Thank you Dr Makis for speaking the truth. i admire your bravery and integrity.... and fully agree with you. May God bless you 🙏🏻

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See Dr Rima Laibiws latest interview about the new FDA approved small pox vaccine. The unvaccinated aee at risk of death from the vaccinated. It's in the leaflet. And part of the depopulation agenda. The WHO has even worse plans

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Good interview. I always learn something new. And I'm realizing that the longer I stay sharp at my own employment, then the longer people will continue to view me and my reposts and my personal rants as painfully annoying but truthful ... and I'm good with that. When we have the power of factual knowledge, yet fail to act on what we learn, then we, too join the mute collective within the pandemic of cowardice. We must speak until we are hoarse. We must type even as our fingers bleed.

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Couldn't agree more.

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Great one Dr. Makis. Tweeted about it with lots of views!

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Thank you Dr. Makis!!!!

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Friends just returned from Ottawa. They loved Canada. They did mention Trudeau is immensely disliked by his people, but elections are not for another year. As we all know, a year is a long time for a pm of a country the people do not like.

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Dr. Pierre Kory's substack from 9/17/24 is about what is happening at Ohio State University Medical Center re: the covid mRNA "vaccines"....https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/policy-shifts-against-the-mrna-platform

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But, but, but how will doctors pay for all the fancy stuff if we don’t let them vaccinate the entire population from cradle to grave?

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