Anthony Fauci = Josef Mengele.... mass murderers whose weapons were government sanctioned medical experiments on their victims.

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Once This Is All Said & Done Anthony Fauci Will Make Josef Mengele Look Like Beaver Cleaver!

Now That I See & Say That Name "BEAVER CLEAVER" Somebody Got A Kick Out Of Using That Name In The Script! Just Sayin!😣

The Older I Get The More Sickness I See!

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Very true....

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🎯Indeed, sickness surrounds us. If only it were of the physical variety!

Humanity could, at least, treat that.

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It Is A Completely Pervasive Sickness of Evil!

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While it appears to be all-in for many of those afflicted, pervade as it will, there remain hold-outs it will never overcome.

Thank God for that.

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" ‼️

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This Covid Era exposed a lot of the ugly side of hospital "care." I have told my husband I would prefer to just die at home than be subjected to such inhumane treatment. The older or sicker you are, the larger the target on your back. We lost a family member to the remdesivir protocol, and he didn't even have Covid. It took them a month to kill him, and of course Ivermectin never was discussed.

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Amen Me Too!

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You're so right to avoid institutionalized medicine. Something palpably sadistic and sinister has washed over the organized medical care community. What once were harbors of healing have morphed into researched torture chambers!

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This is the time that people need to wake up and realise that There Is No Salvation Outside The Catholic Church! There is a dogma that all those who die outside the Catholic Church, Jews, Muslims, Protestants, heretics etc. unless they convert to the one true traditional Catholic Church before they die will spend eternity in the fires of hell! For critical and important information please see and study carefully from www.vaticancatholic.com also known as mostholyfamilymonastery.com

Covid was and is a scam, a hoax and complete lie! For info please listen to Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Tom Cowan with Dr. Jennifer Daniels and many more on Brighteon.com and naturalnews.com

Prayers and blessings from Ireland. Email: familywrenne@yahoo.com

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Now is the time that people must wake up and realize that the Catholic denomination is being wantonly beguiled by an anti-biblical, apostate pontiff, in furtherance of a plainly antichrist agenda. Salvation is through Jesus, ALONE, not the church of Rome.

Leave Catholicism and directly seek Christ. You won't find Him amongst the trappings of the "Holy" See's vast wealth and "abomination" endorsements.

Prayers and blessings from an Irish American.


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Well said. 'Vaccination is anagram of 'icon Vatican'. icon is a brand or mark, Vatican and RCC is a beast hence mark of the beast.


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I find it fascinating that accepted canon NOWHERE lists Cain's death within the chronicled lineage of Adam, yet Genesis and Revelation are the only hermaneutically linking references to an entitling mark.

Cain is on the scene, poised for a reprise, just as the NT alludes.

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No, you are wrong! In charity, you need to visit with and study carefully from www.vaticancatholic.com also known as mostholyfamilymonastery.com

They are the last remaining traditional Catholic Monastery worldwide and based in New York. Brother Michael, Superior, and Brother Peter will answer any questions that you have. Send an email to : mhfm1@aol.com

Thank you and God bless America!

🙏 and ❤️

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Ma'am, it is not me your denomination is now most glaringly in direct conflict with, but The Holy Bible, itself.

Your opposition to the immutable Word of God through your immovable adherence to Catholic dogma, is an issue between you--and all pro-pope Catholics--and the Almighty.

May God open the eyes of Ireland, America, and the world, blessing as appropriate those seeking His righteousness.

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Mary the Catholic Church has been subverted.

Believe in God by all means, but understand the Church no longer does.

It has become another politicised player in a huge cast of deeply corrupt players weaponised against the people.

The Roman Empire never died. The Roman Emperor simply morphed into the Roman Pope, with the Jesuits as their own standing Army - still wreaking havoc by engaging in political infiltration, subversive plots, sedition, treason, and inciting political insurrection - 500 years after their founding in 1540.

Were it not for the efforts of Catherine the Great saving 201 of them (from a total of 22,589) after a ban was issued by Pope Clement XIV in 1773 which suppressed and outlawed the (by-then-notorious) Jesuits worldwide, they would not have survived.

Why do you think the practice run for Covid19 was called Event 201.

The Jesuit Order is an almost 500-year old covert, geo-political, male-only organisation, structured as a secret military operation: demanding secret oaths and complete obedience to each direct superior, ultimately culminating in the Superior General (aka the 'Black Pope' - literally clad in black, and ‘standing in the shadow’ of the white Pope).

In Reverse Simple English gematria ‘The Jesuit Order’ equates to 201.

In addition to the phrase ‘The Jesuit Order’ equating to 201, the name of the founder of the Jesuits, ‘Ignatius of Loyola’, also equates to 201 with Simple English gematria. At the same time, the first Jesuit Pope, Francis, born ‘Jorge Mario Bergoglio’, equates to 20l, and he is also the first Pope to live in Suite 201 at the Vatican, named the ‘Domus Sanctae Marthae’ (which itself equates to 201 in Simple English gematria). And finally, ‘Catholic Pope’ equates to 201 with Reverse Simple English as well.

The number 201 is hugely significant to Jesuits (almost sacred).

Event 201 was named in their honour.

The Catholic Church and their Jesuit Army were the architects of the last 4 years of terror.

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You might be interested to know that 'Ignatius of Loyola' anagrams to:

a flagitiously Ono - flagitiously means 'Characterized by extremely brutal or cruel crimes; vicious.'

Even better I feel is:

I go foul oily Satan

What more can one say? :)

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No, you are wrong! The Catholic Church is impeccable! What we need to understand is that they left the true Catholic Church and set up a false Church in Rome when antipope John XX111 was elected in 1958! You’ll find this critical and important information at www.vaticancatholic.com

Please study carefully to many videos, discussions, debates and read the materials and messages! Pray to Almighty God for guidance, understanding and the gift of discernment as it will take time for you to grasp this reality.

Thank you and God bless you.

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As long as you call it "Catholic", you'll be painted with the pedophilic brush as the "fathers" in Newfoundland who diddled little boys and caused immeasurable suffering. Remember too that it was Rome aka Catholic Church, that hid the jewellery etc. the Nazis stole from the many people of all denominations that they murdered. Yes, there are good Catholics, but the Church itself has a very spotted, toxic history. Good luck to you; I hope your leaders are better humans that the evil ones in history.

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Dear Mary

You are quite right that COVID was and is a scam, a hoax and complete lie. However the RCC has always been a corruption of what Jesus instituted as the church.

The pope usurps the authority of the heavenly Father and is judged accordingly. The RCC is a continuation of the Roman Empire.

It is not without good reason that 'vaccination' is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican'. All roads lead to Rome as they say and it is not good.


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What we see in Rome now is NOT the Catholic Church but the end-times counter false Church set up by Satan. Francis is not the pope but an antipope! Please see and study carefully from www.vaticancatholic.com

Video: Why Francis Cannot Be Considered The Pope! Several other critical and important debates, discussions and critical information concerning issues relevant to learning What Really Happened to the Catholic Church most especially since 1958……..pray for guidance and the gift of understanding. Send an email to Brother Michael Dimond at mhfm1@aol.com

Thank you and God bless you and yours. 🙏 and ❤️

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One aspect of this story is that thee medical institutions have used so called 'evidence based medicine" as a weapon to murder patients with a non integrative approach.

This in fact has gone on long before the pandemic. Blood sugar levels of 600 when in the 100 range is normal and yet they are feeding this patient pancakes and syrup???

This shows a deliberate omission of acknowledging a metabolic disorder and completely diregarding the patients nutritional needs.

As a designated caregiver with a close relative with advanced stage 3 multiple myeloma I experienced a similar result with the Moffit Cancer Center in Tampa Florida.

When I queried the oncologists about his vitamin D levels critical for MM patients they did not do this test stating that the cost benefit analysis justified omitting this.

My relative asked if it was ok to drink a few glasses of wine every day they said 'no problem" completely ignoring the Warburg effect where cancer cells ferment and use sugar instead of oxygen to generate energy storing the energy in lactate instead of producing ATP via oxidative phosphorylation in healthy cells.

A good way to kill cancer cells i to deny them sugar. Fortunately I was able to convince my relative to substitute alcohol for Cannaboid oil to deal with his anxieties.

They stated that unless he took a highly toxic chemotherapy regime paired with a stem cell transplant where they harvest his own unhealthy cells and transplant them back into his body he would die in two months.

I was relieved when he rejected this and chose to "die in peace".. With nothing to lose he was ok with taking high does of antioxidents like Quercetin Vitamin D and i also told him that an antihelmentic like Fenbendazole has in vivo shown some efficacy for MM.and rarely has side effects. Fenbendazole acts on the cellular microtubules and some evidence shows disruption of critical compounds needed for cancer cells fermentation aka glycolysis.

To the oncologists surprise over a period of 7 months his blood metrics trended to normal and lytic bone lesions disaappeared. Some new energy hotspots reappeared so the oncoogist tried to argue that this was evidence that his treatment was not working despite excelent blood metrics.. I argued that the energy hotspot was a result of bone remineralization and not cancer.

I was vindicated because only a month later he was declared 100 percent complete remission. this took seven months and several years later he is still in remission

The Moffit center head interviewed and rationalized his success that he was healthy to begin with. When I started with him his bones were damaged to the point that he need cortico steroid injections to have any mobility.Hardly 'healthy".

Dr Makis shared with us a remarkable story of an entire program in Alberta. being shut down that successfully treated cancer patients in favor of the "conventional approaches' that literaly killed many patients.

All of this was prior to the pandemic. My background is Molecular biology and what I witnessed with my relative convinced me that that any semblance of critical thinking or common sense in medicine is purely coincidental. I felt that if this was a game of billiards the object was to shoot balls out of the pockets!

By the way if you are suffering a metabolic disorder like cancer or diabetes 2 and you still feel addicted to sweets try substituting allulose for sugar. Allulose itself is a rare sugar but is a monosacharide that does not metabolize. Instead you literally pee it out.

Very important whether alcohol or sweets is to have a substitute that is not harmful.

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Just recd my FenBen & Iver! One week dosages, once a month for 3 months, is my plan. I solidly expect the Pap smear following this protocol will no longer have “abnormalities”.. I’m also a believer that part of the war on Iver was to prevent the accidental drop in cancers.. The multi-billion dollar oncology market can’t have that! 🤬 Thank you for sharing such important information!!

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😉👍🏻 Both agents have seen measurably positive results.

(It's tragically telling that African countries are currently rolling out another malaria "vaccine" for the youngest and most vulnerable, whilst ignoring tried and true, simple antimalarials, BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT MULTIPURPOSE CURATIVES AVAILABLE TO THE MASSES. Why, they can't have overspreading healthiness threatening their timeline, lol.)

Best wishes for your success regimen!

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Bill Gates made huge "donations" to their governments; why not? He owns WHO, too.

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Nefarious bassturd.

Fauci’s wing in Hades will be well-populated with the world’s “finest” philanthropaths(coined term attributable to intuitive substacker, Margaret Anna Alice).

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My motto is if you want to keep your health stay far away from doctors, drugs and hospitals and research and use natural alternatives.

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Avoid like the plague!

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😆👍🏻I see what you did there.

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Horrific doesn’t even begin to describe this family’s experience of attempted murder.

I used to think that the UK’s National ‘Health Service’ was the most callous of all of them. Clearly, the rot is firmly rooted in North America too.

The stories being told on the CHD bus travels in the US are heartbreaking. Wonder if they’ll make it to Canada as well. God knows we need to wake up more people as to how this is still happening here too. And with the added drive towards euthanasia, there are fewer safeguards than ever.

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An expertly engineered, well-💰⚙️💰lubricated killing machine. Silent and deadly...

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I was misdiagnosed by NHS doctors in 2020. I used to think they did a reasonable job in difficult circumstances. Now I see that in general they do more harm than good. This is part of my story.


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Thank you for the link to your substack. Very interesting re the nitrites. So sorry that you’ve been through the mill because of them. Have subscribed and look forward to catching up on your other posts. Take care!

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Thank you Penny. I cover all sorts, so don't be surprised if I veer off in unusual directions. There is method in my madness as they say!

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I suppose their presumed fatal outcome of the patient was instrumental in them not being bothered about what he ate. Like last meal for a felon to be executed next morning! He was one of the lucky ones that escaped.

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Thank You Jesus♥️

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Years ago, 2003, my diabetic mother-in-law was admitted for gangrene of her foot; they scheduled her for amputation and she said No, she was born with her foot, she's leaving with her foot. They fed her the same kind of junk Robyn's husband got until I objected, then they gave her raw vegies that she couldn't chew (she had black lines around her gums indicating mercury from her fillings and bad teeth); checked her glucose levels after every meal and injected her with insulin. Totally illogical and the dieticians didn't have a clue. This is not new "treatment" in hospitals.

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Wth is going on?? Its madness

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Worse than madness...it's evil.

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William and all,

FYI…message to Peter McCullough today…

It would be great for ALL health professionals to put out this message EVERYDAY AND EVERYWHERE…especially since they could NOT unite to stop 4 years of BIOTERRORISM…

DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING LABELLED A VACCINE…until the entire gross poison/murder mess is addressed properly and all involved are heavily punished!

For ALL AMERICANS…focus now on the MOST important 2024 issue of ELECTION INTEGRITY!

Is there any other HIGHEST priority in 2024 to fix without fixing free, fair, lawful and transparent elections???

The Lex Greene piece should give all persons GREAT HOPE that the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY CROWD will be able to establish free, fair, lawful and transparent elections!

Lex Greene lays out our GREAT odds of winning…


Spread this piece all over our mostly RED, repeat RED country!

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P.S. Support Mike Lindell, My Pillow guy because FOX ‘News’ dumped him and… because he is using mountains of his money and his talents and blessings for the cause of ELECTION INTEGRITY!

Where are the rest of Americans using their money to support serious strategic planners working on ELECTION INTEGRITY?

All his products are great if you need a wedding, birthday or any other gift!

I gave my kids a gift of $ to spend with Mike’s company! They all loved the things they picked out…

Dog beds


Kids Noah’s ark pillowcases

Oversized bath mats

Sheets and towels

MYPILLOW has something for everyone!

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Not intending to come across as trite, but ELECTION INTEGRITY without CANDIDATE INTEGRITY is meaningless. Politics has devolved into nothing more than trade in overdressed prostitution, feigning a two-party system that, in truth, doesn't actually exist. The jaded gentry no longer considers the clamor--no less the privations!--of the suffering serfdom.

Anyone genuinely informed on the last general election's hijinks fully understands that free and fair elections in the U.S. are no more.

Dark money bids on and buys who and what it desires.

Front-runners on both sides are disingenuous prevaricators, whose toxic tales and poisonous policies have cost the lives and livelihoods of millions in the U.S. alone!

Short of immediate public confessions, mass arrests, and speedy "remedies", only God can stanch this nihilistic spiral.

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I disagree as there are plenty of Biblical examples and advice of what to do when there is evil in front of you!

Sit silently doing nothing and/or just praying allows evil to gain ground!

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Don't presume to know the roles undertaken by others to restrain evil. And for the love of God, please refrain from blasphemous marginalizations regarding what "just praying" accomplishes, all while invoking biblical counsel.

Every election cycle the trusting are cynically, injuriously exploited by the cunning. Interested in what ALWAYS--without fail!--"allows evil to gain ground"? Voting it, blindly--albeit enthusiastically--into power!

1 Timothy 6:9-11:

9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.(KJV)

Good night to you.

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I pray everyday for discernment to use my TALENTS AND BLESSINGS properly with Gideon’s Army of 300 (Judges) that I am honored to work with!

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Maintain such prayers for keen discernment; you're going to need it. Guidance from God is crucial in endeavors where the character of those surrounding you must necessarily be weighed in earning your advocacy. "Hold fast" only to what's good. Don't be deceived. 🙏🏻✝️🇺🇸

Take care.

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Thought you would find this of interest since our enemies have great understanding of the DIVIDE AND CONQUER PRINCIPLE used against us all day long everyday in America…


Hopefully Americans will get this before it is too late!

P.S. Click on Lex Greene’s name for excellent archives!

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This is what happens when the caring professions become Corporatized.

They become debauched, and they become dissolute.

The whole focus becomes money and profits.

“Caring” and “Corporatization” ARE mutually exclusive. They CANNOT co-exist.

The latter has no place in the former.

Hospitals are no longer the Institutions they were.

When you get “Administrators” whose sole focus is to return a profit for shareholders, all bets are off.

YOU, the patient, simply become “income” and when you incentivise income, as was done to a stomach-churning, sickening degree during Covid, the step-wise, ever-higher monetary incentives to escalate and worsen your condition become the endpoint.

Iatrogenic Murder IS the goal, if you want to reap the highest profits.

I never would have believed Medicine would come to this.

But we're there, and any moral safety-nets have been burned.

Poisonous “protocols” foisting previous failed, toxic drugs on the Public to claw back some of the profits lost in their years of development and their eventual-shelving as being too-toxic, will now be the norm going forward.

This is how predatory Pharmaceutical companies work. They see dollar signs everywhere; even in their most abject failures.

AZT was the prototype. Remdesivir is the heir to this desecrated, depraved money-train.

Hospitals have become the new Killing Fields.

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my brother in law survived, the whole treatment!! not vx'ed, from winnipeg to Quebec? ( he was transfered, proned,( on stomach right?) 3 weeks or more in hospital. He's lucky to be alive from all I've heard,

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Dr Makis, Is this something you can research.

Country Estate Tax Rates.....does this have anything to do with the Hospital Protocols,

Any correlation to excess deaths and countries with high estate tax?

How many billions did these countries collect?

| Country | Top Rate |


| Belgium | 80% |

| Japan | 55% |

| South Korea | 50% |

| Germany | 50% |

| France | 45% |

| United Kingdom | 40% |

| United States | 40% |

| Netherlands | 40% |

| Ecuador | 35% |

| Spain | 34% |

| Ireland | 33% |

| Chile | 25% |

| South Africa | 25% |

| Greece | 20% |

| Taiwan | 20% |

| Finland | 19% |

| Ukraine | 18% |

| Denmark | 15% |

| Iceland | 10% |

| Turkey | 10% |

| Vietnam | 10% |

| Brazil | 8% |

| Poland | 7% |

| Switzerland | 7% |

| Philippines | 6% |

| Croatia | 5% |

| Italy | 4% |

| Australia | 0% |

| Austria | 0% |

| Canada | 0% |

| China | 0% |

| Estonia | 0% |

| Hong Kong | 0% |

| Hungary | 0% |

| India | 0% |

| Israel | 0% |

| Luxembourg | 0% |

| Malta | 0% |

| Mexico | 0% |

| New Zealand | 0% |

| Norway | 0% |

| Pakistan | 0% |

| Portugal | 0% |

| Russia | 0% |

| Serbia | 0% |

| Singapore | 0% |

| Slovak Republic | 0% |

| Slovenia | 0% |

| Sweden | 0% |

Please note that tax laws can change frequently, and the rates provided are based on the latest available data¹. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please refer to the tax laws of the specific country or consult with a tax professional.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2024-04-02

(1) List of countries by inheritance tax rates - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_inheritance_tax_rates.

(2) Estate and Inheritance Taxes around the World - Tax Foundation. https://taxfoundation.org/research/all/federal/estate-and-inheritance-taxes-around-world/.

(3) Estate, Inheritance, and Gift Taxes in Europe | Tax Foundation. https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/eu/inheritance-taxes-estate-taxes-europe-2022/.

(4) Worldwide Estate and Inheritance Tax Guide 2023 | EY - Global. https://www.ey.com/en_gl/tax-guides/worldwide-estate-and-inheritance-tax-guide.

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Such tragedy. Praying for healing and peace?🙏🏻

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This makes me soooo mad!! Hit that hospital where it hurts! I’d get all records , names of all involved and get a good atty !!! Sue em

Thank God he is alright 🙏🏼

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Well, why not show the husband in this video? He is obviously in the same room, out of sight. Also, he talks in the background but it's so quiet you can't really hear what he's saying.

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