VIDEO - Story of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Children's Vaccine Trial (ages 12-15) victim 14 year old Maddie de Garay and children who died after taking mRNA jabs (Feb.2024)
I can tell you what parent would allow their precious children to be guinea pigs: the brain washed ones. My husband was one of them. Have I not stepped in with full force, my own daughter could have been another Maddie de Garay story. What saved us is something we call " the two yes-es principle". What that means is neither me nor my husband can take life changing decisions on our own. What I also did during those scary days, was exactly what the government did: propaganda. Except in our case was for a good caused. I would spend my whole day searching for doctors who were against these toxic shots. And every time I would find something, would show it to my husband and tell him: see, these covid shots are killing and injuring people. They are not safe, they are not effective. The government lied to you. Health authorities and Trudeau government can't be trusted. But in general the main sentence I kept repeating many times throughout the day was: the shots are killing and injuring people. They are not safe. And I did that for several weeks. It worked: I was able to successfully reverse the brainwashing process. What helped me was also reading books previously about how cult leaders brain wash their followers. What desperate parents do in this case is they kidnap their kids and isolate them with an expert in reversing the process. Repeating the same sentence to to someone over and over again is very powerful: because that person will end up believing. It works just like hypnosis.
Yes indeed. Brainwashed, as many of us were going back a few years, myself included. It was a V injury that alerted me 20 years ago which in fact helped me see the scam when it showed up. I'm glad you managed to save your child from that fate! Repetition. I tried to warn folk I knew before the rollout but maybe your repetition would have worked. One friend who passed took boosters and all. Didn't listen. But I didn't warn her repeatedly, just the once. Others I did but they still took them.
Well done. What you did was very smart, instead of just giving up, thinking he would never listen, you repeated the same short sentences over and over. Reverse psychology. Excellent lesson.
To deal with my fully vaxed husband I said over and over that the vaccines could stop them having children as they're creating fertility problems. That seemed to hit a nerve (phew!). If I had said they were unsafe he wouldn't have believed me as his brainwashing was too severe. I've had to take this step by step approach with friends/family too as it was too much for people to believe that the entire govt. and medical profession and all their friends etc were lying and brainwashed. I pulled my kids aside and made them watch videos of people who were shaking etc [thank you Dr. Makis] to scare them -- I made them watch a lot of things. I also told them that I wouldn't help them if they did that to themselves because it was self-induced (I wanted to make sure that nothing happened behind my back).
NOTE: - e-petition e-4623 closed at 90,000+ signatures. Scroll down - 2 US bills Congress/Senate to defund/exit UN/WHO to further info on Canada - follow-up - write to MPs/MPPs/MLAs etc. - for those who think that it will make a difference ... I was about to do it today, when I foolishly watched "blackfaces" and Opposition leader theatrics over ArriveCan app theft/scandal. I expect it was in answer to the 330,+ thousand Canadian signatures to a "no confidence vote" election.
Yes to fear when coerced after rollout as folk were ... but to imagine you are doing your bit for the greater good by submitting your child to unknown treatments clearly to 'see if they're safe or not' .... that begs the question. Still as the woman says, she trusted them all as being benevolent companies/organizations etc. As many of us did once. She has had a rude awakening, like many of us also did. Many decades of brainwashing whilst quietly they were increasing the diversity & amount of poisons and doses. I waived the white coats when I noticed their caring advice turn into orders. And we turned from paying customers to (in their eyes) ignorant sheep. Like Steve Falcolner portrays so well in his little video Booster #17 (Satire)
Thanks again Dr Makis, for exposing the horrific after affects of this onging genocide. After your recent story of the twin boys, now 3 yrs old who cannot even hold up their head or have any motion or motor control over their bodies after going into seizures at 2 months, I contacted Sasha L. since my daughter is expecting her 2nd in the spring. She and her husband had no clot shots and their 1st daughter had the Hep B, Vit K and silver nitrate in the eyes in 2018 and probably the required childhood vaccine series through age 4 or afterward. Sasha recommended asking the Dr for the optout forms for all of the newborn hospital vaccines and to let him know they will be filling them out with their atty so the hospital is aware they are lawyered up. You cannot take your eyes off your newborn for 1 second or nurses can give a quick jab and say they didn’t notice your optout on the chart. Also mothers musn’t allow ANY routine IV’s kr flu shots since RSV mrna, now approved for newborns, etc can be slipped in without informed consent. My daughter will breastfeed but she suffered severe post partum clinical level depression over 1 yr after giving birth. My son-in-law thinks he can be there every second and strong arm a hospital staff and doesn’t care about paperwork. I will check with her Dr’s office about forms or find them myself. You must take care of due diligence BEFORE, not try to make them accountable when it is too late. Thanks so much for speaking hard truth! Their hospital in Santa Barbara CA really pushed the flu shot for all parents, and sadly they were not aware it was dangerous until all of the pandemic deaths and injuries of C19 jabs. Many parents are opting for home births and home schooling in the US now to bypass problems.
It is despicable that humanity is being forced to spend so much time and energy on avoiding govt health and financial scams and govt distraction so you have to stay abreast of all the human trauma they inflict just to stay alive on this planet. Many billionaires have too much spare time and money to continually think of ways to control the people, murder them, and waste money on insatiable causes like obtaining adrenochrome and destroying humans- whom they hate. This is a planet of polarity and also stuck at the power level of the light spectrum and we are at the end of at least a 20 thousand yr cycle and we have swung to the negative dark side-which has always existed, but much more outwardly exposed now. It is a mental and physical battle to merely stay alive, for many of us during this time, much less prevent trauma to the future generation that are young children and babies now. But I am of the mindset that I will never give up as long as I have
My friend had her children at a birthing center with a midwife because she knew people whose hospital born babies were given shots even though they had made their plans very clear to the hospital.
VENGEANCE IS MINE, SAITH THE LORD!! Better it be a MILESTONE hung around your neck and tossed into the sea, than to harm one of God precious little ones! Luke 17:2
Praying for all those who have been affected by this evil upon earth and peoples by these demons!
When do the arrests happen? When will these people be tried in the purported style of Nuremberg, inevitably found guilty and publicly executed?
Except I already know the answer: That will never happen. They'll have awards and honors heaped upon them, they'll die peacefully in their sleep of old age in their own beds in their own homes, untroubled by the faintest whisper of conscience.
Trust breeds fraud and corruption. This whole bout of global collective madness was possible because of insane collective trust. Trust is for children. Adults should be skeptical and distrusting by default. How did a whole generation of humans become like children?
After watching this video, I opened my prayer notebook and was reminded of Jim, a man who is recovering from two surgeries to remove tumors from his brain. Glioblastoma, which Dr. Makis has written about many times. His son described the new normal for his dad and expressed thankfulness that they still have him. Jim was a wonderful professor and theologian, who probably took the shots because the seminary where he taught strongly recommended them. I don't believe he will be able to teach again. I am sad that so many Christians, who should be discerning rather than fearful, fell for this scam. It's horrible for Jim to suffer this, but infinitely worse for innocent children.
My thoughts too, disappointing that there was little spiritual discernment. Every religious hierarchy belongs to a political party, I’m sure. So the people at the top of the religion, would give the orders to their pastors, etc. In some religions, obedience is important. Everything has been infiltrated, so people need to think for themselves.
I doubt it. I don't know him nearly well enough to mention this to the family. The details I have are from a FB post his son his been making to keep people updated.
I found two small omissions in the written transcript. Here is the second one:
OMISSION from [9:20] to [9:29] (9 seconds)
[9:22] Stephanie de Garay: seeing things. I trusted the government, and I trusted doctors, I trusted hospitals. What I thought they were is not what they are. END [9:29]
Cincinnati Children's Hospital (the hospital that conducted the trial for Pfizer that Maddie participated in) is apparently now running a COVID-19 Vaccine Study for Infants and Children 6 Months to 4 Years Old. Their website states, "Families will receive $175 for time and effort to complete the study."
What are the ethics of paying parents to put their children in these trials?
'neither Pfizer, the FDA or the CDC has ever talked to us'... How about the ELEPHANT in the room, the NIH, holding the patents for gene based therapies all related to covid injections?? The same NIH who with DARPA performed neverending GOF studies on coronavirues which were supposed to poise for human emergence?? The same NIH Dr. David Martin talks about at
Every single 'science' grant in the direction of biowarfare is not only paid by pharma cartel but equally by the very same TAX dollars, which were supposed to keep everyone 'safe', the BILLIONS which flow to NIH, the 'health' institute criminally undermining every aspect of human health! The evil satanic goal of the entire science to overwrite the HUMAN GENETIC CODE is beyond imagination. Only when that aspect of covid crimes is clear to everyone, the justice can/should start with the prosecution!
What kind of mother subjects their young kids to unknown drug experimentation? Why would she seek this out? It’s crazy!!Was it for money?? That question has never been asked.
It’s highly likely her 2 boys were excluded because Pfizer KNEW myocarditis was a “major side-effect.” Those boys undoubtedly know they dodged a fatal bullet. Her daughter, however, will never be the same healthy child she once was. It has severely crippled her.
I would surmise from the video showing Maddie’s room this family had money. Mother didn’t look worn to a frazzle either so likely hired care for Maddie. The numerous and sometimes lengthy hospitalizations would also be very expensive in the US.
That explains it! I wondered why they chose their only daughter versus one of their sons… poor poor poor girl, her life forever changed while everyone else’s in her family remains unchanged. She will likely feel some resentment as time goes on..
Anyone else find the mother’s dress a tad short for the interview or is it just me..
Hi Sonya. Unfortunately, you can really never assume or determine someone’s financial status from a picture.
To clarify, the mother never divulged her “reasons” WHY because the question was never asked of her. No one knows exactly what Pfizer told her either 🤔. Also, it would be interesting if she could show an actual informed, legal consent she signed for her daughter to participate in the study that contained and listed all the “known” side effects. Was she truly informed of all the risks involved? From how it was sold and advertised to the public, the fear is that she too was sold a bill of goods. Hopefully, she has consulted a good attorney.
Also, the report said the boys were “rejected from the study.” It’s likely that Pfizer had known the risks of myocarditis early on in young males. You see, we NOW know Pfizer knew but they likely may have never divulged that critical information to the mother. So that’s the question. They may have purposely withheld it, and that’s why Texas AG, Ken Paxton, is suing them. (This is referencing sourced information directly from Naomi Wolf’s team of lawyers compilation book of Pfizer’s own shoddy trials via FOIAs.). It’s also common knowledge now that CDC has finally admitted that myocarditis risk.
It’s just baffling as to why any mother would allow her children to be potentially harmed by allowing them to be injected with any unknown substance for a drug trial. It’s playing Russian Roulette. The mother will have to live with that bad decision for the rest of her life.
It’s getting worse though...look at the child immunization schedule 😳. These drug companies have to be stopped. Look at how they advertise Ozempic 😙 and look at the damage it’s done to people’s digestive tracts.
You are a very charitable person I guess I’m just more jaded now with the years, I used to see all things in a more positive light choosing to always see the best in people but the past 4 years have changed me and I have become a much more cynical person overall.
All good points you make, you are far more reasoned than I, and I hope these drug companies can be stopped. Thanks for Ozempic info…will pass on to my daughter.
I have two very good friends whom I have gone through this whole scam Demic with for the last four years …each of them, every day tell me about yet another friend or loved one who’s got brain cancer or “a treatable form of bone marrow cancer” or somebody else who just collapsed and died of a heart attack. It’s unbelievable I’m holding my breath for when it happens to those I know and love
True, and I do not want to sound snippy, but even the doctors on our side want to sell us something. Ok, maybe IVM is exponentially better at treating covid than the conventional protocols. But cyanide would (nearly) be a better treatment protocol than those.
Point is:
- The only 'data' we have on the long-term safety of IVM, is that billions of doses were given to millions of Africans by Bill Gates and the WHO (oh yeah, it also won a Nobel Prize!). Yet many peer-reviewed studies have found genotoxic, cytotoxic and fertility signals.
I am not saying it is not exponentially better than their deadly Remdisvir/vent protocols. What I am saying that there is possibly an exponentially better treatment which costs nothing (nada), and will actually save you money! (food is not free).
What can that be, do you ask?
A long-term (cyclic) urine fast is my answer.
At least 10-14 days, though some say to just continue until cured, of imbibing nothing but your own (fresh) urine. Also massaging with old (your) urine a few times a day if possible.
It can never be banned, and (if you can believe the thousands of testimonials) will cure ANTYTHING completely and for ever.
Yeah, yeah, it's toxic or whatever. At least have a look with the fresh eyes many of us have post '20-21. And remember, amniotic fluid is basically a mix of the mother's and fetuses urine, meaning we have all drunk and breathed this horribly toxic substance for around 9 months.
Pro vx or not, why oh why would any parent allow their precious children to be guinea pigs for a pharmaceutical company?
"100% safe and effective" Pam. "Vaccine adverse effects are 1 in a million, and are usually headaches or a mild fever at worst."
And if you believe either of those things, can I interest you in this used suspension bridge in Brooklyn I've got for sale?
Get a copy of "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth" and learn some very interesting things...🙄
I have that book, its really good.
Oh & I don't have need of a suspension bridge right now... good luck with that
Is your bridge safe?
It's about 100 years old.. hasn't collapsed yet!
The CDC gives a food alert after 2 deaths. If food can be medicine then vaccines should also be included in that category.
I can tell you what parent would allow their precious children to be guinea pigs: the brain washed ones. My husband was one of them. Have I not stepped in with full force, my own daughter could have been another Maddie de Garay story. What saved us is something we call " the two yes-es principle". What that means is neither me nor my husband can take life changing decisions on our own. What I also did during those scary days, was exactly what the government did: propaganda. Except in our case was for a good caused. I would spend my whole day searching for doctors who were against these toxic shots. And every time I would find something, would show it to my husband and tell him: see, these covid shots are killing and injuring people. They are not safe, they are not effective. The government lied to you. Health authorities and Trudeau government can't be trusted. But in general the main sentence I kept repeating many times throughout the day was: the shots are killing and injuring people. They are not safe. And I did that for several weeks. It worked: I was able to successfully reverse the brainwashing process. What helped me was also reading books previously about how cult leaders brain wash their followers. What desperate parents do in this case is they kidnap their kids and isolate them with an expert in reversing the process. Repeating the same sentence to to someone over and over again is very powerful: because that person will end up believing. It works just like hypnosis.
Yes indeed. Brainwashed, as many of us were going back a few years, myself included. It was a V injury that alerted me 20 years ago which in fact helped me see the scam when it showed up. I'm glad you managed to save your child from that fate! Repetition. I tried to warn folk I knew before the rollout but maybe your repetition would have worked. One friend who passed took boosters and all. Didn't listen. But I didn't warn her repeatedly, just the once. Others I did but they still took them.
Good on you, Gabriella!! Excellent
Well done. What you did was very smart, instead of just giving up, thinking he would never listen, you repeated the same short sentences over and over. Reverse psychology. Excellent lesson.
To deal with my fully vaxed husband I said over and over that the vaccines could stop them having children as they're creating fertility problems. That seemed to hit a nerve (phew!). If I had said they were unsafe he wouldn't have believed me as his brainwashing was too severe. I've had to take this step by step approach with friends/family too as it was too much for people to believe that the entire govt. and medical profession and all their friends etc were lying and brainwashed. I pulled my kids aside and made them watch videos of people who were shaking etc [thank you Dr. Makis] to scare them -- I made them watch a lot of things. I also told them that I wouldn't help them if they did that to themselves because it was self-induced (I wanted to make sure that nothing happened behind my back).
Excellent! You’re a wise woman.
Great job! Thanks for the tip!
It's more like a vanity vaccine. "Look at us! We are so progressive we are allowing our child to be in the trials."
"Do not be so open-minded that your brains fall out."
- G.K. Chesterton
Read the response by Health Minister of Canada RE: 1st petition:
closed May 2023.
NOTE: - e-petition e-4623 closed at 90,000+ signatures. Scroll down - 2 US bills Congress/Senate to defund/exit UN/WHO to further info on Canada - follow-up - write to MPs/MPPs/MLAs etc. - for those who think that it will make a difference ... I was about to do it today, when I foolishly watched "blackfaces" and Opposition leader theatrics over ArriveCan app theft/scandal. I expect it was in answer to the 330,+ thousand Canadian signatures to a "no confidence vote" election.
Yes to fear when coerced after rollout as folk were ... but to imagine you are doing your bit for the greater good by submitting your child to unknown treatments clearly to 'see if they're safe or not' .... that begs the question. Still as the woman says, she trusted them all as being benevolent companies/organizations etc. As many of us did once. She has had a rude awakening, like many of us also did. Many decades of brainwashing whilst quietly they were increasing the diversity & amount of poisons and doses. I waived the white coats when I noticed their caring advice turn into orders. And we turned from paying customers to (in their eyes) ignorant sheep. Like Steve Falcolner portrays so well in his little video Booster #17 (Satire)
Thanks again Dr Makis, for exposing the horrific after affects of this onging genocide. After your recent story of the twin boys, now 3 yrs old who cannot even hold up their head or have any motion or motor control over their bodies after going into seizures at 2 months, I contacted Sasha L. since my daughter is expecting her 2nd in the spring. She and her husband had no clot shots and their 1st daughter had the Hep B, Vit K and silver nitrate in the eyes in 2018 and probably the required childhood vaccine series through age 4 or afterward. Sasha recommended asking the Dr for the optout forms for all of the newborn hospital vaccines and to let him know they will be filling them out with their atty so the hospital is aware they are lawyered up. You cannot take your eyes off your newborn for 1 second or nurses can give a quick jab and say they didn’t notice your optout on the chart. Also mothers musn’t allow ANY routine IV’s kr flu shots since RSV mrna, now approved for newborns, etc can be slipped in without informed consent. My daughter will breastfeed but she suffered severe post partum clinical level depression over 1 yr after giving birth. My son-in-law thinks he can be there every second and strong arm a hospital staff and doesn’t care about paperwork. I will check with her Dr’s office about forms or find them myself. You must take care of due diligence BEFORE, not try to make them accountable when it is too late. Thanks so much for speaking hard truth! Their hospital in Santa Barbara CA really pushed the flu shot for all parents, and sadly they were not aware it was dangerous until all of the pandemic deaths and injuries of C19 jabs. Many parents are opting for home births and home schooling in the US now to bypass problems.
It is despicable that humanity is being forced to spend so much time and energy on avoiding govt health and financial scams and govt distraction so you have to stay abreast of all the human trauma they inflict just to stay alive on this planet. Many billionaires have too much spare time and money to continually think of ways to control the people, murder them, and waste money on insatiable causes like obtaining adrenochrome and destroying humans- whom they hate. This is a planet of polarity and also stuck at the power level of the light spectrum and we are at the end of at least a 20 thousand yr cycle and we have swung to the negative dark side-which has always existed, but much more outwardly exposed now. It is a mental and physical battle to merely stay alive, for many of us during this time, much less prevent trauma to the future generation that are young children and babies now. But I am of the mindset that I will never give up as long as I have
My friend had her children at a birthing center with a midwife because she knew people whose hospital born babies were given shots even though they had made their plans very clear to the hospital.
Deployment of this bioweapon has not abated, how long before we observe violent public outrage? Safe and effective mantra continues ...
VENGEANCE IS MINE, SAITH THE LORD!! Better it be a MILESTONE hung around your neck and tossed into the sea, than to harm one of God precious little ones! Luke 17:2
Praying for all those who have been affected by this evil upon earth and peoples by these demons!
When do the arrests happen? When will these people be tried in the purported style of Nuremberg, inevitably found guilty and publicly executed?
Except I already know the answer: That will never happen. They'll have awards and honors heaped upon them, they'll die peacefully in their sleep of old age in their own beds in their own homes, untroubled by the faintest whisper of conscience.
Trust breeds fraud and corruption. This whole bout of global collective madness was possible because of insane collective trust. Trust is for children. Adults should be skeptical and distrusting by default. How did a whole generation of humans become like children?
After watching this video, I opened my prayer notebook and was reminded of Jim, a man who is recovering from two surgeries to remove tumors from his brain. Glioblastoma, which Dr. Makis has written about many times. His son described the new normal for his dad and expressed thankfulness that they still have him. Jim was a wonderful professor and theologian, who probably took the shots because the seminary where he taught strongly recommended them. I don't believe he will be able to teach again. I am sad that so many Christians, who should be discerning rather than fearful, fell for this scam. It's horrible for Jim to suffer this, but infinitely worse for innocent children.
My thoughts too, disappointing that there was little spiritual discernment. Every religious hierarchy belongs to a political party, I’m sure. So the people at the top of the religion, would give the orders to their pastors, etc. In some religions, obedience is important. Everything has been infiltrated, so people need to think for themselves.
Has he looked into Fenbendazole and Ivermectin?
I doubt it. I don't know him nearly well enough to mention this to the family. The details I have are from a FB post his son his been making to keep people updated.
What sort of idiot puts their own children into a vaccine trial... Reckless behavior.
I found two small omissions in the written transcript. Here is the second one:
OMISSION from [9:20] to [9:29] (9 seconds)
[9:22] Stephanie de Garay: seeing things. I trusted the government, and I trusted doctors, I trusted hospitals. What I thought they were is not what they are. END [9:29]
Cincinnati Children's Hospital (the hospital that conducted the trial for Pfizer that Maddie participated in) is apparently now running a COVID-19 Vaccine Study for Infants and Children 6 Months to 4 Years Old. Their website states, "Families will receive $175 for time and effort to complete the study."
What are the ethics of paying parents to put their children in these trials?
Beyond horrifying.
Just over a year ago I heard they were offering $1,000 in the New York area to test the new mRNA flu shot 😳
'neither Pfizer, the FDA or the CDC has ever talked to us'... How about the ELEPHANT in the room, the NIH, holding the patents for gene based therapies all related to covid injections?? The same NIH who with DARPA performed neverending GOF studies on coronavirues which were supposed to poise for human emergence?? The same NIH Dr. David Martin talks about at
Every single 'science' grant in the direction of biowarfare is not only paid by pharma cartel but equally by the very same TAX dollars, which were supposed to keep everyone 'safe', the BILLIONS which flow to NIH, the 'health' institute criminally undermining every aspect of human health! The evil satanic goal of the entire science to overwrite the HUMAN GENETIC CODE is beyond imagination. Only when that aspect of covid crimes is clear to everyone, the justice can/should start with the prosecution!
Mass Vaccination
Is Only A Problem
If You Think Of Humans As People.
It Is Much Easier To Grasp
If You Think Of Most Humans
As No More Than Farm Implements.
Unbelievable this made it to the news.
What kind of mother subjects their young kids to unknown drug experimentation? Why would she seek this out? It’s crazy!!Was it for money?? That question has never been asked.
It’s highly likely her 2 boys were excluded because Pfizer KNEW myocarditis was a “major side-effect.” Those boys undoubtedly know they dodged a fatal bullet. Her daughter, however, will never be the same healthy child she once was. It has severely crippled her.
I would surmise from the video showing Maddie’s room this family had money. Mother didn’t look worn to a frazzle either so likely hired care for Maddie. The numerous and sometimes lengthy hospitalizations would also be very expensive in the US.
That explains it! I wondered why they chose their only daughter versus one of their sons… poor poor poor girl, her life forever changed while everyone else’s in her family remains unchanged. She will likely feel some resentment as time goes on..
Anyone else find the mother’s dress a tad short for the interview or is it just me..
Hi Sonya. Unfortunately, you can really never assume or determine someone’s financial status from a picture.
To clarify, the mother never divulged her “reasons” WHY because the question was never asked of her. No one knows exactly what Pfizer told her either 🤔. Also, it would be interesting if she could show an actual informed, legal consent she signed for her daughter to participate in the study that contained and listed all the “known” side effects. Was she truly informed of all the risks involved? From how it was sold and advertised to the public, the fear is that she too was sold a bill of goods. Hopefully, she has consulted a good attorney.
Also, the report said the boys were “rejected from the study.” It’s likely that Pfizer had known the risks of myocarditis early on in young males. You see, we NOW know Pfizer knew but they likely may have never divulged that critical information to the mother. So that’s the question. They may have purposely withheld it, and that’s why Texas AG, Ken Paxton, is suing them. (This is referencing sourced information directly from Naomi Wolf’s team of lawyers compilation book of Pfizer’s own shoddy trials via FOIAs.). It’s also common knowledge now that CDC has finally admitted that myocarditis risk.
It’s just baffling as to why any mother would allow her children to be potentially harmed by allowing them to be injected with any unknown substance for a drug trial. It’s playing Russian Roulette. The mother will have to live with that bad decision for the rest of her life.
It’s getting worse though...look at the child immunization schedule 😳. These drug companies have to be stopped. Look at how they advertise Ozempic 😙 and look at the damage it’s done to people’s digestive tracts.
You are a very charitable person I guess I’m just more jaded now with the years, I used to see all things in a more positive light choosing to always see the best in people but the past 4 years have changed me and I have become a much more cynical person overall.
All good points you make, you are far more reasoned than I, and I hope these drug companies can be stopped. Thanks for Ozempic info…will pass on to my daughter.
I have two very good friends whom I have gone through this whole scam Demic with for the last four years …each of them, every day tell me about yet another friend or loved one who’s got brain cancer or “a treatable form of bone marrow cancer” or somebody else who just collapsed and died of a heart attack. It’s unbelievable I’m holding my breath for when it happens to those I know and love
Oh, I really don’t want to read this Substack Doc, but I know it’s important
Thank you Dr. Makis, for continuing to fight!
True, and I do not want to sound snippy, but even the doctors on our side want to sell us something. Ok, maybe IVM is exponentially better at treating covid than the conventional protocols. But cyanide would (nearly) be a better treatment protocol than those.
Point is:
- The only 'data' we have on the long-term safety of IVM, is that billions of doses were given to millions of Africans by Bill Gates and the WHO (oh yeah, it also won a Nobel Prize!). Yet many peer-reviewed studies have found genotoxic, cytotoxic and fertility signals.
I am not saying it is not exponentially better than their deadly Remdisvir/vent protocols. What I am saying that there is possibly an exponentially better treatment which costs nothing (nada), and will actually save you money! (food is not free).
What can that be, do you ask?
A long-term (cyclic) urine fast is my answer.
At least 10-14 days, though some say to just continue until cured, of imbibing nothing but your own (fresh) urine. Also massaging with old (your) urine a few times a day if possible.
It can never be banned, and (if you can believe the thousands of testimonials) will cure ANTYTHING completely and for ever.
Yeah, yeah, it's toxic or whatever. At least have a look with the fresh eyes many of us have post '20-21. And remember, amniotic fluid is basically a mix of the mother's and fetuses urine, meaning we have all drunk and breathed this horribly toxic substance for around 9 months.
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