BREAKING NEWS: I warned an Alberta leftist activist mom about Vaccines in 2022. Last month she took her 10 month old for flu and COVID-19 shots and her baby just died suddenly Dec.23, 2024
I wrote this to Alberta mom Jessy Roos, an NDP activist, about pediatric COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.
I don’t have the original post. I assume it was something about promoting mRNA Vaccines in children.
The Tragic Story:
10 month old Alberta baby Jesse (JJ) Marvin Roos died suddenly on Dec.23, 2024 after his parents took him to get flu and contaminated COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines last month.
I have to say something here.
This is a vaccine death until proven otherwise and it falls squarely on Alberta Premier Danielle Smith.
On June 17, 2024, some of the best doctors in the world got together with UCP MLA Eric Bouchard and warned Premier Danielle Smith's government about the dangers of having contaminated COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines on Alberta's childhood vaccine schedule.
We were ignored.
Dr.Byram Bridle
Dr.Eric Payne
and myself.
We were all ignored. Every single one of us.
We were attacked and defamed by Alberta's mainstream media and ignored by "alternative media".
We were attacked by UCP Minister of Health AdrianaLaGrange who came out in defense of child abusers embedded in the healthcare system.
I presented the fact that there are over 500 VAERS pediatric sudden deaths documented after Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines.
I was viciously attacked.
There are dozens of pediatric sudden deaths after Influenza Vaccines.
I know the mother of this 10 month old baby, Jessy Roos, hated me and had me blocked. She was an NDP activist.
Thousands of leftist Alberta moms like her have attacked me online for 4 years straight.
They have attacked me and my family viciously, some of them wishing death on me. Others wishing harm on my kids.
But I don't care if you're left or right wing, if your baby is at risk, I am fighting for the safety of all your babies. In Alberta. In Canada. Around the world.
To the leftist activist moms, wake up.
No matter how much abuse I get, we are trying to prevent your babies from dying suddenly from contaminated injections.
Maybe one day you'll figure that out.
Maybe one day you'll figure out who the real villains are.
It's not us.
The villains are the ones injecting your babies.
The villains are the ones telling you it's safe and effective.
The villains are the people you love, adore, respect and vote for.
And to the Alberta politicians who played politics with the lives of Alberta children, whether you're NDP or UCP, I hope these child deaths will haunt you for the rest of your lives.
My Take…
I warned Jessy Roos about the dangers of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines in children back in January 2022.
She didn’t listen. Now her 10 month old baby is dead, one month after getting both Influenza and COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, both extremely dangerous for kids.
Jessy Roos: August 2021: “And if you don’t want to get vaccinated, you can at least understand why others might not want to be around you.”
And now your 10 month old baby is dead, Jessy. Do you understand now?
Keep on telling the truth Doc Makis. Pray for discernment for those lost in ignorance and pride.
I’m a mother who lost her 11 month old daughter to a vaccine injury. I almost lost my other two children as well to vaccines- we didn’t figure it out initially because all the authorities claimed it would definitely not be vaccine related. There is nothing more gut wrenching and world view crushing than seeing your dead child. Perhaps she will be brave enough to see the connection. But mom guilt for injecting your child with toxic vaccines is a tough pill to swallow. It’s pretty soul wrecking when you have to take responsibility for the death of your child.