It's very important to warn people of the coming pandemic this fall whereby the "vaccine" will be forced on us by law, I believe. It's part of the group guided by the Bill Gates' elites who own the WHO. What's more pleasing to this group than depopulation? The Bilderberg Group is included in this...people like the Obamas, Clintons, etc. BTW, I got Turbo cancers (6 operations), but since then I stopped the next cancers with Ivermectin and Fenbendazole. Recently, I got a 1" round cancer spot on my arm, made a paste of Fenbendazole and CBD oil, put it on the spot under a bandaid for several days, and now it's gone. Dr. Makis is my hero.

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He’s the best!πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’•

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Oct 21Β·edited Oct 21

Thank you for sharing the above warning.

Can you please share more details of the paste you made for your cancer spot?

Thank you!

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After 30+ years in nursing, I started a pet sitting business because every single facility requires the jab 😒

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Good for you. You made the right choice.

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My sister tried to post reason hubby died and newspaper refused.

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Don’t call it Dog Dewormer.

You attack yourself when you do.

Call it what it is.


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Excellent interview. First 30 minutes Dr. Makis talks about his experience with the Covid-19 and mRNA fraud; after that he covers Cancer and new Cancer treatments.

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It is shocking how many people who say they are awake are still falling for the Trump psyop. He is listed as a Sovereign on the Obsidian system with current inflows of USDR. He is owned by the Zionists same as every other politician. He has been slowly exposing himself. Operation Warp Speed. His public statement regarding jailing and execution of those considered to be Anti-Semitic. His open statement "If I lose it will be because of the Jews". At least with all the others we know they are snakes. He is truly a wolf in sheep clothing and millions are going along blindly. Do your research. Find out the truth for yourselves. Stop promoting this evil. They are all part of the beast system including some of those 'cool ones' (Rogan, Peterson, Bannon, Levant, Crowder). It was NOT a mistake that he got elected in 2016. It was all planned. The fake attempts on his life are just that. As so many have said already: "If THEY wanted him dead he would already be dead." They have been setting the public and religious camps up to accept him as their saviour while ignoring the only ONE who can actually save them from what is coming. Time to take off the horse blinders and see straight. https://web.archive.org/web/20220807201850/https://oculumlabs.com/the-complete-list-of-sovereign-gatekeepers/

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You might be interested in Dr. Shiva, Shiva4President.com, who is on most of the state ballots as an independent on about $50,000 for all the hours of work it took to qualify in each state. He has many volunteers. His website lists videos explaining why he is running. If 5% of the vote goes to him he will have an impressive amount of electoral votes so if you are in a state where your vote is not going to count you can vote for him and it will count.

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Your right about trumpy. We are all in trouble. Both sides play on the same court but different sides. All of them are selected not elected.😑

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Poison kills everyone. Those who know what to do is the only ones who might survive.

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Oct 20Β·edited Oct 20

wait to see the Occupied by Stew Peters...:


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Stew is getting edgy

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Great Info!!!!

Now go to the webpage at the bottom in the red box! WOW, who would have thought?

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Thank you.. We have to know the problem, if we are to fix it

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Dr. Makis your a very knowledgeable man! Thank you for what your doing Sir

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It says i am a free subscriber but i cant open any episodes

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Still working hard to get you new subscribers, Dr. Makis. I will keep sending to my 160+ acquaintances whether they pay attention or not.


Why innocently ignorant people think world-famous Dr. William Makis is a quack: here's the story and much more

From DESlike, NEOhio

Sun 102024AD

Friends and Allies,

PLEASE SHARE THIS. It's such a comprehensively wonderful, sometimes personal interview.

If you've already taken a few minutes to open a Substack account, you should be able to open this detailed interview of Dr. Makis, who explains how his stellar reputation was wrecked by the Canadian Medical Association and other coordinating entities. I believe it's freely available if you subscribe to Dr. Makis without financial commitment.

1 1/4 hour interview, and in case you don't already know, Dr. William Makis ALWAYS interviews well. He's full of valid information and articulates extremely well.


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Another Fantastic interview!

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Thank you for your investigations and standing up to sound scientific principals!! Here in SA there is INSTANT AMNESIA FROM ALL INVOLVED. We had EUA legislation when there were alternatives. e.g. ivermectin. I myself was forced to resign my part time job due to the mask mandates where I was accused of 'infecting the entire premises' due to my refusal to wear a mask! I saw through the bullshit as of the ''flatten the curve" agenda!! FFS!! The 'management' of the cbullshit protocols was overseen by Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma head of the 38 members of the NCCC the National Caronavirus Command Council...who is a medical doctor but not registered to practice in SA. It was up to her to 'control' the lockdown (lockup) legislation which kept everyone baffled....or rather (sadly) NOT everyone, for there were many who would virtue signal at the drop of a hat!! What no one ever seems to mention however was the fact that none of her orders could be applied in the townships: overcrowding/no masks/no 'sanitation/no windows or doors on many of the huts/no tv/NO PANDEMIC. I had occasion to go into one of the townships in July of 2020 (illegally) so I speak from direct experience. Also the taxi industry here which is the primary mode of commuting for black South AFricans never enforced the mask mandates.....as I often use them when my scooter is in for a service or is non functional. I did not get sick!! Needless to say I am proud to be anti vax! Further to this does anyone know anything about this: https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/what-do-we-know-about-injectable-hiv-medication as I am wondering if any of this is actually legitimate i.e. should there be 'peer reviewed' studies....? And by what authority does a procedure such as this get made 'available'. Also of note is our South AFrican Health Products Regulatory Body were fully endorsing the clotshots!! Professor Salim Abdool Karim is (or was) on the WHO board....

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β€˜So many of you, those that are truly independent thinkers, if you allowed yourself to realize how truly moronic every doctor you’ve ever met is, you not only would never speak to them again, you would put a leash on them.

One that could be seen and held.

In contrast to the intellectual choke collars the medical schools put on each of them.

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No "halos" in medicine, that's for sure. Keeps things real when you realize they've got Charmin hanging in their bathroom...just like everybody else.

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Thank you both for this interview. We all love you Dr. Makis for staying strong and sharing your many years of cancer care. We all put light around you to keep going to show other doctors to do the right thing.πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’•

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BTW, in fairness, China today is not the China of yesterday. It's a democracy by the people, for the people. Go there and see the cities for yourself. They are clean, modern, no homeless, excellent healthcare and education for all, like Russia and Cuba. I've seen this personally. And, best news this week: the BRICS are shuffling off the yoke of the dollar. The US and Israel will no longer be able to control the world. The effects of their road-rage sanctions: over and done!

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