The covidians I know (unfortunately that would be most of the people in my world) just can't seem to get their minds around it. They really really really really don't want to know anything other than "safe and effective." I think many of them just wouldn't know how to process the facts, whether emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually…
The covidians I know (unfortunately that would be most of the people in my world) just can't seem to get their minds around it. They really really really really don't want to know anything other than "safe and effective." I think many of them just wouldn't know how to process the facts, whether emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually. After 5 plus jabs, they're pretty well glued to the conveyor belt of covidianism. From what I can see, that conveyor belt is not taking them anywhere they'd want to go, however.
Yes — they were indoctrinated into this system— cognitive dissonance and an inability to accept that anything this evil could be planned against humanity. I don’t call Schwab’s and the globalist cabal’s scheme the Great Reset, but the Great Deception.
What you describe is what I have experienced in my circle. It demonstrates the effectiveness of the PysOps that has destroyed their ability to think critically.
The covidians I know (unfortunately that would be most of the people in my world) just can't seem to get their minds around it. They really really really really don't want to know anything other than "safe and effective." I think many of them just wouldn't know how to process the facts, whether emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually. After 5 plus jabs, they're pretty well glued to the conveyor belt of covidianism. From what I can see, that conveyor belt is not taking them anywhere they'd want to go, however.
Yes — they were indoctrinated into this system— cognitive dissonance and an inability to accept that anything this evil could be planned against humanity. I don’t call Schwab’s and the globalist cabal’s scheme the Great Reset, but the Great Deception.
What you describe is what I have experienced in my circle. It demonstrates the effectiveness of the PysOps that has destroyed their ability to think critically.