I feel like this is a whole other level of evil. If this person connected the dots, the docs did. That's their job. Diagnose and connect dots. They know what they did. And now they can't admit it cuz the liability is off the charts.

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I have to disagree. I do not believe your average doc is evil. Misled, lied to, gaslighted, propagandized, brainwashed. But not consciously evil.

Do you really believe the docs consciously decided to kill people?

Sure a few did or must have. But the 99% docs? To this day they twist themselves in knots to avoid seeing what they are seeing, my view.

Conscious direct evil, knowledge aforethought? Is that what you think some average doc was involved with? I doubt it.

As they struggle to awareness our response will be critical. Will we heap blame or extend a helping hand? Blame may be due, because they trusted or failed to investigate, sure 'they SHOULD HAVE known'. But from there to 'THEY DID KNOW THEY DID IT ON PURPOSE', well that s a long long step.

I could say I 'specialize' in the minds and thoughts of the 'jab unaware'. People will literally believe, ACTUALLY believe the most insane stuff when brainwashed and in the grip of an orchestrated mass formation propaganda event as the plandemic was.

Is your average doc a victim or a perpetrator? They took the jabs, they advised their families do so, they made sure their grandkids got the shots.... are we so sure who is a victim and who is a conscious killer?

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Every. Single. Doctor. understands what informed consent is. Every doctor that recommended the jab did not give or get informed consent. No one did. I suggest you look at how much money they made on recommending the jabs. They looked the other way cuz money. Guaranteed. They did not care about the people. They all know jabs and pills have hurt people and killed people over the years. They did NOT know what was in it, or what it did, and they pushed it anyway. It took great courage to stand up against administrators pushing it for money, as well. It was not an easy choice. Many of them became complicit cowards and took the money. Lots and lots and LOTS of money. You spend a huge amount of time and money to become a doctor and all of it could go away with a refusal to support the jabs,lose your license..... Not an easy choice, to be sure, but if you're not evil, you know it's the right thing to do. DO NO HARM. Many docs saw what the jab was doing immediately and then did not speak up. Then gaslit people. If you don't speak up because mob rule, you are the problem. They knew immediately it was a problem. They knew the masks were wrong! They knew PCR testing was wrong. But they were being handed lots and lots and Lots of money.

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In July 2021, at my first appt with my new Doc (an Internist who would essentially be my GP; we had moved to this state 6 months prior & it took that long to get in to see him) he spent 10 minutes trying to convince me that I needed the 💉 .

With each scare tactic / bullying scenario he provided, none of which was *factual* information as to my risk factor or of the 💉 benefits (I am very athletic & healthy, on no medications, 50 at the time of the appt, 119 lbs on a 5’1” frame, AND I informed him I had natural immunity from having had C-19 in mid March 2020), he became increasingly flustered & more animated at my need for the shot as I continually refused and rebutted his approach. It was something to behold.

So, yeah, my personal experience tells me that this was happening in the vast majority of Dr/Patient scenarios, if at my very first appointment, this was what was at the forefront of his care-management protocol.

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Do you feel he understood he was trying to get you to take a deadly and unneeded jab? Consciously trying to harm you?

Perhaps he is just a regular normie reading his medical authorities, and believing them, and listening MSM and believing them too. Perhaps he thought and perhaps still thinks the jabs are not so useful but certainly not dangerous? How would you know?

See above my math for a GP, what do they see their own eyes?

I post because I think the tendency to assume the worst for the entire class of docs is not going to get us anywhere but backwards. I believe most will eventually wake, and when they do so will we accept their conversion?

And yes those docs who have personally and consciously realized or decided the jabs are deadly, and not just a little but as deadly as they actually are, and continue to promote, well there is a place for them.

But mostly I think, its a bunch of normies twisting themselves in knots and only vaguely aware 'something is not right', they dont know just how bad, they aren't sure it is bad. As time passes they will struggle to awareness.

But this whole thing of conscious evil perpetrated by most or all docs, I dont buy it. Mattias Desmet is worth reading to get some ideas how these delusions work on large groups.

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I understand your POV & actually hope that most are just normies, that they didnt do any research or crunch any numbers that were available in July ‘21, (in my example) and that they believed in the propaganda ~ in their minds then, I guess they were simply ‘following orders’ from their hospital CFO/CEO(?) Yikes. Where/when have we heard of this scenario occurring before? 🤔

In my case, the Dr is not purposely evil then, merely grossly negligent regarding an experimental injection that he was aggressively suggesting that a very healthy, naturally immune woman take => at a time that was then more than 18 months into the pandemic.

If someone is swayed - in this case, a physician, a man in a powerful ‘authoritative’ position, by the propaganda he has received by his profession & the MSM, and incentivized with payouts that are scaled based on percentage of patients that receive the injection in his practice, and he acts on his first opportunity to convince someone else to do something that, in this scenario, he hasn’t researched & has allowed himself to be propagandized into, then an age-old saying comes to mind, “money is at the root of all evil,” as well as two quotes from two assassinated Presidents:

Lincoln, who said “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”

And JFK, “A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality.”

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That is a nuanced response and I respect it a lot.

I feel it is true that your average doc should be held to a pretty high standard. Its just that so few in history ever actually hew to the hard road, or even know where it is. We aren't all Thomas of Aquinas or the like. We're mostly just confused milling masses, capable of manipulation. Which manipulation is real and well planned. Not so surprising so few make the cut?

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And I use the term “benefits” sarcastically; I already knew there was not anything better than natural immunity & that mass-vaccination with these shots was causing real harm.

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You are 100% right!!! Seeing it any other way is NOT SEEING IT FOR THE REALITY IN WHICH IT IS!!!

Anyone saying "Oh, surely they weren't evil doctors and purposesfully killing patients to make money"....Thats EXACTLY what they did/are doing!!!! Seeing this any other way is making just making more excuses for the doctors because people still cant accept the fact of doctors KNOWLINGLY followed orders from the government that they KNEW would end in death of their patients and for PROFIT!!!

I am stunned that anyone is still lacking such simple common sense in putting it all together as anything but INTENTIONAL!!! There is no other way to see it! There is no longer any denying any of what's been done here. It makes my blood boil because some doctors still play dumb and try to bully patients into taking the poison and it's this dumbed down excuse making by the public that keeps doctors thinking they can continue to kill people because, "they were just complying with what they were told to do".

Makes me sick. Every single person involved needs to pay for their crimes. They don't deserve a day in court to have their say, because our loved ones were put under and couldn't fight and have a say while they were dying alone in a cold hospital room! Crimes like this would slow down to a trickle if they knew they would get the punishment they DERSERVE in a public courtyard for all to see! It's times like this that you need to put your thumb on the scales of justice to make it fair. I don't care how "wrong" making them pay in an "eye for eye" type punishment seems, because it looks and feels way more wrong to me to be making excuses for them and to continue to look the other way while more and more people are

being murdered in the name of "public health"!!!

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I hesitate to add fuel to the fire and have already angered many - still I feel you misunderstand what I am saying.

We agree this is intentional. It seems obvious. Other intentional and very very bad things are also underway, eg destruction of the money system, of agriculture, of the family, energy production, of which these intentionally deadly jabs are but one part.

Our disagreement is not on that. It is the assumption I feel you make when you assume that the intentional roll out of a deadly slow kill jab, hospital 'kill' protocols, the old folks home cull, the manipulation of health statistics, requires the day to day line folk be aware of the plan. In contrast, I think the effective rollout requires the opposite, that the line folk are unaware, by design.

In BC Canada, at this point, the covid jab mandate remains for health workers. Your intentional killer docs are about to jab themselves again. Maybe for the 5th time. They already jabbed their parents, their kids, their grandkids. These same docs sometimes suffer themselves, actually kill themselves, and die with a smile in hospital with tubes everywhere with a last plea on facebook, that we all get the jabs.... entirely unaware, to the last, that they killed themselves. Or even if they realize it was the jab, they still dont get its not 'rare', they say it was worth it..... This very site has posted numerous 'killed myself' docs and their final facebook posts.

This very interview with the coder, she, like so very many, do not say, the docs knew, she says they just couldn't seem to connect the dots. People who became aware, and try and tell others, run into a blank wall. Everyone on this site has tried to use obvious fact and logic to change folks minds, the outcome is near universally 'didn't work, they can't see, they told me to go away and shut up'. My experience also, sadly with my dead father. And others. My sister the RN, she thinks I am nuts. She refers me to Alberta Health. She thinks there is a scientific consensus of safe and effective. She is a wonderful person, caring, dutiful. She thinks she is helping save the world. She wonders how her otherwise smart brother could be so blind......

Why would docs who feel they are keeping up with the latest, by by dutifullly reading and following the latest health authority protocols and recommendations, who have been trained to distrust everything but the 'authorities', who are allergic to 'conspiracy theories', who get all their news from the MSM, where would they get this insight that you and I share? Everyone and every authority they trust tells them we are insane, its safe and effective, take the jab, think of the children. They never read a word of Dr Makis, they KNOW dr McCullough is a right wingnut or somesuch, they certainly wouldn't waste their time watching an interview......

So are these your intentional killers, conscious of the evil they do? Any doc or RN still working in BC is taking the jabs, still.

Sure some docs know, say nothing, continue to jab, and they can go to hell where they deserve. But I doubt even 10% of those still in practise are in that category, probably mostly specialists in heart neurology oncology, they see the concentrated effect. Some have figured it and they remain silent. More all the time. But I doubt they started there.

You can say they should have known. That is different from they did know. Separate arguments. And clearly at the top levels of the medical hierarchy there is evil, direct conscious malignance and intentionality, throughout all of the west and Russia too. The folk who instituted the protocols, who made sure early treatment was killed, who manipulate the medical journals and own the MSM.

EDIT - for me it is direct. My sister the RN is NOT a psychopath. She is as I said, dutiful caring loving. She has no idea the jabs are what they are. Her technical knowledge is a little limited, however she assumes the health authorities have that covered. She cannot imagine or accept a world where the authorities are irredeemably corrupt. She does not deserve to be in the dock facing charges of murder. She honestly believes she is helping save the world from a deadly pathogen. She has found "Long Covid" explains what limited direct experience with jab damage she has had. Should she be punished for that?

You got victims. And you got perps. Help me find the line between the two?

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We have a death rate within 2 weeks of jab of (worst case) 1 in 500. And a maim and injury rate x10, so say 1 in 50.

The jabs affect every system in the body, and furthermore the effects stretch over years. So the real damage manifests as 10 syndromes affecting 10 organs and systems, and spread out in time a lot.

So your average GP sees in a practise of say 1000 1 or 2 deaths within say a month of the vaccine. And they see say 20 serious injuries spread over years and showing up as almost as many 'syndromes' as there are injuries.

This GP may only have ever accessed 'authoritative' news, both medical through his association and MSM for everything else. The only thing they ever heard of Dr Makis for eg is he is an insane conspiracy theorist. Every source of information they ever ran into said the pandemic was deadly, only jabs work, the jabs are safe and effective. And what did they see, in their own practise? An extra heart attack, 2 cancers, some neurologic issues, all disconnected in time and spread over every body system. Embedded in a matrix of 1000 patients.

You're sure they know, they knew, the jabs were deadly, that they knew past jabs and drugs are deadly. I say consider the math. Consider they never listened a McCullough interview their life, that they have no idea the things they never heard of. They jabbed their grandkids and plan on jabbing themselves some more, perhaps.

Of course not all, of course not. Some docs are evil. But mostly? And how to tell those who know and those who dont? Blanket assumptions of evil, and guilt, for an entire professional class will get us backwards and have the real psychopathic elite delighted as we blame the newly awakening and eat our own?

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That’s why I chose to be terminated over getting the vaxx! I knew I would be on the right side of history. I’d be poor, but I’d be healthy and I can sleep at night.

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Wise choice!! Without your health you can't enjoy what life has to offer.

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Thank you Dee❣

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This brings to mind the following quote:

"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators." -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

How hasthe medical and pharmafiaceutical crime cartels gotten away with an unbelievabley heinous crime?

A very good question.

But, borrowing from the great Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn´s quote, "it´s proof (...) that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators".

Were it not, all those responsible would be held accountable and very likely dealt very harsh convictions.

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‘They could never connect the two’- more like they didn’t want to connect the two. Because it was their lot who did the poisoning. What a horror show. But it exposes some in the medical fraternity for what they are- non thinking order takers lacking moral courage.

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audio makes it impossible to hear interviewer's questions

this is so frustrating and I keep commenting the audio needs to be fixed but nothing is done about it

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Yes, you are correct.

It´s frustrating because you have to pay very close attention or raise the volume to hear the questions and comments being made by the interviewer.

I may be wrong, but it´s likely that there an easy and ineffective way to overcome this sound issue.

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Please write to them here, if you haven't already:


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Please write to them here, if you haven't already:


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My message (chose subject CHD TV)

"Dear CHD,

I really enjoy watching your videos on the tragic stories of the victims murdered by the Covid hospital protocols.

However, I and many others have difficulty in hearing the questions and the comments of the interviewer because the sound quality is extremely poor.

One can barely hear the person´s voice.

I don´t know if you are aware of this issue, but if you improved the sound quality it would certainly contribute to a less frustrating, as well as, to a more worthwhile and enjoyable experience.

Keep up the great work.

Thank you and best regards"

Automatic reply:

"Thanks for contacting us! We will get in touch with you shortly."

Let´s see if they actually do.....

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This is great! I wrote to them a while ago, and I think maybe subtitles have been added since, but not sure. And they don't 'read' everything - or get it wrong.

All in all, and as you state so perfectly, it would just be so much better if one could hear what was said, and I don't understand why these things are not in place, with 'them' being a production company. I don't remember this issue from previous years??

Hopefully, it will soon solve itself.

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I haven´t written them about this issue.

But, I will do it now.

It only takes a minute and, who knows, it could make a difference.


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Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge. I lost my 26 year old grandson due to the pcr testing he had to go through with his job. I am convinced that is what killed him. That was very brave of you to share your experience. I wish and pray the best for your future. 🙏

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Wow. So sorry to hear that. That "nasal Schwab assault" as Peggy Hall calls it is barbaric and has caused various injuries, but this is the first I've heard of it causing a death. May he rest in peace.

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Another spectacular witness to this massive criminal operation; hospital protocols designed to kill

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Reading about all these incredible illnesses caused by these injections is already mind boggling, but "gangrene of the spine"?! Who's ever heard of that? My late grandpa saw the effects of gangrene in the early 70s when he visited Tanzania, Africa; usually in the really remote parts of country, but then it was always fingers, hands, arms, toes feet or legs - but the spine?? NO way. "Gangrene is the death of body tissue due to a lack of blood flow or a serious bacterial infection. It can occur in any part of the body, but it commonly affects the arms and legs, including the toes and fingers. Gangrene can also occur in the muscles and in organs inside the body, such as the gallbladder." And all that due to an experimental intervention.

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Thank you for that definition. When you see darkfeild microscopy in resent blood works both vaxxed and now non vaxxed it shows what matches Nanotechnology documentation and what appears to be a polimerizing of blood happening. Nanotechnology program was offered at University Of Waterloo. Polmerized blood cells do not move freely or function as usual. So the lack of oxygen can be explained by this. Population Ted Talk shows so called over Population was a huge topic years ago.

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I saw many darkfield microscopy videos in the last three years, so I'm familiar with it. Still: if you'd call gangrene a "jungle illness', what it, in my opinion, really is, then it makes these cases even more baffling. The mere fact that an injection is able to trigger gangrene as a 'side effect' is truly staggering.

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See the darkfeild microscopy of blood at anamihalceamdphd. substack. com, if interested.

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Yes, this movie is very, very valuable! In every detail. Thanks William Makis!

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Lovely lady. I wish her well.

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It’s so sad. He was off work due to a pct test. He was 💯 fine. They were camping in a tent. He got up early, sat in a lawn chair. He said “I don’t feel so good”. He slumped in the chair and died immediately. He was my best friend. I raised him till he was 4 and he called me dad.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for your report.

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That is so terribly sad, how awful for you. I would agree it was the test that killed him. Very sorry.

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Applied eugenics - i.e. mass murder.

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

It is time to abolish central banking, forever.

Don't owe anyone anything but love.

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Thank you, Dr. Makis

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GREAT video, thank you all very much.

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My first cousin, now diagnosed stage 4 liver cancer, the initial start to his medical problems was in mid 21 after his second jab. He had 'sepsis' plus multi organ failure, or imminent failure. He pulled out of that, sort of. About a year after what was thought to be a clot in his liver was determined to be inoperable liver cancer.

I told his brother and my good friend I thought that at least the initial round of trouble, the sepsis and multi organ involvement, was possibly jab related. Outrage and knocked over chairs...... didnt talk for a month. There was some talk of hepatitis early on, it was never confirmed. I noticed just the other day his brother, who knocked over chairs and peeled out of my yard in a cloud of dust and gravel, has seized on hepatitis as 'the source' of all the trouble.

Never underestimate the power of cognitive dissonance and society wide programming to shut off the power of logic, fact, and debate.

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I wonder if these so called cancers are actually Hydrogels, because Cancer is something growing out of control. And embalmers have said the new tissues/ long rubbery clots not seen before 2021 keep growing even outside of the body.

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Nanotechnology was a program at University Of Waterloo. Nanotechnology is being found in old and new Vaccines by Dr. Ana Mihalcea, see her work at anamihalceamdphd. substack. com.

Thank you to all who are on the right side of history! Your words have meaning and ýour efforts are seen❣

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Nanoparticles are a failed product and this article from 2016 explains it. My friend has stage 4 aggressive bile cancer. She has been told it's likely the nanoparticles and the toxic Polyethylene Glycol that they were coated with, that caused it. She took at least 3 vaxes.


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We have to stick together, even though we wish we could forget this horrible nightmare. Of course, we cannot, and they are still coming for us.

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