Thank you Dr Makis for speaking the truth. i admire your bravery and integrity.... and fully agree with you. May God bless you 🙏🏻

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Good interview. I always learn something new. And I'm realizing that the longer I stay sharp at my own employment, then the longer people will continue to view me and my reposts and my personal rants as painfully annoying but truthful ... and I'm good with that. When we have the power of factual knowledge, yet fail to act on what we learn, then we, too join the mute collective within the pandemic of cowardice. We must speak until we are hoarse. We must type even as our fingers bleed.

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Couldn't agree more.

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See Dr Rima Laibiws latest interview about the new FDA approved small pox vaccine. The unvaccinated aee at risk of death from the vaccinated. It's in the leaflet. And part of the depopulation agenda. The WHO has even worse plans

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Why on earth would anyone take a smallpox vaxx? Has the world well and truly flipped?

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I remember having the smallpox vaccine in the early 1960’s. My skin was broken with a forked object and then the vaccine was applied (dob 2/24/1951). If my memory is correct it was done twice. I recently read that the last smallpox case in the united states was in 1949 so there was no point to it.

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I heard about that-if it's true no one is going to quarantine for a month or whatever they suggest

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Fantastic conversation, I always appreciate your discussions! I am an Alberta mother of five, and we yelled as loud as we could during the insanity of the past few years. Your substack is a beacon in the fog, and always boosts my spirits when it seems no one cares.

God bless you🙏🌷

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Dr. Makis you are a Rock Star! Keep on. You are right where GOD wants you to be. You are full of integrity! Keep speaking g the truth, I love sharing your videos with the people who have their head in the sand.

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But, but, but how will doctors pay for all the fancy stuff if we don’t let them vaccinate the entire population from cradle to grave?

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Maybe we will be left with better doctors that care more about patients than fancy stuff.

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Thank you Dr. Makis!!!!

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Dr. Pierre Kory's substack from 9/17/24 is about what is happening at Ohio State University Medical Center re: the covid mRNA "vaccines"....https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/policy-shifts-against-the-mrna-platform

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Great one Dr. Makis. Tweeted about it with lots of views!

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“How are they being allowed to do this to us, too our kids?” This is a spiritual problem, folks. Satan is deceiving people.

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Dr. Makis: I noted that you mentioned you were attending a conference in Japan and might even be invited to speak before parliament. Are you going to ask about the development of Replicon and how it could be used to cause worldwide depopulation? Dr. Daniel Nagase has written extensively on this the past few months in his attempt to get them to stop the release of it on not only the Japanese population but the entire globe. My sense is it will behave similar to a Self Replicating Vaccine (which we know have been tested and used in various animal populations) but this new shot will come with a much higher transmission and kill rate than even the mRNA poison shots. Thoughts?

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Friends just returned from Ottawa. They loved Canada. They did mention Trudeau is immensely disliked by his people, but elections are not for another year. As we all know, a year is a long time for a pm of a country the people do not like.

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Just put this post in my fB group and got penalized for it. They called it spam.

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Just proves that you're doing the right thing!

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Thanks, SGT and Dr. Makis for a very informative interview. So many truth bombs in this interview. You both are very much appreciated for getting the truth out there.

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I have to interject here on some opinions you have about Black Rock and Trump. First, Black Rock is 100% all about Black Sun Satanic worship and IS the place where the members go to sit in the "Chair of Destiny" to facilitate the ritual for choosing their Pindar. Secondly, Trump also sat in that chair for that position recently within the last two years.. Also for Trump to sign Warp Speed, he must have read it as it also gave all the responsibility to the Military to disperse and make or oversee all the vaccines so that Pfizer and others cannot be sued. Trump is supposedly very high IQ smart and could have seen through the lies. Would you sign something you have not read thoroughly? How many of you have read the Warp Speed Agenda? If you did you would know I speak the truth of it and your Military is not acting in the favor of any population world wide and you would know that they are the main producers of the bioweapon they want you to believe came from China's wet market. The biggest scam upon humanity ever played. I have even seen a photo of Trump dressed in robes pretending to show he is the Savior as predicted by the Ashkenazi Jews. They are broke, as is Trump and the only thing that was bringing in money was the donations since the fake attempted assassinations. Trump is very much a Black Sun member as his family name is really Von Kempf, of the Germanic family known very much as supporters of the Nazi campaigns. His Coat of Arms at Mar A Lago clearly demonstrates this fact. He is also Hillary Clinton's cousin, so of course she never went to jail after he was elected/selected. There is a film that the even the Military heads saw that in 1999, when Trump's 42nd birthday came he participated in the Ritual (which includes killing children) so that he would be President. (All Presidents have been "chosen" this way long before the actual election.) The Military never said a word about this because these "five Star" Generals are in on the whole Black Rock, Black Sun Satanic campaign and are in position to poison all of humanity for their Lucifer Boss. Every head of every Country has been chosen this way. Same pattern played with the Good cop/bad cop role playing on your emotions that are psychologically controlled. They have been doing this for hundreds and hundreds of generations. that is how the Kings and Queens have been made for your slavery to their programs for their entertainment. The new Space Force is another agenda of the Black Rock that was Trump's job to install, so the Deep States Agenda can carry on through the S.S.P. America and the World has a lot to clean up before humanity is truly free. Please wake up and do your research with open minds that will be enlightened P.D.Q, by just even looking at Trump's Coat of Arms and tracing the lineage. It says it all. Even the Saudi's are Rothschild's spawns. All in the same club. I pray every day for you all to wake up. Too many heads of state now are replaced with DS CIA puppets in masks all for a promise of riches and dividing the world into ten kingdoms with them as the tyrant rulers.

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You are absolutely correct when you say that these Heads of Governments etc have been selected long before they attain Office. I'm afraid that you will always get people who ridicule what you have gleaned. They have no idea how long that, and how meticulously, this carnage has been in the making. These type of persons probably still believe that Governments are "elected" by the People. It's very sad that people ridicule from a position of ignorance.

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100% right on Deborah. Trump is evil and I quit listening to STG because of his Idiotic support of him. He was NOT deceived; he knew exactly what he was doing and supported the jabs intentionally and wholeheartedly and still does.

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Are you taking LSD?

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I've done meticulous research for over forty years, no time for LSD as the CIA garnered that market control for their special ops. LOL Some day you will have an epiphany and see the pattern laid out against humanity. And about the "Ownership" of the planet and complete consciousness control. Still snoozing I see...mocking another's work because you do not understand??? ZZZZZZZ pull some more Z's for yah !! LOL bless you darlin, and Peace Be with Thee.

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What can you say? Some people can't be awakened due to low IQ, poor intellectual agility, inability to tolerate uncomfortable ideas, etc. Then again, Paid Schills have infiltrated every internet forum going. And we know what their go-to reactions are: ridicule, name-callig and one-worders like "rubbish!". They pulled out all the stops giving you more than a one-word response.

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It appears that you are Allie.

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An excellent interview with Dr. William Makis

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