Outstanding. A former medical society president with open eyes. Let us never, ever forget.

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Wow, this is great, they want you in Chile, they appreciate you and all you've done for humanity.

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How proud I am when you say you are a Canadian ! We have taken a brutal beating these last few years, so to see you brilliantly, and relentlessly, stand up to this wickedness, is heartening, to say the least. For Canadians and for all humanity.

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Not forgetting your fantastic Canadian truckers. You Canadians have a lot to be proud of.

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This Canadian living in the US is also very encouraged by your integrity, as my heart breaks for ma patrie.

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Canada's toast. "Done like dinner."

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Thank you for your courage and determination to expose the truth.

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Best presentation yet for waking up the willfully, stubbornly brainwashed. Dr. Makis, I am personally, infinitely grateful that you have a gift for knowing how to explain and direct.

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Sad but true. William Makis is a god sent.

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So when will people wake up and get pissed off about what’s been done to them?

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How I've been waiting. Years now. For who would we expect to be the most pissed off? Those who were deceived, poisoned, sickened. Themselves, their families, their children. But what a psychological number has been done on them. At this point, I wonder if they cling to the brainwashing, because acknowledging the crime and its implications is unthinkable.

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Hands down, the most heinous, most appalling crime in human history. Nothing but a scam designed to profit from pre-meditated mass murder.

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Hard to wrap our heads around, but absolutely true.

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Getting a grip on the nature, the depths of this evil – it is truly Satanic – is likely the hardest thing any human being can do. 6.5 billion people I've heard, have purportedly taken at least one dose of The Lethal Injection. Rumors abound that something like 60 - 75% of the "covid vaccine" vials shipped were nothing but saline solution. Let us pray this is the case, otherwise 6.5 billion people will be dead within 5 years.

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You’re right! For many, to accept this possibility, must be horrifying. So they shut down the mere thought of it. And this crime is almost unbelievable, it’s so cruel.

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Another excellent presentation Dr Makis 💜

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Excellent. Clear and concise.

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How can we do a 3 to 5 day fast if we have hypoglycemia? Thank you.

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Pfizer and the other poison makers carefully crafted these poisons. These makers know that these shots would either kill or mame people. It is difficult for the public to understand, but please wake up people.. Here are just a few of these evil perps


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That comment is anti-semitic, complete with an ugly graphic style. Those people just happen to be Jewish. The vast majority of people involved in the operation are not Jewish at all.

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Right.. They just happen to be jewish.. check this out


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Wow, that’s interesting…😳

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Isn't it though

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This fight long in the tooth but we must keep this horrible story alive.

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Great presentation! Watching your activity from the UK where they just want all these problems to go away. Pretend as if nothing ever happened. I’ll rest when there’s accountability.

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Hallelujah! Making worldly connections to heal humanity and hopefully bring to justice the evil doers. Blessings 🙏

Dr. Makis and others in your circle.

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Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement. Thou Shalt not Steal is One of God's Ten Commandments and Stealing is a Criminal Offence. Thou Shalt not Kill is One of God's Ten Commandments and Murder is a Criminal Offence. How to Check Your Vote https://sleazeexpo.wordpress.com/crux-votegateuk-legal-proof-of-5-voting-categories/ Who pushed a depopulation agenda, who is counting the votes ? God Bless You for Awakening the Truth

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