I remember a Meme that said "You wished we'd die. We prayed you wouldn't".

It so perfectly sums up the difference in empathy between the two camps. And I'm glad this woman has found compassion on the other side.

The tribe she thought she was a part of, turned on her as soon as she brought disrepute to their Holy Grail.

It has been said before, and becomes more evident by the day - the vax zealots are exactly like a religious cult which demands full allegiance, and when that can no longer be given (even if through no fault of your own) you will be cast out, excommunicated, ostracised and ridiculed, all by the very same pious virtue-signallers who loudly trumpeted "We do this not for ourselves, but for the protection of others".

They couldn't give a rat's arse about others - all they wanted was ego-stroking praise for themselves.

It is indeed a sick society we live in.

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Vax zealots, the Covidian zealots, these people must have already had problems long before the plandemic hit. They sound irrational and behave in a pathological manner, most definitely not in a normal healthy manner.

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Wow, what a horrible life changing event for this innocent woman who got caught up in the promotion of the jabs and is now living the rest of her life with terrible side effects.

I have a heart condition and take 5 prescription meds and no one could tell me any conflicts with the Covid jabs and my meds so I decided to wait a year and see what happens. I saved my life doing that pause and have decided like others that I've had my last "vaccine" for ANYTHING.

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Brian - 👏❤️‍🩹🙌

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A lump sum for $65,000, and that is all. WOW. There really is no limit to tyranny we will accept.

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And that's actually a lot compared to most, who get nothing. Tyranny still finding it's limit...

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All too true.

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Courageous woman.

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Thank you for this excellent and important report. Carrie Sakamoto has been on my radar for a while; I've transcribed a few of her short videos. She has been incredibly courageous and persevering, and I have no doubt that her speaking out has helped many other jab-injured people. Unfortunately many, many people have suffered the very same neurological injuries after their jabs, and gotten the medical gaslighting and abuse to an even worse degree. I so hope for her that she can continue to heal and one day return to full health.

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Keep pushing the truth Doc. People are waking up. Blessings to you and your family!

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Very sad story, the life changing event had it been from a car accident probably would have been 500 k. Our culture today is so pathetic, telling the truth and being outraged by mistreatment is passé in our degenerating times

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I gave her info to a grief counselor working at a L.A. School District, since this district mandated it, and the community is coming down with cancer and most recently one passed away "suddenly."

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Legacy media is proud to report that apparently no one on the earth has died from the 'vaccine'.

It is the pesky, undeniable injuries that they want to shut up. $65,000.00?

That is an insult. This story is DESPICABLE.

Thank God that Carrie is speaking up.

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$65k now is probably reduced to $40k with inflation and the carbon tax.

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We live in a sick and twisted world, don't we?

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Don't do anything for your 'country' or 'government' because the political puppets have sold out the people. Anyone still working in the medical system has also shown to be a stunned puppet willing to comply with murderous protocols. I cannot believe people still keep running back for more abuse.

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Breaks my heart to hear this story. It’s also maddening to know that society and the government simply won’t deal with the truth.

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She hit the nail on the head about people not being informed of the shot risks. There was no Informed Consent during that time because it was deliberately censored. And the insults on social media from other people who took the shots is very telling of the psychosis. These people were not seeking truth.

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The perpetrators of this tyranny will pay the price… hopefully soon, but for sure in the next life.

Stand strong Carrie, many are praying.

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$65k is adding insult to injury.

Donate to Carrie at https://givesendgo.com/vaxinjuredgal

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Apr 14Edited

Get away from ALL allopathic practitioners. Find a good naturopath, homeopath, holistic healer, or TCM practitioner - someone who will help you tap the immense power of your inner healing capability. The allopaths are ALL invested in the pharma system and the business model which Pharma created and supports.

Ontario's attempts to deregulate Traditional Chinese Medical practitioners during the pLandemic is essentially proof that TCM can help you heal and stay well, rather than make you sicker or outright harm you.

Seeking allopathic help when it is that very allopathy that has made you sick: the very definition of insanity.

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We need a class action against the govt on the treatment of the unvaccinated and attacks we faced. We weren’t allowed to be part of society , we were Denied by family’s to attend functions because the the propaganda by the govts. I missed weddings , funerals and treated like crap because we were “selfish”.

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