
VIDEO - Shannon Joy and John Beaudoin Sr discuss Turbo Cancer

Great work by Shannon Joy and John Beaudoin Sr here.

"When Kevin McKernan gene sequenced [a] tumor, [a] colon tumor, a few weeks ago and matched the genetic sequence to the Pfizer vaccine, it's freaking over...He got them...There's no question [the COVID mRNA injections are causing cancer]. Kevin proved it."

Electrical engineer and independent investigator John Beaudoin, Sr. (JohnBeaudoinSr) describes for Shannon Joy (ShannonJoyRadio) how the evidence linking Pfizer's COVID mRNA injection to cancer is now definitive.

Beaudoin specifically highlights work done by R&D lead of the Human Genome Project at MIT and Medicinal Genomics Founder Kevin McKernan (Kevin_McKernan), which found "the genetic sequence" from Pfizer's COVID injection in a colon tumor.

"Kevin is the one who found the simian virus 40 promoter [in the mRNA COVID-injection vials], which is a little plasmid. He found DNA contamination in the Pfizer vaccines," Beaudoin says. "This was corroborated by Philip Buckhaults down in North Carolina and people in Canada and Europe. It is now known the SV40 is in there [the mRNA COVID-injection vials]."

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