Praying God’s favour, God’s abounding grace and mercy, God’s victory on every side, and God-speed!
“The rule and sceptre of the wicked will NOT remain over the godly.”(Psalm 125:3)
“Let the wicked flee though no one pursues them, and the righteous be bold as lions.”(Proverbs 28:1)
Covering all Truth and Freedom warriors in Canada and beyond in prayers, and standing on Almighty God’s unshakeable everlasting great promise that as it is written, “the gates of hell will NOT prevail.” (Matthew 16:18)
We need an awakening in Saskatchewan too, where recently a Regina Doctor was suspended and fined for prescribing Ivermectin (one of the safest and most prescribed drugs in the world). Of course it was the SK College of Physicians & Surgeons who imposed this against this brave Doctor. Talk about corrupt and inept. These institutions across Canada need to be stripped down, wiped clean and start over with medical professionals who actually adhere to their Hippocratic Oath.
Grateful for everything Dr. Makis does to affect change.
Medical schools in the United States must change as well! To summarize, all schools must place at the forefront the value of human life above all else. This is best accomplished with Biblical based Christian ethics and morals. Biblical based anything creates a wall in the hearts of people to keep out the evil arrows, or temptations, from the Devil that constantly bombard it. Short term: What is needed are massive lawsuits, and prison time for the many who have allowed the evil arrows to penetrate the heart. And more courageous doctors like Dr. Makis to wake up, and not allow the evil of silence to keep them from speaking the Truth.
Thanks for posting Dr. Makis. Couldn't make the Monday meeting in Calgary but got to see you and Dr. Trozzi and Dr. Shoemaker in Springbrook the following night - it was AWESOME! It was a great start letting Dr. Trozzi go first and you finishing up. God bless you guys for your bravery and efforts to tell the truth and expose the lies!
TY Dr. Makis and all who fight the GOOD fight!
Praying God’s favour, God’s abounding grace and mercy, God’s victory on every side, and God-speed!
“The rule and sceptre of the wicked will NOT remain over the godly.”(Psalm 125:3)
“Let the wicked flee though no one pursues them, and the righteous be bold as lions.”(Proverbs 28:1)
Covering all Truth and Freedom warriors in Canada and beyond in prayers, and standing on Almighty God’s unshakeable everlasting great promise that as it is written, “the gates of hell will NOT prevail.” (Matthew 16:18)
Amen! Great prayer - indeed, the righteous need to bold as lions to overcome this tyranny.
We need an awakening in Saskatchewan too, where recently a Regina Doctor was suspended and fined for prescribing Ivermectin (one of the safest and most prescribed drugs in the world). Of course it was the SK College of Physicians & Surgeons who imposed this against this brave Doctor. Talk about corrupt and inept. These institutions across Canada need to be stripped down, wiped clean and start over with medical professionals who actually adhere to their Hippocratic Oath.
Grateful for everything Dr. Makis does to affect change.
Awesome!! Thank you for all you do! 🙏
Medical schools in the United States must change as well! To summarize, all schools must place at the forefront the value of human life above all else. This is best accomplished with Biblical based Christian ethics and morals. Biblical based anything creates a wall in the hearts of people to keep out the evil arrows, or temptations, from the Devil that constantly bombard it. Short term: What is needed are massive lawsuits, and prison time for the many who have allowed the evil arrows to penetrate the heart. And more courageous doctors like Dr. Makis to wake up, and not allow the evil of silence to keep them from speaking the Truth.
FYI.Facebook will not allow this to be posted.
Boycott Fakebook!
Unbelievable- and we are supposed to believe we have freedom of speech and democracy. We are truly Chinada and they love it
There is no freedom without truth and I don't think truth has EVER been a part of the medical mafia.
I tried to post this on Facebook, but fat checkers censored it!🤬 Thank you Dr. Makis for what you do everyday!! God bless you!❤️
Thanks for posting Dr. Makis. Couldn't make the Monday meeting in Calgary but got to see you and Dr. Trozzi and Dr. Shoemaker in Springbrook the following night - it was AWESOME! It was a great start letting Dr. Trozzi go first and you finishing up. God bless you guys for your bravery and efforts to tell the truth and expose the lies!
This is great,
I would like to forward it, but I believe you meant 17 June 2024…
I think ya’ll know this- but I’m saying it anyway- Americans love Canada- even if you sound a little bit funny - “ eh”!