Thank you for your courage and commitment to exposing the truth. May you be protected and blessed beyond measure.

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Good job! When you see evil, call it out! Shout from the rooftops so all will know them and their crimes against humanity!

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Why are the stupid still voting for those vile people??????What is wrong with Canada????

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Praying for your protection Dr. Makis...

You are Brave for telling the Truth...🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Dr. Makis: I hope you sent this podcast to Premier Smith.

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Wouldn't do any good if he did: She's a self-serving psychopath like the rest of them.

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

With the UCP gone, who else is there. The NDP comes to power and enter Trudeau to destroy our economy and the sexual abuse continues.

Dr Makis, please don't leave the province, we need freedom fighters to fight for Alberta.

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Spot On Wayne!

What If Dr Makis Ran As An Independent For Premier?

Or Dr. Makis For Minister Of Health?

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I helped in a recent by election for a non jab candidate and I was amazed at how many people just vote the same way they always have. It is like programming people since birth to vote a certain way. In most cases an independent candidate does not stand a chance against this kind of programming. That aside, if Dr. Makis is a candidate in any riding I reside in I will vote for him!

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To contribute to my comment above, I had lunch with a relative who knows the brother of the successful candidate. He was glowing about the candidate until I explained the candidate had pulled some dirty tricks before and during the election and his own party is rumoured to have told him not to attend any more debates after the first one where he was ruthlessly attacked. The powers figured he could only do worse by attending the debates.

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Yes ! I agree !

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Excellent idea!

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They would try to ass asse nate him. They will not give up their power. Meanwhile, no matter how many cry foul, it still gets progressively worse. It is beyond repair, and the mass es are terrified to speak out.

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If you do not speak up YOU ARE NEXT!!!!!!!

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Next for what??

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He would be murdered. You cannot make it into the upper echelons unless you are one of these demons.

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I suspect Danielle Smith and anybody else promulgating the truth would also be murdered.

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This is how it works; The Alex Jones', Jordan Petersons', Dale Bigtrees', Whitney Webbs' , Stew Peters' , Donald Trumps all pretend to be on the side of the "little people" when in truth they are controlled opposition. They may speak out against the Jews/Demons publicly but behind closed doors they mate with the Beast. The Book of Proverbs admonishes us not to be fools but it appears that the average person delights in their folly. I am disgusted by how many humans love the Beast and his lies.

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I disagree. President Trump is GOOD. and I believe others you mentioned are as well. At least some of them

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A personal "belief" and the truth are two different things altogether. Your "belief" comes from a place of personal bias. Even if presented with evidence to the contrary ( that Trump is "good" ) you would still refute this evidence, not because it is not factual but because you are corrupt/wicked. Read 2 Thessalonians 2-13.

Trump is a degenerate of the highest order and the proof of this is evident in his life and person. That you cannot see this means you tread the same wide path as he does.

Mark 10:18 "Why callest thou me good? There is none good but One, that is, God."

Putting a man on the throne is a dangerous, dangerous prospect for, not only you, but those who wish not to usurp that Throne.

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Here or there or anywhere, sooner or later if we don't all wake up, it's going to be "Arbeit Macht Frei"...

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Dr. Makis, I hope and pray you are correct!!! I have followed you for the last 3.5 yrs, you are doing such important and much needed work for us citizens.

Thank you for ALL you are doing. God Bless you and your family.

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You are such a blessing Dr. Makis.

Never give up! We will WIN this war, but battles must still be fought .

Stay strong and know a legion of invisible warriors. ARE WITH YOU.

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Another impressive podcast and analysis. Thank you for informing us once again of the extent of corruption in the Alberta government and in the CPSA. We will spread this news across the nation. May you and your familly be protected. Please know that we will not relent in our fight for truth and justice. You have set the example for all Canadians. With heartfelt gratitude and admiration..

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Dr. Makis, thankyou for the 'real truth' about the health care in Alberta. The 'common people' must wakeup!

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Dr Makis, thank you for standing up for truth & freedom. Patients are being helped by what you share, and I am following your posts closely. Praying for your protection.

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Thank God for people like you, Dr. Makis.Thank you for having the guts to do the right thing. We need more people like you with your integrity. There are too many cowards out there. They will answer for their sins of commission and ommission. I would be happy to have a physician like you that can be trusted to abide by the Hippocratic Oath.

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Thank you Dr Makis for all you do ❤️🙏🏽I pray that you will be protected

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It's the same across Canada, south of the border, the UK and Europe. The globalists have control of everyone. Many thousands of children are being trafficked that are coming to the US from the south and they all know how dangerous the shots are. The plan is for nano-bots in everybody, 15 minute cities, digital ID and CBDC's. If anyone with any power objects to that they will be suicided or assassinated like they tried to do to Robert Fico and like they did do to a few leaders of other countries, I think in Africa.

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Exactly. President Trump also.

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Oh, please. He was VERY good friends with Jeffrey Epstein and he and his family have been on the Lolita express. Have you seen the pictures of Trump with his daughter? They SCREAM pedophilia. He has even repeatedly stated he would like to "date" his daughter, agreed that she has a "nice body", told another guy that women just let you "grab them by the *****". He is a degenerate as are 85% of Americans. Obviously Canadians are degenerates too.

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Why did you bring up Epstein and all the rest of it? I was merely pointing out that Trump was the first one, in recent years even before CONvid, that the establishment tried to get rid of. I haven't seen the pictures and I haven't heard most of the rest of what you said. Not saying I don't believe you. Just saying I didn't know it. I have a couple books (Part 1 and 2) by Whitney Webb called "One Nation Under Blackmail" and it looks like there is quite a bit in them about Epstein. I'm hoping to read them soon (have too many books). There are many many skeletons in the closets of all the people at or near the top of the food chain.

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Because it is relevant to the topic. There was no assassination attempt on Trump. Can you not see the truth of our situation? Everything from the media is a lie. Everything. That means if you see the MSM reporting on it then it is a BIG FAT LIE. Trump is one of them. Do you honestly think someone who lives in a gilded penthouse gives two sh*ts for you or me? That, my friend, is called Cognitive Dissonance.

They are all in on the great culling. Operation Warp Speed? "I'm the father of the vaccine"? "It is an old document and no longer relevant"? Do you remember him saying any of this? I do.

You might want to Listen to Benjamin Freedman, read John Beaty's 'Iron Curtain Over America' and read Alison Weir's 'Against Our Better Judgment'. The same people that captured France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Japan, China, Iran and all the other countries captured America and Canada in the 19th century. They own every politician.

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I thought it was just Biden that did strange things with his daughter and I thought it was Fauci that said "I'm the father of the vaccine?" I also thought it was someone else that said "It is an old document and no longer relevant." Like maybe Biden or some other Democrat. I've never heard any of these things regarding Trump. Anyone that is trying to "Make America Great Again" would not say that about the Constitution.

There definitely was an assassination attempt. But it wasn't just Crooks. The Secret Service and maybe the CIA must have been in on it. No one is that good of a shot to shoot someone in the ear at that distance and not kill them. And no one is that stupid to stand there and let them attempt it.

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You obviously have a computer and a keyboard, with a few strokes you can verify what I typed. I do not testify falsely against anyone....even my enemies.

A slogan is not a personal ideology. Trump is a paid operative of the Jews and will say what the uneducated public wants to hear. We are advised not to allow people to "tickle our ears" but, instead, to judge by the fruit of a person. Trump has made his fortune from an empire of vice. His fruit is rotten.

No, there was no assassination attempt. If the Jews wanted him dead he would be publicly executed just as JFK was. You need to read John Beaty's book, 'Iron Curtain Over America' before you engage someone who has in conversation.

It is because of people like us ( willfully ignorant ) that the Jews have taken over the world. The difference between you and I, though, is that I actually wanted to know the truth and you care nothing for it. You prefer the lies.

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Then there is Reiner Fuellmich who they put in jail on bogus charges because he was trying to expose the scam, meanwhile the CONvid criminals run free.


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1. No matter how grievous, sinister, or wrong a complaint made to the police against someone is, they HAVE to, by Law, check it out. Same as with a call made to child protective services against someone, even if it is false or made in mean spirit. EVERY complaint of a threatening or harmful nature, whether true or not, HAS to be checked out. Full Stop. What happens to the individuals or entities that make these false claims is in the hands of the entities called.

2. Danielle Smith, or the UCP, CANNOT interject herself/themselves into the Law. If she/they did, Alberta would be a Police State. Something Canada now finds itself in, of sorts, with benevolent leader. Government has NO place in the Law, just as the Law should be bipartisan, taking Oaths to uphold it, Constitutionally and with no bias, regardless of who is in power. Those who choose to interject themselves into the other's arena do so at their own peril.

3. You are NOT the only one who has received the bitter end of the stick of false accusations made by jackasses. It's called Lawfare, it's corrupt and malicious, and has caused MANY to be undeservedly put in an unflattering spotlight. Mean Girls do it ALL the time to people they're mad at regarding children and family homes. They are even doing it to TRUMP. To think for one minute this cannot be happening to you, considering we ARE at war between good and evil, is preposterous. One can either pull up their boot straps and continue to fight the Lawful way with Truth on their side, OR, one can start pointing fingers, extending blame where it does not belong and feel vindicated for doing so, and quit.

4. The Wheels of Justice (as we ALL know - think about the Coutt's 4, the Coutt's 3, Tamara Lich, Randy Hillier, etc here) are slow, but when they start to turn, they are MIGHTY. Just because it isn't happening as fast as one wishes, doesn't mean it isn't happening. Just because one doesn't see instant results, doesn't mean results aren't being prepared. Rome wasn't built in a day, and the take down of the corrupt as hell AHS won't be either. It MUST be done by the Letter of the Law, it MUST be done right, and it MUST hold for it never to happen again - no matter again, as to who is in charge.

5. The June 17th event of Injection of Truth was NOT the catapult you thought it was. It was good, it was done well, it went public, which was the GOAL. You have NO idea what Eric and Daryl went back with, what they did, who they talked to, and what is now being done. You have NO idea what investigations are being done behind the scenes, the size of them, nor who is leading the charge of them. One hint: it will NOT be the government. Also, the doctors who committed these heinous acts, are long gone. To continue to look up a dead horse's ass for answers is well, stupid. What were you expecting after the showing? A government cavalry to come riding in wearing Sheriff's badges and round em all up? That was never going to happen.

6. The ENTIRE, and I mean the ENTIRE scamdemic of World Wide proportions is, I repeat, with conviction, IS being dealt with. By persons and an entity that are far above ANY pay grade you know of. A SINGLE entity, such as the Alberta UCP, does NOT have the clout nor fortitude NOR full story that is required. To expect this is naïve. To think for one minute they are capable of, or willing, to interject themselves into THE INVESTIGATION AND SUBSEQUENT CHARGES OF WORLD WIDE SHORT, SWEET AND TO THE POINT TRIALS, is definitely asking of them for more than they can give. It would be akin to asking the farmers of a community to arm up and go fight WWIII all by themselves. Ain't gonna happen. Everything will happen in ITS TIME, not yours.

7. You are a good man Dr. Makis. You have been bravely fighting onwards and upwards. You have gained world wide respect for your knowledge, fortitude and integrity. You have uncompromisingly brought Truth to Power and Light to darkness, waking many up along the way. You have also opened up the flood gates of true healing, not pharmakeia induced forever illnesses. I respectfully, yet strongly suggest, to stay with what YOU KNOW, and leave assumptions, surmisings and commentary based on no actual intel out of it. You have fought for too long and so hard to come to where you're at now, as MANY others have, to have it all boomerang back in unexpected fashion. Politics, Lawfare, and INTENSE JUSTICE are not your wheelhouse. Medicine is. Healing is. Your own personal story is.

Please know I say all of this with utmost respect and gratitude for what you have brought to Light. If you decide to quit and leave Alberta before the ACTUAL fight begins, may your journey be blessed. If you want to know when the ACTUAL fight begins, pay attention to the MAN who just re-joined X. POWER is needed in this Fight Dr. Makis. TRUE POWER, with FAR-reaching CLOUT and uncompromising LASER FOCUS. Do you honestly think that ALL of those investigative committees were just for show? Do you think that the Canadian whistle blowers and truth tellers were brought in just to fill a gap? Do you think that it is NOT going to go VERY public?

Anyways. safe travels if you decide to vacate the fight before it actually starts. Remain blessed Dr. Makis (and family).

PS. You forgot to mention the Task Force Danielle and Team (with the Law) put together to fight child trafficking, sex trafficking, child labor, and the rest of that deep dark world and WHO was involved with setting it up, but I digress...

*Tips hat

Much Love

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Good points. Well said.

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Praying for your protection! There is so much that is totally evil and satanic these days, but God is greater and you are doing important work.

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the hidden govt seems to be everywhere and then no punishment for crimes committed at the highest level....

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When The Ruling Class Have No Rules!

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Steal a little and they’ll throw you in jail;

Steal a lot and they make you a ......cabinet appointee.

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