This is making me cry. I am so very sorry. I wish you could have heard my warnings about that bullshit bio-weapon death jab. I was a marathon runner. I know the mental pain you are living. It's almost worse than the physical pain. I am praying for you that Jesus Puts His Holy Arms Around you and your family. God Bless You.

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I cried for this guy and his family after watching, too.

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Thank you for sharing! I pray the more of these horrifically sad stories come out, the more people will listen.

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Anyone who heard the Maddie DeGary story way back in 2021 who did not have compassion and did not see the truth is very likely to keep their head in the sand indefinitely. Consciously choosing the blue pill!! At the expense of our children.

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Sure CDC and any other world government health agency, go ahead, as Clint Eastward said, “make my day”! Every person involved with deliberately spreading misinformation about

“safe & effective” agenda driven narrative,should all be “injected”!

Let’s see how they feel being “force-jabbed” with an absolute made up, fraudulent covid claim, which today, numbers have been exceeding “One Billion” human beings lives,snuffed out worldwide!

“Pandemic For Me Not For Thee”

An unscientific, lie after lie, world culling, depopulating, poisonous “Bioweapon Injection” experimental, genetically manipulation, of those who’ve survived and are now damaged and or disabled for life by a decades old, mRNA technology which failed decades ago!

Didn’t anyone ask “WHY NOW”? Why was mRNA rolled out now, without anyone being informed how this technology failed decades ago? Which means they knew what would happen to millions of unsuspecting people, children and the unborn!

Is there anything more “EVIL” than this? Possibly, hard to find but yes, “infanticide”! This is the most ever single “EVIL-ACT” ever known to mankind! We can thank those in power today for this maniacal maniac madness of evilness!

We must all pray for the athlete of whom this article is about and for all those passed before and those who are suffering from, this deliberate evil act of such an injustice’s of:

“Crimes Against Humanity”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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AJR, completely agree. This evil is beyond anything I could have ever imagined & though Ive been fully awake to it these 4 years, I still cannot wrap my head around the evil to do what was done.

Unfortunately, no one I personally know, especially my best & closest family member, can or will realize what you’ve stated. For instance, we just had another 3 hour conversation, and bottom line for him, the jabs were taken, therefore there must be a benefit. The jabs have not been banned outright, so therefore, they still must be somewhat beneficial for someone. 😔

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Good God Renee, have whoever do a little and I mean a minute amount of research and they’ll learn quickly how much damage and how many deaths were caused by these “Bioweapon Injections”!

I just left a customers office and she told me 3 of her brothers now have heart damage. Image three healthy men their entire life and she also said now her husband has a minor heart attack and he’s now has permanent heart damage.

It’s literally insane how many people have been injured and how many people have succumbed to these shots.

Lastly Renee, look up Dr Francis Boyle. He wrote the bioweapons treaty in 1979. It was signed in 1985 by Senior Bush and both houses of Congress. It is still in effect today. Dr Boyle coined the phrase “Frankenshots” and he also signed an affidavit stating that COVID shots are a

“Weapon of Mass Destruction”!

How much more evidence does anyone need?

Good luck Renee. When I have more time I’ll try and send you the information I mentioned here. Also my substack homepage has some of what I wrote about in this reply if you check it out.


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Thanks so much!

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You’re more than welcome Renee. You needn’t thank me, simply understanding what I wrote is more than enough thanks.

Hopefully people wake up and simply see what is happening to us all?

Everything is being “done to us and NOT for us”

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The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections. Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed.


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I wonder why movcon? I wonder why that is?

It is unbelievably insane how many people believe these “Bioweapon Injections” are

“safe & effective” regardless if they passed away directly after taking a shot and was brought back to life, they’d still believe something else was responsible for their passing!

Thank you movcon. Sadly far too many people have died from these injections and millions more have been disabled for life!


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Why hasn’t he seeks out detoxification by those who practice how to remove vaccine junk out of the system.

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Heartbreaking. I've experienced this typ of pain from an autoimmune condition post mRNA injections. It's a cruel condition. Moringa, a natural anti-inflammatory supplement, took most of the pain away thankfully.

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The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections. Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed.


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It goes without saying that what has been intentionally inflicted on this man and his family from this killer bio weapon was criminal. There must be accountability and justice and damn soon.

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It is infuriating to me that this persistent denial world wide of what I believe is the paid and bought off medical system/health care system to keep their heads in the sand, to look the other way just to allow this "soft Kill agenda" having people such as Heiko and so many others having to seek help under the table on their own dime, going into debt with what they/we know is a vaccine injury, some having to move just to try to become healthy and many others that I know personally laying in a hospice bed having developed a crazy turbo cancer that within 5 months has metastasized over her whole body, this gal is 36, medical system gave up, shrugged shoulders, leaving 2 small children behind., I could go on but NO ONE WANTS TO ADDRESS THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM, what is the common denominator ??? trying to wake up a world blinded to the truth until it hits them in the face and then many times feel it is too much work to do what is right to make a difference. This parasitic class of infiltrated governments run by Satan himself just turn the other way having absolutely no accountability of being those that pushed this poison, continuing to lie coercing an unexpecting human population for control, power and money. Heiko and family I pray for a full recovery and that you all get fully compensated for this insult to your life and livelihood and that this is recognized as indeed a major vaccine injury. May God keep you all wrapped and cloaked in prayer as he continues to strengthen your spirit, body and soul through this journey !!! thank you for your bravery to share this devastating story.

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The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections. Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed.


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Well said.

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How sad to read, can not any of the alternate protocols assist to relieve some of the pain and disability?

Myrna Kerr

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Loys of us spoke out, stood up and share or time and information for free. Now we're seeing important studies and information held back unless we're paid subscribers? Maybe you could think about putting a link to the studies that you dissect and let people pay for reading the the parts that you contribute? The more information that we could freely share the better the chances at defeating this Goliath crime syndicate if that's what you're interested in.

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I think his real joy will come when he can have fulltime employment and support his family again.

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Did his coach/trainer tell him to accept the voluntary injections (he volunteered to accept two of them). Otherwise, WHY would he have done that?

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Just heartbreaking.

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The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections. Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed.


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