Thank you for speaking out, for honesty. I am a doctor and I am not brave enough to risk my job to speak out publicly but I am no coward to give patients informed consent about the vaccine safety data from the CDC and VAERS. Please let me know message me if you want to talk. I am in primary care in United States and am seeing the high rates of cardiovascular inflammation by autoimmune means associated with the novel mRNA spike protein so called therapies. I’ve also seen high rates of new cancer and relapse of cancer previously in remission AND new primary cancers in those already with a cancer… very sad.

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Get some legal advice. Maybe contact Attorney Tom Renz's law practice to find out what may be available in terms of letters that that can be submitted to your employer putting them on notice that if they harass or terminate you for speaking the truth that they will be hit with a BIG lawsuit! Maybe they can submit a letter for you, or you can get in on a class action lawsuit and get your employer added as a defendant?

Then SPEAK UP! This bioweapon injection genocide HAS TO STOP! THIS is NAZI Germany 2.0! Did you ever ask yourself what YOU would have done if you had lived in NAZI Germany circa 1943? Would you have stood by and watched atrocities happen? Well, here we are in 2024 and the SAME CRAP IS REPEATING ITSELF, but now on AN EVEN BIGGER SCALE! If you will NOT take a stand, then you are an accomplice to mass murder. That sounds pretty harsh, but there is no "sitting on the sidelines" now. Nobody is a spectator. We are all involved whether we like it ir not. We are at WAR, and THIS war is for the very survival of humanity! Some of us may not survive— we may "go down with the ship". That's just what happens during wars. Freedom ISN'T free!

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Bad things happened, but don't believe all of the stories about "Evil Nazis and Good Allies".

We caused a lot of the camp deaths by bombing the German supply lines and allegedly blocking the initial plan to DEPORT the Jews.

The people behind this covid debacle, are likely to be the same ones behind the wars.

And Ukraine.

And Palestine.

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"The people behind this covid debacle, are likely to be the same ones behind the wars."

Of COURSE they are the same people! And families: Rockerfeller, Rothschild, British Royals, and many more. They were responsible for Hitler's success. John D. Rockerfeller, IBM, and many other Americans and American corporations completely supported Hitler's war effort. Remember . . . those numbers tatooed on concentration camp victim's arms were from IBM's system it set up for Hitler.

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Harry, why do you call yourself by "E" word? You speak sense.

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Isaiah 5:20

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that count darkness as light, and light as darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

In these inverted times I think of him as Good Harry

But what we really need is Dirty Harry!

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The scriptures timelessly apply.

But what we desperately need is a thorough cleansing by a holy Judge.

Make it reign, Lord!

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"God helps them who help themselves".

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That day may come.

I pray that I have the fortitude to step up to the mark and do what's needed, if these truly evil bastards do push us all to starvation, poverty and civil war.

We never know until we are tested.

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My nickname is Harry and I enjoyed the character - "Evil Harry Dread" - from a Terry Pratchet book - "The last hero".

Harry started in the evil overlord business in his shed of doom, down on the allotment.

He is a budding evil overlord, but isn't really bad, he just has to keep up appearances.

He is the counter to Cohen the barbarian, an 80+ year old mercenary who along with his "silver horde", decides to kill the Gods.

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It’s pretty bad, the medical industrial complex is horrific… yes… but I don’t think you understand what I do. I’m trying fix people. I’m NOT giving jabs. And I am informing people about the jabs, but I’m not going live on YouTube. I don’t want to end up dead in a ditch or my family extorted. Sorry 😢

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I get it . I’m a pharmacist and I tell every patient about the harms of the jabs, but I do it in the vaccination room quietly . Someone has to do that too. If I loose my job then how will I help people not get the poison

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Saving people is a nobler calling than fixing people.

Lynchpin vs. safety pin.

You weren’t born fearful!

“Physician, heal thyself…”

2 Timothy 1:7:

7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.(KJV)

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It sounds like you are doing a lot more than many doctors, so you are to be commended. At least your patients have a doctor that they can trust, and with some brains, so that’s very important. And for every patient that you warn, they will warn others. You’re doing a good job, no point in putting yourself out of business altogether, then you can’t help anybody. I would say many of us, myself included, need to speak up even more, as this deadly farce continues. But really, people have had 4 years to figure it out, it’s pretty obvious by now.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

Someone who tries and does what he or she can is better any day than someone who doesn't try at all. Just keep trying to do what you can. Every effort to do the right thing is heroic.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 10

As a physician, you’re charged with a sacred trust. The weight of your honorable vocation as healer should exorcise whatever fear stands in your way. Summon the moral and professional courage to do as Dr. Cartland and many others have.

I know from similar experience, that no employment security can equal the peace that derives from an uncompromising—though difficult—choice, at a pivotal juncture. A lost job can be replaced. There are losses of ultimately greater worth which cannot.

May you find your boldness. It's why you're here!

Accept timely counsel from a fellow physician:

Luke 12: 48:

...For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.(KJV)

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I am not a doctor, but an inquisitive engineer. Seems doctors are lacking knowledge. Do you know who operates the CDC and the FDA ? My research has uncovered a murderous plot and they have stuck doctors in the middle. If you wish to see ones that orchestrated this debacle, check out g tv fl yers . c om my discovery will blow you away.

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It's cognitive dissonance delivered to those who were vaccinated. Their brain's Hippocampus is no longer functioning normally, placing them in a zombiefied state. They're not really fully here with us any longer. That includes the Doctors and others who provide services to us.

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Yes this is true. The shot changes their brain where they are incapable of discerning truth or thinking critically. You said it very well.

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If one indulged a bit of basic strategic thinking, one “might” conclude the forces behind this carnage seek destruction from every deliverable direction.

Occam’s Razor shaves the “conspiracy” off the theory.

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Can you help me w/that website?

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Yes, I did that but my phoned blocked access due to “malware”.

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Remove the spaces to get the URL of the website it will open in a browser.

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now i wish i was jewish , great angle, but we have a smaller problem with the cdc killing babys with mandated covid vax.

maybe run for congress , or come up with solutions.

also love and hugs

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I don't think you wish to be jewish. The jews crossed Jesus ... See Rev 3:9 in the bible

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all part of the plan , you know he died for us. your premise is funny , thanks. now i love the jews.

when faced with extreme hatred and severe reaction , i turn the other cheek and use humor to instuct the person that this is leading to not a good place, sooo i was using humor...

shock instruction only informs those of the same mindset. not the general people. soo the previouse spammer trying to get me to hate on jews. not going to work , nice to know his thoughs.

yes bad things are comming , trust in the lord, and as you get pushed or squeezed , try to do the right thing , the weak minded wlll no enjoy gods plan. it is hard fixing your self and not going the easy way.

love and hug

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christianity has been corrupted by the jews. Check out what Martin Luther said about the jews. If you read these gt vfl yers. c om you will have no reason to love them. They hate God. They believe they are God. They are a death cult. There is no reason to love them

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PLEASE find a way to speak up.

You could talk in confidence to Del Bigtree or Naomi Wolf or of course the wonderful Dr Makis.

Don’t let your silence help the villains.

You can reveal what you are seeing without revealing your identity.

Please help create the tipping point in this litany of CRIMES.

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🎯When the smoke finally clears, all fences will be ash, along with those sitting them.

The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because

of those who look on and do nothing. ~ Albert Einstein

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"...I am not brave enough to risk my job to speak out publicly but I am no coward..."

I am a doctor too and that is a self contradictory statement. If you do not have the courage to speak out then you ARE a coward! Stop trying to fool yourself. Your professional obligation is to act in the best interest of your patients and NOT your job or your mortage or your car. Do you realize that that was the same excuse used by the NAZI doctors???

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Every word, true.

Matthew 16: 25-26

25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?(KJV)

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...."very sad" ?

Seriously you are the profession that injected the crap that is still causing this human tragedy. Your patients and family trusted you.

Dr David Cartland is a hero.

You are a coward

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This is probably the best advice talk to your patients. You can't always trust people from this movement. If they take your license away you can't help anyone even yourself.

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Find another profession.

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Eat rocks

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He's right. If you do not have the intellectual honesty and intestinal fortitude to DO YOUR JOB and stand up for your patients then you need to find a less challenging profession.

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At least a less trust-dependent profession.

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Yes! I am no where near a doctor but I work with the public every day many don’t want to hear about the truth and just because you’re not on YouTube doesn’t mean you don’t stand for the truth. We all do what we can where we are and that is enough

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What we “can” and what we’re “willing to” there should be no daylight between.

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Time to speak up doc. You’re taking care of human beings.

I was a victim and survivor of the deadly hospital protocols. I will try, but may perhaps never be able to forgive the medical mistreatment and outright abuse that I experienced. YOU are part of that and GUILTY until you put your foot down and tell the truth about what has been done to the trusting population. You took an oath did you not?

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What about having a list of AE printed on paper and show them to your patients ?

Hereafter you can find more than 1000 officially admitted to be so.

5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event ReportsAPPENDIX 1. LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST


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That list would stagger as fiction. As fact, mere executions are inadequate! Mengele’s been shamed by the cunning of “Emergency Use Authorization”.

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I encourage using Brave browser app (lion face) , and searching Saint George University- BromAC study - maybe the supplement bromaline will somewhat dissolve the mRNA spikes so they are recognizable by macrophage cells and maybe N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) will help the body detox from them.

Maybe some doctors and nurse practitioners can set up an independent clinic to have lab equipment like AnaMihaleamdphd.Substack

Also check out info from soundhealthoptions.com - there is a program to learn to learn about this mode of research and “math as medicine” assessment one’s self & family for $20/month.

To get more rational decisions by all people, ask them to downgrade cell phones to 4G antenna cell phones (iPhone 8 has this- iphone 10s may). Or flip phones. Especially more recent cell phones should not be plugged in & charged near people’s beds.

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sooo. it took three years for me to get a type of long covid , 3 month treatment . and better, no racing heart , with Dr peter mcculla , protical , nattokinase , bromelien , and curcumin. with more. K2 , d3 , alpha- lipoic acid , nac , etc +

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We need more Doctor to summon the courage to stand up and stand together to get the word out.We have to stop this Covid vaccine madness and we have to hold the ones who harmed us accountable. They are killing our love ones while we sit quietly and watch. Lord Jesus help our Nation our World fix our way out of this evil.Give these good doctors the strength and support of the people to come forward. In Jesus name Amen.

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In Jesus’s name,


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Thank you Dr. Cartland for your courage and stamina in this global tsunami of gaslighting and lies. I hope that you continue to encourage physicians to speak about the FACTS — at the very least being witnesses for truth. Not speaking out against the injustice of injuries suffered by millions who’ve been jabbed, only allows this human tragedy to continue unabated. If not the frontline doctors, then who??? At least you, sir, will not look back with shame and regret as I suspect many will do someday. Thank you for pursuing a noble truth for humanity.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 8

Indeed. Shame and regret have but one remedy(this side of the veil): prevention.

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Incredibly powerful, moving, and raw. Thank you for your courage and compassion.

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Bless you Dave, you have the courage where others have yet to find their own. The truth shall always triumph over evil in time, you can sleep with a clear conscience, and for that you must be thanked. Greetings from Snowy Grampian!

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These people are our leaders not the ferrets that reside and hide in parliament building or such like. What a brilliant example of heart centred courage and compassion. A true doctor who does no harm

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Thank you Doctor.

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Dr Cartland is one of the few HEROES who spoke out as soon as he saw the harms.

A great doctor. Deserves all our thanks & support.

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David, that's a superb video, thank you.

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That was gut wrenching.

I am sickened by all this and I don't have to go to work in this insanity. May God bless him and keep him safe and strong.

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“Without courage there cannot be truth, and without truth there can be no other virtue.”

Sir Walter Scott

Thank you for your courage Dr. Cartland and Dr. Makis !

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Daniel John Miller (Rest In Peace)

On Monday, February 5, 2024, my dear brother passed away from ALS. He was 76 y/o. He received the initial two jabs in 2021 (no boosters). On Dr. Williams Makis' substack, January 31, 2024 he wrote an article about 'Turbo ALS'. Dan Miller's name can now be added to that list of people who died from Turbo ALS. Please pray for his soul. Thank you on behalf of the Miller family.

Doug Miller


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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

On June 26th, 2023, my beloved brother died suddenly, he had been boosted in the spring, he had had a clean bill of health from his doctor around the same time as receiving the booster. Then one night he went to bed, and he never woke up again. I will say a prayer for your brother, Daniel Miller's soul, please pray for my brother's soul too.

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Dear Josie,

Prayers have been sent. I pray that both brothers have now heard the words: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! Matthew 25:23. I also pray that you find comfort in knowing that you were a good sister.

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Thank you for you kindness. We just have to remember that life is short, but heaven is forever. 1 John 2: 16-17

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

You don't have to speak up publicly, especially if you were not solicited to do so. But giving your patients VAERS data, and other forms of data is not necessarily helpful to them either as most patients may not be familiar with knowing how to interpret the data or recognize BS interpretations when seen.

As a doctor, most patients that I have seen don't ask about data1

They most often ask "Doctor, what would YOU do? If this were your mother what would YOU do." PATIENTS MOST FREQUENTLY WANT YOUR OPINION BECAUSE THEY TRUST YOU. So just tell them what you think and what you do for yourself.

Last week, my husbband who is also a doctor, saw a patient who is an airline pilot who asked "Doctor, what is your opinion about the vaccine?" He answered point blank "I don't think that it is safe or effective." That is the kind of answer patients want to hear, NOT data.

ADDENDUM: The patient was delighted to hear that and said that he agreed and offered to send my husband some of the literature he had gathered. My husband declined because he was quite familiar with the literature. I informed my better half that because the patient had already made up his mind that the real reason he asked the question was to test my husband's integrity and determine what kind of doctor he is and the kind of person he is. He scored 100%. ALSO BECAUSE YOUR CONVERSATIONS WITH PATIENTS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE CONFIDENTIAL THERE SHOULD BE NO FEAR OF TELLING PATIENTS THAT THIS IS ALL BOVINE MANURE IF THAT IS WHAT YOU BELIEVE. THERE SHOULD BE NO REPERCUSSIONS TO THE DOCTOR BECAUSE THE CONVERSATION IS SUPPOSED TO BE CONFIDENTIAL BY LAW.

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I have a few questions I ask all medical professionals to evaluate their competence and trustworthiness. It is sad that it has come to this but we need to test our medical professionals (not just doctors).

Is your doctor a medical professional or a paid whore for the pharma cartel? A simple question for your doctor to determine if they are a "Pro or Ho":

"Should healthy children under the age of 12 get the covid vaccine?".

If the answer isn't "NO" then you have a "Ho". There is no "yes" or "it depends". The IFR for healthy kids is so far to the right of the decimal that they have a statistically ZERO chance of dying from covid. It is of zero benefit for them to get the shots. It also is of zero benefit to anyone else because they will still get it and transmit it, injected or not.


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Bravo to you both! This is a seminal moment for TRUTH.

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Thank you so much for saying that. I am far more vocal than my husband because I am retired and have nothing to loose but the past 3 years have been horrible for my ego and sense of self worth within the medical community. Most doctors that I know are making little to no attempt to look into the v@((*ne and what it really is and is not. One of my best friends, also a doctor, I just learned has taken 5 shots!!! Probably 6 by now.

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If I may, I'd humbly submit that your household's overall survival--moral and physical--may be largely owing to that same circumspect, divinely-endowed wisdom at the root of your cited estrangement from the medical community. Has there been a more perilous time to succumb to peer pressure in pursuit of conformity? After so great a volume of scientific discovery, chronicling suffering and death linked to three infamous words("s.&.e"), the astute are left to conclude in favor of "living scorned" over "posthumously praised".

My sympathies to you regarding your close friend's high-risk acquiescence. We live in times which surely strain credulity! The next phase will doubtless shift from v@(( hesitancy to survival-shaming.

The deliberate stepped outside the stampeding masses, taking a moment to survey the distant horizon, assess topography, and calculate alternate routes which didn't include the cliff.

If you're able to locate a working link for the entire presentation, the two of you would likely find great value in the European Parliament Covid Summit III, Brussels, May 2023. (I searched without success, finding only the worthwhile [22 min YouTube] segment by Dr. David Martin, a knowledgeable expert in patents/development history. The conference is hosted at Children's Health Defense, as well, with a defunct link. ?)

Again, kudos for principle and practice! Truth wins.

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Thank you so much for your eloquent words. I cherish them. BTW what I shared is only the tip of the iceberg. I think one of the most painful things is that my family and friends who in the past ALWAYS asked for my opinion or explanation of things that they did not undersstand, before agreeing to anything medical, drugs or surgery now ridiculed me, laughed and went ahead and took the shots. (Rachel Madow now suddenly had a better MD degree than I do).

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

(I recall snippets of Maddow's notorious bombast in claiming the ☣️ was infallible in halting trans.mission. His "medical credentials" will remain widely discredited, lol, unless/until authorities publicly admit their findings factored v@(( death into trans.mission. Sad to say, I'm no longer shockable by their chicanery.) By now, their ridicule merits your pity. There’s no going back for them. “There is none so blind as he who will not see.”

I located this for you/your husband. An inconceivable 75% explains how we arrived where we find ourselves. Take great comfort in two, among those 25% of "fully functional" adults, residing in your home, making a stand for integrity. Your egos are healthier than you know!


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Mind blown again! Thank you Dr Cartland and, as usual, thank you Dr Maki! I will send this far and wide!

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For many this has been a long and very erroneous journey

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May God bless this man richly for doing the right thing and encouraging others to do the same.

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