It's a dreadful and dangerous thing to say, but likely the only way monsters like Naheed Nenshi, Jason Kenny, or Deena Hinshaw will ever get the justice they richly deserve will be from an assassin's bullet.. utterly oblivious to the reality that if their behaviour wasn't so despicable they'd have no cause for concern.
It's likely why Justine Castreau is doing her best to ban guns in Canada...
It's a dreadful and dangerous thing to say, but likely the only way monsters like Naheed Nenshi, Jason Kenny, or Deena Hinshaw will ever get the justice they richly deserve will be from an assassin's bullet.. utterly oblivious to the reality that if their behaviour wasn't so despicable they'd have no cause for concern.
It's likely why Justine Castreau is doing her best to ban guns in Canada...
It's a dreadful and dangerous thing to say, but likely the only way monsters like Naheed Nenshi, Jason Kenny, or Deena Hinshaw will ever get the justice they richly deserve will be from an assassin's bullet.. utterly oblivious to the reality that if their behaviour wasn't so despicable they'd have no cause for concern.
It's likely why Justine Castreau is doing her best to ban guns in Canada...
That would be OK to me.
Banning guns? Or the other item?
Not banning guns.