That‘s disgusting. Who does Victoria think she is. Overbearing, self-righteous, not requiring of herself what she requires of others. Totally lacking respect. Manipulative.
Actually, Victoria is unashamedly using brain-washing techniques.
The reason we we have two different words - woman, and trans-woman, is that they describe two different entities.
Good on you, Jennifer, for holding your ground. Better not to subject yourself to that grinding manipulation. There‘s no way a healthy person could go through that unharmed - and you will hopefully never fit their criteria.
You‘re going to have to challenge that in court. Do connect up with all the other affected people, to challenge the whole perverted system. It‘s totally sick.
The very best of luck, and all strength to you, Jennifer!
I agree. This biological man doesn’t even have a woman’s voice a woman is an adult female this man is an adult male that pretends he’s a female. Keep standing Jennifer. A lot of young girls are depending on you.
Who does Victoria think she is. Overbearing, self-righteous, not requiring of herself what she requires of others.
seriously! this is NOT a she and the fact that you have referenced him as a "she" is an obvious example of the "harm" a "healthy person" could suffer from brain-washing techniques also known as "menticide"
the destruction or undermining of a person's mental independence in order to alter his or her beliefs
the process of systematically altering beliefs and attitudes, especially through the use of drugs, torture, or psychological stress techniques; brainwashing.
See also: Brain
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
"Victoria" needs to be immediately wrapped up in a strait-jacket, strapped down to a gurney, and locked up in a padded cell with an IV-drip with a dozen different anti-psychotic medications.
Good thought, Laureen. As we don‘t have specific pronouns for people who have undergone hormonal and often surgical procedures that lead to certain aspects of their bodies emulating the opposite sex, without them ever being able to actually become that - I do want to be respectful nevertheless, to the extent I can make sense of it all.
Of course, if someone just demands I call them what they are clearly not, I must stick to what I believe is true. Difficult grey zone!
I do not find this a difficult subject. Every egg that a woman carries in her ovaries has the potential to be a man or a woman. When a woman is carrying a woman child, that woman child's body is carrying her eggs at 16 weeks of gestation.
A woman carries 2 generations of women in her womb with every pregnancy of a woman child.
Abortion after 16 weeks, for sure exterminates 2 generations of women, wearing panties, and makeup, having parts added or cut off, taking drugs to "emulate" the "identity" of a woman does NOT give these mentally ill by default of the ideology, my respect.
I do however have empathy for these poor wounded souls, for if they knew their souls, rather than their "bones" as this man claims is how he knows his identity, (which he is going to or has "cut off") they would know, the extent of the Crime that has been perpetrated upon we the people.
"Denial" Smith has chosen to become the perpetrator.
"Difficult grey zone"? Not at all: With all due respect Penelope, we had a perfectly good word – and variants – in the lexicon for such people... although none of them were or are "pronouns": They were rightly called "crazy" and they were constrained in mental hospitals for as long as it took for them to come to their senses.
I know this is going to read pretty extreme, but: Let's begin with clarifying definitions and concepts please. I'll begin with something I posted quite some time ago:
Black Pigeon doesn't go into the reality of it, you may have to research long and deep to learn all of it, this is going to sound bizarre, but essentially "Transgenderism" is a bogus, poisonous meme created by The Cultural Marxists in order to subvert Western Civilization and Christian morality. James Lindsay talks about the reality, amazingly on YouTube: "What We're Dealing with Here Is a Cult"
So kindly and immediately stop referring to "Victoria Buchholtz" as a "Trans-woman" and for Heaven's sakes, stop calling him "she"! He is a queer, in drag, suffering from psychosis, in need of immediate psychiatric intervention. End of discussion. But in Canada it is now illegal, even to say this. To challenge this situation in court as you advise, is the absolute LAST thing Jennifer should do! (
Next mistake regrettably is on Jennifer, and it is this: She shouldn't even be talking to "Victoria"; none of us should deal with these people if by any means it can be avoided. Marxism and all its variants and perversions ought to be anathema, all avowed Marxists should be consigned to long-term psychiatric hospitals for two very good reasons:
1. They are evil and
2. They are insane.
History has amply borne out, they will resort to any ruse, subterfuge, deceit, any lie, any fiction; any act of violence no matter how appalling, to achieve "The Revolution"; ie, the utter destruction of all normative standards of ethics and decency; of Western Civilization and Christianity.
You can begin to learn the reality of our situation here:
Symbolic with the picture behind them cracking, like the whole world. To me, it seems that almost no matter into whose hands power falls, it will be corrupted. For whatever reason. I hope true power will soon find a solid foundation in this world, and in us all. I's so tired of all the fighting! Exhausted.
A shout-out to Jennifer Johnson for standing her ground the way she did. Keep calm (as much as possible), kind but firm (as much as possible), and carry on...
This has absolutely nothing to do with education. It is a humiliation and demoralization ritual. If Danielle Smith believes gender reeducation seems justified and warranted, and forces others into a soul scouring mission, she better ensure that the ‘educator’ is duly qualified and respectful to enlighten and educate, not to goat, trample and hate on his/her victim, as in this case. Victoria is woefully inadequate. As per Wikipedia: ‘ A woman is an adult female human with a pair of X chromosomes and a female reproductive system’. So, Victoria has all that, yes ? Can she deliver ? If not, MLA Jennifer Johnston is in her right to assert that biologic differences exist, while extending warm feelings and acceptance towards a trans woman.
Agreed! But forget the warm feelings and acceptance towards a trans-woman. Respect does NOT require "warm feelings & acceptance" anymore than respect is the same thing as fear. Look at the short vid again! (1) You are "accepting with warm feelings" that Victor is Victoria and call him Victoria. In the end Victor is Victorious over you. Notice his "beaming face", stating "NOoo! Goodbye!" So much for your academic warm feelings as you just engendered Victor's derision and disgust! So much for your wimpy "duly "qualified" ... to "enlighten & to educate". Like I said - intelligencia/academicians" bringing in commie destruction of nationhood and doing it globally via Rima Laibow & Meryl Nass and Dr. Trozzi (World Council for Health and James Roguski are ALL at Substack with their own websites. Check out what REAL educators are doing out of respect for ALL Humanity, which obviously includes Victor. I have NO funds ($s), but I do have a signature, because it costs 0$. Be advised! Victor's enemies are also My enemies! Victor skinned you and nailed it to the barn wall, like an inkblot test! Victor is seeking a wholesome life. The life that does not exist in his nightlife! So he is trying to enforce his nightlife into OUR daily life so that ALL is sordid! Bad move Victor! You are your own worst enemy! 2008 - Toronto, Canada - Women's Shelter had to share bedrooms, bathrooms, showers with men who said they were women. Apparently they can't stay in the men's shelter. How come no one (politician) can't set aside a renovated house for the effeminate men, so they don't have to invade the women's shelter in order to avoid being abused, by invading the men's shelter.
MLA Johnston stood her ground under unwarranted attack and kept it to the core issue rather than getting personal with an imposter. My philosophy is to live and let live as long as everyone’s space is respected and accepted. Nobody needs entitlement slapped into their face. The vast majority of us choose to live in harmony outside this globalist engineered and agitated social hatred stunt. It is the Canadian government which embezzled the citizenry’s sovereignty in a treasonous coup and has kept us in division since 1931. Famously using and abusing our First Nations and as you perfectly illustrate, increasingly dicing society in progressively smaller hate factions while painting us for their actions, citing colonialism, racism, and the rest of their toolbox. Let’s not bite that hook. Premier Smith - I would love to see otherwise, but she proves to be in the matrix. There are no centralized super leaders, like there are no super spreaders. The heroes are us. Who could’ve guessed we had so many buzzards lined up among us. Let’s take this country back.
What that man is trying to force that woman to say is based on satanism, read the Bible. All the trans ideology is demonic wether that man knows it or not, he is mocking God.
AHS is seeking to enable this behaviour and profit from this and health half measures. I understand Danielle Smith has had a hard time, and she can pick up her socks of reformation that only government can change.
It’s not about what you think or feeling it in your bones it’s about dna xx & xy. Respect has to go both ways & clearly Victor had no respect for reality & or others. No one would ever get me to say he is a woman as it very clear to me no matter how he feels, dresses or acts he is a man. But if that’s what he wants I really don’t care either way as long as he doesn’t try to change my reality for his ego. Not going to be forced into his unreality or insanity !!
Cheryl, I agree. There are two genders, female and male. It is disturbing to believe there are any other. This obnoxious "WOMAN" looks like a "MAN" and still displays aggressive and threatening behaviour; in fact, his presentation is an insult to both real men and real women. Whenever I see a "trans" WOMAN, I am astounded that he really believes that authentic women really look and act as he is doing. Does he actually think and feel as a woman does?! I think not. Trans people can surely have a life -- just away from the rest of us, please... and away from our children. I respect Ms. Johnson's courageous answer.
Sorry. If Victoria has an X & a Y chromosome, he is a male, not a female. The conversation needs to start there. You can have all of the top & bottom surgery you like, change your name, wear different clothing, accessories, block hormones, etc. but if you have two X chromosomes, you are a female & if you have one X & one Y chromosome, you are a male. People who have these gender issues are mentally disturbed & need mental health care, not validation. Asking everyone else to go along with this absurdity is just that - absurd.
1st BELIEVE & then CELEBRATE, as men are allowed to take OUT Women's Sports, Women's Prisons/Jails, and OUR daughters & sons showers, bathrooms, while grooming & indoctrinating, destroying the fabric of cultural identity, perverting intellectual integrity; An ongoing, life-long victimization shattering the nuclear family - the nucleus (cohesion) of society. With respect for Victor, HE would be better served by seeking mental health support for his - delusions of grandeur. His power-over, control-over exercise out of hatred for - ALL God's Creations - will destroy him along with the stupefaction of Western Civilization, as the "well-meaning" intelligencia/academicians bring in full-blown Communist-Totalitarian-government, as I witnessed in this interview by a diversity-hire.
This is absolutely insane that it is happening here, in allegedly free and independent Alberta! That "thing" Victoria is clearly very disturbed and is clearly using the opportunity to solicit validation for his (yes it's a he) mental issues and female dressing up fetish- fair play to Jennifer not accepting him as a 'woman' in a very level headed way. Conclusion - (1) these "things' need to be ignored and (2) being nice and accepting does not work in the short or long run.
Trans women are not and I repeat NOT women, they are delusional and suffer from deception on a grand scale, the demons in Jesus's day referred to themselves as "We They Them Us " tell me what is the difference today, none it is the same thing only people are asleep and have been deceived by the Prince of darkness. For all the normal people out there stand your ground as the time is running out on this and Jesus's return to rule this planet is very close.
That‘s disgusting. Who does Victoria think she is. Overbearing, self-righteous, not requiring of herself what she requires of others. Totally lacking respect. Manipulative.
Actually, Victoria is unashamedly using brain-washing techniques.
The reason we we have two different words - woman, and trans-woman, is that they describe two different entities.
Good on you, Jennifer, for holding your ground. Better not to subject yourself to that grinding manipulation. There‘s no way a healthy person could go through that unharmed - and you will hopefully never fit their criteria.
You‘re going to have to challenge that in court. Do connect up with all the other affected people, to challenge the whole perverted system. It‘s totally sick.
The very best of luck, and all strength to you, Jennifer!
I agree. This biological man doesn’t even have a woman’s voice a woman is an adult female this man is an adult male that pretends he’s a female. Keep standing Jennifer. A lot of young girls are depending on you.
The Transgender: Normalizing Mental Illness" -
Who does Victoria think she is. Overbearing, self-righteous, not requiring of herself what she requires of others.
seriously! this is NOT a she and the fact that you have referenced him as a "she" is an obvious example of the "harm" a "healthy person" could suffer from brain-washing techniques also known as "menticide"
the destruction or undermining of a person's mental independence in order to alter his or her beliefs
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
the process of systematically altering beliefs and attitudes, especially through the use of drugs, torture, or psychological stress techniques; brainwashing.
See also: Brain
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
"Victoria" needs to be immediately wrapped up in a strait-jacket, strapped down to a gurney, and locked up in a padded cell with an IV-drip with a dozen different anti-psychotic medications.
Good thought, Laureen. As we don‘t have specific pronouns for people who have undergone hormonal and often surgical procedures that lead to certain aspects of their bodies emulating the opposite sex, without them ever being able to actually become that - I do want to be respectful nevertheless, to the extent I can make sense of it all.
Of course, if someone just demands I call them what they are clearly not, I must stick to what I believe is true. Difficult grey zone!
I do not find this a difficult subject. Every egg that a woman carries in her ovaries has the potential to be a man or a woman. When a woman is carrying a woman child, that woman child's body is carrying her eggs at 16 weeks of gestation.
A woman carries 2 generations of women in her womb with every pregnancy of a woman child.
Abortion after 16 weeks, for sure exterminates 2 generations of women, wearing panties, and makeup, having parts added or cut off, taking drugs to "emulate" the "identity" of a woman does NOT give these mentally ill by default of the ideology, my respect.
I do however have empathy for these poor wounded souls, for if they knew their souls, rather than their "bones" as this man claims is how he knows his identity, (which he is going to or has "cut off") they would know, the extent of the Crime that has been perpetrated upon we the people.
"Denial" Smith has chosen to become the perpetrator.
His deep voice gives hin away. No way could I ever call him a woman. Allow him to live in his delusional world, but do not force this onto others.
"Difficult grey zone"? Not at all: With all due respect Penelope, we had a perfectly good word – and variants – in the lexicon for such people... although none of them were or are "pronouns": They were rightly called "crazy" and they were constrained in mental hospitals for as long as it took for them to come to their senses.
good for you and I love the explanation of "woman and trans-woman" and respect of the individuals who make the change is the only answer...
Dear Penelope:
I know this is going to read pretty extreme, but: Let's begin with clarifying definitions and concepts please. I'll begin with something I posted quite some time ago:
💣 "The Gender Spectrum" -
Next I draw your attention to a presentation by Black Pigeon Speaks from April 2016:
💣 "The Transgender: Normalizing Mental Illness" -
Black Pigeon doesn't go into the reality of it, you may have to research long and deep to learn all of it, this is going to sound bizarre, but essentially "Transgenderism" is a bogus, poisonous meme created by The Cultural Marxists in order to subvert Western Civilization and Christian morality. James Lindsay talks about the reality, amazingly on YouTube: "What We're Dealing with Here Is a Cult"
So kindly and immediately stop referring to "Victoria Buchholtz" as a "Trans-woman" and for Heaven's sakes, stop calling him "she"! He is a queer, in drag, suffering from psychosis, in need of immediate psychiatric intervention. End of discussion. But in Canada it is now illegal, even to say this. To challenge this situation in court as you advise, is the absolute LAST thing Jennifer should do! (
Next mistake regrettably is on Jennifer, and it is this: She shouldn't even be talking to "Victoria"; none of us should deal with these people if by any means it can be avoided. Marxism and all its variants and perversions ought to be anathema, all avowed Marxists should be consigned to long-term psychiatric hospitals for two very good reasons:
1. They are evil and
2. They are insane.
History has amply borne out, they will resort to any ruse, subterfuge, deceit, any lie, any fiction; any act of violence no matter how appalling, to achieve "The Revolution"; ie, the utter destruction of all normative standards of ethics and decency; of Western Civilization and Christianity.
You can begin to learn the reality of our situation here:
💣 "The Devil and Karl Marx" by Charles Burris -
And the book he refers to, here:
💣 "The Devil and Karl Marx" by Paul Kengor -
Capt. Roy Harkness
A woman is born with EGGS that will produce many generations of babies. A boy born a male CANNOT NEVER BE A WOMAN! EVER NEVER!
Your correct Linda
If you have a Y you are a guy.
If you have a Y you can’t have a period 😉
Excellent !!!
I will have to remember that one.
Symbolic with the picture behind them cracking, like the whole world. To me, it seems that almost no matter into whose hands power falls, it will be corrupted. For whatever reason. I hope true power will soon find a solid foundation in this world, and in us all. I's so tired of all the fighting! Exhausted.
A shout-out to Jennifer Johnson for standing her ground the way she did. Keep calm (as much as possible), kind but firm (as much as possible), and carry on...
Forget the "kind". I prefer the "firm". Truth be told: I suspect so does Victor!
This has absolutely nothing to do with education. It is a humiliation and demoralization ritual. If Danielle Smith believes gender reeducation seems justified and warranted, and forces others into a soul scouring mission, she better ensure that the ‘educator’ is duly qualified and respectful to enlighten and educate, not to goat, trample and hate on his/her victim, as in this case. Victoria is woefully inadequate. As per Wikipedia: ‘ A woman is an adult female human with a pair of X chromosomes and a female reproductive system’. So, Victoria has all that, yes ? Can she deliver ? If not, MLA Jennifer Johnston is in her right to assert that biologic differences exist, while extending warm feelings and acceptance towards a trans woman.
Agreed! But forget the warm feelings and acceptance towards a trans-woman. Respect does NOT require "warm feelings & acceptance" anymore than respect is the same thing as fear. Look at the short vid again! (1) You are "accepting with warm feelings" that Victor is Victoria and call him Victoria. In the end Victor is Victorious over you. Notice his "beaming face", stating "NOoo! Goodbye!" So much for your academic warm feelings as you just engendered Victor's derision and disgust! So much for your wimpy "duly "qualified" ... to "enlighten & to educate". Like I said - intelligencia/academicians" bringing in commie destruction of nationhood and doing it globally via Rima Laibow & Meryl Nass and Dr. Trozzi (World Council for Health and James Roguski are ALL at Substack with their own websites. Check out what REAL educators are doing out of respect for ALL Humanity, which obviously includes Victor. I have NO funds ($s), but I do have a signature, because it costs 0$. Be advised! Victor's enemies are also My enemies! Victor skinned you and nailed it to the barn wall, like an inkblot test! Victor is seeking a wholesome life. The life that does not exist in his nightlife! So he is trying to enforce his nightlife into OUR daily life so that ALL is sordid! Bad move Victor! You are your own worst enemy! 2008 - Toronto, Canada - Women's Shelter had to share bedrooms, bathrooms, showers with men who said they were women. Apparently they can't stay in the men's shelter. How come no one (politician) can't set aside a renovated house for the effeminate men, so they don't have to invade the women's shelter in order to avoid being abused, by invading the men's shelter.
MLA Johnston stood her ground under unwarranted attack and kept it to the core issue rather than getting personal with an imposter. My philosophy is to live and let live as long as everyone’s space is respected and accepted. Nobody needs entitlement slapped into their face. The vast majority of us choose to live in harmony outside this globalist engineered and agitated social hatred stunt. It is the Canadian government which embezzled the citizenry’s sovereignty in a treasonous coup and has kept us in division since 1931. Famously using and abusing our First Nations and as you perfectly illustrate, increasingly dicing society in progressively smaller hate factions while painting us for their actions, citing colonialism, racism, and the rest of their toolbox. Let’s not bite that hook. Premier Smith - I would love to see otherwise, but she proves to be in the matrix. There are no centralized super leaders, like there are no super spreaders. The heroes are us. Who could’ve guessed we had so many buzzards lined up among us. Let’s take this country back.
Well spoken….
What that man is trying to force that woman to say is based on satanism, read the Bible. All the trans ideology is demonic wether that man knows it or not, he is mocking God.
AHS is seeking to enable this behaviour and profit from this and health half measures. I understand Danielle Smith has had a hard time, and she can pick up her socks of reformation that only government can change.
It’s not about what you think or feeling it in your bones it’s about dna xx & xy. Respect has to go both ways & clearly Victor had no respect for reality & or others. No one would ever get me to say he is a woman as it very clear to me no matter how he feels, dresses or acts he is a man. But if that’s what he wants I really don’t care either way as long as he doesn’t try to change my reality for his ego. Not going to be forced into his unreality or insanity !!
Cheryl, I agree. There are two genders, female and male. It is disturbing to believe there are any other. This obnoxious "WOMAN" looks like a "MAN" and still displays aggressive and threatening behaviour; in fact, his presentation is an insult to both real men and real women. Whenever I see a "trans" WOMAN, I am astounded that he really believes that authentic women really look and act as he is doing. Does he actually think and feel as a woman does?! I think not. Trans people can surely have a life -- just away from the rest of us, please... and away from our children. I respect Ms. Johnson's courageous answer.
Sorry. If Victoria has an X & a Y chromosome, he is a male, not a female. The conversation needs to start there. You can have all of the top & bottom surgery you like, change your name, wear different clothing, accessories, block hormones, etc. but if you have two X chromosomes, you are a female & if you have one X & one Y chromosome, you are a male. People who have these gender issues are mentally disturbed & need mental health care, not validation. Asking everyone else to go along with this absurdity is just that - absurd.
1st BELIEVE & then CELEBRATE, as men are allowed to take OUT Women's Sports, Women's Prisons/Jails, and OUR daughters & sons showers, bathrooms, while grooming & indoctrinating, destroying the fabric of cultural identity, perverting intellectual integrity; An ongoing, life-long victimization shattering the nuclear family - the nucleus (cohesion) of society. With respect for Victor, HE would be better served by seeking mental health support for his - delusions of grandeur. His power-over, control-over exercise out of hatred for - ALL God's Creations - will destroy him along with the stupefaction of Western Civilization, as the "well-meaning" intelligencia/academicians bring in full-blown Communist-Totalitarian-government, as I witnessed in this interview by a diversity-hire.
So Orwellian…. Just unbelievable 😓
Lord, help us🙏
That’s just hard to watch. The manipulation is beyond belief. Yuk.
The large Pharma are CROOKED IN ALBERTA AND USA…. This is horrible and lawless!
So this just proves that that the alphabet people are the non tolerant bullies that they claim the other side are!
The same UCP party that held Injection of Truth...where some UCP MLAs can't even bring themselves to admit it occurred??? Why am I not surprised.
An apple a day keeps AHS away.
This is absolutely insane that it is happening here, in allegedly free and independent Alberta! That "thing" Victoria is clearly very disturbed and is clearly using the opportunity to solicit validation for his (yes it's a he) mental issues and female dressing up fetish- fair play to Jennifer not accepting him as a 'woman' in a very level headed way. Conclusion - (1) these "things' need to be ignored and (2) being nice and accepting does not work in the short or long run.
Yes, there are but three pronouns applicable here: a SHE, a HE, or an IT. No muddleups can fit.
Trans women are not and I repeat NOT women, they are delusional and suffer from deception on a grand scale, the demons in Jesus's day referred to themselves as "We They Them Us " tell me what is the difference today, none it is the same thing only people are asleep and have been deceived by the Prince of darkness. For all the normal people out there stand your ground as the time is running out on this and Jesus's return to rule this planet is very close.
Pure insanity.