I'll never get used to seeing stories of dead children, its heart breaking.

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Silence! Silence! Silence!

That’s what we “hear”!

Silence as additional young deaths occurs! This is not usual news, this is breaking news at every turn! On every level!

There’s an obvious and significant MSM deafness, avoidance of and or threatening to keep silent. While Americans have been shouting out loud, such “Criminality” is abundantly clear!

For all involved in this massive coverup I ask, “when will human beings become human”?

Our most powerful weapon is truthfulness, honesty and compassion, yet we continue to be “gaslighted” by “EVILNESS”!

The end result, of such an extraordinarily, deliberately manmade travesty, isn’t more silence, no, no, no, this must be elevated, to the highest levels of our consciousness! Or has our consciousness become unconsciously distorted?

Seems like it, doesn’t it? Yes,“Distorted Unconsciousness”!

Today silent, tomorrow more silence, indeed “horrifying” for every family who has lost a child or a loved one, a friend or brother, sister or mother, father or grandpa, grandma. Have we lost all compassion? Dignity? Or

are we so self-centered so long as it doesn’t happen to you?

While more and more families endure such tragic losses, other families are wondering what if, my son or daughter, doesn’t wake for school tomorrow morning? Or collapses during school activities? This is NOT our new normal! This is inhumane even “Cruelly-Insane”!

This has got to STOP!

When will someone with “CLOUT” stand upright?

Stop “bowing” to your enemies and make a stand for your fellow man, possibly your own child or a neighbors child.

Has mankind completely surrendered to “EVILNESS”? Where have all our “HEROES” gone? Where are they?

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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The MSM is helping cover this up because mRNA LNP is a massive money maker for big pharma & all involved in it’s creation. They don’t intend on spurring “vaccine hesitancy” by telling the truth. If it were up to them, they’d hold us all down & force it on us. They intend to keep mass producing it, adding to everything they can, including many other injectables, food, nasal sprays, self spreading mechanisms, etc. All for profits. It is absolutely evil & JD Vance & Elon Musk are all in for this crap. The profits are too big to let go of, so they must keep gaslighting, awarding doctors & hospitals for helping the cover-up, pushing for laws that force people to consent or lose freedoms, & all the rest. The Dems & Republicans are heavily invested in big pharma, the DOD is heavily involved, so this psyop is on a massive scale. We have to rise up on a massive scale to stop this evil. So far, apathy & complacency are the way people are going. For the most part. People are struggling with day to day living & survival & most don’t have the wear-with-all to deal with this issue. If they even see there’s a problem.

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Absolutely Denise and there is where we should all start and fight back against these corrupt and evil monsters!

I agree 100% with everything you said. I don’t believe Americans realize how much we’re being played and destroyed by big pharma!

Thank you Denise.


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Parents...wake the heck up. Do you really think that giving your young child 30 vaccines in the first six months of life is a sane choice? How about a few mRNA injections thrown in before age one? How about ANY mRNA injections of a substance that has never had any serious long term trials or studies? Is your trust in your doctor a bit misplaced? Can he even provide any true source that proves vaccines and mRNA poisons are safe and effective?

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How absolutely tragic. I hope this family ordered an extensive autopsy. We never had kids, young people, middle aged, and seniors dying suddenly and/or in their sleep by the thousands — all since the jabs rollout. I cannot believe people are still clued out about the correlation between these sudden deaths, cancers and multiple other harms since the mRNA was released and touted as “safe and effective”. It’s as if some people think this is okay or maybe the “new normal”. It seems unreal that so many people continue living in total ignorance and denial about the deadly impacts of these experimental gene therapy shots. Human experimentation is against all international law and human rights codes. Everyone who made or pushed the shots has the blood of millions on their hands. If our earthly courts won’t hold them accountable, God’s courts in heaven will.

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The problem is the parents and families do not pin point the underlying cause of death. Everyone just says rip. Do they know or are feigning ignorance?

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I so agree with Dr. Makis. It is not up to us to prove that the "Vaccine"caused injury. It is up to the Medical Industrial Complex to prove that it did not - in every case I would suggest.

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All one can do is shake your head in disbelief that a parent would do this to thier chield. It appears to be an offering to Bahl. A death cult

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Dr. Pierre Kory's substack article from 9/17/24 is about what is happening at Ohio State University Medical Center re: the mRNA "vaccines".....https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/policy-shifts-against-the-mrna-platform

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Is being a gymnast or other athlete a risk factor? Maybe a rhetorical question.

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Some of it is that to participate in many official events in stadiums, fields, schools, etc. you had to be covid-19 vaccinated. So this affected children in almost all sports and other activities. The other part is that athletes seem to be more affected. Dr. McCullough had an interview about a young man who collapsed and was saved but then later, like year or so later, he was getting an EKG done and died as he was walking on the treadmill. I think he was a basketball player. It seems to be affecting all who took it, not just the athletes.

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I talked to a biology professor who said that she that since younger people, especially athletes, have very robust immune systems that may cause a strong reaction to the shots.

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Terrible, so sad at a very young age.

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These tragedies just never end.

Praying this does bot become a double tragedy for this family.

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Can we at least have will to subject a passive/intelligent moratorium on vaccines and children. It's like FUCKOFF already, it's not going to be karma, it will be historic vengeance, to make up for the losses of the Twentieth century..

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I agree with your take 100%…so tragic 💔

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Globalists looked to our offspring as parasitic. Horrible.

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