Alberta Premier Danielle Smith's government has viciously attacked my family again, this time it is trying to bankrupt my family while raiding my income sources!
I agree. I already made a comment about Trump who didn’t pardon Julien Assange.
He may have wanted to but this deep state put a gun to his head not to.
If the Dr comes to the U.S. there is no guarantee he won’t get the same treatment as in Canada. If not during the Trump administration definitely the next president which will be rigged like most all the elections. (Trump was rigged he would have won by 85%. Deep state rigged it so he wouldn’t appear THAT popular)
I posted on FB and it was removed within minutes. Same happened to a friend, who is a health professional, but additionally was threatened with cancellation of her account.
Give Send Go didn’t do what Go Fund Me did… they were for ed by the gov’t, and refunded as many people as they could… the gov’t seized that money and still has it.
Absolutely disgraceful what this GiveSendGo did here. And what a corrupt Alberta government going after Dr. Makis's money and social media accounts when they already have the matter in the Alberta court with an upcoming hearing - they are even circumventing that - disgusting people who do such a thing - the lowest of the low.
If you move to Iowa our Gov Kim Reynolds signed into law no more extra protections for Trangenders! No more men in women's bathrooms , the girls can shower without men in high school, or playing women's sports!
Dr Makis - think about establishing an account with Old Glory Bank in Tennessee, co-founded by Dr. Ben Carson, John Rich, Larry Elder, & Governor Mary Fallin. Unlike what happened to Dr. Joseph Mercola, they will never freeze funds or deny service. They are all about freedom. Then, choose another fund-raising site (perhaps GoFundMe) & once you have raised additional funds, try to immediately transfer them to Old Glory Bank. I will happily donate again. I'll bet others will too. Then, once you are able to claim the funds from GiveSendGo, you can add them to this new account. You may end up with twice as many funds. Do not let these dirt bags best you.
I second the vote for Old Glory Bank. No de banking without correct application of the law. And they are a good bank too, been a customer several years now to support them!
After what happened to Dr. Mercola, I suggested this bank to him in his comment section. Not sure if it was based on my suggestion, but he did indeed establish a new account with Old Glory. I think he has been quite satisfied. Perhaps Dr. Makis could contact Dr. Mercola & ask him about his experience. I'm glad you've had a good experience. I love the co-founders. My kind of people.
After what happened with the truckers donations, Dr Makis should have found more safe ways to receive donations and and keep in safe place.The medical mafia and other relative players are obviously behind this. The Old Glory Bank, looks like very good idea.
Yes, I agree with you about the medical mafia. The founders of Old Glory Bank are themselves, very trustworthy & everything that I've read about the bank has been positive.
There has got to be a way to circumvent this. Perhaps establishing a foundation would be better. Then, people can make donations to the foundation. Not sure how that works but it be worth exploring.
I think you may be correct. Dr. Makis will need to choose another platform. I no longer remember the name, but I believe there is a Christian-based platform that may be more trustworthy. It may take a little research to find a more suitable fund-raising platform.
I hope Dr. Makis considers Old Glory Bank as an option. If he starts a new fundraiser with a more trustworthy platform, I think this bank would be a good place to put those funds. Then he would be able to access them as needed.
I'm not sure what the outcome was. But the bank also went after his employees as well as their spouses & children. None of them were able to access their money.
Thanks for this information.. mind blowing! All over the airwaves it's phoney debating over Mark C. ending with unanimous endorsements. So he's a Bilderberger and WEF shill..corrupt to the core.... and smiling as he puts the screws to us all.... what a sleaze.
Exactly!!! I tell people almost every day about the good work Dr Maks has been doing! I would absolutely hate to see him leave Canada , but he has suffered here s much...!
A state that allowed an unnamed security company to drag a doctor out of a town hall meeting, instigated by a cop who is collecting disability from los angeles while working as cop in C'oeur d'Alene?????
Come to the USA!
Yes - maybe time for Dr Makis to make the move.
Yes, before something worse happens.
At this point, USA should come to us and take it all! May DOGE roll out all of them the crooks to Guantanamo, already!
Yes now is the time! Or like Snowden, go to Russia!
might be the safest country for the time being. I have seen several tubes from Russia and the country is beautiful, welcoming, and decent.
I agree. I already made a comment about Trump who didn’t pardon Julien Assange.
He may have wanted to but this deep state put a gun to his head not to.
If the Dr comes to the U.S. there is no guarantee he won’t get the same treatment as in Canada. If not during the Trump administration definitely the next president which will be rigged like most all the elections. (Trump was rigged he would have won by 85%. Deep state rigged it so he wouldn’t appear THAT popular)
Let’s make this go viral with tags & appeals for help from DJT, RFKJr, Rubio & Musk … every platform you’re on!
100% - we need action!
I posted on FB and it was removed within minutes. Same happened to a friend, who is a health professional, but additionally was threatened with cancellation of her account.
Not a shock. Thanks for trying!
I had a suspicion that this would be the government's next tactic. Very disappointed that GiveSendGo is participating in this attack.
Yes - thought GiveSendGo were better.
Obviously not.
Give Send Go Stole Trucker Convoy Money No Surprise There!
that was GoFundMe.
It Was Give Send Go & Go Fund Me Wasn't It? There Were Two.
It Was Both Give-Send-Go & G0-Fund-Me.
Give Send Go didn’t do what Go Fund Me did… they were for ed by the gov’t, and refunded as many people as they could… the gov’t seized that money and still has it.
both creeps
GiveSendGo also gave up donations for the Truckers Freedom Convoy!
Yes, who can we trust ?
Jesus 🙏
Ditto x 2 Lulu 🤗💕
Absolutely disgraceful what this GiveSendGo did here. And what a corrupt Alberta government going after Dr. Makis's money and social media accounts when they already have the matter in the Alberta court with an upcoming hearing - they are even circumventing that - disgusting people who do such a thing - the lowest of the low.
Doc we would love you here in the USA. Pick a red state. Theres more of them now to choose from
I agree. We need good Drs here in the USA. Sorry for all the suffering you & your family endured. Hoping those funds are returned to you soon.
There are no guarantees here. Remember Trump and Julian Assange?
For real safety and cooperation of the country he needs to go to Russia
Yes, Tennessee or Arkansas, or others.
Or Iowa!
If you move to Iowa our Gov Kim Reynolds signed into law no more extra protections for Trangenders! No more men in women's bathrooms , the girls can shower without men in high school, or playing women's sports!
Nice to have an intelligent Governor who knows biology. Thanks for inf.
Montana! Keep close.
Please leave Canada. Im worried for you and your family's safety. The world needs you safe. Take care and God Bless you xxxxxx
Dr. Makis can apply for asylum as a persecuted person.
Dr Makis - think about establishing an account with Old Glory Bank in Tennessee, co-founded by Dr. Ben Carson, John Rich, Larry Elder, & Governor Mary Fallin. Unlike what happened to Dr. Joseph Mercola, they will never freeze funds or deny service. They are all about freedom. Then, choose another fund-raising site (perhaps GoFundMe) & once you have raised additional funds, try to immediately transfer them to Old Glory Bank. I will happily donate again. I'll bet others will too. Then, once you are able to claim the funds from GiveSendGo, you can add them to this new account. You may end up with twice as many funds. Do not let these dirt bags best you.
I second the vote for Old Glory Bank. No de banking without correct application of the law. And they are a good bank too, been a customer several years now to support them!
After what happened to Dr. Mercola, I suggested this bank to him in his comment section. Not sure if it was based on my suggestion, but he did indeed establish a new account with Old Glory. I think he has been quite satisfied. Perhaps Dr. Makis could contact Dr. Mercola & ask him about his experience. I'm glad you've had a good experience. I love the co-founders. My kind of people.
After what happened with the truckers donations, Dr Makis should have found more safe ways to receive donations and and keep in safe place.The medical mafia and other relative players are obviously behind this. The Old Glory Bank, looks like very good idea.
Yes, I agree with you about the medical mafia. The founders of Old Glory Bank are themselves, very trustworthy & everything that I've read about the bank has been positive.
But don't start another givesendgo in your own name. Let one of us here in US do it on your behalf.
Excellent suggestion! Then, that designated person can make the transfer to Dr. Makis' new account at Old Glory Bank. Makes perfect sense.
I don't think it matters whose name it is under. If it is for Dr Makis they will seize it.
There has got to be a way to circumvent this. Perhaps establishing a foundation would be better. Then, people can make donations to the foundation. Not sure how that works but it be worth exploring.
Establish the account with the Old Glory Bank so we can transfer funds to your account. I have an account there.
Good suggestion!
Go fund me is the platform that screwed the Canadian Truckers, isn’t it?
I think you may be correct. Dr. Makis will need to choose another platform. I no longer remember the name, but I believe there is a Christian-based platform that may be more trustworthy. It may take a little research to find a more suitable fund-raising platform.
I would love to donate to you if I knew it would get to you. Old Glory Bank would be ok.
Steveb in
I hope Dr. Makis considers Old Glory Bank as an option. If he starts a new fundraiser with a more trustworthy platform, I think this bank would be a good place to put those funds. Then he would be able to access them as needed.
DIdnt Ron Desantis do anythi g about it?? Its outright theft!
I'm not sure what the outcome was. But the bank also went after his employees as well as their spouses & children. None of them were able to access their money.
These governments have gone totally rogue evil!!!
This is maddening! I intended for my GiveSendGo donation and my subscription to your Substack to go to YOU, not government thieves!
I just paid because he will be helping my husband. This is outright theft
I quit giving through GoFundMe after they stole the truckers' money. I thought GiveSendGo was trustworthy.
Reprehensible! indeed. How can we help? God bless You.
I wrote Give send go to let them know how disgusted I am with them. Everyone should do the same
💯 just shared to Notes with that suggestion.
Mark Carney is a director on stripe. This could have something to do with it. Stripe number 14 on our list.
Yes. This is exactly it.
Should we stop payment to substack if they are seizing money at stripe? Send E transfers only?
Agree. Demon possessed!
Definitely satanic agenda against humanity!
Thanks for this information.. mind blowing! All over the airwaves it's phoney debating over Mark C. ending with unanimous endorsements. So he's a Bilderberger and WEF shill..corrupt to the core.... and smiling as he puts the screws to us all.... what a sleaze.
Liars and thieves ! Praying for you and this horrible situation.
That is SO WRONG! 😡
Unbelievable!!! Friggin communists!
I think that the people who are saying go to the states are unfortunately correct, much as we would hate to see you go!!
Exactly!!! I tell people almost every day about the good work Dr Maks has been doing! I would absolutely hate to see him leave Canada , but he has suffered here s much...!
Florida would welcome Dr. Makis.
We need you to go ahead and move south of the border, brother... 👍🏻
Come to North idaho!
A state that allowed an unnamed security company to drag a doctor out of a town hall meeting, instigated by a cop who is collecting disability from los angeles while working as cop in C'oeur d'Alene?????
Please tell me more about this. I moved here from Northern California in 2021 from DEW fires and Newscum Covid Mandates.
No one did or said a thing about this. Fearful freedom lovers.
Corruption here but freedom lovers abound here.