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So here it is again. You talk Carlson and Kirsch as part of the problem.

You are either:

1. Here to make sure we are divided within. "we" being folk at least somewhat aware of the nature of the world and what is going on. So that is bad.

2 OR, you genuinely believe that anyone who doesn't hold your (quite precise, quite exact) views on the precise nature of what is true, is controlled opo. So that is also destructive.

Do you two, Davis and NORTON, actually feel Carlson and Kirsch are enemies of the truth? So Malone must be the devil himself. Let alone Senator Johnson.... etc etc.

We need to agree to disagree on literally buckets worth of details if we are going to defeat the (my view) inbred genocidal vampire squids who intend destruction of current society and its underpinnings. See how my view is already tending to the specific? But I can disagree sharply with folk over all sorts of things and still agree on some basics. You two are NOT willing to cut slack on the details. Bad idea, the cabal would approve your viewpoint.

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Grant you are like those liberal morons. Who want you to get out the crayons and paint a picture for them. “Data. I need data! I need studies! Get them for me so I can argue further with you”. Hard pass Gorlock. . All you have to do is simply look up Steve kirsch oneID, CBDC, Covid vaccine trial funder. It’s all there. Unless they erased. Even then there are ways of finding it. Apparently my research which is graduate level mind you is to advance for your lizard brain to wrap around. So tell you what sparky. I gave you search points ok. Instead of comment useless vocation to me take those key points and look them up. Ffs it’s not difficult. Unless you are like bed buddies here with these guys which is why you have serious anger issues about this. Ok good talk I’m done conversing with a man child for today. Toodles.

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Sloppily and speedily crafted. Directly and repeatedly insulting. I DID suggest you are a troll. OK thats insulting.

But anyone who genuinely believes Kirsch and Carlson are controlled opo has lost it in a personal soup of paranoia. Big picture. Show me how Kirsch managed to get more jabs in arms. Seems he did the opposite.

I react to divisive talk where if someone doesnt agree on everything they are the enemy.

I repeat, the cabal would approve. Hopefully, they think, the redpilled and partially redpilled can be chopped up into a zillion different cells of mildly different beliefs and so beaten that way. If the plebes ever coalesce around say the idea that our elite are corrupt, lying, trying to hurt us and our societal support systems, well they lose. Our greatest hope, their greatest fear.

And you show up with some nonsense about how Kirsch is an enemy. Show me where his actions and speech have increased jab uptake? How did he help them, exactly?

I bet they wish him dead.

EDIT - here is the for me most interesting part of our exchange. I have interest and an open mind concerning the 5G and nano this and that. It seems plausible. But because I argued for a setting aside of details, we never got that far.

EDIT2 "Sparky" - I love that. In truth I am a 'sparky', where I go in my personal circle I spread true things which 'spark' thought. You listen to me one on one talking jab damage, and you a normie, well sparks will fly. Thanks for the compliment.

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How much time do you have? Are you mentally handicap, serious question. I think you need to get out and live life and get off these sub stacks. It is apparent you do not have a life.

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I spend around 2 hours a day, typically, looking the Makis, McCullough, Kirsch, Brownstone institute. Few others. Keep up with stuff.

Usually say nothing, or one comment.

Today a little different. I feel trolls have infected this substack. I say because it seems incomprehensible Kirsch is considered part of the problem.

That is the problem. Folk creating enemies and tiny enclaves of all so precise 'truth'. I think it is the issue of our time. We are being divide and conquered. You and I squabbling just a perfect reflection of that. That is how we lose.

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