Governments across the globe have united into a literal Mafia using all the same tactics against their own citizens. These governments have never been able to agree on the smallest, simplest things, but acted in concert implementing this criminal covid agenda. Ask yourself why.

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The answer is self evident. A sinister criminal cabal dedicated to the destruction of White civilization has gotten control of every western government.

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They are part of a suicide cult.

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I'd like to shake this REAL man's hand; and eat one of his pizzas.

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I am proud to say this amazing man is now a friend of mine. He’s awesome!! Go Jessie!!

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Hopefully people are documenting, the harms done to every family, business and community. I know of families torn apart, divorces, absolute devastation and you bet those stories must be told. In the very beginning of lockdowns I heard the Health Minister of Sweden on NPR saying that they were not going to adhering to masking, distancing and lockdowns because it was a political issue, not a health issue.

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Oddly not one government "worker" or politician suffered loss of income or loss of a business. And in fact big corp and the already wealthy became wealthier. It seems a little unfair to me. It's almost as if this was part of the plan all along, apart from reducing "the surplus population" (h/t Christmas Carol)

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Let’s Face It

If You Were Stupid Enough

To Take The Vaccine

You Actually Needed Gene Therapy.


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It was nothing to do with being stupid. It was the relentless fear propaganda and being too trusting of authority, and a lack of critical thinking. Hopefully many people will have learned how important critical thinking is. As we saw, it literally could be the difference between living and dying.

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Problem is one needs critical thinking skills in the first place to know that critical thinking is essential to a free people. If you lacked that skill during the covid debacle, you’ve already shown you are incapable of analyzing, learning and retaining what happened to us during this episode. According to Dr. Michael Nehls, the hippocampus is shrinking in the general population. This from American Thought Leaders: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C1UKNiOVaJI

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Excellent point made.

Your first sentence says it all and I agree.

I am in my late sixties and when I was in school some teachers actually taught this. They made us think about, question and research options and come up with our own solutions to present to the class on how we arrived at those solutions.

No stupid questions or ideas they would say. Work it out for yourself. Think for yourself.

My parents did the same.

Now kids don’t know how to do anything for themselves. They just ask Google for the answer and assume it’s the right thing to do.

Just part of the dumbing down process.

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It was an insidious reality behind everyone's back that the medical community had become corrupted by Pharma. It was neither stupidity nor lack of critical thinking. The personal physician, the person closest to the individual, the one trusted to give the patient individual medical advice to supersede the more distant entities generating the fear through propaganda was compromised on a mass scale and most did not realize it. Authorities in the public space are easily counteracted by the advice of the "trusted" physician. In my opinion that is where the blame lies, with the comprised cowardly personal physician, and until they are made to feel the heat, nothing will change.

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Yes. Everyone should join a movement that prevents a replay of the past! If we unite, there will never be any mandates and lockdowns. No masking against our will. Is there a group that will prepare us to stand together next time. There was a video on YouTube that showed T. Tam saying that there was justification for "rounding up" the unvaccinnated 8n the name of public safety (pre -2019), but it has since been removed and fac5check has debunked the rumor.

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Thomas, I never enjoyed poetry ... until I encountered yours. Please consider publishing a book of your collected works.

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Okay. I’ll Admit It.

Covid Was Not My Idea.

But I Have A Better One:

Everyone In The World

Should Take The Vaccine.

Except Me.

(And Miss December 2018)

As The Control Group.

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The damage to people’s livelihoods is incomprehensible.

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Excellent video!

Love the end.... hahaha very funny!

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Thanks for posting this, Doc. I just donated.

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I had a customer who made pizzas strictly for schools. He and his staff worked hard every school day from 10 am to 12 noon to get out hundreds of pizzas from 6 chain ovens to school cafeterias. When the lockdowns came his business went belly up. Nice guy. worked his butt off in his business.

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Thanks Doc for the ammo. I just sent off this video to two Ontario politicians with a warning that personal liability is looming for those who destroyed people's lives. Claiming they were "following the science" will no longer be a feasible defence, and those who savoured punishing the "unvaccinated" shall receive their just desserts. I believe we are making progress Doc, thanks to your immensely sacrificial efforts. Thank you so much. P.s. Dragging them into discovery is the key to unravelling their labyrinth of lies.

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Turdeau repealed a 1950's law that criminalized politicians lying while in office. just before the covid injection kill operation.

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Please reference which law you refer to

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It's a dreadful and dangerous thing to say, but likely the only way monsters like Naheed Nenshi, Jason Kenny, or Deena Hinshaw will ever get the justice they richly deserve will be from an assassin's bullet.. utterly oblivious to the reality that if their behaviour wasn't so despicable they'd have no cause for concern.

It's likely why Justine Castreau is doing her best to ban guns in Canada...

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That would be OK to me.

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Banning guns? Or the other item?

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Not banning guns.

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I'm not holding my breath, but pray this goes well! These people you are going after are the bottom of the barrel criminals! We have to cut the head off the snake!

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Excellent video. I know Jessie. He’s a good person. Thanks for sharing your story Jessie!

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Sadly Henshaw is working for B.C. now :(

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The dull, soulless henshaw teaming up with the equally or even moreso dull lifeless, soulless bonnie henry.

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Man, his pizza looks good! It’s making me hungry. Lol. The mandates were inhumane and unconstitutional. They will probably try it again, but I hope people push back!

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These Nazis never quit! They have to keep abusing, to prevent the fearful from ever standing up in revolt!

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Jun 5Edited

E- transfer sent to this HERO/WARRIOR - thank you for posting his story and bless him for not just fading away into the sunset. It's people like Jesse that renew my faith in humanity.

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