The bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The weapons manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war. The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The Government will ensure all of this is done legally🤫
That certainly seems to be the plan, but I don’t know how governments will be able to get away indefinitely with their policies for use of mRNA as safe and effective as the evidence mounts hugely against them — it is willful murder by injection and it is going to very soon be extremely difficult to call it “legal” — the lawsuits are mounting daily. I don’t believe they will be able to sweep this under the carpet indefinitely. The evil house of cards WILL collapse.
Feel free to John …. Share it … is meant to open some eyes just a bit wider, as is concise and to the point. The complicity of this “Gang of Thieves” needs to be disrupted for the sake of us all.
My sister was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in 2016 and was beating all the odds until 2021 when they started giving her the mRNA injections. Her body stopped responding to standard treatments after 5 mRNA injections and they gave her at least two or three more. I call it murder by injections. She died June 1 of multiple cancers all non responsive to standard treatments. There is nothing in my mind that lets her doctors off the hook for crimes against humanity for giving her the cv19 shots. If not here and now, they will all have to give an answer in the courts of heaven for what they have done…and that’s not only for the cancers and other horrible illnesses they helped perpetuate, but for the thousands of “sudden deaths” — that strange new phenomenon and massive elephant in the room that governments and Big Pharma et al are still trying to pretend is a conspiracy. The elephant will not go away —- the crimes against humanity gig is up, in fact it’s long over, and a calling to account is coming, much faster than the mRNA pushing criminals want to admit.
Dalegliesh was interviewed by Reform Party Leader Nigel Farrage about two months ago or so on GBNews but nothing has materialised. The only MP speaking out Andrew Bridgen spoke with Farrage about two years ago warning about the dangers of these COVID Jabs and Farages response was I don't want to talk about it. It gets worse as Farrages friend Richard Tice is very good friends with Midazolam-Matt Hancock, the man who killed all the pensioners I. Hospital during the rollout of the Covid Project in a bid to scare people and inflate the fictional Covid 19 deaths.
Of all the videos I have listened to (too many to count now) and all the articles I've read (same) this video with Prof Angus Dalgleish is the one that needs to go 'viral' asap. All the happy horse shit that's been force fed to humanity is laid bare for what it is. How on earth did we arrive at this place?
Agreed. It is clear, concise and it is his own experience as well as the other oncologists who are contacting him. Problem is, when I try to send this to "covid shots believers" they say, " oh, substack " I heard that was an anti vaxx website so I'm not going to listen to it.". I've got to find it on twitter or you tube.
I would destroy our family if I dared send this to them. That's how fierce they are in their devotion to their Church of Celestial Covid Cretins. (I'm being a mean girl but I'll stop right after I push the Post button...)
My heart goes out to you because I'm in the same situation. I can't send them anything that tells them how killing these injections are. Imagine a family member dying of turbo cancer and you can't tell them the truth. It's just painful.
Same here. Very small family, one haemorraged - decidual cast? - then got her two pre-teen kids jabbed to go on holiday, another developed Shingles very soon after the jab, another had excruciating leg pain on night of first jab, the last remaining adult has a bone break that is refusing to heal despite being ultra-fit. One of those people had the AZ hot lots and I haven't told them.
An excellent presentation! Thank you for sharing this. I'd love to hear more from Prof. Dalgleish any time. It's a shame that the government won't listen to his expertise. I'm so glad to know that many Doctors are consulting with Dr. Dalgleish. It gives me hope to hear it. Would you be able to publish his list of the major reasons that the boosters cause cancers?
What scares me the most is the forcefulness with which all of this is being suppressed. It is a terrible thing.
What about Dr McCullough claiming to shut off the "vaccines" with SI-RNA, why would anyone subject themselves to more of what hurt them in the first place.
That is strange. How could the Dr. recommend a new tech? I read he isn’t seeing any damage from them in his clinic but if long term testing hasn’t been done, how would he know if they damage or not later? That doesn’t seem to line up with his extensive background in analysis and medical journal reviews of which he has done over 600 in the past??? He won some big award and it was speculated that he was persuaded to lean towards the bad guys? What happened to 10 year testing before release of a so called vaccine? All the former rules down the drain.
If you are one of the unlucky folks who have the spike protein being produced continuously and you don't respond to IVM or nattokinase because the spike protein keeps reappearing then you've got to find some way to shut off production.
The Si-RNA appears to do that. Fighting fire with fire may be required for some.
I have not seen any evidence it works, McCullough simply saying he's treated patients with it doesn't mean anything, what about the long term effects and why would anyone take the risk before they know more about it, Its like taking the "vaccine" before it was ever safety checked, look where we are with that. His new thing may work but don't people want to wait and see long term what can happen to them.
As TRM says for some people it’s an agonizing life or choice of death if their body won’t stop producing the spike protein. Unbearable so like a stage 4 cancer patient what have they got to lose?
Eh, the relationship between Nicotine, the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Spikies has been known for several years. The Spikies latch onto the NARs but introduce Nicotine compounds, which the NARs love, and the Spikies are ditched in favour of the desirable Nicotine. The US Govt were spouting that the ICUs would be filling up with Smokers ie respiratory disease. However, the reverse was true because the intake of Nicotine protected Smokers. Once the US Govt realised that people would cotton on to the benefits of Nicotine, they started a campaign "There's never been a better time to give up Smoking" whilst still pushing the nonsense that there was a respiratory disease doing the rounds and that Smokers were particularly at risk.
Ok these doctors who are not speaking out because they have a mortgage and kids in school, are, for me the worst part of this fraud and crime. They are cowards. I am the sole support for my 34 year old mentally ill son and I was 3 years away from retirement from a job I held for 28 years.
There is a cost to living with integrity.
But those who kept their mouths shut for the self preservation instead of “doing no harm” are fueling the lie and killing people. They do not get a pass.
Exactly, all the so-called symptoms of Covid are exactly the same as electromagnetic poisoning and while we were locked in our homes 5G towers were going up fast. The reason they kept extending the lockdowns was because they were falling behind on installations.
Observation: symptoms are everything and anything so just answer no to any questions regarding COVID.
The bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The weapons manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war. The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The Government will ensure all of this is done legally🤫
That certainly seems to be the plan, but I don’t know how governments will be able to get away indefinitely with their policies for use of mRNA as safe and effective as the evidence mounts hugely against them — it is willful murder by injection and it is going to very soon be extremely difficult to call it “legal” — the lawsuits are mounting daily. I don’t believe they will be able to sweep this under the carpet indefinitely. The evil house of cards WILL collapse.
Excellently put for what it truly is.
''Humanity is about to be tested.......
AND you will ‘Own Nothing And Be Happy’ at the end.
Well put Chris. Can I use it?
Feel free to John …. Share it … is meant to open some eyes just a bit wider, as is concise and to the point. The complicity of this “Gang of Thieves” needs to be disrupted for the sake of us all.
"legal" is not synonymous with "Lawful"
My sister was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in 2016 and was beating all the odds until 2021 when they started giving her the mRNA injections. Her body stopped responding to standard treatments after 5 mRNA injections and they gave her at least two or three more. I call it murder by injections. She died June 1 of multiple cancers all non responsive to standard treatments. There is nothing in my mind that lets her doctors off the hook for crimes against humanity for giving her the cv19 shots. If not here and now, they will all have to give an answer in the courts of heaven for what they have done…and that’s not only for the cancers and other horrible illnesses they helped perpetuate, but for the thousands of “sudden deaths” — that strange new phenomenon and massive elephant in the room that governments and Big Pharma et al are still trying to pretend is a conspiracy. The elephant will not go away —- the crimes against humanity gig is up, in fact it’s long over, and a calling to account is coming, much faster than the mRNA pushing criminals want to admit.
I’m SO SORRY for your loss. I’m with you, I believe she was murdered by her own drs.!
Thank u Oncologist Prof Angus Dalgleish for your strength and courage sharing your knowledge. God bless you and keep you safe!🙏🏻🙏🏻
Dalegliesh was interviewed by Reform Party Leader Nigel Farrage about two months ago or so on GBNews but nothing has materialised. The only MP speaking out Andrew Bridgen spoke with Farrage about two years ago warning about the dangers of these COVID Jabs and Farages response was I don't want to talk about it. It gets worse as Farrages friend Richard Tice is very good friends with Midazolam-Matt Hancock, the man who killed all the pensioners I. Hospital during the rollout of the Covid Project in a bid to scare people and inflate the fictional Covid 19 deaths.
Of all the videos I have listened to (too many to count now) and all the articles I've read (same) this video with Prof Angus Dalgleish is the one that needs to go 'viral' asap. All the happy horse shit that's been force fed to humanity is laid bare for what it is. How on earth did we arrive at this place?
Agreed. It is clear, concise and it is his own experience as well as the other oncologists who are contacting him. Problem is, when I try to send this to "covid shots believers" they say, " oh, substack " I heard that was an anti vaxx website so I'm not going to listen to it.". I've got to find it on twitter or you tube.
I would destroy our family if I dared send this to them. That's how fierce they are in their devotion to their Church of Celestial Covid Cretins. (I'm being a mean girl but I'll stop right after I push the Post button...)
My heart goes out to you because I'm in the same situation. I can't send them anything that tells them how killing these injections are. Imagine a family member dying of turbo cancer and you can't tell them the truth. It's just painful.
Same here. Very small family, one haemorraged - decidual cast? - then got her two pre-teen kids jabbed to go on holiday, another developed Shingles very soon after the jab, another had excruciating leg pain on night of first jab, the last remaining adult has a bone break that is refusing to heal despite being ultra-fit. One of those people had the AZ hot lots and I haven't told them.
An excellent presentation! Thank you for sharing this. I'd love to hear more from Prof. Dalgleish any time. It's a shame that the government won't listen to his expertise. I'm so glad to know that many Doctors are consulting with Dr. Dalgleish. It gives me hope to hear it. Would you be able to publish his list of the major reasons that the boosters cause cancers?
What scares me the most is the forcefulness with which all of this is being suppressed. It is a terrible thing.
Thank you Dr Makis, this was absolutely excellent…..Stay the course…and God Bless
What about Dr McCullough claiming to shut off the "vaccines" with SI-RNA, why would anyone subject themselves to more of what hurt them in the first place.
That is strange. How could the Dr. recommend a new tech? I read he isn’t seeing any damage from them in his clinic but if long term testing hasn’t been done, how would he know if they damage or not later? That doesn’t seem to line up with his extensive background in analysis and medical journal reviews of which he has done over 600 in the past??? He won some big award and it was speculated that he was persuaded to lean towards the bad guys? What happened to 10 year testing before release of a so called vaccine? All the former rules down the drain.
If you are one of the unlucky folks who have the spike protein being produced continuously and you don't respond to IVM or nattokinase because the spike protein keeps reappearing then you've got to find some way to shut off production.
The Si-RNA appears to do that. Fighting fire with fire may be required for some.
I have not seen any evidence it works, McCullough simply saying he's treated patients with it doesn't mean anything, what about the long term effects and why would anyone take the risk before they know more about it, Its like taking the "vaccine" before it was ever safety checked, look where we are with that. His new thing may work but don't people want to wait and see long term what can happen to them.
As TRM says for some people it’s an agonizing life or choice of death if their body won’t stop producing the spike protein. Unbearable so like a stage 4 cancer patient what have they got to lose?
Eh, the relationship between Nicotine, the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Spikies has been known for several years. The Spikies latch onto the NARs but introduce Nicotine compounds, which the NARs love, and the Spikies are ditched in favour of the desirable Nicotine. The US Govt were spouting that the ICUs would be filling up with Smokers ie respiratory disease. However, the reverse was true because the intake of Nicotine protected Smokers. Once the US Govt realised that people would cotton on to the benefits of Nicotine, they started a campaign "There's never been a better time to give up Smoking" whilst still pushing the nonsense that there was a respiratory disease doing the rounds and that Smokers were particularly at risk.
They really really want to kill us.
I couldn't agree with you more.
"Sorry I got to keep killing people because I cant afford losing this job".
- 99% of medical staff.
Thank you again Dr Makis for sharing this (and other) life saving information! Listen to mainstream news (ie Big Pharma) at your peril.
Ok these doctors who are not speaking out because they have a mortgage and kids in school, are, for me the worst part of this fraud and crime. They are cowards. I am the sole support for my 34 year old mentally ill son and I was 3 years away from retirement from a job I held for 28 years.
There is a cost to living with integrity.
But those who kept their mouths shut for the self preservation instead of “doing no harm” are fueling the lie and killing people. They do not get a pass.
The Vaccinated Are The Product.
The Dead Are Just Defects.
Thank goodness for autophagy then!
Is anyone listening?
I here of a thingy called a virus. He must have isolated it. Darn golly wilakers, publish that for world to see. Pretty plez?!
Exactly, all the so-called symptoms of Covid are exactly the same as electromagnetic poisoning and while we were locked in our homes 5G towers were going up fast. The reason they kept extending the lockdowns was because they were falling behind on installations.
Observation: symptoms are everything and anything so just answer no to any questions regarding COVID.
Beyond evil what has been done to humanity