Kinda crazy how this woman, having just been through such an ordeal and knowing what she knew by this time, would have even entertained the thought that "monkeypox" or any other fearmongering bs campaign by the same bad actors was anything that required immediately attention. Maybe time to completely disconnect with brainwashing devices, since it is still effectively getting through, even to people who should know better. I'm not being sarcastic, either; this is a real problem that people don't realize is going on.
Agreed! Note prior before her first jab she said she took it because she thought she was doing the “right thing”. Even after being injured she took another🙄! Seens like that is a lot of sheeples reason for taking the jab.
Sometimes I think it takes a bit for all of the dots to be connected. I have listened to Pierre Kory, MD since he testified in Congress in Nov 2020. I distinctly recall him saying some time afterward that the FLCCC was pro Ivermectin and early tx but NOT anti-vax. A few months ago, I saw an interview where he said he started thinking about, "What else has the govt lied to us about. Well, it turns out, 2 of his 3 children have some rare disease that until now, he never attributed to vaccine injuries, but now has discovered that they are related. It took him some time to "see what he saw." The Cognitive Disconnect, just not ever considering it, he said was shocking even to him. I'm not sure when he put 2 and 2 together but sometimes that ah ha moment, especially when it is about us, isn't always easily recognized. She maybe still thinks Covid was real but just that the vax was not well researched, etc.
Thank you for posting this. My mom was also vaccine injured by Moderna but not one of her providers will acknowledge that. She was active 2 mile a day walker at age 79. Took two shots of Moderna and spiraled into a neurological state where she couldn't eat or talk. She survived but looks her age now and can no longer walk nor does she care to walk she can't garden she can barely function.the transformationis shockingand no one sees it.
I'm sorry to hear about how your mother was very active and because of the poison it changed her completely and how devasting for you to see awful transformation in your mother😔
Sorry to hear. My friend was unable to speak/swallow after 2 Pfizer. Had to get a feeding tube. Progressed to full paralysis and needing 24hr care. She chose MAiD after 27 months of suffering. She was 56 💔
I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't know what MAiD is but I assume it's assisted suicide? 😪my mom says every so often that she doesn't want to do this anymore. Make my heart hurt so bad. There are definitely things worse than death. I'm sorry for your loss
Yes, she did. She tells every doctor she sees or speaks with, that it was the shots that killed him, and they better not ever mention them again to her. They just sit in silence, no matter what they think. Too dangerous, especially here in Canada. I’m proud of her but worry for her.
I didn’t like she said she always was used to doing the “right” thing. That’s what my CEO said when he was coercing us to do it. To me, the RIGHT or correct thing to do was not trust your God given immune system and think a rushed man made “vaccine” could make a perfectly healthy person even healthier.
While it is extremely sad to now hear from the vaccine injured, how many of them hated the unvaxxed and wanted them exiled from humanity? Told them they were selfish for not doing “their part,” to screw their freedoms and that they should be deprived of living in society? Even so far as to wish death on them! One can forgive but one will never forget the hate!
Your continued good health and intact immune system is your vindication for not listening to corrupt bureaucrats and greedy corporations and our government who meant us harm. I forgive the ignorant and the willfully ignorant who lack critical thinking skills and a will to resist the traumatized mob. I will never forget what the brainwashing did to so many relationships. Even now, it's not polite to talk about it. What is that about?
I agree. I still owe my wake-up to the CDC and FDA corruption to an old friend from High School who gently invited me to a private FB chat group about 7 years ago. I learned so much from Drs. Sherri Tenpenny, Susanne Humphries. the original Vax Bus interviews, the Highwire, and others. By the time covid was being pushed hard, I knew it was to market a vaccine--the newest idolatry of the day. What was especially chilling were the mandates. (Rev 13:17) Life took on a somber note that I have not been able to shake completely. Calculated deception from those in authority is now running roughshod in public display.
I too, was suspect of alot of things, i.e. Communism, globalism, climate change, 911 etc. but never really foresaw a fake pandemic nor the evilness of intentionally inflicting a bioweapon upon the people and actually never thought that this day would actually come. I do remember very early on saying thar, "It just doesn't happen like this where a disease is spread all over the world at the same time." I did not know of Dr. Tenpenny prior to Covid nor did I know about the FB group. How I wish I had. I assume it is no longer... How fortunate for you to have had that real insight vs just a suspicion that things weren't right. Did they warn of something like this to come?
I recall the person who saw the trajectory toward a scenario like the pandemic coming. Her name is Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-founder and President (NVIC) of National Vaccine Information Center Here she is speaking at the recent roundtable hosted by Senator Ron Johnson @ time stamp 1:40 minutes into hearing.,-2024.
Dr. Tenpenny upped her travel and public speaking during the time of Covid before the vaccines were rolled out. Her schedule went from approx. 35 speaking engagements a year to over 600. She was being interviewed on many podcasts a day plus whatever events she could attend. Much of the information was censored by our government via Facebook, Twitter, youtube, and other social media so many people did not hear the warnings.
Sadly, we all were victims of a military grade psyop. They even researched the best ways to convince people to gett the vax and "public shaming," proved to be most effective. Why some fell for it while others didnt...for me, it was prob my reaction to chemo 20 years ago and honestly, the 24/7, over the top, pants on fire reporting by the MSM sounded just like the same RussiaRussiaRussia we had heard 3 years before...Huge red flag!!!
My coworker who is a pharmacist always asked patients how the 1st one affected them. If they said something happened she would ask them if they were sure they wanted the 2nd. Have to add she and I did not get it and got exemptions.
Saw the opthamologist today. Made small talk about the covid injections. Asked her what she's seeing. She reported very, very, high re-occuring herpes simplex infections of the eyes, especially in the highly injected elderly. She also reported that these infections are causing lesions and then scar formation. She herself is injected and appeared a bit uncomfortable but shared none the less. She mentioned shingles as well.
"Question everything" this quote resonates with me too. Thank you so much for covering these true stories, it is heartbreaking to hear about these injuries caused by taking the shots that are supposedly to "do us good"? Thank you Dr Makis 🙏🇨🇦
What I don't understand is, why after all she went thru with the first bioweapon injection did she take a second. She ignored her "gut instinct" which is why she's where she is today.
Yes, remember the notion of natural immunity was discarded as inferior by doctors and scientists who were spokespeople for getting the vaccines. Those who spoke out against this lost their licenses and university positions. Encouraging pregnant woman and those who had already had the covid virus were (and still are) told to get the covid shots. Mandy K. Cohen, MD, MPH, head of the CDC is encouraging the 9TH BOOSTER!
if antibodies do not occur, then vaccines can't work either, then Virologists and Big Pharma with the support of Governments are pushing for depopulation in line with the Globalists who want to stop global warming, by blaming that on the multitude of us and by reducing us, that, they think, will stop it, but since global temperatures were first recorded, our planet has warmed by only 0.02%, so the whole thing is a deliberate lie to exterminate those the Elite call "Human Rubbish" and nothing more.
Yes,NHS in UK were running TV ads about shingles in 2022.However,people were still dying suddenly and having very serious health issues and 'doctors were baffled'....!!!.... Sadly the Lady's story is so common now,perhaps it's a new pandemic,disease X anyone??? Don't worry though they already have a shot ready,if that don't kill you 5/6/7/8.......G will. 🤔. Unity consciousness is essential now.
Yeah Chris. I remember years ago doing a herbal prep' for an elderly neighbour with shingles,it was driving him mad. There was no jab for it then, don't suppose there is now really! When I was young (Pleistocene) if a kid down the road had measles or chicken pox we'd all have a party to get it and our immune systems would sort it. Incidentally, I had five types of measles.Still here and grumpy as ever.😂.
I still suffer terrible neuropathy s/p taxanes that were given for breast cancer. In 2002 a study came out about dose densing where chemo could be given every 2 weeks vs 3 w Neupogen shots in between to raise WBC's. The thinking was this would give less time for cancer cells to grow before being hit w another dose. The protocol, it turns out, was for the first 4 doses of Azithromycin. Dose denying was not approved for the subsequent 4 doses of taxanes. I immediately suffered w burning of my hands and feet, my legs got so weak I could barely stand, I eventually lost my finger nails, couldn't pick up coins...I can relate to her comments about clothing and still, 22 years later, suffer with uncomfortable clothing, especially waistbands and I can't stand cold air on my lower legs. (cold neuropathy.) I have to wear diabetic knee socks in the colder months but even in summer, air conditioners are my worst nightmare.
When I heard about some of the neuro problems that could be exacerbated from the shots, I knew immediately that I was not getting it. I suffered alot of ridicule from fam and friends and missed out on celebrations because of it. They couldn't understand the connection, nor my fear, even though I studied the subject 24/7 for months.
BTW, my neighbor suffered w Bullous Phemigoid where she had terrible welts from head to toe s/p shingles vax although she had also received the Covid vax plus boosters. She was getting better on a tapered steroid dose pac but became so fatigued when dose tapered to 10 mg. She died while I was OOT; found on the bathroom floor w a head wound. I begged her doc to increase her steroids based on a March 2023 article suggesting a 6-9 month tx regime of tapering steroids, but he wouldn't consider my suggestion.
Sorry to hear that. Seems the 'professionals' have it all sewn up. "Trust the science", not common sense. About 18 month's back a friend's daughter was told she needed to be 'vaccinated' for entry to University. Last summer her father found her virtually comatose and paralysed in bed. Guillane Barre 'syndrome' was diagnosed. Thankfully she is now recovering,slowly. GB is listed on the Pfizer 'documents'(amongst much more). No one was given information to consent to. Everyone was given a 'safe and effective' bio-weapon. Stay on course,keep on keeping on. "Keep your face always toward the Sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you" - Walt Whitman.
Wow...sick for 4 days after the first jab and still couldn't connect the dots that she got the second one??? Soft minded. Even after all this injury and realization it was from the jab, she's still being fooled by the fear mongering of monkeypox???
My hospital was asking people to get the vax on a day prior to a couple of days off because so many were calling in sick afterward. They believed that this was just how it was...
💙 Thank you for sharing these interviews, Dr Makis. As so many people seem to have difficulty placing values on data, these stories mean everything.
Question everything. That’s what’s happening for me too.
Kinda crazy how this woman, having just been through such an ordeal and knowing what she knew by this time, would have even entertained the thought that "monkeypox" or any other fearmongering bs campaign by the same bad actors was anything that required immediately attention. Maybe time to completely disconnect with brainwashing devices, since it is still effectively getting through, even to people who should know better. I'm not being sarcastic, either; this is a real problem that people don't realize is going on.
Exactly what I thought when she said that. Good heavens I'm not sure she really understands what's happening to us
Agreed! Note prior before her first jab she said she took it because she thought she was doing the “right thing”. Even after being injured she took another🙄! Seens like that is a lot of sheeples reason for taking the jab.
Sometimes I think it takes a bit for all of the dots to be connected. I have listened to Pierre Kory, MD since he testified in Congress in Nov 2020. I distinctly recall him saying some time afterward that the FLCCC was pro Ivermectin and early tx but NOT anti-vax. A few months ago, I saw an interview where he said he started thinking about, "What else has the govt lied to us about. Well, it turns out, 2 of his 3 children have some rare disease that until now, he never attributed to vaccine injuries, but now has discovered that they are related. It took him some time to "see what he saw." The Cognitive Disconnect, just not ever considering it, he said was shocking even to him. I'm not sure when he put 2 and 2 together but sometimes that ah ha moment, especially when it is about us, isn't always easily recognized. She maybe still thinks Covid was real but just that the vax was not well researched, etc.
Thank you for posting this. My mom was also vaccine injured by Moderna but not one of her providers will acknowledge that. She was active 2 mile a day walker at age 79. Took two shots of Moderna and spiraled into a neurological state where she couldn't eat or talk. She survived but looks her age now and can no longer walk nor does she care to walk she can't garden she can barely function.the transformationis shockingand no one sees it.
I'm sorry to hear about how your mother was very active and because of the poison it changed her completely and how devasting for you to see awful transformation in your mother😔
Sorry to hear. My friend was unable to speak/swallow after 2 Pfizer. Had to get a feeding tube. Progressed to full paralysis and needing 24hr care. She chose MAiD after 27 months of suffering. She was 56 💔
I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't know what MAiD is but I assume it's assisted suicide? 😪my mom says every so often that she doesn't want to do this anymore. Make my heart hurt so bad. There are definitely things worse than death. I'm sorry for your loss
Thank you. Yes, it’s medically assisted suicide in Canada. They spent over $300K trying to recover her health 💔
That makes me so sad.
Same with my friend’s husband. Could barely speak or swallow after two shots. He declined rapidly and passed away last year.
So sorry to hear. Did your friend connect it with the jab?
Yes, she did. She tells every doctor she sees or speaks with, that it was the shots that killed him, and they better not ever mention them again to her. They just sit in silence, no matter what they think. Too dangerous, especially here in Canada. I’m proud of her but worry for her.
I didn’t like she said she always was used to doing the “right” thing. That’s what my CEO said when he was coercing us to do it. To me, the RIGHT or correct thing to do was not trust your God given immune system and think a rushed man made “vaccine” could make a perfectly healthy person even healthier.
Meant to say trusting in
While it is extremely sad to now hear from the vaccine injured, how many of them hated the unvaxxed and wanted them exiled from humanity? Told them they were selfish for not doing “their part,” to screw their freedoms and that they should be deprived of living in society? Even so far as to wish death on them! One can forgive but one will never forget the hate!
Your continued good health and intact immune system is your vindication for not listening to corrupt bureaucrats and greedy corporations and our government who meant us harm. I forgive the ignorant and the willfully ignorant who lack critical thinking skills and a will to resist the traumatized mob. I will never forget what the brainwashing did to so many relationships. Even now, it's not polite to talk about it. What is that about?
It's like you can't even bring up anything to do with the "v" word.....
It comes down to good vs. evil . And Jesus said it would be this way.
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness..." Isaiah 5:20
I agree. I still owe my wake-up to the CDC and FDA corruption to an old friend from High School who gently invited me to a private FB chat group about 7 years ago. I learned so much from Drs. Sherri Tenpenny, Susanne Humphries. the original Vax Bus interviews, the Highwire, and others. By the time covid was being pushed hard, I knew it was to market a vaccine--the newest idolatry of the day. What was especially chilling were the mandates. (Rev 13:17) Life took on a somber note that I have not been able to shake completely. Calculated deception from those in authority is now running roughshod in public display.
I too, was suspect of alot of things, i.e. Communism, globalism, climate change, 911 etc. but never really foresaw a fake pandemic nor the evilness of intentionally inflicting a bioweapon upon the people and actually never thought that this day would actually come. I do remember very early on saying thar, "It just doesn't happen like this where a disease is spread all over the world at the same time." I did not know of Dr. Tenpenny prior to Covid nor did I know about the FB group. How I wish I had. I assume it is no longer... How fortunate for you to have had that real insight vs just a suspicion that things weren't right. Did they warn of something like this to come?
I recall the person who saw the trajectory toward a scenario like the pandemic coming. Her name is Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-founder and President (NVIC) of National Vaccine Information Center Here she is speaking at the recent roundtable hosted by Senator Ron Johnson @ time stamp 1:40 minutes into hearing.,-2024.
Dr. Tenpenny upped her travel and public speaking during the time of Covid before the vaccines were rolled out. Her schedule went from approx. 35 speaking engagements a year to over 600. She was being interviewed on many podcasts a day plus whatever events she could attend. Much of the information was censored by our government via Facebook, Twitter, youtube, and other social media so many people did not hear the warnings.
Sadly, we all were victims of a military grade psyop. They even researched the best ways to convince people to gett the vax and "public shaming," proved to be most effective. Why some fell for it while others didnt...for me, it was prob my reaction to chemo 20 years ago and honestly, the 24/7, over the top, pants on fire reporting by the MSM sounded just like the same RussiaRussiaRussia we had heard 3 years before...Huge red flag!!!
My coworker who is a pharmacist always asked patients how the 1st one affected them. If they said something happened she would ask them if they were sure they wanted the 2nd. Have to add she and I did not get it and got exemptions.
Saw the opthamologist today. Made small talk about the covid injections. Asked her what she's seeing. She reported very, very, high re-occuring herpes simplex infections of the eyes, especially in the highly injected elderly. She also reported that these infections are causing lesions and then scar formation. She herself is injected and appeared a bit uncomfortable but shared none the less. She mentioned shingles as well.
"Question everything" this quote resonates with me too. Thank you so much for covering these true stories, it is heartbreaking to hear about these injuries caused by taking the shots that are supposedly to "do us good"? Thank you Dr Makis 🙏🇨🇦
What I don't understand is, why after all she went thru with the first bioweapon injection did she take a second. She ignored her "gut instinct" which is why she's where she is today.
I think an awful lot people lack “gut instinct”.
Yes, remember the notion of natural immunity was discarded as inferior by doctors and scientists who were spokespeople for getting the vaccines. Those who spoke out against this lost their licenses and university positions. Encouraging pregnant woman and those who had already had the covid virus were (and still are) told to get the covid shots. Mandy K. Cohen, MD, MPH, head of the CDC is encouraging the 9TH BOOSTER!
Or they can’t/won’t listen and act on it.
They even ignored, even ridiculed well intentioned f & f who tried to warn them.
if antibodies do not occur, then vaccines can't work either, then Virologists and Big Pharma with the support of Governments are pushing for depopulation in line with the Globalists who want to stop global warming, by blaming that on the multitude of us and by reducing us, that, they think, will stop it, but since global temperatures were first recorded, our planet has warmed by only 0.02%, so the whole thing is a deliberate lie to exterminate those the Elite call "Human Rubbish" and nothing more.
Yes,NHS in UK were running TV ads about shingles in 2022.However,people were still dying suddenly and having very serious health issues and 'doctors were baffled'....!!!.... Sadly the Lady's story is so common now,perhaps it's a new pandemic,disease X anyone??? Don't worry though they already have a shot ready,if that don't kill you 5/6/7/8.......G will. 🤔. Unity consciousness is essential now.
Funny, I looked up side effects from shingles vax before Covid even and could not fi d anything. I still didn't get one.
Yeah Chris. I remember years ago doing a herbal prep' for an elderly neighbour with shingles,it was driving him mad. There was no jab for it then, don't suppose there is now really! When I was young (Pleistocene) if a kid down the road had measles or chicken pox we'd all have a party to get it and our immune systems would sort it. Incidentally, I had five types of measles.Still here and grumpy as ever.😂.
I still suffer terrible neuropathy s/p taxanes that were given for breast cancer. In 2002 a study came out about dose densing where chemo could be given every 2 weeks vs 3 w Neupogen shots in between to raise WBC's. The thinking was this would give less time for cancer cells to grow before being hit w another dose. The protocol, it turns out, was for the first 4 doses of Azithromycin. Dose denying was not approved for the subsequent 4 doses of taxanes. I immediately suffered w burning of my hands and feet, my legs got so weak I could barely stand, I eventually lost my finger nails, couldn't pick up coins...I can relate to her comments about clothing and still, 22 years later, suffer with uncomfortable clothing, especially waistbands and I can't stand cold air on my lower legs. (cold neuropathy.) I have to wear diabetic knee socks in the colder months but even in summer, air conditioners are my worst nightmare.
When I heard about some of the neuro problems that could be exacerbated from the shots, I knew immediately that I was not getting it. I suffered alot of ridicule from fam and friends and missed out on celebrations because of it. They couldn't understand the connection, nor my fear, even though I studied the subject 24/7 for months.
BTW, my neighbor suffered w Bullous Phemigoid where she had terrible welts from head to toe s/p shingles vax although she had also received the Covid vax plus boosters. She was getting better on a tapered steroid dose pac but became so fatigued when dose tapered to 10 mg. She died while I was OOT; found on the bathroom floor w a head wound. I begged her doc to increase her steroids based on a March 2023 article suggesting a 6-9 month tx regime of tapering steroids, but he wouldn't consider my suggestion.
Sorry to hear that. Seems the 'professionals' have it all sewn up. "Trust the science", not common sense. About 18 month's back a friend's daughter was told she needed to be 'vaccinated' for entry to University. Last summer her father found her virtually comatose and paralysed in bed. Guillane Barre 'syndrome' was diagnosed. Thankfully she is now recovering,slowly. GB is listed on the Pfizer 'documents'(amongst much more). No one was given information to consent to. Everyone was given a 'safe and effective' bio-weapon. Stay on course,keep on keeping on. "Keep your face always toward the Sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you" - Walt Whitman.
Interesting of course no surprise is the mistrust people now have in the government and of course the medical profession.
For shingles, check out BHT Caps. The reviews tell it all. Most MDs don't have a clue! Good luck.
Wow...sick for 4 days after the first jab and still couldn't connect the dots that she got the second one??? Soft minded. Even after all this injury and realization it was from the jab, she's still being fooled by the fear mongering of monkeypox???
My hospital was asking people to get the vax on a day prior to a couple of days off because so many were calling in sick afterward. They believed that this was just how it was...