Health Canada should be dismantled then charged, tried and then when found guilty of allowing people to die because of their lies, thrown in prison for life. This goes for every province who've done the same thing. Dr Makis, you are a hero to so many, especially the cancer patients you've helped. God bless you.

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I think hanging is better. “They “ knew all along what “they” were killing off populations of their constituents.

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In summary we're killing children, adults and the unborn because of the governments, pharmaceutical companies and medical boards. And a very small percentage of us see this clearly but most people just go along.

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Thank you Dr Makis for an outstanding presentation. To this day the Doctors in the US are still weary of the AMA. It's a travesty that your country and mine as well have fallen prey to the pharmaceutical powers that be.

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Leaves me speechless, such a great presentation by Dr Makis. But of course trying to understand or wrap a persons head around the fact that this type of deception is coming from all levels of government and the main stream medical.

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Experimental animals might expect that the experimental project scientists would test and provide full autopsy after adverse events and deaths. So, these children were not even afforded the consideration that typical experimental lab animals (mice, rats, guinea pigs, etc.) might normally expect to receive! What kind of mass experiment is this, anyway??? It's not an experiment. It's something else, and it's not good.

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It’s called the powers that be think there are too many humans. “They” are culling the human herd.

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Depopulation agenda. All part of the sustainable development goals when you look into it all 17 of them point to the same thing - evil agenda that’s been orchestrated from beginning of time .. and Look how the Rockefeller’s controlled the medical institutions and did away with natural healing!

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What an enlightening, outstanding presentation. The TRUTH will prevail. Thank you.

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Bravo, Dr. Makis! Are you available to speak with on the phone to set up appts.? I have several friends who need your help. I have at least two years worth of your emails saved and send them to people I know who can use your help.

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He's also on X.

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Fantastic presentation. I wish they had allotted you more time but you definitely gave the In quiet a huge amount of solid facts.

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Please don't give up. We are with you🙏💜🙏

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You rock! Thank you Dr Maskis!!! 😊

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Bravo Dr Makis.

Would it be appropriate to re-hire the smart, critical thinking, ethical, un-vaccinated healthcare workers and replace the dangerous vaccinated stupid healthcare robots with AI?

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Great idea!!!!!!!

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Outstanding presentation, Dr. Makis! I would’ve liked to have seen the visual presentation as well. Please keep up the good fight.

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Please stop calling it a vaccine. It is a shot of poison. Even the Australian Ministry of Health came right out and said that. As witnessed in their signed document (which I have a copy of) they state it as: "Authorization To Administer A Poison, COVID 19 Vaccine" with the Chief Medical Health Officer's signature and date on the document. Even it's toxicity level can be traced back using a site such as howbadismybatch.com This use of the term 'vaccine' is THEIR term and has been weaponized to perpetuate their demonic depopulation agenda. Call it a poison, bioweapon or even gene manipulation therapeutic but for the love of all that is right please stop using that ubiquitous and false term.

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Dr. John is still giving warnings to the media that misinformation is a threat to public health.

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For Goodness sake WHY are parents so brainwashed that they allow the doctor to give their babies and children these horrible vaccines that are neither safe nor effective? Also some babies are getting 6 shots at one visit for the childhood vaccine schedule. Does that even sound like a good idea?

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