Apr 29Liked by Dr. William Makis MD

Great job, as always, Dr. Makis! You are a true hero.

And most of the rest of the medical ‘profession’? I’ll never again believe ANYTHING they say. That so-called profession has lost all credibility, just as the pharmaceutical industry has. Shame on them!

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Apr 29Liked by Dr. William Makis MD

I love this, great show Dr Makis.

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Apr 29Liked by Dr. William Makis MD

Excellent as always and I think limiting it to 15 minutes is spot on! Sometimes I don’t get a chance to listen to ones that are over an hour long. Great idea!

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Apr 29Liked by Dr. William Makis MD

That asshole told pg women the shot didn't cross placenta. She did NOT KNOW that then and should NOT have said that and because that was unknown then it never should have been recommended for pg women based on that alone. As a added bonus it got in to the breast milk too. What a total nightmare!

It's hard to believe so many got them too. Despite all the unknowns. Even harder to believe so many medical doctors took little issue with any of it. Rushed, new, unknowns. Just take it. It's sickening.

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Our own CDC director said the same thing to the nation just a few to several months ago, I believe: safe to take the jab during pregnancy!

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It’s embarrassing watching a “ professional “ person make an idiot of themselves.

However, in the past, such people might be able to grab on to an excuse, such as that they got “ played “ by a sophisticated cabal of attackers. They might claim that they merely regurgitated pretty sales pitches about the jabs that they assumed were true.

Now that everyone knows it was all BS, it’s time for apologies, and payouts to the injured and killed. From now on, recommending a jab is attempted murder.

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29

Doctors discredited themselves to us all when we realized that despite their many years of education and rigorous vetting ( fewer than 10% of med school applicants gain admission, and even to qualify to apply you have be a top student, typically with research and publications etc etc), they are in fact merely parrots for their governing bodies, and for big pharma. But when their hubris caused them not to take any of the many “off ramp” opportunities we presented them , when instead they

doubled down, ridiculed and even killed those of us who declined the jabs because we actually

did our own research (God bless you, Sheila Lewis) , well then they showed us they’re also mortally dangerous egotists, which has disqualified them as healers completely.

I have to say I do take some schadenfreude from the fact that they are now being subject to the capital gains tax increase imposed by Justin, for whom they sold, coerced and mandated the jabs like eager soldiers, utterly dispensing with their vows to the hypocritical oath altogether. CMA actually had the temerity to cry about it on social media the other day, “warning” us that the policy could cause some of their egomaniac drug pushers to quit. I don’t know- sounds like a win/ win to me?

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What professionals? They are paid off monsters

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Apr 29Liked by Dr. William Makis MD

Love how direct and honest you are

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Did people catch what that Fraud-QUACK-demon said....."And as you know, the best evidences are changing quickly in covid". <<<< And THIS is wtf 'they' call 'science'. While SANE HUMANS call it ANYTHING BUT! It's just MADE UP BULLSHIT!

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Yes… I caught that as well. Whenever anybody uses a term like "as you know, as we all know, it's commonly known, it's common knowledge, everybody knows or the science is settled" - I feel that it is an attempt to get me to stop thinking, critically or otherwise, and just accept what they are telling me.

Statements like this only serve to encourage me to take a deep dive and prove them wrong.

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I was more focused on the, "the best evidences are changing quickly in covid", part.

If their 'evidences' keep 'changing quickly', then it means several things. Like, 'they' have NO CLUE of wtf they are talking about.....and, therefore, WHY should ANYBODY LISTEN to THEM?! lolol And THAT is my #1 take-away from what that demon said. #2 take-away is.....they're LYING and are just making shit up.....BECAUSE they don't know shit (the 'changing quickly'), and, AGAIN.....WHY THEN should ANYBODY listen to them?!

We should all have ONE reaction, when a QUACK (aka a FAKE doctor) starts shooting their mouth off about another 'deadly disease'......and that is......"FUCK OFF!". lol

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I attended a funeral last year in the Philippines of a 30 some years old mother of 3 who died in 2023 from hemorrhaging during a c-section only for her 4th. I also lost 1 sibling to sepsis and I sibling to multiple metastasized turbo (4 months from clear of cancer to death) cancers. 2 others of my family passed in 2023 one of heart attack and other where cause was not revealed.

A fellow tenant had neurological affects immediately after 2nd shot and is now in care home. One co-worker with eye operations ( no previous sight problems before shots)

My fiancee developed 4 of the adverse events since getting 2 jabs and her mother died of metastasized breast cancer after 2 shots.

I feel like I am in a Salvadore Dali artwork even though I never got any jabs due to prudence gained from reading hundreds of biology and chemistry papers in spring summer 2020.

Everyday I shed tears for all injured. Supreme gratitude and respect for Dr. W Makis and cohorts.

Still mother nature inspires me daily with the miracles of life surrounding me as I decided about a decade ago to live mostly off-grid.

Be brave, speak your minds.

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Apr 29Liked by Dr. William Makis MD

Thank you so much for tell us the truth Dr Macis

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Apr 29Liked by Dr. William Makis MD

So glad you are doing this podcast! This information has to be spread far and wide, thank you Dr. Makis. What a terrible crime.

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29Liked by Dr. William Makis MD

Thank you for this podcast, Dr Makis.

It was difficult to listen to this damning news and I grieve for those who are probably still suffering emotionally from the loss of a babe.

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Painful ….the hopes and dreams, what name shall we choose? …plans for the new life and giggles…and first tooth, first Christmas, first haircut! …first day at school, and so exciting! big sister or brother to the next baby. Words cannot express ….to all of you, I am so very sorry.

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Thank you for this research & information. Love the podcast! Keep ‘em rolling!

With the push of the HPV vaccine in the 20teens for both females & males, could this account for some of the rise in stillbirth numbers prior to the C-19 mass injections? I’m aware that the HPV shots have other adverse reactions, so, I’m just wondering.

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Very astute observation, Renee.

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Apr 29Liked by Dr. William Makis MD


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What they have done, and are doing to children, is humanly unforgivable.

"Medical malpractice, medical malfeasance"... and what about breach of trust, public mischief, public endangerment, gross negligence, premeditated murder (because they knew the harms)? I'm sure a number of others could be added in legal, common and natural law.

They should take the one opportunity Jesus gives them to come clean. No matter what they have been bribed or blackmailed with, coming clean will be better than what Satan has in store for those who conspire with him. He is NOT their friend. Jesus is their only hope. The clock is running down and eternity is forever.

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Unfortunately, the powers that be, have already legally written into law that Big Pharma, the Department of Defense, and vaccine manufacturers, cannot be held responsible for the death and destruction imposed upon humanity by these nefarious agents.

However, hard hitting, no-hold-barred, facts as presented by this podcast, can only help to embolden the public into adapting a non-compliance stance toward these entities.

We can defeat and destroy this extinction-level, experimental assault on us., only through non-compliance.

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Yes but all that is off the table once you prove the committed fraud.

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Great job with this. I look forward to digging into this with you.

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