elected "leaders."

Most are pretty ignorant when it comes down to it, but first educate yourself.

There's lots to accomplish so just dig in

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Um, our “leaders” are not elected.. and most are polar opposite of what you think you see. When you figure it out I hope you’ll remember this comment. Safe journey.

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Punch of vile evil subhuman imbeciles

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Wow! Great Intel thank you!

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Nice work.

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What confuses me is the Kennedy angle. The Deep State killed two of their family members. You think the Kennedy’s are going to join ranks with the family assassins and sign up to help kill billions of people world-wide? If so, why?

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"... The Deep State killed two of their family members. ..."

Three family members if you include his second wife Mary Richardson, found swinging at the end of a rope in her barn with the chair oddly 20 feet or more away from the body. How far can you kick a chair? I'm not strong enough to kick a chair out from under me very far. Maybe a few feet?

Perhaps the intergenerational, familial, military/CIA Hollywood crime cult is like the Hotel California of song, i.e. "you can never leave." So that may be the reason RFK Jr. follows his orders like a good soldier is supposed to do. Why? Perhaps so they don't off one or more of his sons or daughters.

Don;'t forget: Sharon Tate's father Paul Tate was military intelligence, as was Nicole Brown Simpson's father Louis Brown, as was Nicole's next door neighbor Carl Colby (the son of former CIA director William Egan Colby), as was John Ramsey, father of not one but TWO DEAD DAUGHTERS JonBenét Ramsey AND Elizabeth Ramsey. They follow orders. Or people die.

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It seems to me that RFK's writing of "THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI,. Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health." is clear evidence that he is on our side, the Real People.. The only "orders" he is following are those of his vast experience in dealing with American corporate scum and bought and paid for politicians and his natural moral compass. The People of the worlds have lost long lost faith in the intelligence and goodness of the USA. They believe, as do I, RFK is America's last hope for regaining the respect of the nations of the world. The cutting of ties is already advancing. Outright banishment is on the table.

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I agree it is a GREAT accomplshment that RFK Jr. got that book written and published. I was really glad to see him expose Tony much-worse-than-Mengele Fauci. With all of the censorship of these last 4 years, it is amazing to me that he got "The Real Anthony Fauci" book published at all. So, agreed.

RFK also said -- and I do find this comment of his rather disturbing -- and I quote:

“I don't think that we ought to be mandating medical interventions for UNWILLING Americans UNLESS we know precisely that that vaccine is going to end up helping people rather than hurting them.”


[at the 1m 11s mark in the video clip at the top of Sage Hana's post]

I would have hoped that RFK Jr. would be **AGAINST ALL JAB MANDATES.** If so, then I would like him. But apparently he is NOT against mandates "if we know" etc. And exactly how would "we know"? I certainly wouldn't trust the so-called "scientists" and public heath parrots "to know" ANYTHING ... not after the past 4 years. All they did was tell lie after lie constantly for 4 years.

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I sympathize with your question great reflect, because I am an RFK Jr. fan. I am however extremely troubled by that Shanahan connection. One of the many great things about RFK is that he is fallible. He believes in people and our humanness. He may have just been fooled by her. I believe if he thought it was a problem, he wldnt have selected her. At the same time it may be a great chess move as you suggest. We won't know will we. It has to play out. I thought Shanahan had enough money not to be bought off, but with those connections...OMG the plot thickens.

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What are the odds both mother and son at such a high level die so close together. Considering her connections, even slimmer than ever. But if you've got any evidence on RFK Jr, let me know. I don't think many of us were not somehow hooked into their web at some point in our lives and didn't know it. I believe RFK Jr. was telling the truth when he said that all of these people that are now aware of the full scope of the T.V. production set they've really been operating want out but feel powerless including politicians. They've seen what happens when you don't go along. You lose a family member or your own life. Your assumptions on RFK Jr. are simply that without backing it all up with evidence, any evidence. They all know far more of the full scope of what this BLOB is as the rest of us had to figure out the hard way.

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"if you've got any evidence on RFK Jr, let me know"

I've given you plenty already. His choice of Nicole Shanahan, ex-wife of alleged founder of Google Sergey Brin speaks VOLUMES and is quite enough.


What more do you need to know? That he dumped a bear carcass in Central Park, NYC? He's become a LAUGHINGSTOCK at this point:

"RFK Jr. says he dumped dead bear in Central Park after ditching plan to skin it in bizarre video"


His running mate Nicole Shanahan is plugged into the techno-enslavement nexus of Silicon Valley that is seeking to chip, enslave, murder, and turn humanity into transhumans! IMO opinion she is suspect and likely too EVIL to even think she could be trusted -- and by association RFK Jr. as well is not to be trusted.

RFK is NOT against vaccine mandates either, though many of his supporters ASSUME that he is must be against vaccines mandates. He is NOT.

*** No matter which of 3 candidates Trump, Harris, or RFK is (s)elected, we are going to be stuck with a pro-Zionist, pro-jab President. ***

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America is full of guys who pick up "road kill" to not waste the life of the animal who died. Talk to some multi-genetational hunters who put food on the table with the deer they killed.

This guy bred poisonous snakes, led descents down previously unmapped rivers in South America. He is no Swamp Lord. They killed both his father & his uncle! If he's part of the Cabal no one isn't.

As to Shanahan, watch Kiss the Ground, realize she is the Mom of a vaccine injured child and consider that she COULD help regulate both AI & Silicon Valley.

Who is better to ride herd on a crook than their x?

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He would know that there is no opposing this https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/who-runs-the-world

So he has joined The Club

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*LIKE* how you expressed your points quite well and rationally.

Thank you.

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"RFK is NOT against vaccine mandates either..."

Which is why he is the official face of anti vax movement (see also: Bigtree).

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" 'RFK is NOT against vaccine mandates either ...'

Which is why he is the official face of anti vax movement."

🎯 🎯 🎯


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He has done more to expose the dangers of vaccines than any single human being on Earth & to continue being effective, perhaps he sometimes says things he doesn't agree with? Or says such things KNOWING they can never, ever be proven safe and effective, to appease all the mind controlled minions of Pharma?!

Think. He's been taking on the biggest & most corrupt fascistic relationships in America- Corporations & the Government Protection Racquet for his entire life, and winning.

Let the man breathe a bit &

see what happens if he ever gets a position of power. Today he is designated full blown WACKO by MSM.

If & when that changes is up to us, not him. My position is stop your bitching & start digging. Wake up & educate whose you can, work to un-elect those you cannot & don't take any more "vaccines!"

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That's not nearly enough evidence Kool-aid.

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Good then keep voting.

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And on the topic of nano, I suggest you keep the shades down and instead of boxers wear briefs. Hope you have a sense of humour still intact.

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That's quite a little symbol you've got there. Are you serious?

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RFK is fake as f789. He of all people would know what happens if you try to oppose https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/who-runs-the-world

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JFK addresses these and many other embellished,

sometimes downright lie stories in videos on YouTube, through many interviews with various podcasters (Joe Rogan, Dr Phil, etc).

With regard to his VP Shanahan, interesting connection for sure; but again more research needs to be done to follow this up. Nothing can be taken at face value today: a deep dive always needs to be taken away from

MSM and biased info media platforms.

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RFK's second wife Mary Richardson was not available for comment ... because she's DEAD ... found swinging at the end of a rope in her barn! Ruled a suicide, of course. Though wasn't the chair some 20 feet from the body? Odd.


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He probably died from a vax injury... but the had to sugar coat it for mummy

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well, it could be the case that the son knew his mom was going to die of cancer, since she has had cancer for two years and her son died less than a year ago. Thus it is possible and entirely human for the boy to have been sad and depressed about his mom's condition and he found false "escape" in drugs? Not that it's hard to get involved in drugs when rich and at UC Berkeley.

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or maybe he had myocarditis and died suddenly

f789 him... how many did his mother kill?

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In effect; see little difference at the end. Most “operatives” *are* expendable —“disposable” …

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"Useful idiots" was the accurate phrase that Stalin referred to them as.

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Yes. That is soooo true. Even the evil urchin in the WEF that said that humans are all just hackable machines and that we will own nothing and be happy. He will also have his come uppance. Is it just the 15 minutes of fame? I will never comprehend how these people think they are immune from the effects of the nasty seeds they sow.

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Aug 10
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They deserve whatever they get

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But I want to spit on Wojcicki.

Even on YouTube in Japan, posts that appear to involve side effects or inconvenient aspects of the vaccination have continued to be deleted since early spring 2021, and are still being deleted.

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I want to feed her carcass to the pigs ... live stream that on YT hahaha

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exactly. Expendable assets, is what I like to call them

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Thank You Dr. MAKIS & SUBSTACK for posting Susan Wojcicki’s Authoritarian Opinions re : FORCED CENSORSHIP of others’ opinions which is a violation of the First Amendment’s God-given RIGHT in America re: Freedom of Speech ! This specific post about the Queen-of-video-Censorship’s opinions is a pure example of Technocracy’s multi-tiered APPLIED HYPOCRISY being weaponized by DEEP STATE Operators for Crimes Against TruthS FOR Humanity.

Kudos, CHEERS and BRAVO Dr. Makis ! 🙂

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She was a minion https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/who-runs-the-world

As we know the Elders have no problem with throwing their minions under the bus... recall that they hung Saddam....

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Deep state p00p head

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She may have been a puppet, but if you think about it, she also propagated the BS so I don’t know if she truly was merely a puppet because she was also one of the orchestrators of getting it out and censoring people.

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Like most puppets, she was just doing as directed from above.

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Then when their objectives were completed she was exterminated.

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In words of one syllable Jonathan? Fuck her.

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She actively helped them hide what the jabs did to people. She censored truth. Now she answers to God.

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I suppose she believed the censorship was for the greater good ... to prevent hesitancy hahaha

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Or moore profit!

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Doesn't make sense to me, why she would get vaccinated.

Maybe she's not actually dead, just normalising cancer deaths. When really she is having a great time on some luxury island somewhere.

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It’s surely possible that she was just a sincere useful idiot and bought the whole bag of vaccine lies. Lots of people sincerely believed what they were being told and were fearful that the unvaccinated would be dangerous (absurd reasoning, but the fearful are prone to irrationality). Her son, it appears, had an anxiety disorder. That’s consistent with a family who followed the conventional narrative and suffered as a result.

A difficult truth about the deep state system, the criminocracy if you like, is how few bad actors it takes to manipulate, gaslight, blackmail, and intimidate the necessary foot soldiers while impeding and murdering threatening opponents.

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The most evil of the covid jab promoters were those who knew it was unsafe and ineffective and pushed the shots anyway. There were many who sincerely believed in these shots but their numbers are dwindling.

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I think the most evil were those that planned and funded the entire attack. There are people like Baric which did the gain-of-function research, or BARDA staff who orchestrated the d tire masks/testing/vaccination assault, who are clearly evil, but they didn’t decide to try and reduce humanity to the 500m the Georgia Guide-stones stated. It appears to me based on several history books that members of elite families, especially the Rockefellers, are the originators. While any prosecutorial response to this crime against humanity must start with the visible evil doers, it’s arguable that nothing fundamental will change until the elite families are disempowered.

Of course, successful prosecutions of the essentially military executives who unleashed the mRNA mass murder will make it more difficult to repeat such evil in the future, and so the attempt to prosecute is far from futile. I wonder how Reiner Fullmich is doing. I wonder if there’s a DA anywhere in the US savvy and brave enough to start chipping away at this. God help us if nothing is done and the subsequent manufactured pandemics usher in yet more iatrogenic murder.

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Those that went along with it are just as evil. They are so delusional that they think they are "In the big club". They find out the hard way that they aren't.

To me the ultimate EVIL bunch are the doctors and nurses who are willing to main and murder children for a paycheck. They are Mengeles.

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Any nurse or doctor who administered Remdesivir is a murderer.

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I was thinking that lately. There is no way that doctors, and nurses don't know the harm of the shots and Remdesivir by now. THEY HAVE TO KNOW AND THEY ACT LIKE THEY DON'T KNOW.

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Like...didn't they notice people were dying?

"I was just following orders" will not work for them.

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Nearly all criminals try to hide their crimes. This one, though, is way too big to hide.

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It's kinda like this ... everyone can see the ear.... yet most still believe he was shot https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/lets-take-a-look-at-donald-trumps

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Just recently I learned about https://payseurs.com/payseurs-usa/

Well, WikiLies...

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Judging from your reading feed I just hope that we'll meet at the same internment reeducation camp or wherever the objecting partisans will be hiding out.

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interesting. but getting back your empire from the Rothschilds? good luck on that one ! LOL!

I read several pages from the family history. I'll never think of spring mattresses the same again

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Yes, but she used her influence to convince and then obstruct others points of view. Yes I’m sad if she didn’t know but blindly followed, but think of all the people that bought into the lie and died too. I say she got what she deserved & maybe more.

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She was pissed that son would watch Alex Jones.

Probably the reason Jones was kicked off YouTube.

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If he watched AJ maybe that’s what made him crazy.😳

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I’m a nobody and I didn’t buy it. I think it’s inconceivable somebody with her intelligence position could hardly be aware of what’s going on. She took part but her one mistake was believing in the vaccines.

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Liberal women are stupid, in spite of however many degrees they may have.

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As unbelievable as it might be I believe she took it. How many billionaires have you heard of dying of cancer before 2021 and even after? It's extremely challenging to save the vaccinated ones from cancer, unless they go the alternative way using ivermectin and everything else. Does anyone believe that Bourla called her to let her know that his shots are dangerous? I don't think so. Personally, I don't believe that the pharma executive told anyone what they knew except close family members. It would have been extremely risky. Everyone was left to guess, even the rich ones. And let's not forget: the rich also watch the mainstream media. The propaganda back then was powerful because it was highly effective. They fell for it, just like everyone else.

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People of the Left, except for those at the very top, seem to fall for TPTB's narratives hook, line and sinker. Was she close enough to the top to know better about the vaxxes, yet act in such an evil manner regarding such knowledge? I don't know. I'm leaning toward her being a diehard, given her semi-turbo cancer ending.

She is one of many "f**k the unvaxxed" people I have read about in the last 3+ years who have checked out early. Many of them were profiled on thecovidblog.com, which mysteriously stopped producing any new material in November of 2023 (does anyone know why exactly?). I saw others on Telegram channels like mRNA death toll.

It is all a terrible tragedy what is happening to us.

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Her mistake was thinking she was too valuable to be yoasted...the jabs she got she was sure were all saline until they weren't

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Read Don't Drink The Kool Aid's comment above!

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I knew many in the health field who fell for this because they believe in vaccines and the perpetrators of the bioweapon were able to get their gene “therapy” labeled as such (“therapy” in quotes because it did nothing that was therapeutic).

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My first reaction too.

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She seems like the kind of person who believed in what she was doing. To quote CS Lewis: “of all tyrannies, tyranny, sincerely exercise for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment as for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

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No truer words spoken.

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Censorship should be a crime punishable by death. There is hardly anything doing more harm to mankind than obstructing debate and exchange of information. Censorship alone makes the difference between an age of enlightenment and a dark age.

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I agree with all of these comments- Wow, this whole Covid fiasco is so beyond tragic. I’m hoping the majority of people worldwide will finally see the truth. I can’t believe it still hasn’t happened!

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Aug 10
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They are pushing the covid narrative again in my area. Just got back from the store. Several people walking around with their "protective" masks on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wH9PWINFgU

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The operators of YouTube will, at some point forward will have to pay the price for the damage that they have done. The multiple law suits that have been launched will yield discoveries that confirm what we know; the truth was scrubbed by numerous operators within the YouTube organization which clearly points to and confirms that Alphabet Corp. is indeed a DS operative that was assembled by DARPA along with the Google search engine that was designed and by those same DS operatives. This was a military operation just like the C-19 jabs were. It was an orchestrated event to control the media much like the rest of MSM. It is all part of the Rothschilds/Rockefeller Jewish controlled agenda that has been in control for the past several thousands of years, and has morphed into a state of evil. Covid exposed an evil plan and the DS are slowly loosing control. The plan to control the world by using CBDC’s is exposed for what it could become. We are at a tipping point of humanity, and these monsters should never be allowed to carry this mass genocide out.

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You couldn’t say it better!🙏🏻

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Big Pharma killed her SON. Maybe her, as well. Who is her husband? What sayeth HE … ?

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Any way you slice it, big pharma did. We've let them in and they have destroyed and killed our children.

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Tragic. The Bible says that people perish for lack of knowledge(godly insight)…and this is exactly what we continue to see happening to millions who believed the “safe and effective” and “trust the science” lies — and who are now paying the highest price — losing their health and their lives.

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She was dead wrong

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Now that's a classic line. LMAO.

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Given that she does not have a background in biomedical stuff it is quite likely that she would have bought into the Covid Hoax. Many doctors did and still do. The knowledge based needed to figure this out initially was very high and most MDs don't know it, which is why so many of them fell for it. I think she probably did take 1 or more of those shots and If she already had cancer chances are very high that he doctor advised her to do it.

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You didn't need any biomedical background to see that this was an orchestrated hoax. Just good instincts. Knowing that virology is a fraud definitely helps.

Unless there's a nuclear bomb that was dropped close to where you live, and you can see the mushroom cloud from your window, there's no reason to ever listen to any "authority". That's what killed her and so many others. Truth is, they can't create a pathogen that spreads all over the globe because contagion is only a lucrative myth. But they're pretty good at psyops.

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True but I have learned that most people in high level positions who we think should be able to put 2+2 together are just not that smart. She must have been in that category. It really amazes me that the more I talk to blue collar workers who come to my home to work seem to have far better instincts than the highly educated. One guy with a high school education came to wash my windows. I told him NOT to wear a mask because it is dangerous when he is on a ladder and it is like placing a used Kleenex over his nose and mouth - it's dirty. He said Thanks and then said that it seemed stupid to him that people would want to inhale the air that they just exhaled.

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Aug 11
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Agree with you. In my experience the same holds true. Many, not all, of the people who made the grades for acceptance into medical school cheated AND many cheated after getting in and many of them went into academic and research positions.

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If they knew it was unsafe and pushed it on people that would be like killing someone. It is my understanding that cancer has increased 660%. People are still dying and they call many sudden deaths. Prior to the vaccine the only sudden deaths were massive heart attacks or aneurism. Even these were not that common. After the vaccine it became a common term. How many millions of people died from the so called vaccine. The survivors have to live with the wrongful doing and remember God says vengeance IS MINE!!!

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Thanks Doc...I cannot help but wonder if she had any idea of the magnitude of the wrong that she did censoring the truth about the vaccine...or did she willingly trade her integrity for money...now useless to her. The lesson for everyone here is...NEVER TRADE the truth away for ANY reason. The family should carefully reconsider who they keep for friends.

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One of the ways that censorship, propaganda, brainwashing, and evil are mitigated in our world. The perps die.

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Good riddance. Let’s hope for similar outcomes for Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Cuomo, DiBlasio etc

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No way Gates/Fauci took it. They knew.

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