At 77 years old I tell my friends I saw Canada and the world at it's BEST. I'm so sad and frustrated at how much my world has deteriorated and taken over everywhere by insane people wanting to rule over others. I fear for generations not born yet that have to pay taxes on borrowed money that Justin Trudeau has wasted everywhere. Canada used to be a proud, respected country of freedom and tolerance but not anymore. We have a traitor in charge who has separated us into different factions. He is without doubt the most dangerous person in Canada.

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So true, so sad and just as tragic, we have no legal recourse in Canada to help Canadians from what threatens them and their future generations!

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They're not insane Brian. Moreover they are doing what they're doing, not because they're incompetent or stupid: They're participating in the implementation of a deliberate agenda engendered by the Global Elites that has been in development for hundreds of years, in the service of their god, The Father of Lies. That agenda involves the destruction of Christianity and Western Civilization, the elimination of the white race and the enslavement of the remnant of humanity.

They are not insane (not primarily anyway): They are evil. There is a difference.

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Agreed. They are evil and on a deliberate agenda.

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Horrifying. Truly horrifying. All though I am not an Albertan, I have to defend the parents. They did not as you say "accept(ed) all of this", as you also say, they are not receiving informed consent! All though for those of us, who have been waking up (rudely) the last few years, we cannot imagine how anyone missed the fact that these V's are nothing but intentional poison, there are many who still don't know. If they are watching the news, reading the newspaper and keeping up their daily dose of mass hypnosis, they don't have a clue! I feel deeply sad for those parents who will inevitably lose a child to this de*th J*b. They do not deserve that, even if they were trusting the officials to do what we were allways told they were supposed to be doing for us. No-one should have to lose a child! I prefer to keep the blame where it belongs, with those who are intentionally K*llyng people for population reduction and for tracking. Parents do need to do their research, but they are not the one's holding the g*n. As for the albertan guv making it easier for families to give the pois*n shot to their children!... I am speechless!!

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Parents still have a choice. It's not like russian roulette and you don't have to play. Imagine being so isolated in this day and age with all the evidence at your finger tips. All one need do is be inquisitive and perhaps realize they've been fooled. Once they get past that hump there is no going back.

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To begin with, they have low IQs and zero sense of ethics.

They have no idea that their families, descendants, and relatives will eventually be caught up in this.

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They have a high enough IQ to fool the smart ones. Now that is ironic...

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It's more about not wanting to know when they know.

Fear & trust.

Two very interesting words.

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"Sooner or later, we all sit down to a banquet of consequences."

-- Robert Louis Stevenson

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💉Video on GMOs, from Australia. Damning. 23 minutes: https://open.substack.com/pub/ianbrighthope/p/covid-lessons-for-our-leaders?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios

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Australia passing legislation as bad as Canada and the rest of the world - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQThY6LAZMw The biggest problem with Australia and Canada is the Crown. The courts are not Canada's - they're basically England's although its the Crown really. The vows that Justin Trudeau swore when he took office were terrible. Until Canada is free of the Crown it will not be sovereign. In the United States the Governors of every state have more power than the Feds....not so in Canada. in the US - every state is like the whole of Canada. Canada is like a state in the US except its even worse because of the Crown. Maybe its hopeless, but the whole world is going down the tube. The Middle East is being ruined by Israel. As are we by the same masters that run Israel. Its a war. By the time kids are grown if we get through without a nuclear war, and this hasn't been stopped, there's going to be maybe only Russia and maybe South America that is going the right way but the zionists want Russia taken down ( with nuclear ) and then South America. Africa is so corrupt now that even though they're trying to get on board with BRICS, internally they are all so corrupt that its not going to work unless Russia can somehow help. But I believe the Lord gave this to humanity to learn how to fight on the side of the Good. Until now human beings haven't really done so. Not like now. So we have to keep fighting and keep integrity within our own lives. And hope Hezbollah and Palestine win.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

Any commonwealth former commonwealth nation is in on it. People should be putting their freedom toys away and start thinking like it is Aug1939. We are not the good guys and moreover really never have been. The nations have been captured for a very long time ago but they, up until now, never had the tech or money to put their technocracy into action. Many have already died and yet, the media is a quiet willing partner feeding the same old shit they did except with more brown faces and less white men.

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Yes, and it’s the trickle-down corruption in between, the people who take their pot of gold without thinking, with no hesitation.

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If you read on a wide basis I think it has become clear that nearly everything is altered, corrupted or poisoned including ourselves. It's in the air, in our food, our water and now our bodies and nobody wants to talk about it outside this little plantation.

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Yes, by far of course are the potentially lethal injections - yet they’re wanting to build more of the manufacturing facilities: https://open.substack.com/pub/lettersfromaustralia/p/gold-rush-australia-spends-millions?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios

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I have very strong opinions on the matter. Sharing them here is fruitless.

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Me too. I share them everywhere I can, even on politicians’ and Covid vaccine manufacturers’ Facebook pages. Pass me the hemlock.

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They WILL receive proper judgment… one day.

‘Cursed is he who accepts a bribe to strike down an innocent person.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

Whoever says to the guilty, "You are innocent," will be cursed by peoples and denounced by nations. But it will go well with those who convict the guilty, and rich blessing will come on them.

“It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord

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Canada needs what British Columbia has. BC and Switzerland have a law whereby if "X" amount of people sign a petition they can force an election before the present government's mandate is over. BC has used that law once in the past and had an election and threw the sitting party out. Canada needs a national version of that program.

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Notice what we're stuck with here in British Columbia, Brian?

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An excellent commentary. Now the question is: What can each one of us do about this? It is worth pondering...

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Its a sad country we live in now, the meetings are going on in NY as we speak to usher in the global government, next we will be like Zimbabwe, starving to death or dead, they're buying up all the farmland. Danielle Smith is nothing more than a cog in the wheel of destruction, she's a gutless nothing.

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Having lived in Alberta in the 80's I can't believe this is happening out there of all places. But the NDP did hork the election and in doing so, screwed the province sideways. Kinda like the British starting with david cameron and the endless line of conservative clowns all doing their dirty deeds and getting the boot. Nothing new under the sun...

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An apple a day keeps AHS away

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It is a shocking and appalling statement made by the ministry of health. There is a higher and more stringent identification of those who prey on the less vulnerable or have abused them. There is a reason why an announcement to the public is given when a previous sexual predator or violent offender of children is released from prison - to warn the public at large!

Today's justice system is a disaster due to the Liberals 'catch and release' policy as well as political prisoners being bankrupted over 'mischief' charges! This too is appalling and a disgrace to our country with the present ruling parties (Liberals & NDP) responsible - unconstitutional Coalition disbanded or not!

That being said, we have people paroled who shouldn't be, and people held unjustly in legal 'no man's land' and justified by our politicians why the people protest these injustices. But now under threat that peaceful protest is now a thing of the past as presently people are dragged through court until it breaks them financially, while the country as a whole is headed for broke due to Ottawa's spending like a drunken sailor and hiking taxes causing inflation for which none but the wealthy can endure.

All of which is no accident. What Dr. Makis addresses is part of the whole attack on our province, our country and humanity as a whole. This is spiritual warfare and the death culture is getting away with murder! God help us, is not cliche or mundane statement - it is plea of realism and prayer for help. No politician will save us, only God can do that. I believe God has been gracious to buy us some time with Danielle and the UCP winning over Notley and the NDP. But the whole system is corrupt, as Dr. Makis repeatedly points out along with several other brave doctors, lawyers, and everyday people like us.

Evil is advancing and the Lord told us this would happen in the end times. Who cannot see that our culture is ripe to accept a 'man of lawlessness' to be in power and the 'antichrist' become the received ruler who will promote persecution against God's people and believers worldwide. Christians need to stand up and be counted, and let your light so shine. Bonhoeffer did and it costed him his life. You cannot call out evil and expose the darkness without opposition and persecution. God says this in His Word and Jesus told us, "The world hates Me because i testify that its deeds are evil". If we do not shine our light and expose evil, the Lord just has to allow the darkness to get even darker so that even that little match can be seen from afar.

O Lord God Almighty, pour out Your Spirit to strengthen the weak; to make bold the timid and for Your righteous remnant to herald that Your just judgement is coming upon all evildoers and that You will destroy those who destroy the earth but reward the prophets, saints and those who fear Your Name (Revelation 11:18). For Jesus sake, Amen.

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I don't like to write lightly about this things. I found that picture on her facebook, I hope it entails everything we hope for:


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Simple solution. Stay away from doctors and hospitals. Study. Be your own doctor so you and children are healthy. Pharma industry are greedy crooks. They do not care for your health people, this is a profiteering medical mafia not just in Albert but globally

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As I've said before: Criminality bordering on the psychotic. Corruption enough to gag an army of maggots. What will it take, to wake humanity up?

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The Govt controls the politicians, who are all on the same "team". No one cares about "lower" class, who pay politician's salaries. So who really rules the roost? This is about control of the masses. There is nothing in this for ordinary folk. Injections, polarization of opinions, and conflict of families and friends. We are in a crisis.

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I personally follow the politicans and medical people in our province of Alberta, and in other provinces, and am a follower of you Dr. Makis. I am a strong vocal supporter of no vax, against sogi curriculum in shcools. against child mutilation re gender surgeries etc. I support alternative medicines and am vocal about that. I have worked and volunteered in the field of addictions for 40 years, so I am not some naive person to the evil in this world. I would like to know where i can find video footage of the Health Minister in Alberta saying that pedophilla is a hobby or an interest.. Does anyone have it or know where i can find it?

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