Keep on telling the truth Doc Makis. Pray for discernment for those lost in ignorance and pride.

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Death doesn't care if you're left or right wing.

Science (real, not Herr Fauci) doesn't care if you're left or right wing.

Discernment doesn't care if you're left or right wing.

Reason doesn't care if you're left or right wing.

Truth doesn't care if you're left or right wing.

Good healthcare SHOULD NOT care if you're left or right wing. Anyone who does care if you're left or right wing when it comes to you or your family's health, is a political ideologue and should be questioned and avoided if they cannot or will not produce facts in a debate.

As for government, Question Authority with a Trust BUT Verify mindset and vote out those who serve political concepts over freedom.

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You cannot vote them out in a corporatocracy because they are all appointed.

You can only vote them out or recall in a constitutional republic, but Canadians just don't want to let go of the corporate teat.

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i think marx said something like you can vote yourself into tyranny, but you cant vote your way out of it. and that’s the situation with every western government, not just canada

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ZERO politicians are elected into office -- they are all SELECTED.

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they work with brain tumors and dementia, voting themselves a raise, while laughing in our face

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yes, true. but it’s what people perceive. a better quote would be if voting mattered they wouldn’t let us do it, zappa maybe?

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Not necessarily that Canadians don't want to let go of the corporate fiasco, it seems the majority have chosen to remain ignorant of its reality. People are wasting time watching TV and sports, distracting themselves with entertainment while their children's future is being dragged into a toilet. Apathy reigns supreme in the minds of many, don't know so don't have to care.

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From what I've been able to glean from history where socialism/communism have gotten hold, about 10% of the population is trying to warn and the other 90% could not care less UNTIL they start to lose everything.

Then when the 90% holler like banshees, the socialist/communist regime offers up a 'solution' that is exactly the same as always but unrecognizable by the slaves because they never paid attention to the previous regime.

Right now in Canada, the slaves are hollering about Trudeau, and so are told Poilievre is the answer, yet both work for the world government and always have. There is no debate there...look at their history and track records.

Socialism was installed with the Socialist Party of Tommy Douglas who gave us the 'free universal healthcare' ... you know how that's ended, with medical doctors and hospitals being killing fields. Once people started to get a little too nosy about this 'free' healthcare, they changed the name of the party to New Democractic Party and the rest about that is history.

EVERY single time the NDP have been a ruling party at the federal or provincial level, destruction followed. EVERY single time. But the damage was not uncovered until years later and the ship had sailed, replaced by another from the same theatre company.

EVERY single time a Conservative party was in power, federally or provincially, sovereignty was eroded a little more, until Stephen Harper told us bluntly (twice) he had traded our sovereignty for trade deals with Chinese Communist companies. With the 'trade deals' came utter economic disaster, an end to our means of subsistence, and the stealth invasion of the Communist Chinese Party military onto the landmass, as well as their police stations.

Pierre Trudeau and Lester B Pearson were always very clear about their intent to turn Canada communist. Lester set up the UN (a foreign corporation) for the Rockefellers. The foreign corporation, the UN, provided the solutions to the incoming hell communists were setting up for us, but the entire structure of the UN and WEF is 100% communist.

The UN took over the entire landmass in 1985 when the corporate CANADA transferred it's business to the corporate UN (typical merger or take-over).

The final nail in our coffin is UNDRIP that has co-opted the greedy elite Aboriginals in a ploy to 'separate' 600 first nations from Canada, but the deal is that Canadians would have to continue to 100% support their 'separate nations' financially. The Supreme Court of Canada has made this separation arrangement possible, proving yet again, that it has been the single biggest source of destruction of Canada, engeering our society, one manufactured law after another.

Canada the landmass and CANADA the corporation are two separate things, but who cares which is which as long as the benefits keep rolling in. Until we break up the welfare state that the current government is expanding daily and that encompasses 80% of the population, we cannot get free.

Socialists ensured that the 80% of the productive population of the landmass would have their wealth transferred to the other 20% that were unproductive, until all Canadians were equally poor. With that in place, a single-party communist government set up Administrative Law to replace our domestic law and courts.

The UN Tribunals eliminate all legal recourse ensuring there is little chance of the communist regime that the Trudeaus and all the shills that have been part of their and previous governments can be dismantled using the courts.

They have been telling us for 65 years that they admire and prefer communism. How much more loudly can the Conservatives scream that they believe trade deals with China are more important than our national sovereignty before people will listen?

To learn the situation we are truly in, turn off your TV, stop your political bantering and get the actual facts and evidence from People-United.

Do this by emailing People-United from a free protonmail account. Their email address is p-united@proton.me

Be sure to provide your first name and postal code (to weed out AI bots, etc) in the subject line.

Be sitting down when you read the material.

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I am admittedly ignorant about the Canadian system. I pray that Pierre Poilievre will soon be your PM.

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Please Gary, I beg you not to wish PP on us ... we have suffered enough.

He is a lawyer and WEF shill (operating like a secret agent, waiting in the wings to replace Trudeau and bring complete victory to the WEF/UN).

He was in the Stephen Harper cabinet that set up things for Trudeau's evil doings by passing open borders legislation and by amending the election act to ensure imports with no allegiance to Canada could vote (outvote) us in 2014, just before the election.

The Harper Trade Deals absolutely destroyed Ontario (once was the most productive subsoverign nation in the world. Ontario is Canada's 'richest province', but also poorer than the poorest state in the US (Mississippi).

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Who else do you have? Who do you recommend?

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There is no one to recommend because they all belong to the WEF/UN since the UN took over governance in 1985. It is merely a foreign corporation, yet it says jump and everyone in government says how high.

How is it that a foreign corporation gets to make any declaration, treaty, covenant that is suddenly imposed on Canada? Because the Harper government traded our sovereignty for trade deals (with China). How many times does he have to tell us that he sold us out before we 'get it'.

In every province, the citizens must leave the corporate sandbox and build a new sandbox where the People have the say and the civil servants are actually servants. There must be recall, referendums and a way for the People to veto political decisions ... the only way is through the installation of a Constitutional Republic where the Constitution limits the power and authority of the government, and delineates all the rights of the People.

Canadians always look to or think we can resolve our serious political/economic and morality problems by going to court, because that is what they do in the US. They do not realize that in the US they have a Constitution in every State because every State is a republic.

Here we are trapped until we claim our right to a republic in every province that has been our right to do since 1931.

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Yes, you don't know at all. Please spare us from political comments if you don't.

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Child, I do know that you have proven yourself to be a jackass with your comment.

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Sadly we were sold out long ago. We, in the USA, are "The United States Corporation" quoted by Gen Myorkas?, I believe. Maritime law as well as paid off, bribed or blackmailed judges, doctors, MSM, police and politicians seem to be the final nails in the coffin. We are with you w milkCanada. We, too are allegedly being poisoned with 5g, chem trails, jabs, fog, EMF, Darpa, Haarp and who knows what else. Exhausting! In California, the gov declared an emergency for another virus scam. Since then, eggs, chicken, and raw milk are getting scarcer by the day. Food, air, water, land, animals, fish and our most precious children (future) are at stake. Once you see, you can't unsee. The pieces are all falling into place. Slow, methodical destruction by the NWO.

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Yes, but we also have slow, methodical awakening happening, and there are more of us then there are of them. Keep the faith because we have something on our side that they don't -- God.

We must all smarten up, repent if we screwed up, make changes to our lifestyle if it is not what it should be, and take 100% responsibility for our actions and decisions.

Oh, and pray like you've never prayed before, because things are indeed going to get rougher.

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I know in the U.S. all elections are rigged even down to the municipal levels and judges. If a popular person wins, like Trump, they let him win and he will be forced to carry out their globalist agenda- the most important agenda to them.

They will allow him to please the people in other ways such as lower gas and food prices, but the globalist agenda-open borders, mixing races and sexual orientation will remain. Trump is talking about allowing immigrants in with h1b visas- there are too many qualified American workers to justify this. He will talk about and build a wall, meanwhile allow the U.S. military to fly in illegal immigrants, giving them visas on the plane before they land. All part of globalization.

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You can’t both them out anywhere, you have to put them on trial and execute them

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Many have moved from “trust but verify”, when it comes to government, to distrust and do my own research. A good rule of thumb when it comes to health is to do the opposite of government pushed “information”

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Pray that all those in The Medical Mafia are held accountable.

I want to pray also for peace and comfort for the brain-washed parents of dead children --whose grief may cause a mental block over their actions. So diabolical. So sad. So wrong.

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She’ll never get over this. She deserves this fate, it’s what she created. I’ve come to the conclusion that some people are just pure evil. The only way to deal with them is to take them to court, put the evidence on trial and then give them the death penalty if they caused the death in this manner. You see this young woman influenced other people to kill their baby. All this young mother had to do was say study the science in the evidence and make your own choice. I’m not gonna get involved.

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Definitely her doctor in the hospital, the doctor practices they also deserve to go on trial and receive the death penalty

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Yes, conscious people who intentionally harm and kill need to be separated from society. Brain-washed parents only have dead babies because of their brain-washing. No parent brain-washed by The Medical Mafia 'deserves' a dead child.

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I’m a mother who lost her 11 month old daughter to a vaccine injury. I almost lost my other two children as well to vaccines- we didn’t figure it out initially because all the authorities claimed it would definitely not be vaccine related. There is nothing more gut wrenching and world view crushing than seeing your dead child. Perhaps she will be brave enough to see the connection. But mom guilt for injecting your child with toxic vaccines is a tough pill to swallow. It’s pretty soul wrecking when you have to take responsibility for the death of your child.

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Truly sorry for your loss. You did your best to know the truth. God help you through your pain.🙏🩷

The difference is Roos was informed of the dangers by Dr. Makis a notable physician. You were lied to about harm by physicians.

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No, this is untrue what you say. That mother and father are not innocent, they are guilty of killing their baby, they did not check out the facts and do research. You do not inject man-made chemicals into a baby, this is common sense, they are evil. There is plenty of evidence that’s easy to understand that proves that this is a killshot.

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I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine. Thank you for sharing and your honesty.🙏

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Sorry for your and your family's loss...

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Blair God be with you in your loss, you were not aware, you are now. Don’t blame yourself, you did not kill your child the government and all those who covered the truth did, not your fault, never will be, this lady’s story is different she was warned by an exceptional doctor.

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Are you kidding me, do you really believe what you’re saying? These parents were warned and had the information, but they were evil. They are guilty of killing their baby. The doctors are not their mom and dad.

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Ronda I am responding to Blair about her loss, suggest you read (before you make comments like these) the last sentence, the Roos are total vaccine devotees- look them up, they are shockingly bad e.g. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/covid-vaccine-kids-psychologists-1.6262511 I wonder what will happened to the rest of their (Roos) children.

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When I was a baby 56 years ago I had an allergic reaction to a vaccine the doc came right to the house to take a look told my mom not to ever give me another shot as he had seen a child die after taking one. That doctor had the good sense to tell my mom that and my mom had the good sense to listen

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We have so many ways to research now that we didn’t have 30 years ago. If I knew then what I do now, a needle would NEVER have gotten anywhere close to ANY of my children… My 22 year old is high functioning autistic and doing very well for himself, but I wonder how life would be different for him if he wouldn’t have had his shots. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😕

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So very sorry for the loss of your child, there's nothing more devastating. I've seen far too many of these terrible outcomes, and I blame the medical establishment for hammering it into parents that they are negligent if they choose to not vaccinate their children.

You are not at fault, you must know that.

You must know that you and your children are victims of an evil, uncaring medical industrial complex as nefarious as anything the military industrial complex has ever and will ever come up with at the cost of human life. I consider this worse because they make you feel you are doing the right thing, and if you don't you'll be flung out of society, excommunicated from the "moral high ground" crowd, to live with us dirty, filthy anti-vaxxers.

Well, we love you, and welcome you to the to the fight for individual freedom and God given right to choose what's best for you and your family.

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The parents are at fault are you kidding? It is fully the parents fault, all the information was available, and this person was warned.

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Again Ronda this is not about the Roos!!!!!!

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Your lack of understanding that not everyone in the world lives in your information silo is sad. Vaccinating your child has become akin to a religious ritual not to be questioned or you'll be excommunicated from society, you might as well have a yellow star pinned to your jacket.

What is truly troublesome is your lack of compassion for someone who lost a child to the same people you rail against. Your "world" is not THE "world" other people live in, and just because you know where the information is doesn't mean everyone does.

She questioned her doctor about the reactions her previous children suffered, and was told that it had NOTHING to do with the vaccines they were given. THIS person was NOT warned, can you read? Do you get that maybe her husband insisted, or close family members wouldn't understand why she would choose to not vaccinate her child and the reactions from a vaccine-happy cult?

No, you don't because you have to be right, even at the cost of denigrating someone who lost a baby that YOU don't know anything about, because someone pushed your TRIGGERED button. It ain't about YOU.

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They lied to you as they did to all of us. We all feel guilty -- if only we had X and Dr. Makis back then. So many people and doctors were fooled who now realise their mistakes -- Pierre Kory, Robert Kennedy, and many of the other Covid heroes.

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Vjecnaja Pamjat. Memory Eternal.

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This idiot was warned beforehand

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Thank you for speaking the truth these people here saying the parents were not at fault are insane

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I know its blowing my mind how people dont accept responsibility for things they did wrong & the concept of being held accountable seems to have vanished!! What is wrong with people!

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We're NOT responding to the article, we're responding to a comment made by a different mother who lost her child to vaccines! Learn how threads of comment

replies work before replying and making a fool of yourself because you're in the WRONG THREAD.

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I wish there was something useful and helpful to say to you. Thank you for your comment and may your family be strong. I am so sorry for your loss.

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I’m so sorry. It could have been any one of us who listened to the lies. God of all comfort be just that for all parent victims! 🙏🏻

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Heartbreaking…I’m so sorry. There are no words.

Mothers are lied to. THEY understand that mothers love and want to protect their children. The mother-child bond is used to manipulate mothers into injecting their children with a substance they have zero understanding of but believe, because “experts” tell them, that shots will keep their children healthy. Fear is the tool that is used.

Unfortunately, doctor training is indoctrination and they don’t ask questions.

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Heh Blair - very sorry for your loss 💔

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Incredibly heartbreaking, an innocent baby, the victim of ignorance.

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No, not ignorance in this case. Here it is wilful blindness. How much more could anyone have done or warned her if the mother treats vaccines like a cult. It's incredibly sad and heartbreaking, but she wilfully sacrificed her child for her 'belief' which is clearly not based in any science. Stupidity and wilfully blocking anyone who warned her.

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Vaccination is a child sacrificing CULT!

End of story.

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You are 100% absolutely correct, these parents are evil

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The mother, the father, the doctor, the nurses, the hospital are all murders

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There’s also an arrogant like smugness in the attitude of these “believers.”

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Exactly correct, this mother and the father are guilty of doing this to their child. They did not study the facts that which were readily available and they influenced other people probably to kill their babies too.

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Roos choose ignorance as opposed to educating herself. She had a responsiblity to her child to do her homework and learn the truth.

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No ignorance there! Its called INFANTICIDE!

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Yes, terribly sad poor baby

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Just as abortion is! View a video of an abortion and you can never unsee it!! Hideously barbaric.

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Oh yes, abortion is sick. The baby feels all the pain and the baby tries to stop themselves from being ripped apart.

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Not ignorance, she was warned! Shes a disgusting murderer!

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Unfortunately cult members have a way to layer on delusions to avoid reality.

WRT child Covid shots, I asked my doctor if she had stopped jabbing kids .”why would I stop” me: you agree risk to kids if the actual infection is zero? “ her; “yes but it’s to stop the spread “ me; have you not noticed it does not do that, and further, how could spike antibodies in bloodstream prevent upper respiratory mucosal infection? Zero IgA response?” Eyes flickering, lip trembled, then She got angry.

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You hit it right on all points and these are the most important ones. Another self-serving immoral coward of a doctor you confronted.

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Like he said, it just made her angry. You will never come between a God in a white coat and their paycheck. Never. The doctors who had a conscience and refused to harm others are gone from mainstream "medicine". They are the ones who are now saving thousands, maybe millions of lives. The numbers are growing exponentially.

Make no mistake, what is left, since those conscientious doctors and nurses left, is that today's clinics and hospitals are a religion: The Church Of Modern Medicine. They wear the symbolic stethescope around their neck instead of a cross or medal. They worship, above all, money! They worship and sacrifice fellow human beings to the god of Big Pharma/Big Biotech, and are well paid for it!

Their adherents trust blindly, in them, without question, as they are led "like sheep to the slaughter".

There is a terrible judgement awaiting these false prophets in white coats.

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Well worded.

All that are left in that medical profession cult, or a bunch of psychopaths

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These doctors are way too much. These are horrible people. I will only go to a chiropractic or naturopathic doctor.. I will never again use the evil cult of the medical doctor

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Cognitive dissonance…Doctors are too proud to admit they are wrong and are happy to take the incentive money from distributing injections to humanity! Biological weapons forced on us as if these products are absolutely the only answer is ignorance beyond a doubt ! Makes me very sad!

This is a very sad story at many levels…

The government , the doctors , the parents all having a hypnotic mindset…

God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference!

The loss of a child is beyond horrific… for all of us speaking out against vaccinations and biological gene therapies /mRNA injection , go forth and never give up… we must save humanity!

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Hopefully you were able to find a new Dr.

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This is the problem... finding a decent doctor is next to impossible... I'm not impressed with mine... I thought she was ok, until covid and the shots.. I keep her because it's still better than a medi center.. I just select what I want to follow and the rest gets turffed, kinda like they treat us..

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I prefer not having a doctor and not going to doctors unless absolutely necessary which is hardly ever.

Another brainwashing scheme of the rothschilds medical system....having a family doctor.

So many people now cannot stand their doctors and choose to stay with them for fear of not having one.

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I agree... I keep me for easier access to the "system" if required. I've reduced my pharma meds down to 2 from 4( dropped statins and metformin), which still requires blood work.. I've drastically changed my lifestyle..went Carnivore (97%) and do a lot of reading and follow knowledgeable people for alternative health practices.. Iodine, Celtic Salt, DMSO/MSM, CDS/ MMS , etc..

I feel at least 10 yrs younger and people say I look, 10 yrs younger.. 😁

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Statins cause horrendous side effects.

Carnivore is very very very good, so is DMSO and CDS and Iodine. Wow...you're on it! Good for you!!!

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I am in the same situation as you wirh my doctor of 25 years. I have always liked her until she started pushing covid shots. I only stay with her because she was incredibly supportive when I was dealing with serious emotional distress related to my workplace. And I have since moved 2 1/2 hours away, but I don't even want to think about trying to find a new docfor in my current town.

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I found a really good Chinese doctor and acupuncturist (he’s Australian) specialising in hearts - healed my heart failure

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I happen to be an admitted anti-vaxxer.

Back in spring '22, at 68 yrs.of age, I was scheduled for a popliteal bypass surgery for my right leg. (I should add that I'm 6' 170 lbs., and relatively fit.)

I met with the anaesthetist weeks before my surgery, and she tried to persuade me to get the jab...

I responded as deftly as I could, that I would take her suggestion "under advisement".

Just a civil way of saying GFY.

Thankfully, she was replaced by a different anaesthetist for surgery day.

I survived, and have yet to get Covid.

All my friends are multi-vaxxed.

All have gotten "Covid" multiple times.

Probably a flu, though...

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They are simply taking orders without thinking

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Nothing cuts deeper than the loss of a child 🙏

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That mother is most likely still not awake. I’m am truly sorry for her loss🙏

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She will never accept that she literally killed her baby. It would incriminate and overwhelm her! These people live in denial, and always point a finger at someone or something else as the cause.

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She'll never 'outwardly' accept it. Inside though, the suspicion will gnaw at her heart and soul like a nest of termites. Arrogance and bravado eventually collapse under the weight of guilt.

Sadly this is the brutal gateway to becoming vaccine-skeptical and vaccine-educated.

She'd be wise to get there sooner, rather than later.

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She was warned & should be thrown in jail

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She was warned & should be thrown in jail

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She'll probably never be awake.. these people are unbelievable.. proof right in front of them, but still won't even consider it..

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It's a CULT through and through and the brainwashing has been going on for at least 200 years.

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Its murder.

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Pride is the downfall

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Yup...prideful is the most grievous sin and the downfall of those who are full of it.

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Which is why I feel her other children must be removed before she can sacrifice them too.

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Remove the children to where, the state will jab them on her behalf.

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Yes you are correct...my bad! But someone needs to remove the remaining children somehow.

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And how do you propose that be done? Kidnap?

Poonam is right...the state would inject them, and probably sex traffic them.

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Geesh! You just reminded me how low Canada has fallen. I fear the death cult is winning.

I have no suggestion as to how we can save the children until we dismantle for-profit corporate governments and install a property republic with a constitution that protects children from unnecessary 'treatments'.

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You sound like a Leftist, advocating for her parental rights to be removed. Dr. Makis brutally told her the truth which is what was needed and most people would never do.

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Give me a break! If Dr. Makis can 'brutally' tell her the truth, why can't I 'brutally' tell the truth about how I feel the law should be applied to her?

Who gave you the right to judge me, to try to insult me? go away! Emotuional blackmail does not remotely work on me.

Many a parent has been charged with criminal negligence for doing a lot less than that woman has to her children. She had all the information in front of her when she put her child in danger for no good reason but her sick ego.

And her other chldren are in danger too.

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Humans judge each other. Duh. Her children are not in immediate danger anymore than other kids with dumb parents. You think you know better than she does about the jab -- obviously you do, as do I-- but Leftists used the same argument about the kids of vaccine dissenters. Leftists take custody of children with gender dysphoria using the same argument.

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The kids of vaccine dissenters DID NOT DIE. The kids of parents who refused to let their kids be brainwashed into harming themselves, are growing up normal without physical mutiliation.

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Do you think she will learn anything? I bet she will keep jabbing, dead child or not.

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Especially when you’re the cause of it!

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Sadly, she probably still wont believe the cause is from the vaccine.

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Autopsy is in order for All these unexplained /sudden deaths!!!! We need to demand this is done.

It’s how they get away with this!!

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Autopsies with staining for spike protein are in order. Last I heard, they still weren't staining for spike protein in Canada. Have to send tissue samples to the US or Germany.

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Canada a killing field of its people, Maid, promoting addiction with enough drugs to kill along with fancy parapharnelia & how to use under the guise of "safe injection sites", abortion, forced biowespons.

No intetest in saving lives!

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MAID = MD-assisted suicide, for those not familiar with the euphemistic evil-obscuring lingo.

(Do the doctors dispense the poison, or do they make nurses do it? I'm guessing they delegate it, to... uuuurrrrrnnnngg Makes me think of the worst human-caused castrophies in history.)

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They won't test, because then they'll have to admit there is a problem.. then the kick backs stop and questions will be asked.

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It’s hard to believe that adults can be so brainwashed to accept the deaths of their Child as an “act of God”? How else would they label this so as to not feel guilt?

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Just an uninformed guess, but as a leftist activist, the chance the mother believes in any form of divinity is vanishingly small. That is the whole point of being a leftist, someone who worships the world government and the apparatchiks who run it. Mothers in Carthage sacrificed their babies to the state, nothing has changed.

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27 injections in the first 15 months of life for every baby.

"That’s what the experts recommend.... If those 27 injections of vaccines were necessary to prevent very serious disease consequences, including death, as these experts tell us…we wouldn’t be here. We’d all be dead. We’d all have died long ago. The human race would be extinct. 27 injections is MARKETING. And these days, so-called science is a department under MARKETING."


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Exactly and how many don’t question it? In 1990 the rate of autism was 1 in 10,000 now it’s one and 36? Just awful. I’ve asked so many parents to please at least just do some research and many of them have done so ….just trying to save one child just one child is worth taking the risk of being told off to mind your own business, but that doesn’t happen often ….most parents thank me

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It's easier to fool people than it is to get them to admit they've been fooled.

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Very true indeed elaine!

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I think they really take advantage of the ignorance of young mothers.

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Fayanne This is shocking. Where does that data come from? I want to tell my kids for my grandkids but I need backup. Did you get it from Bobby Kennedy somehow?

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Found this visual the other day. Frightening is and understatement…

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Best of luck, Susan thank God for mama bears

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Try this there’s lots of information under the “VAXXED” channel on Rumble


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I have a vaccine compendium. I’m not sure if I got it from that or… It may have been Dell bigtree.

Let me do some research and get back to you

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A tough love statement. And as usual when tough love is administered, the messenger is often resented. Broad shoulders carry the responsibility of educating the clueless. Sorry for the innocent little baby. What a preventable loss for the family.

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This is so tragic. An innocent child is dead. ALL of you doctors tried to warn the public. Thank you for speaking out at great personal risk. Many of you have been targeted. I pray you All are vindicated. 🙏🙏🙏

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That is a good point how the doctors who spoke out and tried to warn the public did so at great personal risk. They are courageous heroes among the few who did.

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Blessings to all the doctors that spoke out against the satanic cult, jabs. Gospodi Pomiluj.

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Keep sharing these evil entities must be stopped. I’m pushing them on my end, we have to be as loud as possible this is unacceptable and murder. No one is above the law. This family with all others needs ⚖️🙏

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I cannot understand the stubbornness of people who, what for 4 yrs continue to believe in these toxic shots, even after seeing people dying and disabled.

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I have heard/known of several people. No mention of the death sh ots ever. ???

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Oh this is heartbreaking 😔. I do pray for the family. How many families in USA will be facing the same death bell if they obey the new children's shot schedule. I have 3 grand daughters that their parents will line up soon to get this poison shot thanks to the FDA AND CDC MAKING SURE USA CHILDREN WILL DIE SOONER OR LATER FROM COMPLICATIONS OF DNA BEING MESSED WITH AND ALL THE POISONS MIXED IN WILL CAUSE CHRONIC ILLNESSES! AND THEY KNOW THIS WILL HAPPEN! So sickening! LORD, please have mercy on the babes!

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Tragic. Poor baby.

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Heart breaking !

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Heartbreaking. Any child death - regardless of cause. So sad.

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I read all this, and I'm going to be blunt: How could anyone be so transcendentally, incandescently, INEXCUSABLY, fucking STUPID? Brother Alexis Bugnolo said it so well in July 2021: "Anyone with a brain has had ample time to study the scamdemic and understand that it is false. If you have not done this, if you went out and got the jab so you could go travelling or not be offended or something like that? You're an idiot. And you're a coward. And you don't live according to the truth." The only thing he got wrong it seems was the timeframe of the devastation. (https://www.bitchute.com/video/XhE4aiYdXTef)

Reading her comments? After what I experienced over the course of the Fraudemic? I have absolutely no sympathy for this moronic, brainwashed, brain-dead bitch. The real tragedy is a very little boy was taken before he even had a chance to be a child. Well.. I guess... I hope.. I pray, that he's with Jesus now. 😥

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Because when you’re in a cult you’ve given up your brain.

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PS If the standards of Nuremberg applied – with maybe 12 exceptions, 4 of whom are already dead under curious circumstances – every last politician on the planet should hang, for the Crimes Against Humanity they've committed...

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