Fortunately my Allopathic Oncologist is open minded about alternative therapies and I use most of the recommendations in the PDF. Downloaded and read it this morning. I received a script for Mebendazole yesterday and will have it in a few days (100 100mg capsules per bottle, 4 refills). I'm already using Fenbendazole liquid w/3rd party verification, Zinc, Magnesium and C (not enough). I self-tested a 100% Organic, Cold Pressed virgin coconut oil diet for 30 days several years ago. Significant clarity of thought is mentioned frequently in the peer review which I experienced. Truly it was unbelievable. At 30 days I began frequent and almost total loss of energy and on my last day I was barely able to make it up the stairs, get to the kitchen and take a teaspoon of sugar. I ended the test and wrote and published a book about the experience. I'm also using Berberine, E (Tocotrienols) and organic chlorella, Magnesium and Zinc. As an ex-body builder until the age of 45 I've started an intensive weight lifting program, joined the YMCA (my insurance covers the cost). I'm mildly concerned because my D level is likely above 160. Without a full ketogenic diet and without having fasted yet the reduction in my tumors has been thrilling to see. Right lung tumor no longer visible under CT Scan and left lung tumor originally 5.2 centimeters is under 2 centimeters. I'll apply the balance of the therapies noted, won't be able to fast for 3 more weeks because I'm lifting weights to regain muscle mass lost to explosive diarrhea at the end of 12 Keytruda infusions. I've stopped using Keytruda and take 1/2 to 1mg Loperamide every day or so which has cleared up the diarrhea instantly allowing for slower metabolism of food. Muscle Memory is well known and the results of weight lifting again at 69 years of age have been astonishing. My increase in muscle mass is clearly visible and substantial in volume and I see visible change in my body daily—exercise, eat, sleep. I will attempt to employ everything in the PDF as soon as possible and we'll see what happens. As always, thank you for this. It's actually exciting and inspirational to have read this PDF and also as always, I can't thank you enough. You, Dr. Makis, have been invaluable in my treatment of Stage 4 Metastatic Lung Cancer diagnosed November 04, 2022. THANK YOU!!

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I’m so happy to read your story and progress. Your short reply was so informative and actually made this old gym rat realize she needs to get back into the gym, i too know of muscle memory and while still in good shape I know my gains will be rapid.

I’m so happy you’re still here to share you’re story! Someone on here may read your post and it save their life.

God Bless 🙏

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THANK YOU! Wish I could post pics here, but, here's 10 days at home with 10 pound dumbbells on a 69-year-old arm. Get to the gym! :)


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Joe tippens look him up

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Did that years ago but THANK YOU!

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Look up Jane McClellan too

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Wow, that is really fantastic. Keep up the great work and enjoy your life!

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Kathy, I'm 69 and I LOVE MY LIFE! Thank you! :)

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Jeff, thanks for sharing your very encouraging story here. Which kind of lung cancer do you have? My family member was recently diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer (the squamous kind).

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I have Stage 4 Metastatic Lung Cancer from 51 years of smoking marijuana and cigarettes every day. Statistically it appears cancer began in 1998-99 so at this point and again statistically, I've outlived 95% of people with this type of cancer which is an incurable cancer unlike other cancers that can be cured. My Oncologist believes I'll live at least another couple of years, my right lung tumor thanks to Dr. Makis has disappeared and my left lung tumor was 5.2 centimeters on diagnosis Nov. 04, 2022 and it's now reduced by just over 80% based on the way tumors are measured.

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Thanks, Jeff. You might very well surprise your oncologist by living at least another 10-20 years! With many thanks going to Dr. Makis' protocol and your commitment to it. Great news on your muscle building, too.

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Jeff, congrats on the great news and your hard work! I recently watched a video of a cancer Doctor saying that over the years, many times patients would say "I just want to live until the day after my daughter's wedding" or "until I do this or that". The doctor said many times they died the day after these events.

Claim that your tumors are gone and that you'll live to 100!

Best wishes to you.

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Have you heard about bitter apricot kernels? Vitamin B 17 otherwise known as Latrelle otherwise known as amygdalin? Go to www.rumble.com and type in “bitter apricot kernels“ and you’ll get all the information you need. You can actually get them on Amazon just make sure they are the bitter kind and don’t take more than 2 to 3 a day to start incredible success in the 1970s until the FDA got involved.

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I am so happy to read of your successes, Jeff. God bless you and Dr Makis!

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Thank you Marsha! Indeed. If it weren't for Dr. Makis I probably wouldn't be here.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Have you heard about bitter apricot kernels? Vitamin B 17 otherwise known as Latrelle otherwise known as amygdalin? Go to www.rumble.com and type in “bitter apricot kernels“ and you’ll get all the information you need. You can actually get them on Amazon just make sure they are the bitter kind and don’t take more than 2 to 3 a day to start incredible success in the 1970s until the FDA got involved.

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I write and publish medical books (over 100 so far) to over 500 institutions in over 140 countries including Oxford, Cornell, Yale, Princeton, Rutgers, Albert Einstein School of Medicine: Yeshiva University, EPA, NASA and 100s more and have very good relationships with dozens and dozens of PhDs and Scientists. I don't need anything more than Dr. Makis' protocol and the peer reviewed report published September 19th, 2024. Thank you for your concern and advice. B17 will never be part of my protocol. It's used in Mexico, at a high price and does not work. It's CSC's that a cancer patient needs to be concerned with and B17 does NOTHING for CSC's. NOTHING. Read this report. Dr. Makis is one of the authors and my dear friends Dr's Marik and Pierrick Martinez who I've emailed with for 4 days now are also authors. It's a free PDF download not made for cell phones which is why I have 3 computers. My cell phone never leaves my house. It's a tracking device and I only spend cash. THAT is what's called "Good Advice".


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Also, I'm missing the iodine part of your cancer treatment. Research Iodine.

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I've researched more about Iodine than you'll ever be able to do. I've written and published over 100 medical books, most 500-4500 pages. I don't need iodine. Why aren't you listed with Dr. Makis as one of the authors of this paper published September 19th?


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You must be smarter than Dr. Makis. Why aren't you listed as one of the authors here with Dr. Makis? https://isom.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Targeting-the-Mitochondrial-Stem-Cell-Connection-in-Cancer-Treatment-JOM-39.3.pdf

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You have an open-minded oncologist? wow, don't mention his name here or he will be destroyed by big pharma.

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I'd never do that. He's a good man! I'm fortunate to know him.


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It’s vital to get this information out. Great work keep sharing it’s so important for everyone to be aware. This is the most important time of our lives we need to keep sharing to wake up the masses. We have power in numbers! 💡🙏⚖️🇨🇦🌏

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Wonderful news! Congratulations to all. And thank you! 👍

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This is super exciting news!! You’re perseverance has paid off and world will be able to benefit from all your hard work! Thank you, thank you, thank you…. Wow! All the lives that will be saved because of you and the team of Drs that stood up for truth! God bless each and everyone of you 🙏🏻

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Congratulations! We don't take the courage, integrity, sacrifice and determination you display, for granted.

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Exactly. Well done and congrats Dr. Makis!

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AMAZING news! Thank you so much for sharing! 🙏🙏

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Ultra exiting and exactly what the elite don’t want 💪💪🥳🥳

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And I can't get either of them because no UK doctor or group of doctors will prescribe them and the UK customs keep refusing to deliver them to me despite Ivermectin for example being on the list of approved drugs that only requires an import tax to be paid on it. I believe that Ivermectin is still on the WHO's list of "must have drugs" for the home as it is so safe and efficacious.

Why are UK customs constantly refusing to deliver perfectly legal products? Yet again I shall have to raise this issue with my MP as last time I did eventually get the Ivermectin cleared after 3 months, after UK customs telling me they had binned my property after a month, but only after my MP had become involved. This is an ongoing national health scandal.

Here is the text of an e-mail I sent to the company in the US that had posted me Ivermectin over one month ago but it had still not arrived as of last week. ...... "I haven't received the below order yet and was wondering what the issue was."

Here is the US company's response. .......... "Hi, the issue is draconian UK customs. They rejected the order. We have issued you a full refund, minus shipping."

I had a similar issue when ordering Ivermectin from India 2 years ago where essentially the UK government stole my property by sending it back to India from London to be lost in the Indian postal system.

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Same in Canada. So infuriating! A drug that the discovery of won some prize equivalent of the Nobel prize and we can’t have it?!?! Who does the government think they are -our parents?!?! In Canada you can get cocaine and hard drugs for free at ‘safe supply’ centres (everywhere!) for free! But don’t be asking for a decades long g proven safe drug that won a Nobel prize. Criminal

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I’m in Canada too…I have asked this question about IVM before too. Someone said go to a farm supply coop and get the animal version…

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Remember how Barry and Honey Sherman were snuffed out just before the plandemic arrived…they controlled the supply of ivermectin. If only Canada had intelligent and caring politicians and law enforcement.

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Another Canadian here. I ordered the equine (horse) ivermectin. There are several reliable sources of how to measure the much smaller human doses, to be found online. My doctor looked at me like I was completely insane when I asked him for a script so I told him I would use the equine version instead. He wasn’t pleased. Our medical system is horribly sick. Congrats and thanks to Dr Makis.

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Isn’t the head of health Canada an effing tranny?

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I keep several tubes at the ready. There are YouTube videos on dosage. I’m in Canada too. Disgraceful we can’t easily get the human pills.

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It’s Criminal that it’s not available readily to those that need it! IMHO

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People don’t realize that vet meds have to go through the same strict rules as people meds. You will just have to search the web for how to take, dosage, etc.

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Ivermectin is a human med and veterinarians began using it. Ivermectin received a Nobel Prize award for work with humans.

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Exactly. Veterinary are what many/most use. Are you sure someplace like the Happy Healing Store doesn't ship to you if, for some reason, you're reluctant to take "veterinary"? Or someplace like, https://www.virex.health/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=53&tracking=fbe0hxTATcjMd562oQqNIdmfAiK03ySgda8LeDciZHrlDdbXtwEfwNw47IrDXj3R

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That’s why you should never vote for the liberal party of Canada

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Can you ask the company sending you the product to label it discreetly? Health products? Or some such wording?

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Next time I go to Phoenix for a visit, I will pre-order it and bring it home in my suitcase…and see what happens…😳

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That is horrible. Are you able to get the Animal dewormer fenbendazole? That is very effective too, and relatively inexpensive. Many humans are using it.

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Amazon has it

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I will look for this at the feed store too…as I haven’t looked into this..,

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Can you have it shipped to a friend in the US and then they package it discretely and ship it to you? People get it from India without Rx.

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Make sure that you put in all the variables are you won’t get the listing of the doctors who prescribe ivermectin. You can also go to www.gomedicinecounter.com

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This is great news!!! It is time for the world to find out about the power of these low-toxicity meds. This means hope and side effect-free recovery for millions of cancer patients!

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Progress! Beautiful! Truly beautiful!

Thank you William my friend... and William's friends too.

Best, Allan MacRae, Calgary

BREAKING NEWS: First-in-the-World Ivermectin, Mebendazole and Fenbendazole Protocol in Cancer has been peer-reviewed and published Sep.19, 2024! The future of Cancer Treatment starts now.

Dr. William Makis MD

Oct 13

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Detailed Case Reports of people eradicating their cancers at https://fenbendazole.substack.com

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This is orders of magnitude beyond exciting— beyond wonderful — THANK YOU — may this be the game-changer countless among us have longed for, for our loved ones and for ourselves — may God bless you all, and may God speed your work and its further success —

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I want to see it on the pharmacy shelves

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🙏This is fantastic news for so many. The dedication & resolve to get these treatments to the public has been outstanding. Thank you to all … a true labour of love ❤️ 🙏🙏🙏

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Many thanks Dr Makis.

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Can’t come fast enough. Too many are on toxic regimes by Main Stream Medicine

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Thank you for your labour of love to put this together and share with us all 👏👏👏🙏

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