This whistleblower is Melissa Mcatee who reported that the vials were glowing which is the Hydrogel Lipid Nano Particle Capsules. She confirmed back in 21/22 that when the so called COVID shots were received by herself at Pfizer the packages contained Chinese writing and the Covid shots were in bags with instructions to mix bag one with bag two etc. I think it's clear that all COVID shots no matter what company all came from the same factory in China. China is the only country in the world that can produce Lips Nano Particle Capsules on the absolute cheap. Once the capsules burst after said incubation period they deliver in most cases a deadly payload.
And Trump, as a sitting President says he took these shots, shots made in China, by a ChInese company, with unknown ingredients, for a man made virus that was made partially in China and partially made in the U. S., and encourages his followers to take these shots even after Senator Ron Johnson had a panel of shot injured speak.
At what point will we all grow a brain and question this narrative? Also I did vote for Trump twice, but give me a break.
If WE THE PEOPLE, don't rise up and use our God given brains, and start to question more, and have fair hearings etc, we're screwed.
we are screwed because Dr Peter Breggins, retired psychiatrist, said that from what he has seen on MRI of brain of vaxxed , he sees the same damage done by lobotomies...frontal cortex full of holes...can they still think? how could they? full of holes?
This proves that these jabs have caused not only physical harm to millions of people globally, it has caused strife among family members. Horrible what Fauci, Birx and all the companies created. Even family members will sell one short if it doesn’t match their ideology and belief system.
Terrible. I find it awesome that Melissa stepped forward.
divide and conquer...they must cull 7 billions, it does not matter which way you die, useless eaters must die....Satan the Devil is desperately trying to kill God fovorite creation, the human...he is desperate because he knows he has a short time left before he is thrown in Hades
(Revelation 12:12) On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”
Dr Betsy Eads said a while back that already 1 BILLION people have been injured severely or killed with the bioweap-on and in Revelation it talks about when The Almighty will intervene, one fourth of the earth will be killed by wars, famine, pandemic, so we must be very close...
(Revelation 6:8) And I saw, and look! a pale horse, and the one seated on it had the name Death. And the Grave was closely following him. And authority was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a long sword and with food shortage and with deadly plague and by the wild beasts of the earth.
we must be so is the time to call on HIS NAME (Joel2:32;Acts2:21;Rom10:13;Ps83:18)
See you in the restored paradise when the wicked are gone!
(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.
(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.
Did honest american senators and congressmen do nothing with this information? The chinese refused the mrna vaccines for their own people, right? Irony: I hope, at least Pfizer tested the chinese bags A, B and C? Remember, ......the jabs were safe.
Senator Rand Paul began accusing Fauchi early in 2020 and never let up. He is HONEST this disproving your hypothesis that all are not. And he wasn’t the only one.
Oh yeah? What did he achieve? Much talking. No results. I thought so. Controlled opposition. Why isn’t he or his state or his constituents suing him or the vax companies??? Other states are…. Hah!
Did you by chance also Marjorie Taylor Green? The one who has investments in most mRNA vaccines? That one? Who else? The ones voting for billions for foreign countries? Anyway. Waste of breath.
You’re not very well informed. He has tried ongoing to bring charges. How do you arrest DOJ Garland for defying Senate subenas or lying under testimony when the Democrats refuse to vote with you. And THEY control the senate. Your smear of Senator Paul is unwarranted and despicable.
Thank you Melissa for being brave, and sharing the truth! Losing your job, friends, and family because you knew God wanted the truth to be revealed is huge! I have prayed for truth to squash the lies of death, and you are a hero for following God's will! I am grateful for all the people like Melissa and Dr. Makis who give everything to get the truth out to save lives, and reveal the evil lies.
what a brave soul ! so young but already so strong in her integrity ! My new found hero, a person with morals, values and ethics...Your parent should support you and be very proud of the girl they sorry they are shutting you out of their lives...but God WILL reward you 1000 times and this very soon...too many have already died just with these ja-b-s, and HE will only allow the devil to kill one fourth of the earth by wars, famines and pandemics so we must be VERY close to HIS day of Vengeance
(Revelation 6:8) And I saw, and look! a pale horse, and the one seated on it had the name Death. And the Grave was closely following him. And authority was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a long sword and with food shortage and with deadly plague and by the wild beasts of the earth.
Thank you Melissa, be very careful, these deranged evil psychopaths have no conscience...
In a democracy such as Canada, the sovereign are the people. In this petition, we the people are giving consent for PM Trudeau and his M.P. to be arrested for treason.
Sorry, but won't sign anything via - Gates, Sam Altman (Open AI, WEF, Davos), Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn), among others, are now founding donors/investors. Not a safe place to put one's name on.
Liberals are trying to make a move to transfer the Supreme authority of the people i.e. our parliamentary representatives to the courts. If this happens we will have no power left because they have illegally removed our control of the courts throw grand juries and trial juries. This removal of juries began with Prime Minister Pierre Eliot Trudeau with his Charter of Rights and Freedoms which allows the state to limit and remove rights,
So the power shift would put us into full on communism where the state has all the power and control
We found once things go viral , Facebook or TikTok like to cut it down. Dr. Makis lets freedom reign here. Wed night meeting 8 pm est. you can learn what other things we can do. Full communism is almost in Canada.
I heard that before. Please read it. Make sure you understand Parliamentary Privilege. Do you feel safe to send in a letter to your MP? We r in a serious situation.
Great that Brian interviews Melissa, thank you for posting this!
Just wonder one, as Brian states, she was trained properly at least at the begin, and that what makes me thinking.. That's probably the only explanation that she is still alive... Would she know more details, she wouldn't be here today.. Just my opinion...
The one issue with ALL of these 'presentations' here is that ONE HUGE DECEPTION of calling covid injections 'vaccines' !!! As if they were the old style of injuring products!! NO, THESE ARE NOT, these are GENETIC MODIFICATION CONCOCTIONS which REPROGRAM HUMAN body to become something different, by starting to GENETICALLY EXPRESS/produce the NON-human toxic, PATENTED entity called Spike in billions of human bodies!!!
Dr. Mihalcea's best thing is EDTA chelations but otherwise she is CLUELESS in terms of genetics, she insisted for a while, the injections have NO mRNA in them..... She never touches the topic of GENE THERAPIES and continues to deceive with the word 'vaxx'.... All what she does is to feed FEAR among those who believe her... Never any control, never any reasonable scientific explanation in any of her claims!!! That includes the glowing from human faces of both 'vaccinated' AND unvaccinated!!!! The fact that she has Dark Filed microscope which can see fluorescence does not mean that it comes from LUCIFERASE! Pfizer documents state it was used only for the distribution studies!! Todd Callender, her friend, as a lawyer equally USELESS since with the CLEAR proof of harm in his hands, he did NOTHING for any of the injured victims. There is the thing out there called controlled opposition, that's what we are dealing here with, unfortunately! Every single DIGITAL SOURCE of information DOES NOT WANT ANYONE TO TALK ABOUT GENE 'THERAPIES'. Is it because that's overwriting GOD's creation, and most of the MD's/Scientists go all for it actually??? That's their vision of their roles in future medicine!!! GFY and leave humanity alone....
This whistleblower is Melissa Mcatee who reported that the vials were glowing which is the Hydrogel Lipid Nano Particle Capsules. She confirmed back in 21/22 that when the so called COVID shots were received by herself at Pfizer the packages contained Chinese writing and the Covid shots were in bags with instructions to mix bag one with bag two etc. I think it's clear that all COVID shots no matter what company all came from the same factory in China. China is the only country in the world that can produce Lips Nano Particle Capsules on the absolute cheap. Once the capsules burst after said incubation period they deliver in most cases a deadly payload.
And Trump, as a sitting President says he took these shots, shots made in China, by a ChInese company, with unknown ingredients, for a man made virus that was made partially in China and partially made in the U. S., and encourages his followers to take these shots even after Senator Ron Johnson had a panel of shot injured speak.
At what point will we all grow a brain and question this narrative? Also I did vote for Trump twice, but give me a break.
If WE THE PEOPLE, don't rise up and use our God given brains, and start to question more, and have fair hearings etc, we're screwed.
we are screwed because Dr Peter Breggins, retired psychiatrist, said that from what he has seen on MRI of brain of vaxxed , he sees the same damage done by lobotomies...frontal cortex full of holes...can they still think? how could they? full of holes?
This proves that these jabs have caused not only physical harm to millions of people globally, it has caused strife among family members. Horrible what Fauci, Birx and all the companies created. Even family members will sell one short if it doesn’t match their ideology and belief system.
Terrible. I find it awesome that Melissa stepped forward.
divide and conquer...they must cull 7 billions, it does not matter which way you die, useless eaters must die....Satan the Devil is desperately trying to kill God fovorite creation, the human...he is desperate because he knows he has a short time left before he is thrown in Hades
(Revelation 12:12) On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”
I hope his time is short. They all need to be executed swiftly
Dr Betsy Eads said a while back that already 1 BILLION people have been injured severely or killed with the bioweap-on and in Revelation it talks about when The Almighty will intervene, one fourth of the earth will be killed by wars, famine, pandemic, so we must be very close...
(Revelation 6:8) And I saw, and look! a pale horse, and the one seated on it had the name Death. And the Grave was closely following him. And authority was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a long sword and with food shortage and with deadly plague and by the wild beasts of the earth.
we must be so is the time to call on HIS NAME (Joel2:32;Acts2:21;Rom10:13;Ps83:18)
See you in the restored paradise when the wicked are gone!
(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.
(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.
Wait . Wait . Wait . I Get It.
It's Not A Virus.
It's A Pastiche.
A Pastiche Of Primordial Soup.
As Old As Time Itself.
You Just Have To Know How To Add
Eyes Of Newt.
Did honest american senators and congressmen do nothing with this information? The chinese refused the mrna vaccines for their own people, right? Irony: I hope, at least Pfizer tested the chinese bags A, B and C? Remember, ......the jabs were safe.
The words “Honest” and “senators” in the same line? Wake up!
Senator Rand Paul began accusing Fauchi early in 2020 and never let up. He is HONEST this disproving your hypothesis that all are not. And he wasn’t the only one.
Oh yeah? What did he achieve? Much talking. No results. I thought so. Controlled opposition. Why isn’t he or his state or his constituents suing him or the vax companies??? Other states are…. Hah!
Did you by chance also Marjorie Taylor Green? The one who has investments in most mRNA vaccines? That one? Who else? The ones voting for billions for foreign countries? Anyway. Waste of breath.
You’re not very well informed. He has tried ongoing to bring charges. How do you arrest DOJ Garland for defying Senate subenas or lying under testimony when the Democrats refuse to vote with you. And THEY control the senate. Your smear of Senator Paul is unwarranted and despicable.
Sure! 🤦🏼♀️
TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at
Here is a 9 min. video that explains the idea
Ways you can help Raise Public Awareness
Ways you can Take Action
With your help, everyone will know ...
Thank you Melissa for being brave, and sharing the truth! Losing your job, friends, and family because you knew God wanted the truth to be revealed is huge! I have prayed for truth to squash the lies of death, and you are a hero for following God's will! I am grateful for all the people like Melissa and Dr. Makis who give everything to get the truth out to save lives, and reveal the evil lies.
Eternally thankful! ❤
Well articulated Jen
"The people who are left at Pfizer sold out" Yes, they sold their souls to the Devil.
God Bless Melissa!!
They are all doing something else to everyone, the virus doesn't even exist.
what a brave soul ! so young but already so strong in her integrity ! My new found hero, a person with morals, values and ethics...Your parent should support you and be very proud of the girl they sorry they are shutting you out of their lives...but God WILL reward you 1000 times and this very soon...too many have already died just with these ja-b-s, and HE will only allow the devil to kill one fourth of the earth by wars, famines and pandemics so we must be VERY close to HIS day of Vengeance
(Revelation 6:8) And I saw, and look! a pale horse, and the one seated on it had the name Death. And the Grave was closely following him. And authority was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a long sword and with food shortage and with deadly plague and by the wild beasts of the earth.
Thank you Melissa, be very careful, these deranged evil psychopaths have no conscience...
The Sovereign's Petition
No whining, begging or bitching.
In a democracy such as Canada, the sovereign are the people. In this petition, we the people are giving consent for PM Trudeau and his M.P. to be arrested for treason.
Our Sovereign's Petition here:
Sorry, but won't sign anything via - Gates, Sam Altman (Open AI, WEF, Davos), Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn), among others, are now founding donors/investors. Not a safe place to put one's name on.
Canadian Freedom hanging by a thread
Liberals are trying to make a move to transfer the Supreme authority of the people i.e. our parliamentary representatives to the courts. If this happens we will have no power left because they have illegally removed our control of the courts throw grand juries and trial juries. This removal of juries began with Prime Minister Pierre Eliot Trudeau with his Charter of Rights and Freedoms which allows the state to limit and remove rights,
So the power shift would put us into full on communism where the state has all the power and control
No petition. There are lots of things for us to do if you choose to do so.
I checked. I don’t see any of that info. I do see petitions to arrest Bill Gates and Soros though.
Try this link: You can also do searches on each of the big three 'donors' to see what they're into, if you don't already know. *I* do.
We found once things go viral , Facebook or TikTok like to cut it down. Dr. Makis lets freedom reign here. Wed night meeting 8 pm est. you can learn what other things we can do. Full communism is almost in Canada.
I heard that before. Please read it. Make sure you understand Parliamentary Privilege. Do you feel safe to send in a letter to your MP? We r in a serious situation.
Have a look at Cov-ID Project substack.
fantastic interview. Thanks for posting
Great that Brian interviews Melissa, thank you for posting this!
Just wonder one, as Brian states, she was trained properly at least at the begin, and that what makes me thinking.. That's probably the only explanation that she is still alive... Would she know more details, she wouldn't be here today.. Just my opinion...
The one issue with ALL of these 'presentations' here is that ONE HUGE DECEPTION of calling covid injections 'vaccines' !!! As if they were the old style of injuring products!! NO, THESE ARE NOT, these are GENETIC MODIFICATION CONCOCTIONS which REPROGRAM HUMAN body to become something different, by starting to GENETICALLY EXPRESS/produce the NON-human toxic, PATENTED entity called Spike in billions of human bodies!!!
Dr. Mihalcea's best thing is EDTA chelations but otherwise she is CLUELESS in terms of genetics, she insisted for a while, the injections have NO mRNA in them..... She never touches the topic of GENE THERAPIES and continues to deceive with the word 'vaxx'.... All what she does is to feed FEAR among those who believe her... Never any control, never any reasonable scientific explanation in any of her claims!!! That includes the glowing from human faces of both 'vaccinated' AND unvaccinated!!!! The fact that she has Dark Filed microscope which can see fluorescence does not mean that it comes from LUCIFERASE! Pfizer documents state it was used only for the distribution studies!! Todd Callender, her friend, as a lawyer equally USELESS since with the CLEAR proof of harm in his hands, he did NOTHING for any of the injured victims. There is the thing out there called controlled opposition, that's what we are dealing here with, unfortunately! Every single DIGITAL SOURCE of information DOES NOT WANT ANYONE TO TALK ABOUT GENE 'THERAPIES'. Is it because that's overwriting GOD's creation, and most of the MD's/Scientists go all for it actually??? That's their vision of their roles in future medicine!!! GFY and leave humanity alone....
Hezekiah. I call HEK293 Hezekiah.
How can we see the movie 'Vaxxed" ?
Go to Brighteon or Bitchute or Odysee You should also see Vaxxed 2- absolutely astounding.
I was able to find it on the Children's Health Defense site last year. It is an Andrew Wakefield production.
Yes! They want us gone or sick on purpose not by mistake!