May 1·edited May 1

NEVER FORGET - until every last medical professional who did not speak out against this horror is brought to justice. They saw, they knew, and if they did not speak up, they are just as complicit in murder/genocide as the global conspirators.

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completely agree.

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They are all still working without repercussions. That should say it all.

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Actually NO! They are the working sick and in Canada the medical org. that annually published the memorial numbers (who, what & why) of their deaths have stopped doing so - deaths too numerous.

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Please set-up the questioner in these videos with an adequate microphone so that we may hear the questions being asked without the distraction of replaying one side of the discussions -- and missing parts of the discussions.

Thank you.

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May 1·edited May 1

I agree. These second rate productions unnecessarily detract from the gravity of the content. The faceless off camera interviewer holding up pages which we can't read is so bush league. Who is she, and who is the other person she's talking to ("Whatever that is, did you look it up?" ) and what are their credentials? Ugh. What a disappointingly unprofessional presentation.

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I agree it could be better but let’s make a few positive suggestions rather than criticize . These people are giving their time to help us🙏🏽

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I have sensed that the questioner is trying to stay in the background and keep the featured guest in front, and not make herself too loud…..but yes it can be a little frustrating not hearing the host clearly. Then perhaps if the host’s questions could be printed out lower screen, and *they* not be heard, and then just allow the guest to speak maybe that would work….less chaotic and crowded ….

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Shame on you! Whenever a person tries in any format... Give them credit! Not Critique!

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F-off you naive twit.

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Is that how you treat people? Ridicule them, Cuss at them—perhaps this venue isn't for you. We are nice, kind, and civilized here and do not act like children. Please leave or you will kicked off with that behavior.

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This is a traveling bus, with equipment, and limited space~~~surely crowded for the techs and personnel, stopping in communities to tape personal stories of those who can share their horrifying losses.~~~Unknown how long the staff is without their family freedoms obtain these stories, at some cost I think….That everything is not perfect, as in a normal control room, would be understood in such situations. They are keeping the questions short and comforting as possible, not to set off deep grief and anger, just to set up the main story to share with us. ~~~ Praises for them, must be emotionally exhausting, as they try to reach those who can meet for these appointments in their own communities. May they continue until the world understands, and wakes up. Maybe Italy and Japan and Australia could do the same……Amen and amen …

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May 1·edited May 1

How would the viewer know that. That context is not provided. I checked the CHD site and this is a series titled "THE PEOPLE’S STUDY TESTIMONIALS."

In that light I get it but nevertheless if the production distracts from the testimonials (which are very credible) that doesn't help the cause.

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Tocilizumab is Actemra. My 22 year old daughter takes it as a monthly infusion for juvenille rheumatoid arthritis. It shuts down your immune system in hopes of putting autoimmune disease into remission. I can’t imagine why they would try to use it for “covid”. Trying to shut down the cytokine storm? At least that must be what the doctor told himself.

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Stop the vid. & pinch it big and easily read! CHD lives, and partners with ICANN (court proceedings) on donations.

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Knock it off !! Do you work for the hospital.. Get off this site, you troll

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Work for the hospital? You're a nut job. Read what I wrote you illiterate peckerhead.

I paid my dues with my paycheck by refusing the clotshot. Screw you, shit-for-brains.

Being hysterical doesn't give you any cred.

I subscribed here because it's an evidence-based credible blog. Paranoid hysterics like you have 0 credibility.

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They are killing people worldwide, and nobody seems to be doing anything to stop what's happening! No investigations,no criminal charges, no arrests,just nothing! The question is..what can be done to stop what's happening? Its happening worldwide, its pretty obvious it's all part of a depopulation/genocide agenda.

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Would anyone have believed, five years ago that we would have, could have, these conversations, and with this vocabulary? that our global leaders would be gleefully planning such scenarios with no regrets or shame, no conscience? “Safe and effective…..indeed….I think more like, Not safe! and certainly very effective”. ~~~The stresses of those of us watching, grieving, unbelieving .. a long walk off a short pier… please just take my head off, and wait until the news comes back to normal, like 1955?! But! when was it normal? OMG ~~~Thanks to all the brave professionals, journalists and medical, who at great cost are springing up to warn and protect…. Unbeleeeevable…no place to go….off this planet…..

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It is so unbelievable ,. You are totally correct. The whole world is going through a mourning. Once we can't cry anymore, then we will fight. Never forget the pain they intentionally caused.. Never forget. Get their names and then meter out justice

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Not enough people know these stories. Like the woman said, no one believes her. Makes me so angry. It makes me angrier knowing the people responsible from bureaucrat to doctor will never be tried for their crimes. It’s very hard accepting this. Of course they will pay when they leave this earth. We are called to forgive but if the criminals aren’t asking for forgiveness do I still have to forgive?

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You are right. All very well planned and organized. This is going to be a lonely and broke world very soon. These are the ones I have found that organized these unhuman events


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All politics is local. Sometimes it's harder to meet people close by than it is over much greater distances. This large scale culling is less visible at the local level because of the nature of the cull. We need to organize, but first we need to realize the nature of the problem. First of all, we are invisible and almost silent when the group is tiny. I expect this type of culling (I'm guessing globslist) to continue as the snake tightens it's grip. They've obviously paid off politicians because otherwise, being the parasites they are, the politicians would be eager to extract nutrients from a issue like this

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You want to organize? Start reading who your enemy is..


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Yep plainly obvious to us but amazingly the most jaded normies are either hiding from the truth or really are just that dumb.

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It’s “MURDERx$ They WROTE” !!!

Willful, intentional, Satanic MURDER.

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Unbloody Believable. Gangsters working as health care providers.

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One MUST stay vigilant and it is so hard if you are not the strong advocate for your loved one in these awful “systems” of death.

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Tocilizumab or Actemra - Black box warning - risk in patients with chronic or recurrent infection. Incl. fatal.Serious Reactions - serious infection and sepsis, hepatic failure and acute kidney injury, thrombosis.

My husband received this treatment as well for Covid, he survived but had all of this serious reactions. Where was the informed consent?

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This was so hard to watch, her husband is now gone because hospitals are the new killing fields. Im so happy I know th truth because if my husband ever has to go to the "hospital" I will stay with him until hes released, if they said I couldn't, Id take him out of there come hell or high water.

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I love these types of videos even though they are gut-wrenching because studies with numbers do not represent the absolute horror of what is happening to humanity! Thank you, Doc!

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Besides the fact that we've all learned by now that today's health care "industry" has become a one way ticket to certain death, it's also clear that it's become an extortion machine (funny: roadside robbers back in the days wore masks and medical professionals do so as well). Anyway, a bill close to 200 grand for a hospital stay? For us here in Europe I won't say that things are necessarily better in our hospitals, but at least we won't end up with obscene bills like that. Now I understand why everyone in the US with a family member in the hospital has to put up a "gosendgive" fundraiser nowadays. You'd expect the insurance companies to have hardboiled negotiations with the hospital "systems" in order to secure the best or lowest prices for procedures, meds, treatments and everything else you can think of for them to reimburse, so that they can offer actually *competitive* premiums to the people. My family in the US (mom, dad, two kids) pays over $1,500 a month in health care premiums and they're still not covered for everything. Here not everything is covered either, unless you're willing to pay a higher premium, but on average, a family pays way less than €200 (less than $213) a month, and "gosendgive" fundraisers aren't necessary. As long as "health insurance" companies keep coughing up the dough that a hospital puts on the bill without any questions asked, things will not change. It would make a heck of a difference if the insurance companies tell them that they won't reimburse costs unless the hospital "systems" are willing to sit around the table and negotiate actually competitive, or at least lower or "best" prices, so that premiums and hospital bills become affordable again. As far as I can see, the bill shown in this video is ultimate proof that there's no real competition on price. They just rack up unbelievable amounts of costs (28 grand for a medication??) and eventually the health insurance pays for it, no questions asked. It's monopolistic as heck as far as I'm concerned, unless I'm looking at things to simplistically. Last but not least I have to say that whenever I visit the family in the US and I happen to talk to someone who works in the healthcare "industry", it's always -without exception- a very wealthy person, with a tremendous house, multiple gas guzzling cars in the garage and kids that go to the best and most expensive universities one can think of. Last time I was on the other side of the pond, I spoke to a radiologist who makes more than a million and a half a year. How is that possible? A radiologist doesn't "produce" anything in a world where supply, demand and *actual* competition define the rules, so how someone like that can make so much money on an annual basis is beyond me.

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What is really bugging me especially lately is the pricing of things, as in $25.99….yah think I don’t know that’s really $26.00 ?!? Same technique. Mess with my head will yah?~~~ Many years ago, dancing around pulling on stockings~~really~~I would be talking back to the commercials: “Call us! only $2500, call right away, save blah blah”. And I would call back, “what’s the matter with you! I’ll save $2500 by not buying it at all!” Trickery, ….it never ends Get the shot now! Save your family! Not safe and not effective, but don’t tell them…..nuts!!

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OMG. So sorry, for everything

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I guess I was fortunate that my mate, and my love died from natural causes. But when your mate was murdered, there is forever want for justice

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Stories like this one is heartbreaking to hear. Feel so bad for everyone going through this. I pray to God that all these evil people get what’s coming to them & soon.

I pray God will give the families & friends of those who have been murdered by these psychopaths peace, & help them deal with the loss of their loved ones. 🙏

I know they are on a bus, but sure wish they could do something about the host’s microphone. Most times, I can hardly hear her.

God bless 🙏❤️

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May 1·edited May 1

Over 181 thousand dollars and a murdered human being. How is it possible that people can put their heads on a pillow and sleep at night knowing they are complicit in medical murder, mayhem, and MADNESS.?? People that we are supposed to trust? Are they all either psychopaths or silent cowards??? The American, and Western hospital bed has become a "killing field, gas chamber, oven, death camp, ..........I am comforted knowing GOD will dole out perfect justice to all involved in this horrific saga.

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Long ago, it would seem that peepul decoded they would embrace their own “truth” and now, “if you offend me by your opinion which doesn’t match with mine,” then…..~~~I can’t help wondering, seeing these protesters on campus sidewalks and grassy lawns, how in the world will they handle a political, or any kind of disagreement, with their in laws at a holiday dinner!? Should be fun! ~~~ No campus is teaching them to embrace and encourage and appreciate someone else’s point of view. Wow, a college education! Hey Parents? Buyer beware! I’m impressed! Not !

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Major lawsuit. Make them pay. I know it won't bring your husband back but there needs to be a massive retribution. People that just sat around and let this happen, do not need to be a part of the new world we are creating. I hope they realize this and that we will be coming for them.

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I know it’s hard and painful to think “pay back, Justice, retribution….” we who are taught the right fork to use, elbows off the table, send a thank you card….but justice is the right play for them now.. Kindness and Mercy don’t apply

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You live your whole life building a loving family. They create a flu to get you in the hospital, and then they murder your love one for money. These hospitals are not human

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Absolutely awful what they did. My heart breaks for her.

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