VIDEO - Croatian Parliament Presentation by Dr.William Makis on Turbo Cancer, Dec.1, 2023 (International Symposium Zagreb, Croatia - "In the eye of the storm")

VIDEO - Croatian Parliament Presentation by Dr.William Makis on Nov.28, 2023

In the eye of the storm
Where is Croatia and the world heading in 2024?
International Symposium in the Croatian Parliament, Zagreb
9.00 – 17.00 CET Friday, 1st of December 2023


The symposium, debates and press conference are designed to address the key aspects of the pandemic and post-pandemic era that must be thoroughly evaluated to shape the path forward. Outstanding array of independent experts share their findings and draw accounts of the pandemic while sharing intelligence on what more this storm may bear for the future of our societies.

9.00 – 9.30 Press Conference

9.30 Welcome by Stephen N. Bartulica, MP, Associate Professor and Damir Biloglav

Moderators: Andrija Klarić, “SLOBODNI podcast”, independent journalist & Orsolya Győrffy, CHD Europe, D4CE

I. Session: The scene after the First storm – DO mRNA Injections have the justification to stay in the Market?

Science and health: Direct consequences of the pandemic with focus on latest observations, research results and analysis that may stand behind the dramatic increase of injuries and excess death brought about by COVID-jab era (estimated 17M death worldwide*).

9.40 Incriminating evidence by a ‘witness’: The Covid-19 Vaccine and its consequences – overview by a pathologist

Dr. Ryan Cole

10.00 Turbo carcinoma as a new phenomenon after mass vaccination.

Dr. William Makis, Physician specialized in Nuclear Radiology and Oncology

10.20 Challenging the CDC on COVID-19 product claim: safe and effective?

Jessica Rose, PhD, MSc., BSc.

Long-term consequences of the mRNA injections and the contamination of plasmid DNA and SV40

10.50 Plasmid derived dsDNA contamination in mRNA vaccines

Kevin McKernan, MD, CSO Medical Genomics

11.15 modRNA Covid-19 Vaccines: the experiment is over

David Wiseman, Ph.D.

11.35 (mod)mRNA LNPs

Lynn Fynn, Ph.D.

Break – 15 mins

mRNA Vaccine Toxicity

12.10 Why all mRNA vaccines will be just as bad as the ones against COVID-19

Michael Palmer, MD

First Do No Harm

12.30 First Do NO Harm – overview of treatments during the pandemic

Mike Yeadon

12.50 The Weaponization of Public Health

Todd S. Callender, ESQ., LTC, (RET) PETE Chambers, D.O

13.10 Q&A

Break – 30 mins

Session II. The New definition of public health with the new role for W.H.O – Do the changes serve the interests of our nations and citizens or those of specific interest groups?

What direction is the reform of public health taking? The trust in public health has been shaken at its roots… for a reason.

14.00 The Global Biosecurity Agenda and International Pandemic Preparedness Program are names for the same thing: a plan to gain total control under the guise of the WHO’s pandemic response

Meryl Nass, MD

14.20 The WHO or Pandemics – Which is the greater threat?

Ph.D. David Bell and

14.40 The entanglement of EU and WHO – What does this mean to the future of the Republic of Croatia? / Isprepletenost EU i SZO – Što to znači za budućnost Republike Hrvatske?

Dr. Katarina Lindley

Session III. The legal uncertainties of the European judicial institutions and the legal framework that enabled the pandemic crime

Transparency and accountability are key pillars of our democratic societies. The actions that dictated and enabled the pandemic came with great ambiguities in the legal sphere at the global, European, EU and national levels. Practices that go against basic principles of legislative foundation of democratic societies are settling in day by day through countless reforms and changes. Legal experts will provide the overview and voice their concerns, and these changes would require social debates, decisions, and full transparency.

15.00 EU + WHO = Restricting our Rights and Freedoms

DDr. Renate Holzeisen

15.30 New WHO-regime: Why is it dangerous for your SOVEREIGNTY – for Democracy, for the Rule of Law, for Fundamental Rights, and for your Health?

Ph, Philipp Kruse, Attorney at Low

Break – 10 mins

15.50 Q&A

Session iV. Digital Transformation of the Financial Systems and its Potential Consequences

Digitalisation (Digital ID, Currency, etc.) is on its way. The agreement by EU countries has been reached to proceed with European Digital ID in Europe as the foundation stone for the digital financial system. What are the implications? How does the Central Bank Digital Currency differ from the system we have in place today? What dangers and advantages (if any) does the implementation of the Central Bank Digital Currency bring us?

16.00 The Threat of Central Bank Digital Currency

Prof.Richard A. Werner, D.Phil. (Oxon), Professor of Economics and Banking

16.20 Central Digital Control of the Financial Transaction Systems and Potential Consequences

Catherine Austine Fitts

16.40 Q&A

17.00 Closing Remarks by Stephen N. Bartulica1 and Damir Biloglav2


With further questions please contact the press referents of the organizing partners of this event

Press Contact, Domovinski Pokret: Matejy DP Jozeljić I +385 91 445 4411 I

Press Contact, Symposium: Ivana Storm Pavić Dr I +385 99 576 8139 I Ivana Pavić