At least the people of Japan have spoken on the behalf of so many others that were killed or maimed by the mRNA poisonous Jab. Governments need to be held accountable for what they allowed to be done right under their noses. Shame on all of them. They all failed the people they were supposed to serve. Many of them belong behind bars for offering the poisonous Covid Jab. A recall must be started to remove this poison from every dispensary that offer/s it.

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This poison should also be removed from our genomes. I asked Gab.ai these 3 questions concerning a new technology that can identify short sequences of DNA.

Was the CRISPR technology used to create the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine?

No, CRISPR technology was not used to create the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines. The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are mRNA vaccines, which use a different technology called lipid nanoparticles to deliver the mRNA into cells. CRISPR is a gene-editing tool primarily used for modifying DNA within the cell nucleus.

Can the CRISPR technology find and remove and destroy a particular strand of DNA such as the DNA installed by the Covid-19 vaccine?

Yes, in theory, CRISPR technology could potentially be used to locate and remove a specific DNA sequence, including one introduced by a vaccine. CRISPR-Cas9 is a powerful gene-editing tool that can target and cut DNA at a specific location. However, it would require precise design and careful execution to avoid unintended consequences. It's essential to note that "no such application has been attempted" or approved for use in humans, and the idea remains purely speculative at this point.

If CRISPR could remove the DNA sequences introduced by the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine, would the governments and pharmaceuticals accept this remediary solution?

Gab.ai avoided directly answering this question. I submit they would not because the criminal harm done to the human population by these vaccines was intentional. Govenments and corporations, and their professionals, are allowed to commit criminal acts and protected from the consequences in their pursuit of ideology and profits.

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crispr was used, doc malone invented it and he said it was weaponized

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I'm not sure that you fully understand. This wasn't done "under the nose" of any government. Every single one of them knew damn good and well what was being perpetrated against the world. They were in no way blindsided by anything. Their foreknowledge means that they didn't fail anyone. They actively participated in this crime against humanity. This is FAR beyond mere failure. 'Behind bars' isn't sufficient. They must all be executed for their crimes.

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There is a new blood filtering technique that takes quite a while to cleanse blood damaged by the nano particles and metals that are poisoning so many.

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Nothing elite about the “elites”…nothing more than a parasitic group of genocidal maniacs. I take great comfort in knowing their end.

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Also Demon possessed

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How is their end coming? I hope you are right

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Japan is doing nothing of the kind, in fact, beginning next month they plan to begin using their own vaccine that self replicates. However, a few Japanese doctors are trying to warn of these.

For a wee bit of perspective, the medical school I work at still requires masks. I do not wear one and increasing numbers of students and faculty are recently maskless, but most still are. I have yet to see an unmasked staff member there. I do not know if they will force the students to get this new shot or not.

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Hi Kitsune, thank you for your report from Japan. It is good that a few doctors and scientists in Japan can form a group to do an investigation without getting thrown in jail - as was done to lawyer Reiner Fuellmich in Germany a year ago - and he is still there. But that is far from what the video from TPV implies, falsely suggesting a real government action.

There is no real change in my country either. A man who released public data to the public is facing 7 years in prison. In fact the current government is funding our universities to devise new kinds of mRNA injections.

The video from TPV is misleading in another sense, great exaggeration of the deaths and depopulation to date. Many people around the world have struggled to document how many people have died from the jab so far. Estimates vary, but it surely isn't a billion, the highest estimates are in the tens of millions, less than 1% of the global population. Maybe a billion people will have their lifespans shortened, but this slow motion drama will take decades to play out at the current rate.

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The reason I started writing on substack was to counter erroneous reports that Japan was using ivermectin to fight covid and that that was why they had so few deaths in 2020. These reports were based upon a video of a doctor who then was the head on a doctor’s association in the capital. He was only recommending its use and was in no way in an official capacity, just a private practice doctor leading a private profession group giving advice based upon his experience. Important but not the indicator that Japan was using the drug. The truth was the opposite. While Japan did not ban its use against covid, they recommended against its use, which for most doctors in Japan, means it was banned.

This video seems much the same, a group of concerned doctors and I think there is a single legislator with them, are trying to warn people about the shot. Expect no more action than what we see when Ron Paul and now his son warn against the loss of freedoms in the US. They are right, but no where near enough people care to prevent further loss of freedom.

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In the U.S., similar to Japan, there are experts who are blowing the whistle in order to warn the public but sadly, those in power at the government level are corrupt and intent on killing millions.

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Yes, but folks keep posting videos such as this as evidence that “Japan” is or is not doing something or other. Not the case here, nor with ivermectin, which was widely reported to be in use in Japan against covid and accredited with the low case and death count here.

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What happens if a student refuses?

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Great question. I don’t know. I do know that they allowed for exemptions but I do not know for what. I have also not heard of any students being denied admission for refusing them. That said, students are not comfortable being asked about their shot status, though I did last week in class.

My best guess is the fear of social stigma led most to get it and those who didn’t to stay quiet. If a class, school, office has a covid cluster, the unvaxxed and unmasked are blamed for it. Few can stomach such a situation and follow the recommendations regardless what they think about them.

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The same conspirators which have brought their scamdemic, are now trying to initiate a world war,

People need to open their eyes and understand that if we don’t remove from power those responsible for this mass culling, they will start a world war just to try to get away with their heinous crimes against humanity.

Here my latest one.


Thx for sharing

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Safely=Slowly and unobtrusively

Or it would be safe for those who want to reduce the population and make excess profits.

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The mRNA bio weapons are “Safely and effectively” depopulating…”. An odd way to put it, no? Or a bad translation.

Of most concern to me at the moment is that the Japanese government has seen fit to roll out those self-replicating mRNA shots to its populace very soon - if it hasn’t already started. From what I’ve read, they’re the most dangerous aberration so far and will be shedding widely.

According to a recent official proclamation, Japan is aiming to become the world center for the development (GOF) and application of this and other filth. Not hard to predict the consequences of such irresponsibility, is it?

The stated objections of sane Japanese medical professionals are falling on deaf ears. Hence the concern. One wonders why Japan would arrogate to itself the right to inflict more death and destruction upon our beleaguered world.

More information in this excellent substack post:


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I think it means they are (safely) getting away with murder, because of all the different ways to harm and the various time frames in which they occur, which makes vaccine injury less obvious.

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Historically they have suffered immensely so also uncertain why they would willingly become the epicenter for "the most dangerous aberration so far"...

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According to Japanese scientists, these vaccines are safely reducing the global population and effectively collapsing populations.

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It's a play on words.

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Isn't Japan about to unleash "Self Amplifying" so-called vaccines? This will make the current situation look tame by comparison. Vaccines that reproduce themselves and spread in the air. Is there any way to escape this type of bio weapon?

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It was probably worded that way because the rhetoric was always "the vaccines are safe and effective". Sarcasm?

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Wait a sec…”1 in 8 people have died worldwide”? Not seeing it.

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Japanese scientists may be sounding the alarm as are countless good concerned medical professionals and scientists elsewhere in the world but all to no avail, because the corrupt politicians and governments have made an evil murderous pact through the devilish UN Agenda 2030 —-(soon to be renamed the “Pact for the Future”) and that “pact” is exactly what has been made by cults and criminals throughout human history. It is a sworn demonic plan to depopulate (murder) most of the world’s people.

The only way to stop them is to have many more people wake up to the fact that this murderous plan is REAL, and for masses of truth and freedom fighters worldwide to demand the arrest and “culling” of these individual criminals and perpetrators who are clearly out to destroy us.

I believe only Almighty God has the power to deal with extreme wickedness of this level and scope, but…God also uses people — and WE THE PEOPLE must continue in His strength to confront the evil that is before us, and to cry out for and demand TRUTH and JUSTICE.

From God’s perspective and with His help there are ALWAYS “more with us” than against us, so let us arise and do what we can and must do.

Keep praying 🙏 and do whatever you can TODAY to see God’s good will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. And remember His love and promise — that His good will, is ALWAYS…to give us a HOPE and a FUTURE (Jeremiah 29:11) GO…with God! Be blessed in His strength and power.

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AMEN 🙏🙏🙏

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The damages and death were known three years ago! Finally, someone, Japan in this case are speaking out.

Is this, “too little too late”? My gut feeling tells me yes, the “Globalist Elites”knew exactly what they were doing and why!

They cannot be underestimated nor can these “Crimes Against Humanity” be trivialized anymore, anywhere!

Damn these evils! Damn them all!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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That was the demonic plan

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I realize online censorship is huge, but I cannot find any other site to support this claim. Can anyone provide any other 3rd party reference for 1 billion already died?

Thanks !

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If you need to know look up Steve Kirsch. He has the data. Don't know if it isbillion but the number of drop dead on site or with in a few days

Is between 14 and 17 mill. Estimated according to how these people were characterized. Most were divided in the non vaccinated group. So that changes the number of unvaxed deaths. To be clear you needed 2 shots a month apart to be fully vaxed.You will find the numbers you seek with him.

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And yet they are the first to approve the new self-assembling mRNA (replicon) jabs…..

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Excellent point !!!

Makes one wonder about motives.

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Japan's official efforts to uncover the harms of the vaccines, will undoubtedly be stymied and suppressed by international forces. They are a country in need of help and therefore vulnerable to pressure.

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