I am really outraged at the frivolous way in which our taxpayer dollars are being spent and wasted in such a corrupt system.. I have first hand knowledge of the giveaways.. WHY?? So we have immigrants arriving and in the first week they have sin and health care cards and all the benefits of our system, without ever having paid into it.. smh.. I do not go to doctors or dentists here anymore because their quality is shit.. but we are paying billions of dollars to AHS and others who are now ripping off the taxpayers for this crap.. this has to stop!

Tell me what is going on here please?!

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Your Replacements Are Here, Just Follow The Rules And Take Vaccines Like Good Little Cattle! You Won't Suffer Long!

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At least since the humane awareness of Temple Grandin informed the industry, livestock animals have been treated with considerably greater care than humanity has enjoyed over these past four years of purposefully sadistic torment. Neither government policy nor its implementation has sought to LIMIT human suffering but, instead, to trigger the equivalent of a species-concentrated “atmospheric ignition” of anguish. Yet many are still carelessly late to the party.

Is it yet an acceptable time to publish the proclamation on ye olde towne pillar?

“Whereas humans are being aggressed against by inhuman interests, responsive postures are forthwith strongly advised.” (Apparently, Tucker must utter the spiritually obvious before its day of legitimacy rises.)

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They Refer To Us As Cattle/Chattel/Goyim We Are Not Even Considered As Human Beings Or Even Sub-Human I Find That As Unacceptable As Their Willingness To Kill Me & My Fellow Goyim!

Note Tucker Carlson's Red String Kabballah Bracelet On His Left Hand! He Thinks He Is Very Clever But Does Not Fool All Of Us! Just Sayin!

Why Did Danielle Smith Meet With Tucker Carlson, Jordan Pretenderson & Conrad Black All Deep State Shills?

Jordan Peterson Is A Member Of ARC Which Is Really Another WEF He Wants To Assume Control From!


ARC/ARK Just Sayin!

Conrad Black Controls Much Of The Media in Canada!

Is Danielle Smith Complicit In Evil Or incredibly Naive?



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I’ve given up mining secular propaganda for clues.

Personality culture surrounds us.

There are many who still believe Trump has a secret plan to drain a swamp he commands from, and that Q wasn’t a Trump-Obama psy-op. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Clearly A Psy-Op To Deceive A Nation If Not The World With Operation Warp Speed, Quiet Weapons For Silent Wars And Putting All These Social Media Pundits Out In Front Of Us! Anybody Allowed To "SPEAK OUT" On Social Media Is Put There To Deceive Us! Right Jordan Peterson? Russell Brand? Alex Jones, Did They Really Think We Would Buy That Alex Jones $1.5 Billion Legal Award? They Tried To Use The Same Modus Operandi With Trump To Make Us Think He Is On Our Side Same Circus Going On With Trump, Jared Kushner At 666 5 Ave New York Who Borrowed Money From George Soros! And The Ruse Goes On & On & On!

Always Put On The Full Armor Of God Because He And His Only Begotten Son Are The Only Ones That Have Our Backs! Get Right With God Because We Will Be "Caught Up In The Clouds" With Jesus Christ Very Soon! Amen

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Too many “Amen!”s to type to your commentary, so a simple 👏🏻 Must suffice.

Time is shorter than commonly assumed. Regardless of how soon, not a nanosecond soon enough for my taste!

I look forward to meeting you...“very soon”.

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What is going on is this:

WE - yep, YOU & ME & many millions of others across the west, have allowed a MAFIA to get the levers of power and they are running amok, abusing human rights & centralizing cash & resources & now formalizing their grip on GLOBAL power.

WE have to wake the hell up now and do everything we can to boot the villains OUT of their positions of power.

We are seeing ORGANIZED CRIME at the global level.

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and this corruption, we have implants causing death and malfeasance .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3W640VLu0s

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I learned from an IRS agent whistleblower, Joe Banister, that TAX dollars are not used to fund Congressional projects. Instead, the fiat dollars are magically printed by the Federal Reserve and Tax dollars go to pay the interest on the $Trillions in massive federal debt. (Substack) - http://tinyurl.com/2jzh8xh6

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Ah, you are on the right track... also see gt v fl yers. c om

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simple... go to gt v fl ers .co m.. You will learn who is behind it all

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it's a no go.. redirect.

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I watched this last night and shared it to my Twitter page, it was so powerful and I pray Danielle Smith saw it or sees it. Thank you Dr Makis, you are so brave and I will keep you in my prayers.

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All of our systems are corrupted, police, armed forces, medical establishment, governments.. ooh, yeah they elected themselves during the fake covid, while everyone was "locked down" and freaking out over hype and bs of COVID!

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I am spreading this abuse done to children by bureaucracy in the Health system

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Thank you Laura Lynn and Dr. Makis. We support you and pray for your continued courage in exposing this horrible horrible corruption.

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the message here is to not let government to get involved in anything. Corruption is the natural progression today. When people believed in God, we stood a fighting chance, but as people now worship money, we pay with our lives. The police work for the system

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NetenYahoo.. that's how it's all going wrong!

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Help me understand here… What does he have to do with Alberta interior problems? I understand quantum leaps, but this is still much farther than that.

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yahu = satan

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watch this. especially at 44:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6BYRVOxc4Y

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Lurianic Kabbalah promotes a non-religious, activist approach. Instead of waiting for God to make it so, it is up to the Kabbalah to ignore God to create the Messiah themselves.

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this you tube thing is to muddy the waters. You tube would not allow it if it were truth. For truth, go to g tv fl yer s .co m

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and all his friends

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Stay strong! Keep up your top notch, so needed work!

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DR WILLIAM MAKIS deserves the support of ALL decent people.

Those who threaten him - whether they are corrupt bureaucrats, or lawyers being given taxpayers’ money to protect corrupt bureaucrats, need to know he has massive SUPPORT in Canada and beyond. They need to sit down and ask themselves where their behavior is taking them because a lot of us are determined to see them STAND TRIAL.

They’ve been openly breaking THE NUREMBERG CODE since 2020 and they have to FACE JUSTICE for their crimes.

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there is no truth on you tube that counts

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This is TRUTH do some research & you would no , condemnation before investigation is the example of low IQ , that applies to all of us.

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God bless you, Dr. Makis. It is people of your character and your strength that will save this country! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

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Thank you, Dr Makis, for your courage in standing bravely and publicly against this unspeakable evil. If you question anything Dr Makis has to say, just read these 20 articles detailing the unspeakable horrors of sexual mutilation surgery and how much money BIG PHARMA is making.


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“And gave HIM a new job and protected HIM….” They say… Not naming HIM, and protecting HIM

Name these pedos!!!!

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Dr. Fred Janke.

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Well done!

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Is the evidence against these accused sex offenders all secret? It is shocking every time i hear about these cases being buried.

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The WEFUN WHO is a cult, they are in every party. There is no such thing as a mature minor. You are one or the other, just like your sex. Pedophilia is a mental illness, and the worst of sins, as per GOD. No one in their right mind would condone, promote, or support such a grievous sin. Only one who partakes in the sin would. It is obvious what happens to missing children in Alberta and BC, when the top brass can just delete their records of existence. Just like they hid the deaths from their experimental bioweapon for depopulation.

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