What I really do not understand is why the elites and political class are ignoring this? What is wrong with them? Have they not even a modicum of curiosity or care about the people they are supposed to represent? Someone raises the subject and they run for the exits. This is a worldwide problem especially in the West. It is as if a mind …
What I really do not understand is why the elites and political class are ignoring this? What is wrong with them? Have they not even a modicum of curiosity or care about the people they are supposed to represent? Someone raises the subject and they run for the exits. This is a worldwide problem especially in the West. It is as if a mind virus has taken over. Are they under the control of some sinister demonic entity? They all seem to be narcissistic; not too intelligent but brutally authoritarian. There neds to be a global coup to sweep them out of power. They are killing people in their thousands.
The demonic entity is the UN and WHO. The agenda to depopulate using multiple methods. WEF/Schwab openly admits to have infiltrated governments, so they can implement their will over what were sovereign nations. They are using multiple methods to achieve their goals/agenda
No they are the faces they want you to see. Those actually in charge are hidden from us and stay hidden in the shadows. Everything else you write I fully agree with.
You ask "why are the elites and political class ignoring this?" It's because all of this is part of their plan. In the same way the southern boarder of the US is not being ignored, its all part of their plan therefore the boarder IS under control. Everything today is an illusion and everything we're being told hangs upon the definition of terms used ie: SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, UNDER CONTROL. Do you really think the elites and political class took the shots? If you do then ask yourself why are they under represented among the vaccine injured?
Donald Trump is at the head of the class of those who don't tell the truth about it. So how can he possibly lead the oppostion to it when he constantly says how great it is. How can he? We don't need someone who refuses to tell the truth.
Donald Trump's need to be liked, may make him change his stance on the death shots. But the same people who stopped him releasing the JFK files, will try the same tactics here.
The covidians I know (unfortunately that would be most of the people in my world) just can't seem to get their minds around it. They really really really really don't want to know anything other than "safe and effective." I think many of them just wouldn't know how to process the facts, whether emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually. After 5 plus jabs, they're pretty well glued to the conveyor belt of covidianism. From what I can see, that conveyor belt is not taking them anywhere they'd want to go, however.
Yes — they were indoctrinated into this system— cognitive dissonance and an inability to accept that anything this evil could be planned against humanity. I don’t call Schwab’s and the globalist cabal’s scheme the Great Reset, but the Great Deception.
What you describe is what I have experienced in my circle. It demonstrates the effectiveness of the PysOps that has destroyed their ability to think critically.
“Killing people in their thousands” is the entire point of the exercise. But it is such a heinous endeavour that they can never admit to it publicly. That's why they run for the exits every time excess deaths are mentioned.
The following document was circulated at the 1992 U.N Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the conference that called for the Earth Charter, and unveiled Agenda 21. The Cobden Club was an organisation founded by free-trade globalists in 1866. The organisation itself disbanded in the late 1970's, and morphed into new organisations who continue their agendas of globalisation and depopulation.
You don't need to read the whole document, just the first section “The Pressing Need” and the summary on pg 5 of “The Following Policy Must be Implemented” to get a good insight into their mindset. They literally call for “quota reductions” (you and I being “the quota” they want to reduce).
If they were this panicked in 1992 when the global population was 5 billion people, it's not difficult to understand they felt urgent action was needed with the population now at 8 billion.
This whole thing is a U.N directive that all member states are bound by. It's why no one has shut down what is clearly a dangerous and devastating “medical” initiative.
What I really do not understand is why the elites and political class are ignoring this? What is wrong with them? Have they not even a modicum of curiosity or care about the people they are supposed to represent? Someone raises the subject and they run for the exits. This is a worldwide problem especially in the West. It is as if a mind virus has taken over. Are they under the control of some sinister demonic entity? They all seem to be narcissistic; not too intelligent but brutally authoritarian. There neds to be a global coup to sweep them out of power. They are killing people in their thousands.
They’re likely Freemasons whose God is Lucifer.
That is not an unreasonable conclusion. There is deception in the language they use. It sells the lie better.
The demonic entity is the UN and WHO. The agenda to depopulate using multiple methods. WEF/Schwab openly admits to have infiltrated governments, so they can implement their will over what were sovereign nations. They are using multiple methods to achieve their goals/agenda
No they are the faces they want you to see. Those actually in charge are hidden from us and stay hidden in the shadows. Everything else you write I fully agree with.
You ask "why are the elites and political class ignoring this?" It's because all of this is part of their plan. In the same way the southern boarder of the US is not being ignored, its all part of their plan therefore the boarder IS under control. Everything today is an illusion and everything we're being told hangs upon the definition of terms used ie: SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, UNDER CONTROL. Do you really think the elites and political class took the shots? If you do then ask yourself why are they under represented among the vaccine injured?
Just my thoughts.
You are bang on.
I agree with all that you say.
Donald Trump is at the head of the class of those who don't tell the truth about it. So how can he possibly lead the oppostion to it when he constantly says how great it is. How can he? We don't need someone who refuses to tell the truth.
Donald Trump's need to be liked, may make him change his stance on the death shots. But the same people who stopped him releasing the JFK files, will try the same tactics here.
The longer you tell a lie the harder it is to then tell the truth. Especially if one has a large ego.
I don't think Trump's ego is any bigger than anyone else's.
The covidians I know (unfortunately that would be most of the people in my world) just can't seem to get their minds around it. They really really really really don't want to know anything other than "safe and effective." I think many of them just wouldn't know how to process the facts, whether emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually. After 5 plus jabs, they're pretty well glued to the conveyor belt of covidianism. From what I can see, that conveyor belt is not taking them anywhere they'd want to go, however.
Yes — they were indoctrinated into this system— cognitive dissonance and an inability to accept that anything this evil could be planned against humanity. I don’t call Schwab’s and the globalist cabal’s scheme the Great Reset, but the Great Deception.
What you describe is what I have experienced in my circle. It demonstrates the effectiveness of the PysOps that has destroyed their ability to think critically.
All part of the plan.
Oh the “elites”, the parasites know! They have orchestrated this whole thing. It’s an extinction event.
There is evidence that many “Elites” and Govt officials did NOT get the “intervention”.
I believe it was Bolsanaro that was just falsified Covid documents so he could go to the US..
Oh, maybe that’s misinformation as well.
“Killing people in their thousands” is the entire point of the exercise. But it is such a heinous endeavour that they can never admit to it publicly. That's why they run for the exits every time excess deaths are mentioned.
The following document was circulated at the 1992 U.N Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the conference that called for the Earth Charter, and unveiled Agenda 21. The Cobden Club was an organisation founded by free-trade globalists in 1866. The organisation itself disbanded in the late 1970's, and morphed into new organisations who continue their agendas of globalisation and depopulation.
You don't need to read the whole document, just the first section “The Pressing Need” and the summary on pg 5 of “The Following Policy Must be Implemented” to get a good insight into their mindset. They literally call for “quota reductions” (you and I being “the quota” they want to reduce).
If they were this panicked in 1992 when the global population was 5 billion people, it's not difficult to understand they felt urgent action was needed with the population now at 8 billion.
This whole thing is a U.N directive that all member states are bound by. It's why no one has shut down what is clearly a dangerous and devastating “medical” initiative.
It is meant to be.
I watched this video which offers a comprehensive overview of why...https://www.youtube.com/live/U1WMg5HuHwk?si=txKaDGPLRqVk69ey