Very good, Doc...it is another advance in the fight...exposing the lies the government told us. Much of what you have said here is accurately documented in the book released recently, "THE PFIZER PAPERS" , edited by Naomi Wolf, with Amy Kelly, providing expert analysis of Pfizer's crimes against humanity. You have been correct all this time Doc...and in fact you are mentioned in this 386 page text, on page 211 actually. Thanks for all you've done in this fight to save lives. God bless you, and your family. Incidentally, the book makes it clear that Pfizer's intention was to harm reproduction...and women have been harmed the most...igniting a fierce anger in me...I want to see Bourla face justice by hanging...the harms were deliberate, and concealed, and Pfizer asked the courts to seal the documents for over 70 years...until all who were harmed had died off. Judgement is coming.

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I said this, precise scenario about the whole plandemic to anyone who would listen. I was locked out of the hospital 2 days before they started the genocide by bioweapon. They had put me on nights for 4 months. AHS are very bad people. They tortured any one who did not submit to the Mind Fuck. This was a communist agenda. You never constant mask. I was a mask fitter for years in NEBC, they followed no policy. They had an agenda, and they had the CV19 5g cloud Ai dashboard in 2017. Plug and play simulation Global pandemic.

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Bless your heart Donna for your exposing truth and engaging the battle. The hero doc Makis, and Davidson and others like yourself within the medical arena have inspired so many of us in calling out the nonmedical, unethical, evil agenda foisted on unsuspecting public!

Thank you!

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I am surprised that women's groups are so silent. Every woman has been abused and violated by the bioweapon. Dr. Wolf was particularly concerned about the damage and potential damage to women's reproductive health. Men are not immune either but it shows up quicker in women. The doctors that are trashing the report could not have read it or they have a vested interest some way.

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I'm not surprised. Almost everyone is gaslit and brainwashed.

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Or bought off, paid a lot of cash.

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The ones that are bought off are some of the ones doing the gaslighting and brainwashing.

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Snakes. . It is all being exposed....way too late! Will there be any accountability!?

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The irony, Bob, is it is the year of the snake according to the Chinese calendar. You just can’t make this sh*t up!!

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Pardon me if I sound pessimistic or if my lack of applause for Alberta’s “quiet” release of a report on mRNA “vaccines “is deafening. Let’s hope and pray instead it’s a spark that ignites the nation.

So why does it seem far too little, too late? After Canada’s precedent-setting and first ever independent National Citizens Inquiry and 5,000+ page review and report on Covid 19 was blatantly shoved aside and ignored, one cannot help but wonder why Alberta’s report on Covid harms would be any different?

FACT: The monstrous mad elephant in the room called “human gene therapy” does not seem to be going away. Instead it appears to be morphing into something far WORSE. Only hours into his freedom-loving presidency in the USA that had many people around the world jumping for joy, we all suffered severe whiplash after hearing of Trump’s wild leap into expanding nano mRNA technology by signing onto an AI-mRNA multi billion dollar project. Does this sound like “banning” mRNA is happening anytime or anywhere soon?

Trump’s bizarre move to expand mRNA coupled with AI is nightmarish. Worse still, it was announced with a smile, and could easily nullify any future attempts anywhere to ban harmful experiments on humans.

Let’s hope the domino effect of Trump’s multi billion$$$$ experiment with AI-mRNA doesn’t snuff out Alberta’s light at the end of the tunnel.

BOTTOMLINE: Crimes against humanity should NEVER take a “quiet” backseat to anything or anyone EVER.

Human mRNA experiments need to STOP 🛑 NOW.

Ban crimes against humanity worldwide!!

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At this moment, we’ve all lost at least one person, family members or friends, to Covid scam injections. The mourning lasts a while but collective fury builds quietly and is everlasting until released.

The masses inevitably will rise soon, if nobody up there punishes these criminals.

If risings are each one in their neighborhood, at the same hour on all planet, in ten minutes the jerks are running, without any violence.No controlled Truckers convoy,with operative grannies like leaders this time and will all be good .

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To be fair, that project was started by Biden et al. And he is continuing it.

Tho I agree with what you said. Most people don’t realize this.

Also the two that met with him were sucking up as they are democrats through and through.

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Yes, that was a whiplash moment, but in God's grace gives us a lay of the land as to who is who in the zoo.

We are in trouble.

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Mainstream media is doing everything possible to cast shade on this report 😵‍💫

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But we know who controls mainstream media, so no surprise.

I just read Rebel news article on it. We need all alternative news outlets to camp on this!! And the public pick this up and demand our MLAs act on it.

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The whole Covid 19 genocidal project has never had any legal basis to poison citizens against their personal concerns. Had health advisors adhered to the Constitution, the Hypocratic Oath and common sense medications such as Ivermectin, hydroxychlorine etc the entire hoax would have been immediately terminated.

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Yes indeed.

The “authorities” said at once that no antivirals would help - ridiculous given all the antivirals that existed, that could be tried. Then they jumped to dismiss HCQ & IVM as soon as good doctors announced they were getting great outcomes.

The MANY bureaucrats, politicians & industrialists involved in the scam need to be put ON TRIAL & face JUSTICE for crimes against humanity. Particularly for breaking the NUREMBERG CODE.

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There should be a lot of immediate punishments, in western societies, for crowds of murderers ‘following orders’, all of them!

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Positive news! Thank you Dr. Makis.🙏

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The proud gaslighting by the Alberta Medical Association of this report as “anti science, misinformation” is hilarious . You would think that after 5 years of their lies and well funded support, they might tone it down a bit. But no, double down. I’m looking forward to hearing my favorite esteemed Professor Caulfield, the harbinger to truth (not) in this upside down country.


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Well, Caulfield is already spewing out the fiction about the report. Of course he is a lawyer, not a doctor. The real hypocrisy is that he specializes in "ethics in medicine". I guess that is why he accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from Trudeau to do a report on "misinformation re covid".

Yes, this country is trying to dig a deep hole.

Meanwhile there was Trudeau in Poland talking about avoiding another Holocaust.

That response by the Alberta AMA president and Reimer, the national president really take the cake. They are why over 60,000 have died as the safe and effective treatments are BANNED.

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Interesting and boringly familiar how MSM outlets like the Globe & Mail and the Edmonton Journal immediately swing into damage-limitation mode and try to discredit this official report. The Covid vaccination program is the result of an unholy alliance between the military-industrial complex and Big Pharma, motivated by power, greed and total psychopathy worthy of any mental institution inhabitant. The vaccines are the justification for a global lockdown on our movements, with Part 2 coming soon. When will the sheeple finally wake up? No signs of it in my town yet, I still see people wearing masks outdoors, and the light of zealots in their eyes as they rush en masse to hear our pharmacist's lecture on the new autumn boosters.

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The 1,233 deaths mentioned were reported in just 90 days ! ( 1st December 2020 to 28th February 2021 ).

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I sent the Pfizer trial data page to my covidiot sister years ago when it first came out thinking that might wake her up. She STILL went on to get at least 2 more boosters after that based on the recommendation of her DOCTOR. It’s the damn doctors I blame.

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Yes, you're right to blame them. They carry such power and those doctors on the telly speak with such conviction - like they know everything. They have a lot to answer for ..... but is anyone asking them any questions ? My heart is gladdened that things are changing but it's taken SO LONG. If you're Canadian may I ask if you ever saw the video "Indestructible". It said so much about the hell you faced.

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No Im not Canadian

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In the previous REAL vaccines, if 50 died, the vaccine was immediately withdrawn. Of course, this is not a "vaccine". It was only planned to make money for the drug companies who "bought" the medical organizations.

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It was an orchestrated fraud of global proportions. We need answers but where are our journalists and investigative reporters to ask the hard questions and get at the truth?

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They are more worried about Trump. They never asked ANY questions in the last 5 years. Bought by the drug companies.

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Fantastic! The world is flipping to the light! mRNA is a gonner!!

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All vaccines are gonners.

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No it isn't. They will just hide the mRNA in other injections and in the food, and then there's chem trails. The globalist de-population/trans-human agenda has not gone away. And it won't go away until all the psychos are either locked up or they die in a mass extinction event.

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240Gordie--yeah that is their gameplan but I hope u are dead wrong and we and Trump and RFK Jr stop them in their tracks!! Education and enlightenment are the key!

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Oh Facebook won’t let me share or even look up your name. I can’t search anyone’s name. Wanted to share but I can’t. So doesn’t look like Mark is holding his end of the bargain after all!

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Are you surprised?

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Has Rebel News ever interviewed you? I stopped supporting them when you reported their reticence a year or more ago. I had supported their coverage of pastor Artur, and the truckers.

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Why is there no link to this Alberta government review or any other articles about it? I'm dubious this review expresses the opinion of the Alberta government, or that the Alberta government will make any moves to restrict COVID shots due to this review.

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Thank you for sharing

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OMG what a tediously LONG read!!!!

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Jan 28
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They covered all the bases. The doctors dissenting likely have not read the report or have a vested interest. They should be very concerned at a minimum.

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Thanks for sharing more good news Dr Makis! Perhaps the light of truth is beginning to shine more brightly? Thanks be to God for guiding us through this darkness back into the light.

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Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement. Thou Shalt not Steal is One of God's Ten Commandments and Stealing is a Criminal Offence. Thou Shalt not Kill is One of God's Ten Commandments and Genocide is a Criminal Offence. How to Check Disclosure of Vote Rigging on an Industrial Scale. https://sleazeexpo.wordpress.com/crux-votegateuk-legal-proof-of-5-voting-categories/ God Bless All the Good People Exposing the Truth

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