When you look at World Cancer Research you find that Africa has the lowest cancer rates, Denmark the highest. Ivermectin is taken once a week in Africa to protect from malaria....
I use it whenever I feel wonky. Black cumin seed oil is also great. Those chemtrails (15 miles ENE of St. Louis) are a threat to life. They average twice a week. On eclipse day, they were heavy, ruining an otherwise historic event.
Please PLEASE stop with the background noise. I'm hard of hearing so your important info is blurred. You do not need to subliminally program me with this noise to convey it's importance.
Remember...fear shuts down the front of your brain..all critical thinking...along with your hippocampus...your identity..your memories...your sense of self.
That is why it works...every time.
Even if you are aware of these brainwashing techniques..repition will eventually win.
Don't read newspapers and don't use the tv. Ever.
They know 80nperc3nt of us will do what we are told regardless.
The indoctrinated Brain is a book.if i remember the author i will revert. Also the hippocampus can get drained by propoganda...it is also in indoctrinated brain book. Its a german phd who wrote it.....
Thank you Dr Makis for your perseverance, strength and heart, this video with Dr. David Martin is excellent and I will definitely share. Thank you for giving hope.
Two possibly more specific reasons behind the lack of interest from our politicians.
Most are invested in Pharmaceuticals . Pfizer even paid for trump's Inaugural Ball. MTG is allegedly invested in Gilead .ALL major media outlets are supported by Pharma adverts.
Social Security is running low due to government dipping into it and MORE people now applying for and on disability benefits than ever before, so no politician wants to be in office when ssi crashes. Reducing the population while making money off of the bio weapon is a win win for politicians.
Did he talk about the nano-lipid microcircuits that would create the Whole Body networks in us so that they could control and track us with 2 way communications and use us as batteries?
After watching the video it all makes perfect sense. I remember the drills in school and when I got older I thought that wasn’t going to help us at all. Why did they make us do that? Now I know.
I will admit I personally have fallen for some of these fear tactics in the past. The C19 scare to me was so obvious I couldn’t understand why people fell for it. Again, now I know some of the reasons why.
Reminds me of what Reagan said, “trust but verify”. I say trust no one and verify everything.
Fauci and company have been spraying virus and bacterium on us for decades. back in the early seventies the Bast Man at a wedding in which I was Matron of Honor , dressed came in his military uniform. I asked him what he did and he said he flew a helicopter out of Ft Detrick, Md,"..... for epidemiology studies they were conducting. " He said he sprayed pathogens over parts of Long island ,NY.
I was stunned but no one else in the car thought anything of it. I told them I did not want my government giving me a hangnail.
Fauci expanded from there and admitted to an under grad Bioethics class at Georgetown that he had the DC subway stations sprayed with pathogens.
Then they closed down Shawnee High School in Medford NY in the late eighties for a "measles" outbreak. The students could not return until they got a special booster at on particular HMO. The Docs who treated the students and the nurses all knew something suspicious was going on and the disease was not the original measles we all had as children.
Fauci has been killing and experimenting on humans and animals for a very long time and getting away with it while being paid more than any other government employee including the President.
They threw the coffins of these children into a hole in NY's Gaye of Heaven Cemetery and covered it with an astro turf blanket which you can lift and peer in and see about 80 coffins according to a policeman we knew.
And what has that to do with some of the claims in the videos?
The Scientologists are wackjobs, but it turns out they are also fanatical opponents of the 'mental health' profession. Turns out a lot of their criticisms have merit. Would I listen to them in general? No.
Super interesting, I´m also a non-believer of contagion/Pasteur theory, and agree with Dr Cowan´s clear explanations.
What do you mean about David Martin? That, being a believer of Germ Theory his excplanations on the Covid trama are mostly doing harm? Or something? I would like to know more about your view, as you seem knowing much.
It did not explain what most people had that was diagnosed as "covid" or how they got it.
We were on a flight a couple of years ago and essentially everyone tested positive after that flight except two in our group who were not on that flight. What did we have and how did we get the congestion, headaches, etc.?
"Viruses" as tiny intercellular parasites that we are indoctrinated to believe - do not exist. Neither natural nor artificial. "Gain-of-function" is a psyop.
But "virus" (in good old Latin) = poison is real. Our bodies react to e.g. toxins we ingest/smoke/INJECT or are exposed to in the environment - or changes in the amount of radiation we are constantly exposed to - or an unhealthy diet. The “flu” is our body's cleansing system at work.
Dr. Makis, Dr. Martin, this about blew my mind. I have been a loyal member of your sub stack since day one, I have watched every day, every video. This is over and above, has left me speechless, mind-boggled. I used some very bad words!! While I sat jaw dropped watching. Thank you and Dr. Martin and your teams. This mind twister is just that. You know you know when you know. Ya well we know it all now. And still they do nothing, while millions are dead, damaged, heart broken, ill, suffering, dying, and brain washed. Can't wait for part II. Please someone hear this, the correct someone. More power to you both, no greater humanitarians.
Dear Dr. Martin,
Because of you a mass of people woke up to the bs that was pushed on the masses. We appreciate your tenacity. Thank you again and his bless!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Ditto that...well said Henry..thank you...and thank you so much to Dr Martin..for his warrior courageous stance and info sharing..
Thanks also..slways to Dr William Makis for sharing this massive info trove of these great heros....
Many of our lives and good health today are being supported and awakened by these angels on earth...
We could not be more fortunate!
background soundtrack cheapens it
I’ve Got $100 That Says :
If Enough Doctors Die
We Can Cure Cancer.
When they banned Ivermectin we all knew it must be the cure! Now I read that it may just be!
When you look at World Cancer Research you find that Africa has the lowest cancer rates, Denmark the highest. Ivermectin is taken once a week in Africa to protect from malaria....
I use it whenever I feel wonky. Black cumin seed oil is also great. Those chemtrails (15 miles ENE of St. Louis) are a threat to life. They average twice a week. On eclipse day, they were heavy, ruining an otherwise historic event.
Ha! Look at what I just found!
Please PLEASE stop with the background noise. I'm hard of hearing so your important info is blurred. You do not need to subliminally program me with this noise to convey it's importance.
The indoctrinated brain....
Remember...fear shuts down the front of your brain..all critical thinking...along with your hippocampus...your identity..your memories...your sense of self.
That is why it works...every time.
Even if you are aware of these brainwashing techniques..repition will eventually win.
Don't read newspapers and don't use the tv. Ever.
They know 80nperc3nt of us will do what we are told regardless.
I tend to agree with what you said however I would like to have more knowledge. Where is the source for your comment?
The indoctrinated Brain is a book.if i remember the author i will revert. Also the hippocampus can get drained by propoganda...it is also in indoctrinated brain book. Its a german phd who wrote it.....
Michael Nehls, Md,PhD wrote it.
Oso, oso interesgarria eta sinesgarria.
Esker mila honetan ari izan zaretenoi.
Ados, musika, sobera kargantea, pelikula sinestroaren airetara narama, eta hau benetakoa dirudi, bai horixe!
Really grateful for this documentary, really eye opening, full of data and clear thoughts.
Really, better without the/(this?) music.
Thank you Dr Makis for your perseverance, strength and heart, this video with Dr. David Martin is excellent and I will definitely share. Thank you for giving hope.
Power and Money......the power comes from being able to control the masses .The money follows.
Dr Makis this video is really appreciated , thanks for posting .
Two possibly more specific reasons behind the lack of interest from our politicians.
Most are invested in Pharmaceuticals . Pfizer even paid for trump's Inaugural Ball. MTG is allegedly invested in Gilead .ALL major media outlets are supported by Pharma adverts.
Social Security is running low due to government dipping into it and MORE people now applying for and on disability benefits than ever before, so no politician wants to be in office when ssi crashes. Reducing the population while making money off of the bio weapon is a win win for politicians.
No such thing as running out of money when they just print it. If they print it for the cares act and Ukraine they will have to print it for SSI.
Of course they can BUT it is much easier to let the "useless eaters " starve if it is a depopulation agenda.
Woud love to hear what Dr. Martin has to say but didn't last a minute because of the music.
Did he talk about the nano-lipid microcircuits that would create the Whole Body networks in us so that they could control and track us with 2 way communications and use us as batteries?
After watching the video it all makes perfect sense. I remember the drills in school and when I got older I thought that wasn’t going to help us at all. Why did they make us do that? Now I know.
I will admit I personally have fallen for some of these fear tactics in the past. The C19 scare to me was so obvious I couldn’t understand why people fell for it. Again, now I know some of the reasons why.
Reminds me of what Reagan said, “trust but verify”. I say trust no one and verify everything.
Great post. Thanks for sharing !!!!
Does the many govt. agencies David Martin said he worked for, include the CIA?
as many times as l have watched David Martin, this is simply chilling.
NONE of this is chilling!
Fauci and company have been spraying virus and bacterium on us for decades. back in the early seventies the Bast Man at a wedding in which I was Matron of Honor , dressed came in his military uniform. I asked him what he did and he said he flew a helicopter out of Ft Detrick, Md,"..... for epidemiology studies they were conducting. " He said he sprayed pathogens over parts of Long island ,NY.
I was stunned but no one else in the car thought anything of it. I told them I did not want my government giving me a hangnail.
Fauci expanded from there and admitted to an under grad Bioethics class at Georgetown that he had the DC subway stations sprayed with pathogens.
Then they closed down Shawnee High School in Medford NY in the late eighties for a "measles" outbreak. The students could not return until they got a special booster at on particular HMO. The Docs who treated the students and the nurses all knew something suspicious was going on and the disease was not the original measles we all had as children.
Fauci has been killing and experimenting on humans and animals for a very long time and getting away with it while being paid more than any other government employee including the President.
They threw the coffins of these children into a hole in NY's Gaye of Heaven Cemetery and covered it with an astro turf blanket which you can lift and peer in and see about 80 coffins according to a policeman we knew.
Good job Fauci !
David Martin =Germ Theory clown and gatekeeper
Why do you say that? He’s been trying to blow the whistle on this PLANDEMIC for a log time!
And what has that to do with some of the claims in the videos?
The Scientologists are wackjobs, but it turns out they are also fanatical opponents of the 'mental health' profession. Turns out a lot of their criticisms have merit. Would I listen to them in general? No.
There is nothing clownish about the germ theory versus terrain. Go do some serious research.
Germ Theory, intreesting input. Hi, can you explain longer or give more info, please?
Super interesting, I´m also a non-believer of contagion/Pasteur theory, and agree with Dr Cowan´s clear explanations.
What do you mean about David Martin? That, being a believer of Germ Theory his excplanations on the Covid trama are mostly doing harm? Or something? I would like to know more about your view, as you seem knowing much.
Thanks Chelseabern!
Two more points:
1. could someone share the written text/transcription of this video?
2. About contagion, due to a near experience, I have doubts realtin sexual transmission. Chlamydia, for example. What are your thougts on it?
It did not explain what most people had that was diagnosed as "covid" or how they got it.
We were on a flight a couple of years ago and essentially everyone tested positive after that flight except two in our group who were not on that flight. What did we have and how did we get the congestion, headaches, etc.?
"Viruses" as tiny intercellular parasites that we are indoctrinated to believe - do not exist. Neither natural nor artificial. "Gain-of-function" is a psyop.
But "virus" (in good old Latin) = poison is real. Our bodies react to e.g. toxins we ingest/smoke/INJECT or are exposed to in the environment - or changes in the amount of radiation we are constantly exposed to - or an unhealthy diet. The “flu” is our body's cleansing system at work.
Dr. Makis, Dr. Martin, this about blew my mind. I have been a loyal member of your sub stack since day one, I have watched every day, every video. This is over and above, has left me speechless, mind-boggled. I used some very bad words!! While I sat jaw dropped watching. Thank you and Dr. Martin and your teams. This mind twister is just that. You know you know when you know. Ya well we know it all now. And still they do nothing, while millions are dead, damaged, heart broken, ill, suffering, dying, and brain washed. Can't wait for part II. Please someone hear this, the correct someone. More power to you both, no greater humanitarians.