There’s a special place in heaven for you doctor, and for the other wonderful doctors who are fighting for the people who are suffering and struggling with these horrific illnesses… and the fact that this has to be done in essence on alternative media, because one cannot openly speak about is horrific….since 2020 all knowledge about the nefarious acts done by sick demented people have had to be dealt with on an underground basis, who would’ve ever thought that we would be in this situation, but the amazing part is, look at the spirit, the spirit of people and the determination to help each other… We can never be stopped…Why? Because it all comes from good and I’ve always thought the word “goodness” is very special because within it is the word God…We will continue to share knowledge and we will beat these eugenic minded creatures who have no soul nor conscience.

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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Zev Zelenko said we were "presently being tested', only a few months before he passed.

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Thanks very much to Dr. Makis for continuing to give us such great info on Ivermectin in such a concise and easy to understand format. And for bravely exposing the truth about those who lack any moral integrity try to subvert its use!

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AMEN to that!!

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Thank you again Dr. William Makis. We all love you keeping us informed.💕💕💕

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Ive been buying Ivermectin but if I can get it cheaper here, I will buy from you. Thanks Dr Makis.

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Where can you buy in it Canada?

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Dr Makis is in Canada, email him at the address he gives and get it thru him.

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Thank you!

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Obtaining IVM, if in Australia ?

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Hi Dr Makis, I know you are unable to recommend brand but when you speak about specific cases of people that cured their cancer with Ivermectin can you perhaps mention the brand that they used that worked. Thanks

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You are a very special doctor . Thank you for all you do ! And all the other doctors who speak out against these evil , sick demented people .

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This is incredible Dr. Makis! I have no words for how brave, bold and generous you are for sharing this info and persevering through all this tyranny. So grateful for your voice.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 4

Thanks for all your great work on this topic and for raising awareness. Where glioblastoma is mentioned in your chart (with a question mark): look into using DMSO, with pure powder Fenbendazole (another anti-parasitic), from Happy Healing Store. DMSO will carry the anti-parasitic drug across the blood brain barrier. It would seem the results would be the same using Ivermectin taken with DMSO for glioblastoma (possibly negating the need to go to that high of a dose[?] if the Ivermectin was a pure powder, with no excipients); so it's definitely worth considering the use of DMSO to deliver the anti-parasitic across the blood brain barrier. Using DMSO with antiparasitics for glioblastoma is often used among the alt community among those managing their own care. (Also, Dr Bryan Ardis has noted a 50% reduction of glioblastoma tumors with the use of nicotine patches.) Hope this information will be helpful.

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Are there nicotine patches available that are not from big pharma? I don’t trust what else they might be putting in them.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

The nicotine patches noted by Dr Ardis and Dr Ed Group to be the "cleanest" are the Rugby brand, available on Amazon. That said, the herb Lobelia has similar properties to nicotine (which I'm sure by now everyone knows nicotine is not addictive or harmful, it's a therapeutic which is why g0vts are so eager to ban it). Many foods, like eggplant, contain measurable amounts of nicotine, though not in amounts significant enough to clean the body's nicotine receptors of the venoms and venom-like "ingredients" the demons seem intent on bombarding us with in their diabolical frankenfreak "injections" and pHARMaceuticals. That said, Dr Ardis, on his site, and also Dr Group (Global Healing) have developed a a microsomal tincture, "Foreign Protein Cleanse" which contains Lobelia (along with a few other herbs and C60) you could consider, if you prefer a natural product. (I have no affiliation with either of them, other than to follow the work they've been doing.) If memory serves, they are also continuing more research into this therapeutic for additional methods of action for healing.

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I’m not sure we can get Foreign Protein Cleanse in Canada. Hope so.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Check The Dr Ardis Show website or Dr Ed Group's site, globalhealing.com (800-476-0016). Mike Adams' Health Ranger Store also carries Foreign Protein Cleanse. I don't know if they ship to Canada. I don't recall the name of their seminars... But you should be able to find many of their interviews and podcasts on these topics for more info on Rumble, Brighteon, and other channels.

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Order it from thedrardisshow.com or from Mike Adams Healthranger Store

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Thank you!

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This is ground breaking, Dr Makis. We have witnessed so much human misery. Now we will see more happiness in the world. We will beat back evil

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I got IVM for horses as the one I ordered from India was rejected by Canada customs. No letter,no call or explanation. Now reading Dr. Maki's article and seeing how the system is penalizing doctors who prescribed,Isee why it was rejected. This is really evil. There's a chart to know dosage for humans so for now, I'll look into it. Thank you Dr. Makis for giving us light in this dark tunnel we're going through. God is with you 🙏

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These guys may ship to Canada? Are all unmarked envelopes opened for inspection?


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I believe the issue is not whether they can ship to Canada. Most of them can. The problem is in Canada , they reject it and send it back. I just read gomedicinecounter policy and they warn to check your local laws regarding medicine order. So I guess in Canada they are not letting IVM. Seeing how they're handling IVM, I wonder if they will do same against Fenbendazol?

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Bet you they will!

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But so far, you can get Mebendazole, the "Fenben" for HUMAN use, in Canada.

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Likely only with a dr prescription if you have worms or can you buy it?

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Not sure but you could be right. I heard about it here through Dr. Makis, but he didn't mention that part. ???

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Keep spreading the word! The truth will prevail and the evil will fall

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Thank you Dr. Makis. God Bless You. ♥️

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This is brilliant information. Thank you soooo much!!!!!!

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You are a gift from God

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Heaps of studies on the nih website

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Maybe we need to print the list of studies out if our doctors have their eyes closed and refuse to help us! We are done with ‘Doctor is always right’ assertion and now know we too can follow and understand the research directly. Thank you Dr Makis.

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How does taking lactoferrin help as mentioned in the article?

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