The flu shot was changed in the few years in the USA. Based on the Product Insert which you can ask your pharmacist for to read. The flu shot used to have mercury, formaldehyde and other bits and pieces. I asked last winter for the product insert on the flu shot which now has MF59C.1 adjuvant which is mRNA COVID shot related plus chicken embryo bits and pieces.

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I began thinking about an acquaintance who died last year, wondering if perhaps the vaccines he took hastened his death. Here's the timeline: He'd had many health problems, even had two pancreas transplants, but FB posts show he was active, traveling, etc. at least until 1/21. 8/21 got booster, 12/21 seeking diagnosis for new problems, 7/22 Parkinson's, 10/23 hospice and death.

In addition, Democrat Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, 74, died of pancreatic cancer this week. She was diagnosed in June!! Turbo cancer for sure!

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Never fails to amaze me that someone who had a bad reaction to a shot just goes back for more!

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I wish the interviewer would speak up--It is so difficult to hear her!!!

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