Don’t use Go Fund Me, they’ll take it down. Use givesendgo

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Didn't they refuse donations to the truckers?

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Yes, they did. And here is the worst part: once the Trudeau government found out how much money was donated to the Truckers they blocked it. Looks like the other fund is a better choice.

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Dr. Makis,

1. You should have learned from the highly publicized Truckers/GoFundMe incident to instead use GiveSendGo. It troubles me that you are making the same mistake...

2. Please learn from the earliest Jews to leave Germany in the 1930s. They forfeited their wealth at that present time, BUT they had a tomorrow versus those that did not leave Germany or surrounding countries. I bet every one of the fathers that died in the holocaust wished they had left instead of staying and hoping to protect their wealth or any delusions of fighting the injustice.

3. You are a physician so you can land on your feet in the USA under DJT with RFK Jr having a say. I will not give you money to stay and fight these evil people when you can do that SAFELY somewhere else. I WILL give you money to help with the expenses of resettling. I believe most of your readers would do this also.

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He may want to both leave and let some good lawyers fight his cause here. Who knows ? There are still few judges with conscience and courage out there…he decides, we Canadians should help him.

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Both of them ‘….go’ may have be sized because similar mechanisms. The postal right, not so quick and not so easy.

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Can be sized *

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This requires a great awakening by accepting the truth that we have been misled in a very big way:

You might want to read this


and this


and this:



Canon 3228

A Roman Court does not operate according to any true rule of law, but by presumptions of the law.

Therefore, if presumptions presented by the private Bar Guild are not rebutted they become fact and are therefore said to stand true [Or as “truth in commerce”]. There are twelve (12) key presumptions asserted by the private Bar Guilds which if unchallenged stand true being Public Record, Public Service, Public Oath, Immunity, Summons, Custody, Court of Guardians, Court of Trustees, Government as Executor/Beneficiary, Executor De Son Tort, Incompetence, and Guilt:

1. The Presumption of Public Record is that any matter brought before a lower Roman Courts is a

matter for the public record when in fact it is presumed by the members of the private Bar Guild

that the matter is a private Bar Guild business matter. Unless openly rebuked and rejected by stating clearly the matter is to be on the Public Record, the matter remains a private Bar Guild matter completely under private Bar Guild rules; and

2. The Presumption of Public Service is that all the members of the Private Bar Guild who have

all sworn a solemn secret absolute oath to their Guild then act as public agents of the Government, or “public officials” by making additional oaths of public office that openly and deliberately contradict their private “superior” oaths to their own Guild. Unless openly rebuked and rejected, the claim stands that these private Bar Guild members are legitimate public servants and therefore trustees under public oath; and

3. The Presumption of Public Oath is that all members of the Private Bar Guild acting in the

capacity of “public officials” who have sworn a solemn public oath remain bound by that oath and

therefore bound to serve honestly, impartiality and fairly as dictated by their oath. Unless openly

challenged and demanded, the presumption stands that the Private Bar Guild members have

functioned under their public oath in contradiction to their Guild oath. If challenged, such

individuals must recuse themselves as having a conflict of interest and cannot possibly stand under a public oath; and

4. The Presumption of Immunity is that key members of the Private Bar Guild in the capacity of

“public officials” acting as judges, prosecutors and magistrates who have sworn a solemn public

oath in good faith are immune from personal claims of injury and liability. Unless openly

challenged and their oath demanded, the presumption stands that the members of the Private Bar Guild as public trustees acting as judges, prosecutors and magistrates are immune from any

personal accountability for their actions; and

5. The Presumption of Summons is that by custom a summons unrebutted stands and therefore

one who attends Court is presumed to accept a position (defendant, juror, witness) and jurisdiction of the court. Attendance to court is usually invitation by summons. Unless the summons is rejected and returned, with a copy of the rejection filed prior to choosing to visit or attend, jurisdiction and position as the accused and the existence of “guilt” stands; and

6. The Presumption of Custody is that by custom a summons or warrant for arrest unrebutted

stands and therefore one who attends Court is presumed to be a thing and therefore liable to be

detained in custody by “Custodians”. [This includes the dead legal fiction non-human “PERSON”

that corporate-governments rules and regulations are written for.*] Custodians may only lawfully

hold custody of property and “things” not flesh and blood soul possessing beings. Unless this

presumption is openly challenged by rejection of summons and/or at court, the presumption stands you are a thing and property and therefore lawfully able to be kept in custody by custodians; and

7. The Presumption of Court of Guardians is the presumption that as you may be listed as a

“resident” of a ward of a local government area and have listed on your “passport” the letter P, you are a pauper and therefore under the “Guardian” powers of the government and its agents as a “Court of Guardians”. Unless this presumption is openly challenged to demonstrate you are both a general guardian and general executor of the matter (trust) before the court, the presumption stands and you are by default a pauper, and lunatic and therefore must obey the rules of the clerk of guardians (clerk of magistrates court);

8. The Presumption of Court of Trustees is that members of the Private Bar Guild presume you

accept the office of trustee as a “public servant” and “government employee” just by attending a

Roman Court, as such Courts are always for public trustees by the rules of the Guild and the Roman System. Unless this presumption is openly challenged to state you are merely visiting by

“invitation” to clear up the matter and you are not a government employee or public trustee in this instance, the presumption stands and is assumed as one of the most significant reasons to claim jurisdiction – simply because you “appeared”; and

9. The Presumption of Government acting in two roles as Executor and Beneficiary is that for the

matter at hand, the Private Bar Guild appoint the judge/magistrate in the capacity of Executor while the Prosecutor acts in the capacity of Beneficiary of the trust for the current matter. Unless this presumption is openly challenged to demonstrate you are both a general guardian and general executor of the matter (trust) before the court, the presumption stands and you are by default the trustee, therefore must obey the rules of the executor (judge/magistrate); and

10. The Presumption of Executor De Son Tort is the presumption that if the accused does seek to

assert their right as Executor and Beneficiary over their body, mind and soul they are acting as an

Executor De Son Tort or a “false executor” challenging the “rightful” judge as Executor. Therefore,

the judge/magistrate assumes the role of “true” executor and has the right to have you arrested,

detained, fined or forced into a psychiatric evaluation. Unless this presumption is openly challenged by not only asserting one’s position as Executor as well as questioning if the judge or magistrate is seeking to act as Executor De Son Tort, the presumption stands and a judge or magistrate of the private Bar guild may seek to assistance of bailiffs or sheriffs to assert their false claim; and

11. The Presumption of Incompetence is the presumption that you are at least ignorant of the law, therefore incompetent to present yourself and argue properly. Therefore, the judge/magistrate as executor has the right to have you arrested, detained, fined or forced into a psychiatric evaluation. Unless this presumption is openly challenged to the fact that you know your position as executor and beneficiary and actively rebuke and object to any contrary presumptions, then it stands by the time of pleading that you are incompetent then the judge or magistrate can do what they need to keep you obedient; and

12. The Presumption of Guilt is the presumption that as it is presumed to be a private business

meeting of the Bar Guild, you are guilty whether you plead “guilty”, do not plead or plead “not

guilty”. Therefore unless you either have previously prepared an affidavit of truth and motion to

dismiss with extreme prejudice onto the public record or call a demurrer, then the presumption is

you are guilty and the private Bar Guild can hold you until a bond is prepared to guarantee the

amount the guild wants to profit from you

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It’s more, they have blocked the accounts of some people among those who donated. I’ve read lately that the plan was to block and confiscate all of them but the bankers refused to go along with it.

We must learn from errors.

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PO BOX ADRESS. Dr Makis, please consider.

Since operative granny’s convoy, people are prudent with public display of donations.

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They stole it all.

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Yes indeed!! USE GIVE SEND GO!!

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I second that!

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Yes, I was jumping on here to say GoFraudMe should be avoided and use GiveSendGo instead as well!

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Give Send Go is abetter choice.

1. I think it would be a better fit if you worked with Dr. Joseph Ladapo, who served as the Surgeon General under President Trump's first term.

President-Elect Donald Trump has not announced who his Surgeon General will be. Hopefully it will be Dr. Joseph Ladapo.

Pro-Life Doctor Ben Carson Dispels Rumors, Says He Will Not Serve as Surgeon General

by Steven Ertelt - November 18, 2024


State Surgeon General - Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD


2. Why I fled Canada for Florida || Viva Frei

Alison Morrow - Streamed live on July 12, 2022


Viva Frei has a YT & Rumble Channel


Hope this helps. Take care.

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And a PO Box adress, there are people who became very worried to display all kind of donations. The most generous will stay away from publicity and maybe not even use that kind of media.

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Both are too hot, considering the recent convoy shenanigans.

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You need to leave Canada. That's how you protect yourself and your family.

Me and my family ran into persecution in the N.W. of the U.S. concerning anti- vaxxong. We didn't wait around for them to drum up bogus charges on us. We moved to the South, and just blended in. Use wisdom here. You are dealing with the most evil power in the universe!!

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Dr Makis at least leave temporarily!

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I never knew there was so much evil in this world, until the mandates were forced on everyone. That was pure evil: the most horrifying diabolic thing I have ever witnessed in my life. Dr. Makis, nobody's sending you to jail if you pay the big fine. We know you don't deserve it. It may even be illegal but fighting the government takes time. There are thousands of people who love you Dr. Makis. We will all help you out. Don't risk jail. Avoid it at all cost. Take your loss Dr. Makis, so you can fight another day. This principle comes from traders: the smart ones, take their losses, so they can come back fight another day.

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In the USA, there is Amendment 2 of the US Constitution, and we came within a hair-breath-election of it being needed, though many fear we no longer have men with the audacity and judgment to implement it. In disarmed socialist-fascist Canada, your only option probably is to flee south - get a Visa, and simultaneously request Asylum based on the threat of imprisonment for exercising your fundamental rights of free speech and association. Welcome to the soon-to-be-free-again [20 January 2025] USA.

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IF and that is a Big IF, they don't kill Trump, first, cause they believe not in MAGA and MAHA but in T-DASAP: Trump Dead ASAP

Is there any proof that they really want to murder all of us?


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There is a wonderful doctor in Mexico who has a lovely hacienda and I am certain she will take in your family Dr Makis. You likely know her.

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You are making the mistake of magnifying a small time and rather dim witted tyrant. Here is a collection that is sure to tickle your funny bone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWkra3DgkZQ

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Yes Dr. Makis. You got to leave Canada. It's time. You can't stick around. Once they have you in jail you don't know for sure how long you will be there or how they will treat you. Even in the U.S. they say the treatment of the January 6ers was horrific.

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This is so unfair! Prayers for you and your family!

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And so many Albertans support her? I’m so sorry this is happening to you and your family.

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Supposedly, Smith is connected to the WEF, being one of their Young Global Leaders graduates; so (assuming the information I got is accurate) it is probably not that surprising that this is how things turned out. It's really unfortunate because she seemed to hold promise initially.

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Young Global Leaders is an of-shoot of Harvard and the government. It trained the thug Navalny who was supposed to unseat Putin, fat chance.

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Nope, just part of the Cabal:

Weaponization of Justice


Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:


Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:


Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:


President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

The way out of this mess:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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They all show promise until the WEF gets their grip on them.

Look at Jucinda Adern in NZ. What a shame!

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Supposedly, Smith graduated in 2019, long before she became Premier, but regardless, your point is well taken.

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It's not that the WEF gets their grip on them but that they mutually select themselves in terms of degree of evilness.

Weaponization of Justice


Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:


Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:


Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:


President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

The way out of this mess:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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Thanks Prof. Nazar, I observe the essence of leadership must be plutocracy.

I can’t think of any government that doesn’t fit that description. (including China & Russia) And any government that was formed in good faith to ‘represent the people’ soon morphs into the mould. I used to puzzle over the impossibility for a wealthy person to understand a person who isn’t wealthy or even worse does not seek wealth. Early Australian government was described as egalitarian but as the decades rolled on the customary format evolved. I expect it’s what made America great !

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True, power corrupts. That's why the ultimate system is direct democracy where power is never delegated.

A Republic or a Democracy? Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican direct democracy?


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Yes. Smith is most assuredly WEF. I’ve oft spotted her as a ‘member’ on their site. Despicable…

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Controlled opposition is everywhere.

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Sort of like the morons in Canada who continue to support Justine Castreau and the morons in America who support Donald Trump.🤔

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I can only believe that YOU Capt. Roy are online for the sole purpose stirring up discord and setting posters off topic and against each other. Donald Trump had nothing to do with Dr. William Makis. I see you posting everywhere spouting stupidity.

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Dear Kathleen:

How do you figure that? To the contrary: I am trying to wake people up and see reality.

Moreover you're missing the point: Of course Donald Trump has nothing to do with William Makis! This is the point: Danielle Smith gets elected in Alberta. All the idiots think it's a New Day. And it isn't: It's the same shit. Just different actors, still supporting the WEF/WHO's Satanic agenda. Look at what's happened in England under Reichsführer Starmer. Look at the situation here in Canada. The NDP in British Columbia "win" the election, but it was the same shenanigans as in America in 2020 / 2022 with mail-in ballots, ballot box stuffing and fraudulent votes. On the Federal level Pierre Poilievre (never mind he's just another WEF catamite) attempts a Non-Confidence vote – and the bastards in the NDP, Bloc Quebecois and the Green Party support Justine Castreau! In America Trump "wins" the "election" – and appoints a bunch of neo-con warhawks who support Israel no matter what and will get us all involved in a war with Iran/Russia and China... a war that America is guaranteed to loose and could destroy the planet.

Let me draw your attention to an article Kevin Flaherty wrote in 2006 and I reposted: "Waiting for Clarity on the Brink of Oblivion". This will explain where I'm coming from and what I'm trying to do with my comments.


Ask yourself this Kathleen: Has our situation both individually and collectively, improved in any way in the past 18 years? You already know the answer.

Best wishes 😘,

Capt. Roy Harkness

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• 2015. Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, was named a WEF Young Global Leader. It’s no surprise that her husband Kushner was behind mounting operation Warp Speed and that she said: “Getting fully vaccinated is the best way to end this pandemic and protect ourselves and one another.”

• 2018. President Trump spoke at the WEF.

• 21 Jan 2020. At the WEF Trump said “We’re here meeting with world leaders, the biggest, most important people in the world, and we’re bringing back tremendous in the United States. We look forward to being here. Klaus has done a fantastic job”. 1

In 2016, Trump chickened out with establishing the commission, leaded by RFK2, that Trump had publicly announced to investigate vaccine safety.

7 March 2024. Trump wrote: “The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to beat cancer - Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!” 1

Trump still agreed with Biden’s quote and a criminal 9 month approval of a mass experiment!

Both Biden and Trump had 4 years to redress guilty ignorance:

1. The Pandemic never controlled our lives, but the psy-op built by masonic authorities, media, military and medical complex.

2. COVID shots didn’t save us from COVID, but the opposite: increased transmission, hospitalization and deaths, not only COVID but all-cause deaths.

3. The Pandemic was over due to the recovered getting natural immunity, and Omicron, increasing the speed of contagion with moderate simptoms and helping reach complete herd immunity, achieving the unfulfilled vaccine promises (instead of injecting everyone, why wasn’t his government promoting the 30 effective cures and why wasn’t a benign virus like Omicron developed in a transparent trustworthy lab? Instead of gain-of-function, loss-of-function!).

4. mRNA shots don’t beat cancer, but induce turbo-cancer, through lipid nano-particles, graphene oxide and DNA hacking with HIV and SV40 sequences.

5. COVID vaccines were not vaccines but lethal haccines with bluetooth tracking.

6. They owe a huge public apology and redress of the vaccine injuries and deaths.2

Trump is still proud to have funded the haccines through DoD Warp Speed. He could have said, “I’m sorry, I was mislead like Congress, the Supreme Court and the majority. The intelligence community proved useless. I won’t repeat the mistakes by doing this and that. Notice how I’m the only one to apologize which means that the others are a menace to public health and freedom”. Trump didn’t.

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If the standards of Nuremberg applied, everyone involved in the Covid Fraudemic – Sorry Prof. Fred, but there was no "covid", and certainly no pandemic – every last politician, medical doctor, researcher and drug lord on the planet involved in this should hang, for the crimes against humanity they have committed.

Those executions must be public, and televised. Nothing less is adequate.

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You have some solid points, we need time to see if they will be validated by actions, in near future.

What if the Trump train just pretend they like Israel’s AIPAC until they don’t? Time will tell.

Not all Jewish people are in love with Netanyahu and his clique or with AIPAC shenanigans.In fact, in Israel, many were and are on the streets, in large groups , beaten by their own police because their common sense…Decent citizens, from all social spectrum, not Soros agitators on mission to turn people off from Palestinian genocide reality…

If what you say here will happen, it means that we the people, worldwide, are now in the middle of two tribes’ fight, to change hand of wealth and real power from one to another 😓 and make as more obedient slaves than we already are! God forbid!

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PS To paraphrase from Kevin Flaherty: "Please understand, there are no political solutions to the problems Canada is facing"...

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What 'War-Hawk' is Legitimate POTUS Donald J Trump appointing to his cabinet? He ran on a platform to keep us out of wars. Are you paying attention? In a note closer to the Doctor Matkis situation, Legitimate POTUS Donald J Trump is appointing Robert F Kennedy Junior to his cabinet, a person fighting to right the COVID-19 evils, including the forced jabs and unconstitutional mandates. Please tell me that support of Israel is not warping your sense of what is right.

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I do indeed pay attention.

Read this: "Trump's Picks Are All Neocon Warhawks Ferociously Devoted to Israel" https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/11/no_author/trumps-picks-are-all-neocon-warhawks-ferociously-devoted-to-israel/

Listen to from 22:00 - 31:10 to this: "Trump picks point to a swamp-infested ZIONIST OCCUPATION of America" - https://www.brighteon.com/cbcd95a6-f682-4f25-95e5-2633a5399c41

Sorry to add, but RFKjr by the way, has publicly come out, more than once, in total support of the murder state of Israel and their relentless genocide of the Palestinians.

You were lied to, Buddy J... same as always... 🙄

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Yes there is:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


A Republic or a Democracy? Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican direct democracy?


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Those too.. 🙄

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Who should the morons in America support then?

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In one word, 240Gordie? "No-one." Stop wasting your time with those venal, lying, self-serving psychopaths. Find strength and faith in yourself instead.

As Kevin Flaherty wrote in "Waiting for Clarity on the Brink of Oblivion": (https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/waiting-for-clarity-on-the-brink): "Please understand: There are no solutions to the problems the US is facing. The outcome of this election is meaningless, one way or the other."

And as he also warned: "The system is in collapse now. This is my best and only advice: Get into a situation that eliminates your reliance on luck and minimizes the impact of factors that are completely beyond your control. Do this immediately."

– Kevin Flaherty, https://www.cryptogon.com/?page_id=2

Get out of debt. Put your money in precious metals and Monero. Stop using debit and credit cards, use cash. Get fit. Get "prepped." Learn about nutrition. Learn about herbalism. Put aside at least a year's supply of food and a month of water. Get guns and ammunition. Get heritage seeds. Learn all you can about First Aid and Emergency Medical Training. Learn about ham radio and get licensed. Read books like "The Book of Survival", "A Guide to Forming Communities", "Nuclear War Survival Skills" or "The Survival Medicine Handbook"; follow people like Mike Adams, Jeff Berwick, Gerald Calente, MD Creekmore, Ed Dowd, Catherine Austin Fitts, Wade Frazier, G. Edward Griffin, Seth Holehouse, David Icke, Max Igan, Karen Kingston, Steve Quayle, Stefan Verstappen, Dane Wigington, and Michael Yon, amongst numerous others.

Hope all that helps.

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Thanks, good advice, I agree with you and I've been doing quite a bit of it. Most people are not going to refrain from voting. I do think that America is better off at least in the short term with Trump than with Harris. I think it will give us a little more time to prepare. Although they could probably totally crash the system at any time. Probably want to start WWIII first.

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Best I can say about this is with any luck, Trump will give us all a bit more time. A Democrat Regime under Kameltoe and Tampon Tim doesn't bear thinking about.

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You mean the cult?

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You are correct. But the alternative is much worse. If Dr. Makis wins it might backfire and bring more attention to the corruption.

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Win in those courts. Listen to this and let me know if you still think that. courts...https://spotifycreators-web.app.link/e/OEseyECVEOb

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In reset Charlie’s courts? I’ll personally travel to mow the lawn at those who bring him justice but don’t have any faith left.

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So grotesque!

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Danielle Smith Do Not Turn Your Back On Dr. Makis & Albertans Help Us Fight This Corruption Instead Of Joining It Please.

It's Not To Late To Realize Dr. Makis Is An Ally Not An Enemy!

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Yes, we want to help defray the insane fees and fines you are facing.

I am so sorry.

I voted for you on the MAHA website. Would love to see you get a post in the 2025 USA HHS. We need you on the team!

The tide is turning. Please don't despair. The truth surrounding the Covid Hoax are being exposed.


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I cannot even begin to wrap my mind around this outrage....What is wrong with Canadians...?????

It is such a big beautiful country and fabulously endowed with all kinds of riches......(of course now that I think about it--- that is why the "GLOBALISTS" are tightening their ropes on it}...... I remember videos of the heroic TRUCKERS CONVOY and how they were standing strong against tyranny. This "Premier Danielle Smith" needs someone to tie her up in a net and drag her around Canada to the undying cheers of all the rest of the world who long for freedom, for the right to gather and worship as did Rev. Henry Hildebrandt and Rev. Artur Palowski....both arrested....,for the right to come and go as we please.

Dr. Makis you have been exceedingly brave. I commend you.

Do you have a PO box to send a check to....as I do not use "PayPal"--?

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Dr. Makis is setting up a "GiveSendGo" account Kathleen. Donate money there, just as I'm going to.

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Canada is not a country it is a Crown estate of slaves cosplaying as Canadians. Here is some true history if you are interested.


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Please use GiveSendGo. Look at what Go fund me did to the Canadian truckers.

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Yes indeed!!

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Yes, and a PO Box, please. I will repeat this one until it happens because a big lot won’t donate on Zuckerberg’s platform.

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Paying lawyers to betray a man is a bad investment.

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Dr Makis, how many paid subscribers do you have.....I thought it was around 30,000. If everyone of us send you $10 that equates to $300,000. A small sacrifice for all the great work you have been doing.

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Get a PO box and I will send $1OO to it....

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🥰thanks, I suck at my duties today because staying here 😂and asking a PO box.! Someone trusted from his circle should do it, please!

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Paying lawyers to lose is a bad investment. No case has been won yet.

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Come to the USA and join RFK, Jr's team. Please.

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My father used to say, don't through good money after bad. You can stay with me in Newport, VT...

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Nov 19
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Much better! I only have a bedroom ( I would sleep in my office.) And we are the state of that beast, Bernie Sanders...Go for Montana, Dr. Makis!

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My husband and I are keeping you in our prayers Dr. Makis that God will protect you and your family as you go through this trial. I nominated you to be selected for Robert Kennedy Jr.'s team.

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Keep going 👊

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It’s truly an abomination to see Premier Smith being lured in by Phamakeia’s lawfare tactics. I’m sure President Trump, and RFK Jr. will take interest in your case against Canadian C19 health fascists…

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Yes, when Meryl Nass MD was being threatened by the state of Maine Medical Board, The Children's Health Defense reached out to help her fight back legally. Due to her age (70) the Medical Board thought they could bully her. At her age, it would be hard to recoup from the financial loss so they thought she would limp away quietly. haha. Thank you Children's Health Defense.

Turns out, Meryl Nass has been a warrior for Medical Freedom.

Please keep us informed and also give detailed instructions how we can help. Thx.

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More like "par for the course"

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Dear Dr. Makis:

I'm sharing my gut feelings here:

If at all possible, don't appear in person at any court date, because they will arrest you under some kind of manufactured basis and they will fabricate more fallacious excuses to have you remain in custody indefinitely.

Thank you for all that you do on behalf of others.

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Hiring high profile lawyers and good public campaign on the case, while far away from Canada with his Family 🙏

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