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The knew full well what was in these vaccines long before they released onto the people worldwide. Make no doubt about it,they knew these vaccines were designed to kill or kill in the short,medium, and long term.Karen Kingston flagged this up before all this started.there is not anyone more qualified than her on this subject. She was a chief biotec analyst at Pfizer. Also doctor Mike Yeadon who was one of the top men in Pfizer for over 16 years..then the propaganda started,by trying to discredit them as conspiracy theorists all of a sudden. Same tactics were used on any doctors, scientists and analysts who refused to follow the narrative. All those involved in this,which include all the corrupt politicians, corrupt doctors and scientists, also the police and the judiciary worldwide had all been bought off and corrupted long before this covid scam started. Karen Kingston stated in numerous interviews with Stew Peter's the ingredients of these scam vaccines, some were Graphite I.e. lead,nanotechnology, Mercury, aluminium the aids virus, plus a load of other ingredients that they knew would harm. This is a worldwide genocide agenda.

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I could not agree more with every word you said friend. Here is the question: the Police and military of USA Canada UK and Australia New Zealand Europe were ALL TARGETED for erasure.. OK.. so be it.. what can we and they conclude from this act?

As far as I know Russian Chinese and UN... FEMA

. Every intelligence agency on the planet..were exempt..

Those thousands upon thousands of military age invaders in every western Christian nation were not asked to take jab before entry. WHY?

MY QUESTION THEN: have the leadership of secret societies and corrupt institutions been fully infiltrated by a hostile alien race ? Hmmmn? Anyone out there watch COLONY. 3 seasons then inexplicably canceled right when things were getting really exciting!

Anyone out there visited www.wingmakers.us and read the two interviews with NSA whistle blower?? Dot connectors like myself take these strange coincidence very seriously

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I think so. Isn't it what the Bible is all about? ET contact, and good and bad alien influence, like Paul Wallis a.o. talk about. And I agree, from personal experience/trauma; Hell is also on this planet! But I also believe, we are finally liberating ourselves (with immense help) and becoming who we were meant to be. Clearing what has been encoded - slave mentality? Fear? Definitely traumas! - and that our DNA will be restored, revived. I believe, we have been deliberately cut off from True Source, given a diluted/distorted substitute, but now coming back on-line.

I very much appreciated Xi Earthstar's video last year: The Liberated Moon is Krystic! Curse of Abaddon has Lifted


Thank you for the link to the Wingmakers!

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Yes.. things Are truly reaching a crescendo which feels somehow more real then what the world went through pre-2012 hysteria. No doubt due mostly to the fact that TPTB have pulled the trigger on global depop. as well as been so obvious with the crude censorship campaign ( blowing up Georgia Guidestones, removing Deagel.com 2025 demographic nightmare predictions, silencing most of the initial jab victims ) The world's doctors are burying themselves with the normies by gaslighting them as they come looking for help.. We very well could be fighting for the future of humanity itself in just a few years!

Make sure you search the winemakers sight for the 21 page PHILOSOPHY SECTION.. which will empower you in many permanent ways!!

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We are already in that fight. I know I am. People just haven't realized it yet - or push their own needed efforts aside because it is too overwhelming.

So you think 'they' blew up the Guidestones themselves? It felt fishy to me at the time.

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No that's not what the Bible is all about. If you read it, you'd know that the evil ("hostile alien race") is actually the devil and his fallen angels, 1/3 cast out of heaven, and now roam as demons upon this earth, taking possession of anyone who opens the door to them. "Aliens" and "UFO's" are nothing but a demonic delusion.

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I cannot agree. Only to that a huge delusion has been perpetrated on humanity and that such beliefs, in my view, are part of that. Entailing both very physical beings as well as non-physical entities.

So let's just agree to disagree...

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YES!! My thoughts exactly!! The covid vaccine is alien technology. We had help developing it! See the book The Last Harvest by Lucien Mars. He says aliens want Earth for themselves and by the year 2050 no humans left alive on the planet!!

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No thanks. I'll stick to the Bible.

"23 And the light of the lamp shall shine no more at all in thee: and the voice of the bridegroom and the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee. For thy merchants were the great men of the earth: for all nations have been deceived by thy enchantments" (sorceries eg. pharmakia in Greek).

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not to forget SIMIAN VIRUS SV40 Green Monkey DNA cancer enhancer that was outlawed in 1960's b/c it was giving ppl vaxxinated with the polio vaxx cancer! It is now in both moderna and pfizer!! 'And the vaxxines are giving ppl mad cow disease...that was a huge pfarma coverup 50 yrs ago blaming it on cows yet it was from vaxxines!

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Also mad cow disease. See www.rense.com third column far right scroll down to Jeff & Erica. One hour audios on covid vax. Tons of info.

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Exactly correct. It was orchestrated worldwide by the elite through military operations in conjunction with the pharmaceutical industry for 2 reasons, population control and money. They knew what they were doing as they had been working on this stuff since the 1940's, however, to date no one has been prosecuted, which shows you how deep the corruption runs and how worthless they consider human lives.

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