Dr. Makis, God works in mysterious ways. We just found out today that a relative has a brain tumor. We don't know yet the status of the tumor but as the relative is fully vaxxed, there is concern. I have known of Fenben for a while but with these research studies that you cited in hand, my family may actually consider using this treatment. I am so grateful for ALL that you've done and ALL that you're doing. God bless you and your family.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

That relative is so lucky that you are paying attention and even luckier that we have Dr. Makis. Pretty much all my family members ignored me and went out and got the shots, and I have gone through the cycle of mocking them for not listening sympathizing with them for doing what they thought was right and now I have armed myself with several bottles of FENBEN 444 mg, ready to help just in case.

Don’t forget about the importance of adding vitamin E and curcumin and CBD oil (and if anybody knows of a good source for CBD oil in Canada please let me know)

God bless you and best of luck with helping your relative.

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Fayanne, thank you for your kind words. Yes, the tragedies that await us all are going to require all hands on deck and the support and love of those of us who are healthy and awake. I think the idea of "community" will really be counted on and knowing that our community are folks like you and Dr Makis, well, we might just make it out to the other side! I had forgotten about the vitamin E, curcumin and CBD - thanks for the reminder. Prayers and good wishes to you and your family

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So nice thank you

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I have access to very good CBD if you’d like to connect.

Consciousedge@gmail.com 🙏

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Thank you, Kimberly. Please feel free to drop the link to the buying source

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Indiamart.com is the option I used to buy Ivermectin in 2021 and Fenbendazole just a few weeks ago. Best of luck to your relative.

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Which brand did you get? What was the cost per strip in CDN$ and the shipping?

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deletedJun 17
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If you need their email or cell phone number you can message me

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There's an English guy on YT who had bone cancer 12 yrs ago who went on this med which can be bought OTC for Pin worms. He shocked his oncolgist as the trumour shrunk and then disappeared. Re glucose - my throat cancer brother had to be fed by stomach tube after botched surgery. Main ingredient in the liquid nutrient bags - Glucose! He didn't survive.

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Oh my God that’s awful. I’m so sorry for your loss.

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It's several years ago, BC, (before Covid). Up to Covid, I, like most people, had 100% trust in government for health, if not other matters, so we dutifully get our kids vaccinated, make sure grandma gets her flu shots, takes her statin pill for high cholestrol, etc. From an accidental landing on a website, Vaccine Impact, how the test for Covid was concocted without any actual virus and the scientists who discovered this were against using PCR as diagnostic as it wasn't capable or built for that. Anyway, from there, I learned more, how Rockefeller took over using petrochemicals which can be patented to mimic natural reemedies, which can't. Some of these were cancer cures, herbals from native north american indians, funghi, apricot seed kernals, electromagnetic wave treatments, etc. All these were stopped, equipment and files removed, sometimes buildings set on fire, people harrassed, threatened with jail, and some convenientally died, usually murdered, crimes never solved, of course. It made me realise that our good health is the last thing pharma or governments want. They want a continuous stream of sick people to make money off. Too late for my brother but Convid opened my eyes and hopefully many others' eyes too, particularily childhood vaccinations with death, autism, autoimmune probs, etc.

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HI- check out the "not really a coloring book" info piece, "First Do No Harm" for those who are open to it, at inkfunny.com

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Just found out today, my friend's 52 yr old son, diagnosed with bladder cancer, mets to bones, and unable to pass water. Two urine tubes inserted to drain bladder. I've forwarded these videos. No idea of care plan except he can't go home to be on his own. This is UK, not (yet) privatised or insurance driven, but more probable financial cost/patient benefit and they'll have no doubt written him off already. He was not C jabbed.

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Dr. Makis, you are such a blessing

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Great respect to you Dr. Makis!!! You are saving many around the globe.

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Greeting to you Dr Makis and and everyone who follows your work, [ you obviously take your hippocratic Oath seriously] you truly are our Rock in these crazy time's, 'Knowlegde is Power' I'm a 61 year old, Ex Australian Army I was enjured during my service which has developed into on going issues with blood clotting when the 100% safe and effective Jab was rolled out in Australia my Amazing Wife who is also my carer expressed her concerns about this so called safe Jab due, to your blood clotting issues it's probably not the best health choice to make and if you do decide to have the jab I'm leaving you So pleased I listened to my wonderful wife, unfortunatley my wife tried to warn her brother not to have the jab, we just got word that his wife has been diagnosed with bladder cancer you are all in our thoughts and prayers

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Thank You for all your efforts🙏🙏🙏

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Brilliant video, many thanks Doctor. Does anyone know which brand of Fenbendazole Joe Tippens used that cured his stage 4 cancer? How often would you need Liver & Kidney Tests?

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Thanks for the link. I have purchased 100g 222mg from FenBen Labs. I thought a loved one had cancer but thank god it was a false alarm. It's staying sealed hopefully we never rjave to use it. I just wanted to know the exact Fenbendazole Joe Tippens used, I don't know bink it was Fen Ben. Dr Makis says you should be armed with Fenbendazole and Ivermectin.

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I've been taking ivermectin 2x a month since 2020 Dec. Take it now in case I get shed on. Horse paste mixed with applesauce. According to weight.

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Joe Tippens takes Panacur by Merck. Safeguard is also good.

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THANK YOU Dr Makis…Thank You!

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Cancer seemed to rear its ugly head in the 1960's. Until then, little has transpired. Now, Dr Makis is becoming the game changer. Cancer patients were mostly sent home to die after their wealth had been vacuumed up. As we move forward, let's pray that with the help from real caring doctors, that death from cancer, will become a thing of the past..

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Thank you Dr Makis

Can FenBen or MenBen be taken as a preventive therapy after a cancer that has not reappeared / recurred?

Thank you

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That’s what Joe Tippens did …refer To Dr. Makis last video

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Does anyone have an address where I can obtain ? Please share

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I have bought Fenben from here twice; fast efficient service.


It can be bought from Amazon but I prefer not to use them; Fenben Labs are cheaper anyway I think.

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Good idea!! there are so many fake products on Amazon

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Thank you David. I ONLY use Amazon sparsely.

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Dr, Makis: This may be of good interest to you and your followers:


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Dr. Makis- I’m recently diagnosed with a stage 1b aggressive breast CA so your post is Uber relevant. I’m unvaxxed. Would so appreciate your input! Fen vs Men? Or just take what I can purchase somewhere?

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The papers Dr. Makis is showing—are they located on any website?

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type the titles into google, you will find them.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Dr Makis,

Several years ago, I took a course of drugs recommended by https://careoncologyclinic.com/

My drugs: -

METFORMIN M/R at 500mg once a day for two weeks with breakfast, followed by 500mg twice daily after meals thereafter (with close monitoring of gastrointestinal toxicities).

ATORVASTATIN10mg at night for four weeks, followed by 20mg once daily at night thereafter (with close monitoring of muscular symptoms and liver function tests).

MEBENDAZOLE at 100mg once daily with food, alternated on a monthly basis with DOXYCYCLINE100mg once daily. Doxycycline should be taken after a meal/snack if nausea is an issue.

John K Barclay

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