
We Didn’t Need To Find The Cure For Cancer.

We Found The Cause.


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And At This Point

I Would Give Malone A Nobel Prize

For NOT Having Any More Ideas.


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good idea, assuming Malone starts to talk some truth about GENE Modification treatments;)

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I don’t trust Malone the man actually took 2 of the vaccines.

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I can’t get my head around why Malone took the shots since he was the one who produced the MRNA in the first place🤔🤡🤡

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Yep ! I don’t trust him .

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He always said they were genetic therapy, and he doesnt recommend them or the technology.

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Can’t Declare Victory For Natural Immunity.

Because He Is Actually Fighting For Medicine.

That’s What Most People Do Not Realize.

He Believes In Synthetic Medicine.

His Role In This, His Only Role In All Of This

Is To Concede Victory To Natural Immunity

And To Admit To The Complete Failure Of His Professional Field.

That’s The Job That The Medical Freedom Movement Is Engaged In.

That Is What Malone Can’t Stomach.

It’s Us Against Him.

Bet Heavy On Us.

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Can’t Declare Victory For Natural Immunity.

Because He Is Actually Fighting For Medicine.

That’s What Most People Do Not Realize.

He Believes In Synthetic Medicine.

His Role In This, His Only Role In All Of This

Is To Concede Victory To Natural Immunity

And To Admit To The Complete Failure Of His Professional Field.

That’s The Job That The Medical Freedom Movement Is Engaged In.

That Is What Malone Can’t Stomach.

It’s Us Against Him.

Bet Heavy On Us.

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lol he should have gotten the prize for making the technology work instead of those two sellouts who just modified one thing that actually made it more dangerous. However it was meant for cancer treatment or other one offs like actual gene modification.

Are you becoming or perhaps always were a Luddite?

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one cause. cancer has been around forever but incidence rates have been increasing by about 1% per year for several decades. cure rates were going up but i think after 2021 they had little to no success with turbocancers or anything caused by spike pathologies so the cure rate is going down.

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Listening to this gal who is an educated person and wondering why she had such difficulty connecting the dots! If you react to a unknown shot…..why would you get a second one?

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So much for education!!

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Learning is good…. Applying what is learned is another story!

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Good comment! Heh, when learning consists of putting ideas and propaganda into people's heads, as in many schools and colleges here in the UK - learning becomes a weapon used against society.

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That is barely taught in the West.

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The power of fear-driven psi-ops is inestimable. That's what was used upon us, military grade. I had a couple pieces of prior knowledge, purely coincidentally, otherwise I may well have take the same path. All trust gone.

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This is very true but believe it or not there's quite a few people who had reactions to the first/second shot but went on to get the second or thrird etc

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I know and again, where is the deductive reasoning? Or Inductive reasoning? Where is the brain engagement? Questioning? Logic?

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That’s what is scary, to think there are people who could discount so many serious side effects, and proceed to have another shot. She was even prepared with an epi-pen! It’s very worrisome, for all of us, because it’s unexplainable, it makes no sense. It leaves us very vulnerable to the next scam. Once bitten, twice shy, apparently means nothing.

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It's becuz the first shot works like a chemical lobotomy and it affects the brain thinking process where they are incapable of understanding or reasoning. It rewires the thinking process!!!

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Yes, there are many instances of this, many of them from very reasonable sounding, intelligent, educated people. I think that simply confirms the intensity and efficacy of the propaganda campaign used against us. I don't think those who perpetrated this act fully grasped the consequences. They were probably thinking the effects of their propaganda would in the end be so complete, that they would capture what remains of the 'hearts and minds' of the people forever. Not so, methinks. There appears now to be a massive undercurrent of distrust against almost all of those institutions we respected and revered, including the medical community, which by and large, has let us down massively. Very, very dangerous.

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One thing I realized at that time is that there are lots of people who are " intelligent idiots". That's because they are highly educated and quite successful in their careers. But when it comes about taking important life decisions that lack completely common sense and critical thinking. Why on earth would you take a second shot after having a serious reaction? I remember in the summer of 2021 a CBC radio show where a doctor was answering questions from listeners about the covid " vaccines". And one lady tells her story about how she has a severe allergic reaction to her first Pfizer shot. Now she wanted to take the second shot, but she was worried. So, she wanted to have the doctor's advice. And miracle, the doctor strongly advised her not to take the second shot. That was the only time I heard a doctor saying the truth and the right thing. After that, every time such questions came up the answer was the same again and again: I can't give you advice, you need to talk to your doctor. Shame on them! For being nothing but cowards.

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"Intelligent idiots" is a perfect description for those people. I wouldn't ask a doctor's advice on much of anything.

It is also time to stop listening to the government corporation called cbc no matter who is on.

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I couldn't understand her getting the first jab. She has a Science background so you'd assume that she's used to researching about new topics. What I found very sad is that she and husband got jabbed to protect their parents. It is incredible that they did not approach it from "how can we increase their resilience?". Tunnel vision was in plentiful supply everywhere. Even if you believed that there was a scary virus around, any intelligent, clever person would consider different approaches and solutions - not just blindly opt for the Govt line Unfortunately, in many instances, institutionalization played a part, as did intellectual laziness and abdication of responsbility for one's health.

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What the great majority of people don't want to admit is that the reason they took the shots was one simple one:they absolutely believe that those shots would protect them from a virus that will guaranteed kill them if they got sick.

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I'd that some of them *wanted to believee" those shots would protect them - wanted to believe because they'd be able to do all their usual stuff again. I have some of those in my family. G0d forbid that they'd be denied going on 10 or 12 worldwide holidays a year or going to the cinema.

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I worked in a Molecular Genetics lab and all the PhDs lined up for the shots. I was the low level technician dope who refused them and tried to warn them of the dangers. Of course, they “knew better”. Oh, well. 🙄

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Yeah, my older brother the PhD took and still is taking all the shots while staunchly defending Fauci et al, while I, the younger sibling with one semester at a community college, have been vehemently opposed to "The Science" since day one and have engaged in numerous heated discussions with him. Unfortunately, all to no avail...what could I possibly know with no degrees ?

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The power of propaganda. She believed the propaganda over what her own body was screaming at her.

1984 "The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

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Knowledge but no wisdom.

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The propaganda machine, which globally totally surpassed Hitler’s successful propaganda campaign was in full swing - and everyone was “all in”… very few critical thinking dissenters and they would not get media time and also risked losing their licences and having their reputations smeared. This is still happening today!? Hitler stated that with the right propaganda, “we can make heaven look like hell and hell look like heaven.” I know that people don’t like the comparisons but they seem pretty obvious now. In Germany it began with limiting gatherings - first 10 people then 5, then people groups were segregated for the “better good”… Fast forward to the 70’s when thalidomide was also pitched as “safe and effective”.

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lets see how rationally you act when you have brain fog and your doctor tells you the second shot will reduce your symptoms

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I feel for this woman but can’t understand how one could be so unconscious. Getting sick after the first shot then going in for a second. There’s something terribly wrong with human psychology at the moment. It’s as if we have no faith in our reasoning abilities and defer to people who are the same. No wonder the evil doers so easily get away with their crimes.

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Exactly! Question for anyone following this thread….. who all is drinking city water with fluoride in it? AND have you done your research on what Fluoride does to the human body? Once you’ve done that you will have some answers as to why many are so easy to manipulate!

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Fluoride must be filtered out of water. Berkey removes 99%, except guess what, the EPA has now banned berkey charcoal filters!!

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Bingo! Doesn’t that seem odd??!

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there are lots of other charcoal filters, or you can catch rainwater

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I know that. You're missing the point.

And, why would I catch rainwater that is poisoned by chemtrails?????

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What is in the chemtrails?

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There is a feeling of security if you stay with the herd. Nothing can go wrong if everyone else is doing it! Unfortunately however sometimes the entire herd stampedes off a cliff.

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False security staying with the herd.

As an example, (not pertaining to vax), ticketmaster has just been breached by hackers....560 million people's personal info is now on the dark web.

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Every time I see stories like this I get so angry at the healthcare care providers who knowingly encouraged a patient to take a drug that they clearly had an allergic reaction to! In NO other area of medicine would a doctor say “oh you had an allergic reaction to X pill or X food, go ahead and take more!” NO where else but the God forsaken shot! It’s 100% medical malpractice!

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Yep. Understatement. These ‘doctors’ should be charged with criminal negligence, assault and battery, grevious bodily harm occasioning disability and death and then thrown in jail. The crime is unforgivable. What’s even worse is that we now have a problem trying to wake up the jabees because they don’’t want to know. What an incredible situation.

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Included in the injected liquid chip was a substance that affected the brain's Hippocampus. The hippocampus is a part of your brain that’s responsible for your memory and learning. This small structure helps you remember, both short- and long-term, and gain awareness from your environment. So, for those who chose to participate, their hippocampus was likely disabled or damaged in some way.

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Oh dear.

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Another “educated” person following the psyop. How could she research it? She follows the money like all the other science shills.

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All around me there's educated people who took the shots. You go to a crime riddled council estate in any part of London and the hooded youths walk along with their jeans / tracksuit bottoms hanging off their backsides, you mention Bill Gates / COVID jabs and their response is na man that shit is gonna kill U innit, ist Mass Depopulation Man!. The highly educated took the injections and the very highly uneducated did NOT. Not in all cases of course but in most cases. Poor youths that rely on benefits are streetwise and as such do not trust their government as far as they can spit. High earners in Banks and similar institutions do not have time to do their research and have an inability to critically think, they simply trust their government.

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Most educated people trust authority. It is usually rooted from a good childhood. If your parents were trustworthy, you could depend on them , they were your first authority figures. If they couldn't rely on their parents for the basics, that trust in authority is gone.

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I think that intellectual laziness is part of it too. Also, having comfortable lifestyles that do not challenge your brain / mental acuity / native alarm systems and make all of those self-protective systems lazy and weak. And being "out" of polite conventional acceptable norms of society. and the systems that make it function. My husband rejected it because he doesn't like being told what to do and kicks back at authoritarianism. It took that to get him to peel back his eyelids. I'd muttered and gnashed my teeth for years about what was happening/coming, to no avail.

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Exactly that's what happens, the alarm system was not trained to be on the look out for danger as a kid.

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Why on earth she went for second shot after experiencing all those symptoms. She is so lucky to be alive.

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But each shot lowers the immunity 30% and shortens the life span!! She is not out of the woods!!

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Jun 13Edited

Great to see Polly and to clearly hear her questions. Thanks, CHD, for presenting these important stories from brave people willing to speak their truths.

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Amazing how easy it is to gaslight people. "I know the last time the arsenic impacted you poorly, but if you try it again, you'll probably feel better".

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Oh Caroline, I am so sorry to hear about you and your family.

Wishing you all a better health.

And Polly, we can hear and see you now. Thank you!

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She just experienced it differently cause everyone says it’s safe and effective.

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Having trouble finding where "injection of truth" is being held in calgary.

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There are no more tickets to this event. You can buy the tickets for the live presentation. That's what I wanted to do, but I have no clue which version to buy. There is no explanation what they mean, and what exactly I'm paying for.

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Hope it's not through ticketmaster which has just been breached and 560 million people's personal info stolen and now on dark web.

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It happened for a reason? Unfortunately this is a poisonous jab, period! It has Contaminated Blood DNA & SV40, SPIKE PROTEINS & MRNA. THE FDA are lying to everyone, and not to be trusted. This should never have happened to your family. The flu shots have the MRNA in it too apparently. It's so very wrong!

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As a medical doctor with additional qualification in homeopathy, I saw yesterday for the first time a 32-years old patiënt. Her life is damaged as consequence of the vaccinations after she had already natural immunity. Natural immunity was not considered throughout the covid crisis. The accumulation of natural and artificial antibodies is simply fatal for some people. She is talking about a life before and after covid-19. It remains unlikely that despite the numerous dramatic reports resulting from the mass vaccination campaign, vaccines are still being promoted.

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" I could barely drink water "

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fool me once .... your bad..... fool me twice ....I'm an idiot

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I'm sorry that you fell for the propaganda and panicked and then fell victim to the doctor.

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