God bless you, Dr. Makis, and thank you for continuing to sound the alarm about these horrific "vaccine" products!!

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Oh my goodness this is just awful just awful. I’ve heard of so many people getting these cancers, and I am very scared as to when it’s going to hit my own family none of whom listen to me, including my beautiful young son, Dr. Makis you are a very very special man, may God bless you thank you for this information as heart rendering as it is

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the FLCCC wesbite has a well researched book on treating cancers. see my comment above. Hope is not lost! Do your research now so you can help your loved ones. I happened to luck out and had learned a lot about alt. treatments by ancillary research related to figuring out COVID and mRNA gene threapies.

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yes I am doing just that and just bought some fen too!! Thanks Lulu

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In March or April 2020 I came across a video done by Mikki Willis in the U.S, (he also wrote a book from this video) Call PLANDEMIC.

It was an interview done with Dr. Judy Mikovits. Now, everything you are saying right now, she said it then. Way before all of this really started. How did she know that these medical issues, particularly about these cancers would happen? She worked with Fauci during the time of AIDS in the 80's and also tried to expose him but! she's the one who got played instead.

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Experts should have listened to expert Dr. Judy Mikovitz years ago.

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I posted a few times the story of my sister-in-law. But last weekend we found out everything: what exactly is happening. Let me tell you: it's a horror story. What we found out is that she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer, the famous turbo cancer, last year in June. Then this year, things just got much worse: in January she received another diagnosis: cancer lymphoma. Shortly after, the doctors discovered she has another cancer related to back, that in a matter of three weeks completely paralyzed her from the waist down. The bad news is that she's not taking any intravenous vitamin C. That is a mistake. And she's not detoxifying the spike protein either. Also found out that she's using a machine called " Royal Vibe". I don't believe that machine will cure her cancer. In the fall of 2021 she took the booster shot. As you see it took more than a year for all these trouble to start. I have to mention that in the fall of 2018 she was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. And in 2019 when we went to see her, you wouldn't guess that she has cancer. She was full on energy and very happy, and looked to me really healthy. Long story short: she was cancer free in 2019. And was doing great! That, until she took the shots. I remember arguing with my brother in law about the shots, and trying to convince them not to take any. He just wouldn't believe me. Do you know what he told me: billions of people took the shots. If they were so dangerous, everyone would be dead. But what he doesn't understand is that it's not how it works: of course they couldn't risk to kill everyone who took the shots. Because if that were the case, their whole depopulation plan would have come to a halt. So they needed to take it slowly, step by step.

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Here is video explaining just what you stated from Dr. Chetty in early 2020

Clearly explains their agenda of killing randomly.


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A very informative video. It lines up with all of my amateur study on turbo cancers. My father-in-law died about 18 months after his first booster.

A question for you: do you put any credence in the theory of cancer as a metabolic disease as promulgated by Dr. Warburg in the 20th century and revived by Dr. Thomas Seyfried? I have looked at that a lot, both on videos and his book. If yes, is there any information that these turbo cancers can be starved via a ketogenic or carnivore diet?

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I went to a talk with Dr. Marik of the FLCCC Alliance recently and he said cancer is almost entirely metabolic. He said there are only 2 genetically caused cancers - one was a type of breast cancer and I con't recall the other (possibly a form of prostate). There is a book on treating cancer on the FLCCC site that supports the keto/real food approach - cancer loves sugar. The book also discusses fenbendazole/mbenzadole and ivermectin for treating cancer. The two have remarkable results - and I can say anecdotally it has worked on my friends lymphoma (within 2 months). I think you would find a lot of interesting research there.

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Lulu I found a ton on info on FLCCC website but could find nothing about the book even under "resources"

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I bought the book from Amazon

It’s called ‘Cancer Care’

by Paul E Marik MD

It’s quite cheap and all the proceeds go to flccc.net

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Thank you very very much

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I will buy that book too thanks Lulu

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They can certainly be starved using a long-term (urine) fast.


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Is there a place to find the entire testimony for each speaker on this issue?

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Great presentation, concise and fact filled and clearly spoken.

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Wish I could get the full program in English.Why does CHD have to make it so hard?

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Thank you for the work you are doing, Dr. Makis. I do hope some of the organizations you are reaching heed your warnings. The treatments you are discussing at the end of the video are quite efffective, and I hope many more people will learn about them in time to help loved ones and/or themselves. I had an incredible experience helping a friend with a lymphoma turbo cancer and the results we've had when MSKCC said they could not help him are nothing short of amazing. Prayer and poistivity matters, as well.

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Are the other videos by other presenters available as well?

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Dr. Mike Yeadon's recorded speech can be found at https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-mike-yeadon-is-censored-again

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Saw this on Transcriber B’s stack. Thank you for your dedication to the truth and for sharing your observations to enlighten others.

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Thank you Dr. Makis for this info. My own brother in-law has turbo cancer. Right now, he had his left ear removed. And now deaf in that ear. I think he will eventually die. He actually believe the fake news. So sad.

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Corman Drosten Review online. PU.

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May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified; your work is no doubt in His most loving Heart.

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