Praying for your protection. Please get a body guard.🙏✝️

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Yes, lots of us worry about Dr Makis’s safety, I’m sure. He is taking on a bunch of gangsters.

Maybe the best way to help protect him is to voice our support everywhere we can. These criminals need to feel PUBLIC PRESSURE and our STRONG SUPPORT for him.

Remember, Google & AI scan social media 24/7, for political reasons.

They KNOW when many of us write comments in support of dissident doctors like Dr Makis, Dr Nass et al. They are certainly sharing that information with the global ‘health’ MAFIA.

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If people ask me who my doctor is, I say he's a guy in Alberta I've never met. Thanks for your clear and helpful knowledge, Dr. Makis.

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May 17Edited

Holy moly, Dr. Makis. Hard ball or what! This is exactly what is needed - truth bombs galore! I'm getting addicted (in a good way) to these episodes.


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Its hardball all right. Dr Makis - you need to make a public statement you are not now nor have ever been suicidal!

I'm paranoid, BUT, am I paranoid enough?

Yes agreed many thanks to our brave host and my fellow Albertan.

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I believe that he has already made the statement that he is not suicidal and in good health.

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WOW. how evil is this luanne Metz.

Thank You for notifying Police about this criminal

God Bless You and Your Family and All the work You do for Us🙏

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covid jabs for children, what a death cult


Going to hell in a hand-basket.

PM and MPs are a collective criminal cartel of satanic psychopaths !!!

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Wonderful Dr Makis !

As a retired nurse who , as a charge nurse for 53 dementia patients, and later a Hospice Nurse, i administered quite a bit of hydroxychloroquine to my clients with rheumatoid arthritis and observed NO untoward side effects. Now , having a severe bout with arthritis myself ( a flare) , I was finally diagnosed with Lupus myself and have been prescribed the same.

"Hydroxychloroquine is used to treat discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus). It is also used to treat acute and chronic rheumatoid arthritis. This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription. This product is available in the following dosage forms: Tablet."

During the fraudulent pandemic , Fausti made sure this drug was very hard to obtain.

As a result countless lupus and arthritis patients suffered needlessly with "flares" and increased joint damage. I can tell you the pain keeps you from sleep and performing normal everyday activities for daily living.

How very cruel and added to insult , these patients do not have access to any pain relief because some people liked just getting high and became addicts so much so, that those with genuine need have been denied access to relief.

I am ashamed of my fellow Nurses and Physicians who know and knew better and have not yet joined the ranks of the heroes who speak out like Dr Makis !

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I Also Wonder Who "Took Care" Of Honey & Barry Sherman Of Apotex, Canada's Largest Supplier Of Hydroxychloroquine?

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That was the weirdest case, it was called suicide, when it was clearly double murder and to me, it appeared to be a ritual type murder. The police all said suicide and stuck to that ridiculous story, until the family protested. I knew right then that powerful forces were running the show, otherwise even a rookie cop would have it pegged. I read later that many of the cops on that case, received promotions down the line.

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We're being mocked by 'ritual type' murderers and it's seeped through into our foundation as a country. Every crack is a toxic throughway!

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All The Earmarks Of Clinton Arkancide?

Apparently Honey & Hillary Were Pals, Some People Need To Pick Their Friends Much Better! Hillary Has Mysteriously Lost A Lot Of Former Friends.

Apparently Apotex Had Helped With Generic Medications For Haiti Including Hydroxychloroquine?

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All those pushing the Covid jab and not allowing older medicines to be used, that had been used safely for years, should go to jail and throw away the key. Thankyou Dr. Makis

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Absolutely agree.

We must insist on fair trials for all the covid criminals. There is a mass of evidence that needs to be put before THE PEOPLE. Justice must take its course.

That assumes of course that we can find unbiased uncorrupted judges - not so easy to do these days.

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Luanne Pushing The Fake Science!

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These toxic 'jabs' have been destroying all recipients from Day One. PATENTS HID the poisonous contents. The vax makers said that they would cause a stronger immune reaction. The 'jabs' certainly caused a stronger reaction trying to get rid of the toxic material... injected into masses of little children and adults. If the parents had known the matter in these vaccines were aluminum and mercury both elements that cause brain damage, they would not have permitted these injections. Those dispensing them would have been in prison long ago. Parents trusted their children's doctors...thinking they knew what they were doing. After all, they had so many years of schooling. I was a trusting parent...and it makes me sick to think what we paid for...mental and physical damage to our children. Every recipient of these poisonous 'jabs' has been harmed. It has lowered the mental and physical health of all. You can't poison the bloodstream and create health.

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So true. I'm watching people around me that I know people who have taken multiple of these shots. Nothing severe happened to them after receiving the shots directly, but I am now watching them essentially withering away.

Many of them look sickly and exhausted and are constantly going to doctors appointments now (which they never did before). Some people developed problems or died shortly after being injected… And the ones who didn't are now appearing to have health problems. But of course, it has been long enough that they are not associating with the vaccines.

Others that I know have late stage cancer or have already died of cancer...

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Yes, I have made these observations as well

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CTV News ran a hit piece tonight on the doctors that were to speak at the UPC Town Hall. I am thoroughly disgusted by MSM.

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MSM Bought & Paid For By Our Taxpayer Dollars! They Too Will Pay A Price For Their Treachery!

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We used to watch FOX here in the US....Now all they push is Trump but Trump is still touting the jabs and saying he saved millions with it.

Dr McCullough just recently advised him to tell the truth , state he was fooled and made a mistake .....we will see if he can display humility. as far as Fox or any MSM is concerned ,

we realize how propagandized we have all become.

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Dr. Paul Alexander has been asked by someone close to Trump to give his advice on how to come clean with the public. We will see what happens

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Paul, an epidemiologist , only lasted six months in the Trump Administration. I believe he was invited by Jared Kushner and worked briefly in the HHS building.

Humility seems to be a scarce commodity for the Presidency despite the touting of the importance of truth so I , for one , am not holding my breath.

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I subscribe to Dr. Alexander's substack. He states that the reason he left was because he was ostracised by others on the team of medical professionals. He disagreed with what was taking place and paid a price for it. Although I agree that a little humility from Trump is long overdue, it was not his administration that drove him out. Dr. Scott Atlas has also spoken publicly about how inept the team was.

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Dr Alexander used to write to me personally when we were both on Dr McCullough's private healthcare blog.

Sorry but imho he did not know much of what is going on and I watched him waffle on his admiration and criticisms of Malone, including the horrible accusation that Malone was trying to get the other Doctors and McCullough into a business arrangement with a pedophile owned company in Puerto Rico.

Malone had his own mRNA covid project he worked on with a wealthy Indian called RelCovax.



Paul Alexander did not seem to add any real solutions for the suffering and deaths that are going in this global extermination effort and Malone appeared to be attempting to market his own jabs.

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Trump Was In On Operation Warpspeed All Along, He Is Not Stupid Do You Really Believe He Did Not Know Fauci, Birx, Redfern & All His Rabbi Advisors Didn't Have An Agenda?

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I agree and we need to hear more from Trump about this and I think that we will. I pray that good things are in the works. The people like Dr Makis are truly our Blessings (they are our courage). I think that Trump is too ...most certainly do hope so

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If MSM is doing a hit piece you know that they are running scared. On good note it looks like our post turtle PM is backing off on the "ONLINE HARMS BILL". Maybe the absolute debacle that has happened in Scotland causing the First Minister of Scotland to resign gave JT some pause. I think there has also been a lot of pushback from the awakening public. The Canadian people are waking up in droves and it will take generations to put them back to sleep. I attended a City council hearing in sleepy little Medicine Hat yesterday. The city is trying to ram through construction of high density housing in an area that is totally inappropriate. The citizens of the affected neighbours as well as many supporters presented a case that exposes the city bureaucrats as bullies who did not do their homework. It was a pleasure to witness.

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Sadly somehow CTV is superseding CBC in evil

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Not new….media has been corrupt for decades. People just didn’t pay attention!!

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Thank you Dr Makis !! 💕💕💕

I love your information & I share it around !!

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The Canadian government is infiltrated with WEF "Young Global Leaders" led by Justin Trudeau. www.maloneinstitute.org

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Thank you for all you do Dr Makis. We appreciate you 😊♥️🙏

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What an ignorant woman! - has she been living in a cave? So much evidence all over, to the contrary of what she is saying. Makes me sick!!

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Most politicians in the U.S. and Canada have been bought off by the WEF.

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Except Poilievre. I believe he is different. Hope so

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I don't know… If memory serves me correctly, he was in favour of the mandates and the the lockdowns. And to this day, he won't touch any of the really important issues with a 10 foot pole, such as the climate change agenda, or the push towards transgenderism.

From what I can see, the only politician who is unabashedly speaking out against these things is Maxime Bernier. He even did a little jail time because of it.

But Pierre is likely going to end up being our next Prime Minister. I hope his talk doesn't turn into claws and fangs. Canadians really have to reconsider this idea of "splitting the vote". By doing so… We are only going to keep getting the same thing as we have always had. Liberals and conservatives appear to just be one with two different sides.

Our country has been literally destroyed. I think it's going to take a radical change to even begin to bring it back.

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sorry just saw this now… No PP was definitely NOT in favor of the mandates or the lockdowns, whatever made you think that? Yes, I agree that he has had a tendency to avoid topics that he may not fully understand yet but I think that will come in time. I think the fact that he turned his back on the WEF said a lot.

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I think Pierre is as straight up as he can be in this political climate. We can’t afford to risk losing him at this point. Much like with Trump, we will iron out the anomalies once they are in position. My observations are that both Poilievre and Trump LISTEN to the patriots of our nations. After what I think happens to Trudeau at the end of all this, I don’t think any leader of our country will step too far out of line for a very long time, so we pray.

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I don't think she's ignorant at all. I think she knows the truth, but she is either being paid off or blackmailed or both.

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The Hep B vaccine (you know, the one they STAB newborns with?) had a 5, yes FIVE day safety trial; FIVE days.

What can you discover in FIVE days?

Is this another "operating at the Speed of Science" situation?

ALL "vaccines" cause short, medium and long term illness and death. They confuse the immune system - Innate (Natural) Immune System vs Adaptive (Chemically Induced) Immune System.

They are an annuity policy for Big Pharma.

Avoid these at all costs.

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This women has either bought in or been $$ bought$$! Evil sickening humans!

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They All Have! How Many Parliamentarians Or Those In Legislature Are Speaking Out Against This Evil? I'm Hearing Crickets!

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I agree None! I Don’t trust any of them never did now really don’t! Always felt voting was a fraud… think there is much truth to that! Past many years they were put in place by WHO not by the people of the world!

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WHO, WEF,IMF,CFR, Council Of Nine, Order Of The Garter & The Three Sovereign Entities The Vatican, Washington D.C & The Square Mile Of London Banking System All Lead By The Now Revealed Antichrist King Charles The Third!



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Poilievre, and if you listen to him, you will find he does not align himself with the people who want to hurt us ..is why I am good with him.

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Is He Really?

Although He Is Being Set Up As The New Savior Of Canada There Are Red Flags:

He Aligned Himself With The Lefties That Denigrated German MEP Christine Anderson When She Came To Canada & I Personally See Her As An Ally Of The People Fighting Against This Trudeau Tyranny & Around The World!

Poilievre Succumbed To Pressure From Traitors & Ideologues & Even Participated In Denigrating His Own Party Members Who Welcomed Christine Anderson MEP! Why The Vitriol?

Poilievre Was Previously Listed On The WEF Website Now Removed!

Poilievre Still Promotes Our Money Going To Ukraine The Most Corrupt Country In The World, Participating In Trafficking Of All Kinds Of Things Including Children & Their Organs & President Zelensky Faggot Member Of The World Economic Forum!

Poilievre Has Not Denounced The WEF Only Said His Cabinet Will Not Have Any Members!

Poilievre & Stephen Harper Were Very Tight & Stephen Harper Is A Member Of The WEF!

Poilievre Wife Owns A Company That Produces PCR Swabs To Profit From The Covid Scam!

We Are Given The Illusion Of Choice, Two Wings Of The Same Hegelian Dialectic Bird But Really No Choice At All With The New Boss Being The Same As The Old Boss In Reality!





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