METFORMIN M/R at 500mg once a day for two weeks with breakfast, followed by 500mg twice daily after meals thereafter (with close monitoring of gastrointestinal toxicities).
METFORMIN M/R at 500mg once a day for two weeks with breakfast, followed by 500mg twice daily after meals thereafter (with close monitoring of gastrointestinal toxicities).
ATORVASTATIN10mg at night for four weeks, followed by 20mg once daily at night thereafter (with close monitoring of muscular symptoms and liver function tests).
MEBENDAZOLE at 100mg once daily with food, alternated on a monthly basis with DOXYCYCLINE100mg once daily. Doxycycline should be taken after a meal/snack if nausea is an issue.
Dr Makis,
Several years ago, I took a course of drugs recommended by
My drugs: -
METFORMIN M/R at 500mg once a day for two weeks with breakfast, followed by 500mg twice daily after meals thereafter (with close monitoring of gastrointestinal toxicities).
ATORVASTATIN10mg at night for four weeks, followed by 20mg once daily at night thereafter (with close monitoring of muscular symptoms and liver function tests).
MEBENDAZOLE at 100mg once daily with food, alternated on a monthly basis with DOXYCYCLINE100mg once daily. Doxycycline should be taken after a meal/snack if nausea is an issue.
John K Barclay