Doesn't matter where in The West you go, or what Agency you care to mention: Criminality at the brink of psychosis; corruption enough to gag an army of maggots. What in Hell has happened to us?

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We all, or at least enough of us, got sucked into busy lives, barely enough time to exist beyond working and paying the bills, and lured by ease and convenience beyond that, net result being that very few have the time or energy left to even give a shit. Even for those who do care, the official info channels are also corrupted and falsified, and no one wants to be singled out as the conspiracy theory nutjob.

It's terrible, and sad. I've tried to open the eyes of some family members, etc, to some of what's going on, all I hear in response is "well, why would they do that?" The level of trust in our corrupt and failing institutions is baffling to me, but I guess I used to trust them as well, or at least trust what I was told about them.

People in this country need to wake up, and fast, but so far it appears they're not going to. I mean, the fact is 3/4 of the population obediently lined up to get jabbed, repeatedly, with an unknown substance, never thinking twice about it, and even worse, took their children for the same, while getting angry and spiteful towards those of us who advocated caution regarding such things. I feel it's even more difficult to wake up to reality after that, as it then means accepting the reality of what you've done to yourself and your kids.

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At a church dinner. The pastor is talking about the need for more space in the worship center. Post covid we can't put the maximum number of chairs in because people are uncomfortable being so close. My (unspoken) thought: I wish people were as uncomfortable about toxic jabs, perhaps especially the other pastor who's sick again with a respiratory illness. I think often of the old expression, "too heavenly minded to be of earthly good."

Thank you, Dr. Makis, for being a courageous warrior.

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There is none so blind as those who will not see.

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Yes thank you Dr Makis

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Since the COVID era my views are changed: it's not about being busy or ignorant per se : people have actually purposefully adopted a strange new religion. With deep fervor and zeal. They'll gladly force their sacrament on you or take you out if you resist. I've seen this in close relatives. Since I rejected the jab it's like they actually hate me. I feel I'm in a dream.

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More like a nightmare

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I have to concur. I have been sounding the warnings openly (and nicely) 2020 to 2022 and in the eyes of my neighbours and friends went from a respected citizen to an antivaxer conspiracy idiot. Some even tapped their forehead laughing when I warned about vax passes, calling it preposterous. It NEVER could happen in Canada, and 6 mo. later most were jumping up and down to enforce it in town, grinning from restaurant windows at the segregated. If anything, the stigma deepened after the ’pandemic’ dust settled and left a belligerence in a social club that has crossed a line.

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Yes to full of pride to even take a look at what they let them do to themselves. Now their young people and children are dying. The media is the worst of all. If they would just start coming clean. This should be all over the news and it isn’t. We don’t even have a lawyer that would take this on. As they have been retained by the corrupt government. We need a leader that is not afraid to bulldoze through all this corruption and start arresting these slime buckets. It would only take a few to fall before the rest would come forth. It doesn’t look like we have one to do that.

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Dr.Makis would be the one to take them down, if only Premier Smith could hire him. Wouldn’t that be nice!

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I feel I was much the same. I've worked in health care for 40 yrs and now realize I was way too trusting. I have had some excellent doctors over the years, including one that performed surgery for cancer. After that experience and then Covid I have done a lot of research and now trust very few in the medical system. I thank God for those doctors like Dr Makis who keep revealing the truth.

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No kidding. This thing is so sick and evil. It will take an act of God to stop them.

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I believe this is what happens when God is removed from School’s, Society, Government and a Country. I would recommend reading Roman’s 1, all of it. I also believe that all should read Proverbs. God Bless

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Do you think The Vaccinated have enough brain power left to understand what they're reading? Here's the reality of what The Purebloods are facing in the next few years Gail:

https://x.com/liz_churchill10/status/1835665832359109076 (via https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/absolutely-terrifying-hospital-nurse)

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If they truly want to know the TRUTH then God will help them. As for what the world is facing in the very near future, I have read the end of the BOOK and well it is beyond what anyone can even begin to imagine or explain. We haven’t seen anything yet as this ‘Plandemic’ was just the test run and first step to what is about to be unleashed on this unsuspecting world’s population’s, it is JUST the beginning.

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Outrageous! Criminality in Canada has gone beyond a level anyone can imagine possible.

It appears beyond hopeless

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The interesting edge is the assured carelessness and confidence with which crimes and treason are perpetrated in the open. Not a worry in sight that accountability could catch up with them. The fox hasn’t just raided the henhouse, he’s living in it.

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What a story. What a nightmare.

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The corruption is so thick it's pure insanity at this point and no doubt BC's (where I reside) million dollar Cancer facility is under utilized as well. However, I realized 20+ years ago that cancer was BIG BUSINESS and stopped donating as I kept receiving pens, note cards etc from the Cancer Society. In frustration I packed all items and returned them to whatever 'head office' with a note stating my intentions with donating was for the money to go into research NOT trinkets of appreciation. Well, I discovered that only around 2% of 'donations' goes into research the rest goes into the 'business' of running cancer agencies. WHEN COVID hit I started looking further into the major players involved due to the refusal of administering Ivermectin (Rockefeller, WHO etc) and discovered they've been holding onto the knowledge of MANY 'cures' for various cancers for decades but because Cancer is such a huge money maker for the grifters everywhere the 'cures' are under wraps! Think about how many people donate 'in memory of' to both the Cancer Society and the Heart and Stroke Foundation through funeral homes when someone dies. OUR diseases have been turned into profits for those who either have no conscience or are too engrossed in their 'world' to THINK beyond 5 minutes and start doing some digging. Now with Bill C293 in the Senate for passing and the upcoming UN 'Summit for the Future' conference on the 22/23 whereby OUR 'healthcare' will be decided by the WHO and their 'plandemic' plans for enforced lockdowns and jabs for even a sniffle there may be nowhere to turn. What a sad world, humanity has lost it's way. Yet, I THANK YOU Dr. Makis, for your courage and for having a conscience and pray more will awaken and stand up speak up and turn their back on tyranny for the safe of us all.

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This story just smells true. The narrative, the motivations, the cast of characters. Nasty bunch.

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Putting man in charge of large sums of money they did not earn, with the ability to use their platform as a moral high ground rarely works out for the benefit of regular people. But they do get millions to join in on raking in money for them now, don't they? Lots of new Cancer Centers popping up. At least where I am there are. And if you do research at the number of large Cancer Centers per State, it is more than disturbing. What is real and what is true? Certainly not the pablum they are feeding us.

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Murderna in Laval, the new $180M slurry production facility churning out new mRNA cancer jabs is all part of it.

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Yeah, a half mile from the cancer center in a nearby city is a huge new facility under construction. Wu-Xi Biologics. Hmm, Wu-Xi....where have I heard anything similar.

Talk about in your face, huh?

We are truly funding humankind's own demise, and people just keep lining up.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Yup. Wu-xi, under WHO One Health that is downright local (sarc.). Biologics: “ include vaccines, whole blood, blood components, allergenics, somatic cells, gene therapies, tissues, recombinant therapeutic protein, and living medicines used in cell therapy.” “Wu-xi has 18 manufacturing sites including ten in China and went public on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in June 2017.“ See, they all knew what was coming ! “ In August 2020, WuXi Biologics was selected to become a component of the Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong. Hang Seng, like Hang Seng Bank.

In January 2024 share price fell since the US Congress blocked any federal government contracts with WuXi B. due to national security concerns, alleging collaboration with the People's Liberation Army as a part of the Chinese Communist Party's military-civil fusion strategy. So that’s what it’s called, eh, <MILITARY-CIVIL-FUSION. > If we could make vaccines blow up people’s toys, they’d notice. But it’s just killing them, so who cares.

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This "season" has been an exercise in rage control. What is so clear to me is hidden or unperceived and I honestly feel like we live in a zombie world...day and night of the living dead.

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We do. Canada has a very high compliance rate. I spend a lot of time regrouping in nature. Some research indicates the slurry has effects on the brain. Everyone sedated? But also, a large contingent of unjabbed resisters have told me lately (angrily) they have resumed their normie lives to enjoy themselves. 🤔. Consciously opting for a dead-end is troubling. I mostly write it off to hopium for a rising political resolution and don’t share the hopium (but am open to pleasant surprises). It’s important we keep marching forward. There are more of us than the media lets on and the straw will finally break when people realize the rot has hollowed out the core.

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They will be used as Guinea pigs for new drugs.

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Yup… Cancer is an industry run by those who ARE cancer to the rest of us

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Every agency has to be dismantled to the studs and re-built with honest Canada loving people.

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Most of them don’t need to be rebuilt, ever, if we really want to have a decent country to live in.

And for playing God with genetics, on humans and all beings and plants, the perpetrators should be all stopped and punished , with life in prison or more.

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They need to be executed then buried under the prison.

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This article will wake up a few people! Thanks for your courage, Dr Makis!!

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The corruption certainly runs deep! Will anything get done about all this? What r ur thoughts on the bill C293 that has gone to senate? I’m looking for the petition to sign to stop this.

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Petitions don't do shit. Waste of time. Go visit your elected, selected public representative. Get the lies told straight to your face. It's your tax dollars at work funding the WEF led penetrated cabinet.

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Dr. Read Dr. Mary's Monkey. Dr. Mary was creating a lethal cancer which kills in 30 days. It was uses on Jack Ruby. You'll understand what they are doing; mutating the cancer in those patients.

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Thank you Dr Maki's for your work and being so right to the point.

I am asking and praying to God to transfer some money to the good people so we have the ability to change this world. I am so fed up with those corrupted people taking everything and putting people more poor, more vulnerable. Let's be all together to create the new world, with our visions.❤️🕊️

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Not sure all these sinners and Satanist will fit in Dante's "9 circles of Hell". Perhaps more circles should be added and the existing ones expanded to accommodate the supply and demand.

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That's the way Doc...good work...I relished the article...the truth is good...Alberta (AHS et al) BAD to the BONE...in their case, marrow cancer, untreatable...they MUST be amputated and incinerated to save the province. Thanks for all your work Doc...we're still here. p.s Thank you for diagnosing the real cancer in Alberta.

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Thank u for that. Of course it’s another way to get rid of people😡😳

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I agree - this is probably the “tip of the iceberg”. Elected officials and bureaucrats have used Canadian taxpayer dollars as their own personal piggy bank. Even worse, they seem to have no sense of the wrong they are doing. The entitlement has become so institutionalized that they view it as a “right”. And equally as bad, many seem to have little or no concern that their actions harm other people. Early on, we heard about how the covid vaxx could affect the gene that governs compassion. So between self interest and loss of compassion, this is the challenge we are facing. Let’s unite and move these morons out of these jobs.

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