The medical community will never regain credibility and since the Covid con I have lost ALL faith in doctors. I’m a retired registered nurse with 25 years experience in an acute care hospital.
This Mom needs to forgive herself—she was deceived along with all of us—we didn’t know. The book called “Letting Go—The Pathway to Surrender by David R Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. instructs you how to forgive yourself. I guess having a vaccine injured child is what we had to go through to realize the deception but we will not be fooled again and can help others as well! Big hug to this Mom and her family. Thank you Dr Makis for letting me post and for speaking out.
My grandson became autistic after a double H1N1 shots, my son had a negative reaction to the MMR in the early 80’s and is on the scale, I had a nightmare experience in the ER when i had a metabolic crash from stress and exhaustion taking care of my mom who had Alzheimer’s and the dr tried 2x’s to 💉me, changed my dx to c o v he wanted me on a vent when i had no breathing issues, thank God for 2 angel doctors, 1 who phoned non stop for my proper treatment and 1 who came to see me and proved my O2 sats were normal. so i managed to walk out even though a nurse screamed at me all the way to the door. I lost all trust in our medical system. I see a need for a parallel system but we need to be careful it doesn’t get infiltrated. Scary times we live in
I appreciate Dr.Makis allowing us to post. These psychopaths need to be arrested, tried by us and receive the appropriate punishment. Parliamentary privilege is the only way in a parliamentarian democracy. Here is how;
Glad this lady had the balls to do what needed to be done. I feel for the amount of responsibility that she has in her life and hope she continues to have the strength.
My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and any other virus:
3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.
I have been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be.
Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.
Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure
I haven't had any illness since 2011, when I began keeping a year-round tan. I try to get an hour in the sun several to times a week... Spring, Summer and early Fall. I use a sun lamp in Winter. I also take 1000mg of C, and 15mg of Zinc per day. I took no precautions against Convid. I do however, take precautions against spike shedding. I allow no vaxed persons in my home or car. When I must go in public, I swab the inside of my nasal passages with betadine iodine before leaving home, and again after returning, and gargle with an iodine solution. In the last 40 years I have been to a medical clinic 1988 when I broke my wrist...and even then I never went back. I cut off my own cast. I live just fine without their deadly system.
Hi Kris - whatever works for you, works for me too - congratulations that you have a cure - I'm never ill, not these past 31 years, it gets "sooo boring" never getting ill, simply by doing something simple like my free salt water cure - which is why I've been pushing it whenever I could these past 4 plus years. I don't like my docotr, I have the least possible time with him that I can - about once a year, if he is lucky - he is gungo ho with the vaccines, thinks they are going to save his life, well, he is not damaged by them so far, at least from the outside.
My Doctor, like Doctors everywhere thinks the vaccines are safe and stop Moderna's Covid-19 virus - I tried talking to him and I've given him my free salt water cure, but he does not listen, refuses to if you like, but then look at the advantages to him. He is paid $250 each time he gets another person vaccinated, but here is the thing. The vaccine costs betwween $10 and $15 per shot, so who pays him an extra $250 per shot bonus and where does that come from? I have Diabetes Type 2 and Psoriasis on the tips of my fingers and underneath my feet (bad) and I need medical treatments I can only get with a prescription - the Diabetes I've kept in check for the last 23 years, still on pills and the Psoriasis to a degree, same way, but with creams too. Damned if I do, damned if I don't, sort of logic - so I sup with the Devil (my Doctor) but I use a loooong spoon!! I see him only when the prescriptions need to be renewed, on average, once a year and I manage my Diabetes myself - late 70's now - another 10 years or so would be nice, though without lots of people exterminated post vaccines - I'm crossing my eyes, fingers and toes and even my ears - I hope not!!
Blessings to you...may God send you healing. I have had psoriasis, so I know how painful and disfiguring it is.
I contracted it after a vaccine injury. I have only had one vaccine as an adult...for yellow fever. I read in a travel guide that they would only let you board the plane in Nairobi, to get to Zanzabar if you showed a yellow fever certificate. It was a lie...that almost killed me. I knew how bad vaccines were in 1999, but I also knew of coming I wanted to see all the places in the world that I longed to see...before it was too late. It was the worst mistake of my life.
I got yellow fever from the vaccine. At that point I only had a 40% chance of survival...even if I was in hospital. I didn't seek any treatment...I fought it alone, and at home. Next, I was so vaccine injured that for 4 years I was near death...but I clawed my way back to health using only natural methods. I followed the Dr. Lorraine Day vegan diet for 4 years (I'm still a vegetarian). My sister-in-law cured her type 2 diabetes by adopting a vegan have many others. I still wonder how anyone could trust someone who advised them to do a deadly act. It's no different than a doctor telling you to place a pistol in your mouth and then pull the trigger.
Blessings back to you. I'm off meat and now I only eat Fish, caught naturally (I hope) and vegetables - what do you eat as an alternative to meat, since vegetables alone are not enough, are they?
Tough with those vaccines you had - pleased you recovered. I was a world traveller in my younger days, left England when I was 24 in 1971 and never went back, live somewhere else permanently now with a much better climate.
I've had Psoroasis for over 22 years - I went to prison for 6 years at one stage, I got my accuser to admit that they lied about their identity and their accusations at my Trial, while I was in prison - used my weekly prison stamp allowance to do that - so really I was in prison for nobody and for nothing, according to my accuser after my Trial - they committed 100% Perjury, self admitted, after my imprisonment - yes I went to Trial and I took the Witness Box in my own defense unlike Trump - fat lot of good that did me - here they have a DCJ Ruling that 3rd Party Evidence can't be used to overturn a conviction - 1) My Accuser 2) The Board which paid "Compensation" to them - $28,500) 3) me = 3rd Party - so I did my full sentence and I never got the $28,500 bill, which was used to buy a home by my accuser, rather than buying one the way "normal people" do it (I have a copy of the Deeds in their real "legal married" name). That person died in 2012 according to Social Media, but I've got the emotional scars from it = Psoriasis and probably Type 2 Diabetes, since nobody from "my past parents" ever had Diabetes - life sucks, but I'm still here and that's what counts in my book.
Psoriasis comes and goes and comes back again, I'm not stressed - I was on antidepressants for years, took myself off them 2 years ago (1/4 tablet each week reduction until off them altogether)
Shit Happens, all water under the bridge - anyway, who wants a nice easy boring life - apart from me and you?
Thank you for sharing your stories of pure deception from so many government lies! Keep speaking out! Your whole family is brave and able to speak fluently and intelligently to the lies that we've all been told! I'm so thankful your husband is doing well! I'm shocked but thankful you got him out of that hospital! My Daddy was a truck driver all his life and he was the safest driver on the roads! Keep on trucking for the Truth to be told! Prayers lifted for your family to find healing! God bless you all! 🦋
My son is vaccine damaged. I can vouch for the organic diet. It’s truly remarkable how the right food can heal. His issue has been cured without a single prescription. Years of pain and suffering and all we had to do was eat organic and no processed foods. You truly are what you eat.
Not only are the "white coats" in the U.S. bound by these new con-vid protocols, the medical establishment requires "doctors" and hospitals operate within "the Standard of Care" set by insurance and pharmaceutical companies. This is why your "doctor" can't suggest lavender oil, cbd or recommend foods that heal. The system in the U.S. will not permit it and therefore our medical "care" is substandard and lethal. I suggest a book by Dr. Jennifer Daniels called "The Lethal Dose: Why Your Doctor Is Prescribing It" for this simple explanation. Hosea 4:6 - Peace everyone.
This story is INSANE! What the actual fuck? He’s a lucky man for not testing positive. They would have succeeded in killing him. They wanted to test him the last day in hopes he’d test positive so they could finish what they wanted to do to him!! Why would you give a brain injured patient narcotics and do that prior to imaging?? Why are they having a brain injured patient signing paperwork? It’s invalid. What a shit show!
We wonder why some people simply fall through the cracks in life, through no fault of those own. This wife and mother has mortally gone through the fire to keep her family alive from an unethical, incompetent and harmful medical system, that's calls itself 'health' care. She's a fighter and brave beyond measure. She's taught me to have more compassion for those who may not appear to have it all together. Life is very fragile.
The medical community will never regain credibility and since the Covid con I have lost ALL faith in doctors. I’m a retired registered nurse with 25 years experience in an acute care hospital.
God bless this family.
This Mom needs to forgive herself—she was deceived along with all of us—we didn’t know. The book called “Letting Go—The Pathway to Surrender by David R Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. instructs you how to forgive yourself. I guess having a vaccine injured child is what we had to go through to realize the deception but we will not be fooled again and can help others as well! Big hug to this Mom and her family. Thank you Dr Makis for letting me post and for speaking out.
My grandson became autistic after a double H1N1 shots, my son had a negative reaction to the MMR in the early 80’s and is on the scale, I had a nightmare experience in the ER when i had a metabolic crash from stress and exhaustion taking care of my mom who had Alzheimer’s and the dr tried 2x’s to 💉me, changed my dx to c o v he wanted me on a vent when i had no breathing issues, thank God for 2 angel doctors, 1 who phoned non stop for my proper treatment and 1 who came to see me and proved my O2 sats were normal. so i managed to walk out even though a nurse screamed at me all the way to the door. I lost all trust in our medical system. I see a need for a parallel system but we need to be careful it doesn’t get infiltrated. Scary times we live in
Unfreakin’ Believable what these Gestapo Tyrannts initiated
I use Dr Makis videos of those injured for prayer intervention. Each time I watch someone's story, I lift that person or family in prayer.
Thank you for being a prayer warrior! ❤️
I appreciate Dr.Makis allowing us to post. These psychopaths need to be arrested, tried by us and receive the appropriate punishment. Parliamentary privilege is the only way in a parliamentarian democracy. Here is how;
Glad this lady had the balls to do what needed to be done. I feel for the amount of responsibility that she has in her life and hope she continues to have the strength.
Our Natural Immunity
Against Bullshit
Well, It’s Glorious.
How Many More People Are Going To
Have To Die
For Robert Malone’s Personal Growth?
My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and any other virus:
3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.
I have been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be.
Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.
Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure
I haven't had any illness since 2011, when I began keeping a year-round tan. I try to get an hour in the sun several to times a week... Spring, Summer and early Fall. I use a sun lamp in Winter. I also take 1000mg of C, and 15mg of Zinc per day. I took no precautions against Convid. I do however, take precautions against spike shedding. I allow no vaxed persons in my home or car. When I must go in public, I swab the inside of my nasal passages with betadine iodine before leaving home, and again after returning, and gargle with an iodine solution. In the last 40 years I have been to a medical clinic 1988 when I broke my wrist...and even then I never went back. I cut off my own cast. I live just fine without their deadly system.
Hi Kris - whatever works for you, works for me too - congratulations that you have a cure - I'm never ill, not these past 31 years, it gets "sooo boring" never getting ill, simply by doing something simple like my free salt water cure - which is why I've been pushing it whenever I could these past 4 plus years. I don't like my docotr, I have the least possible time with him that I can - about once a year, if he is lucky - he is gungo ho with the vaccines, thinks they are going to save his life, well, he is not damaged by them so far, at least from the outside.
I'm just curious... does your doctor try to talk you into getting vaxed...and if so, why do you associate with someone who is trying to kill you?
My Doctor, like Doctors everywhere thinks the vaccines are safe and stop Moderna's Covid-19 virus - I tried talking to him and I've given him my free salt water cure, but he does not listen, refuses to if you like, but then look at the advantages to him. He is paid $250 each time he gets another person vaccinated, but here is the thing. The vaccine costs betwween $10 and $15 per shot, so who pays him an extra $250 per shot bonus and where does that come from? I have Diabetes Type 2 and Psoriasis on the tips of my fingers and underneath my feet (bad) and I need medical treatments I can only get with a prescription - the Diabetes I've kept in check for the last 23 years, still on pills and the Psoriasis to a degree, same way, but with creams too. Damned if I do, damned if I don't, sort of logic - so I sup with the Devil (my Doctor) but I use a loooong spoon!! I see him only when the prescriptions need to be renewed, on average, once a year and I manage my Diabetes myself - late 70's now - another 10 years or so would be nice, though without lots of people exterminated post vaccines - I'm crossing my eyes, fingers and toes and even my ears - I hope not!!
Blessings to you...may God send you healing. I have had psoriasis, so I know how painful and disfiguring it is.
I contracted it after a vaccine injury. I have only had one vaccine as an adult...for yellow fever. I read in a travel guide that they would only let you board the plane in Nairobi, to get to Zanzabar if you showed a yellow fever certificate. It was a lie...that almost killed me. I knew how bad vaccines were in 1999, but I also knew of coming I wanted to see all the places in the world that I longed to see...before it was too late. It was the worst mistake of my life.
I got yellow fever from the vaccine. At that point I only had a 40% chance of survival...even if I was in hospital. I didn't seek any treatment...I fought it alone, and at home. Next, I was so vaccine injured that for 4 years I was near death...but I clawed my way back to health using only natural methods. I followed the Dr. Lorraine Day vegan diet for 4 years (I'm still a vegetarian). My sister-in-law cured her type 2 diabetes by adopting a vegan have many others. I still wonder how anyone could trust someone who advised them to do a deadly act. It's no different than a doctor telling you to place a pistol in your mouth and then pull the trigger.
Blessings back to you. I'm off meat and now I only eat Fish, caught naturally (I hope) and vegetables - what do you eat as an alternative to meat, since vegetables alone are not enough, are they?
Tough with those vaccines you had - pleased you recovered. I was a world traveller in my younger days, left England when I was 24 in 1971 and never went back, live somewhere else permanently now with a much better climate.
I've had Psoroasis for over 22 years - I went to prison for 6 years at one stage, I got my accuser to admit that they lied about their identity and their accusations at my Trial, while I was in prison - used my weekly prison stamp allowance to do that - so really I was in prison for nobody and for nothing, according to my accuser after my Trial - they committed 100% Perjury, self admitted, after my imprisonment - yes I went to Trial and I took the Witness Box in my own defense unlike Trump - fat lot of good that did me - here they have a DCJ Ruling that 3rd Party Evidence can't be used to overturn a conviction - 1) My Accuser 2) The Board which paid "Compensation" to them - $28,500) 3) me = 3rd Party - so I did my full sentence and I never got the $28,500 bill, which was used to buy a home by my accuser, rather than buying one the way "normal people" do it (I have a copy of the Deeds in their real "legal married" name). That person died in 2012 according to Social Media, but I've got the emotional scars from it = Psoriasis and probably Type 2 Diabetes, since nobody from "my past parents" ever had Diabetes - life sucks, but I'm still here and that's what counts in my book.
Psoriasis comes and goes and comes back again, I'm not stressed - I was on antidepressants for years, took myself off them 2 years ago (1/4 tablet each week reduction until off them altogether)
Shit Happens, all water under the bridge - anyway, who wants a nice easy boring life - apart from me and you?
Trump has a fear of Sharks and me too, the two legged ones as well - the seas are cold and you can't see what's coming unless there is a fin?
One of the best CHD vax bus testimonies so far. Thank you Dr. Makis. Please share this families lived experience widely.
Thank you for sharing your stories of pure deception from so many government lies! Keep speaking out! Your whole family is brave and able to speak fluently and intelligently to the lies that we've all been told! I'm so thankful your husband is doing well! I'm shocked but thankful you got him out of that hospital! My Daddy was a truck driver all his life and he was the safest driver on the roads! Keep on trucking for the Truth to be told! Prayers lifted for your family to find healing! God bless you all! 🦋
My son is vaccine damaged. I can vouch for the organic diet. It’s truly remarkable how the right food can heal. His issue has been cured without a single prescription. Years of pain and suffering and all we had to do was eat organic and no processed foods. You truly are what you eat.
Not only are the "white coats" in the U.S. bound by these new con-vid protocols, the medical establishment requires "doctors" and hospitals operate within "the Standard of Care" set by insurance and pharmaceutical companies. This is why your "doctor" can't suggest lavender oil, cbd or recommend foods that heal. The system in the U.S. will not permit it and therefore our medical "care" is substandard and lethal. I suggest a book by Dr. Jennifer Daniels called "The Lethal Dose: Why Your Doctor Is Prescribing It" for this simple explanation. Hosea 4:6 - Peace everyone.
This story is INSANE! What the actual fuck? He’s a lucky man for not testing positive. They would have succeeded in killing him. They wanted to test him the last day in hopes he’d test positive so they could finish what they wanted to do to him!! Why would you give a brain injured patient narcotics and do that prior to imaging?? Why are they having a brain injured patient signing paperwork? It’s invalid. What a shit show!
We wonder why some people simply fall through the cracks in life, through no fault of those own. This wife and mother has mortally gone through the fire to keep her family alive from an unethical, incompetent and harmful medical system, that's calls itself 'health' care. She's a fighter and brave beyond measure. She's taught me to have more compassion for those who may not appear to have it all together. Life is very fragile.