An amazing speech. We must pray for the safety of Kennedy & Trump & Dr. Makis, Dr

Alexander & Doctors who are exposing the fraud.

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Trump is a main perpetrator! He's not exposing, he's still LYING.

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Yeah, ever since that phoney assassination attempt I just don’t know what to believe anymore

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Reclaiming Camelot: JFK New Frontier vs. The Deep State



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Hogwash..he just aligned himself with the antichrist and doesn't know it. https://www.bitchute.com/video/2nL9CH6Qausw

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Who's presidency do. You want? Hmmmm.? Harris? That's going to be a disaster . She's already talking about censorship, and she's a warmonger. Nobody voted for her. The Deep State is her 'master'. She already had 4 years in 'power' and what did she do? You forget.

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RFK’s speech represents a profound change of course so desperately needed for the USA and for the world. I pray that he succeeds in his stated commitments.

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I pray DJTrumpet keeps HIS word and speaks no more about FaUci-&-Fiend’s “safe & effective” vaXXines B.S.

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And a scathing review and reveal of how criminal the Democratic Party has become. I loved that he called out the reporters that were there. They either feel incredibly ashamed or they are psychopathic enough to not care at all.

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Already in 2009, Robert F Kennedy Jr. was defending the children against the insanity of 70 vaccines that they have to receive before eighteen years old.

Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up: Apr 25, 2009


Part 2: Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Apr 25, 2009


Vaccines Shortly after Birth

Hepatitis B (HepB) 1st dose of 3. This is insane.


Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule


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and... now I know that my family is "normal"... there will always be dissenters no matter what family it is. RFK is pure light to add to Trump's "family". Now, there is hope!!

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Impressive indeed.

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Yes. RFK, Jr. brings BRAINS to the DJTrumpet campaign and who is not seeking glory by hollering “safe and effective” to the world for 8 YEARS with FaUci running a FAKED pandemic by DJTrumpet’s side. Finally ! There may be hope for this world !🤞🏼

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I have not been able to listen to RFK Jr since I read about his stance and comments on Gaza/Palestine. ALL children are worth being 'defended'.

I hope it one days turns out he didn't mean it, that it was 'just tactics' (?!). But will it matter by then? How many dead or tortured children does this world need before enough is enough? Anywhere in the world...

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Gazans started this debacle ,they are not the only ones reaping the consequences of their ELECTED leaders!!!!Their constitution has maintained for seventy years their intention to exterminate Israel, and they have faith fully followed it. Their children are poisoned in their wombs!!!!

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The problem is not with Gaza but it is with the Zionist Israelis who are even hated in Israel and by Jews across the world. The average Jew does not agree with the Zionist Jew Philosophy. Hamas is a creation of the Zionist Jews along with the CIA, It is designed to cause conflict, death and destruction. So far that plan is going according to their genocidal agenda to depopulate the world.

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The Zionism was set up by European jews, not the Israeli's or Palestinians. The Middle east is just the victim.

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Did someone claim WHO created Israel ??

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Luisa you are so right! Israeli’s go out of their way to save life and especially children. Hamas and their own parents consider it an honor to let their children die. So evil.

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Talk about having been poisoned...

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Pray that they can stop all these wicked wars.

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Can you send me the reference? He said he supports Israel and that suggests to me that he is controlled. What follows is one world govt, digital ID, biometrics, injections, transhumanism, technocracy, etc. All this despite what is posted on Childrens Health Defense. Thank you.

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Israel’s NeoCON$ CONtrol American poly-tricks with AIPAC ; campaign donation$, dual citizenship, MULTIPLE, major sNewZzzz media propaganda outlet$, entanglements with ‘America’s ‘ intelligence ‘serviceS,’ “ the PentaGONE ____, ____, ____ etc.etc.etc.

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I don't know if I would go that far. Time will tell.

All I know is, if we settle for some children being okay as supposedly collateral damage in a so called 'moral war', then we, as in humanity, have already lost. But the world wouldn't be in this state if humanity hadn't already lost itself. I also find 'settling' at this moment in time a lack of trust that something Greater is possible. In God or whatever one calls what I call Source of all that is. There is only one way, and that is to find our humanity again, in my opinion. Individually and collectively. If you are right, then even more so. Out of this dichotomy of either/or. I thought Kennedy was that way out, but it seems not.

I found a link: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/rfk-jr-says-any-other-nation-would-level-gaza-if-attacked-like-israel-on-oct-7/

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Thank you for this link. Given what we know (apparently) about Israel's defense capabilities and the fact (apparently) that Hamas is funded or supported by Israel and the U.S., and the genocide that has been going on in Palestine for such a long time, I wonder if the article from the Times of Israel is the truth. They have every reason to state things in the way they did. A video might have been better however with AI and CGI we don't know anymore where the truth lies.

Israel is so powerful and they have always wanted the land that the Palestinians lived on.

I know one thing for certain and it is that the person who sits in the Presidential chair does not control his country. He reports to another "government". This is what people need to wake up to. I don't have hope for humanity with the transhumanist agenda that is already playing out but I hope I am wrong.

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The land is not palestinian!!!!!Even if you are a non believer the documented geological evidence is there!!!!This land belongs to Israel !!Hamas is part of Iran's longstanding plans to invade Israel and to dislodge Western culture from the Middle East. They have had 70 years to make peace and they have refused every opportunity!!Go after Syria and Iraq massacring their populations constantly!!!Go after Turkey massacring Armenians for years, go after the Houtis killing christians in their midst,and very recently.....go after the muslims in Bangladesh massacring the christians in their midst!!!!!Do you know how many civilians were killed by out troops in Irak and Siria?????Get a book,educate yoursel and then talk, ignoramus and antisemite to boot!!!

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I get your skepticism, but the article has direct quotes and refers to an interview with Reuters I believe. It was what I found in a quick search and was meant for a deeper dive based on that info.

I'm confident people are slowly waking up. There are not only evil forces in this world, but good ones. And they are being reignited. At long last.

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Palestinians are Semites. Let that sink in.

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Reclaiming Camelot: JFK New Frontier vs. The Deep State



Gain a perspective. The Harris presidency would be the end of the USA.

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@Om, .... Nailed It !!! Boned either way.

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Reclaiming Camelot: JFK New Frontier vs. The Deep State



Gain a perspective. The World is done giving the Harris presidency. Is that what you want.

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Please don't ascribe anything to me. Thoughts, beliefs or intentions. I seek a way broader perspective than the dichotomy you want to imprison me in. Or whatever you may want to call it. I can't breathe in it. I just heard Jill Stein offer her perspective on such an exact statement yesterday that I agree with. Just listening to what she had to say, before you jump to any conclusions on that...

We will se what unfolds. I'm confident that where ever I might be blind, I will end up seeing clearly one day.

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"than the dichotomy you want to imprison me in."


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Exactly. 'God'. Just watched a documentary last night - rather forced myself to watch it - from Gaza, called The Death Zone: Gaza from the Inside. That was not 'God'. Watching children of all sizes having been blown to pieces, or injured and maybe lost their entire family. People being blown up on designated so called safe routes or areas. And still some of these children radiated so much Light, and talked about loving everyone around them. Parents or new caretakers trying their best to feed and comfort them, and maybe make them laugh a little in the middle of such horror and hell.

That is what you give your okay to with with the candidate(s) you support, and want me to be okay with. I'm not and never will be. I believe in something truly Greater where select genocides are not 'okay', no matter who is being genocided.


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One party seems okay with children being killed in Gaza. ...... The other party is A-Okay with children being trafficked, raped, sold, murdered, Right Here At Home.

Looks like you may be caught in a conundrum, eh ??

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Or you can rise above it. I believe the US is going to collapse no matter what, because it is the only way for that something new that is needed to arise.

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Very impressive indeed! Wow. You have no heart or soul if you don't believe in what he is being moved to do and now to support. The saving grace for America, and consequently Canada, is that Trump and Kennedy win America.

We have the Canadian people of valor to do this here too, if our present corrupt government uni-party traitors can be displaced. God help us.

Thanks for sharing this Dr. Makis. I consider you one of those people of valor and courage who can make a difference. It is so sad you seem to be a 'too hot to handle' candidate for people in power. I had high hopes Danielle would be a DeSantis here in Alberta and you could be her Lapado to make the necessary medical stands to save the state/province. Alberta is Canada's premiere hope for freedom and change. And i know she has some good people around her, but also know she has inherited a bunch of bad ones from the previous administration and that perhaps they are holding her captive by threating 'mutiny on the bounty'. This is such a pivotal time in North America for freedom and that by extension to the rest of the world. God help us.

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so pleased to see someone support his speech - all my academic friends and colleagues think Kennedy is nuts and i was saddened to see them heckle him on Facebook - and of course the main stream press were also very harsh. He said things that the majority of viewers normally have NO exposure to - while alternative media are wonderful, including my sons work (www.teace.ca), still they have limited range. In this speech and hopefully with future work the ideas get out so much more broadly. Thanks Dr. Makis for highlighting this.

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RF'nK jr plagiarizes ALL of Dr Shiva's work.

RF'nK jr supports killing unborn babies...all the way up to birth...and after

RF'nK jr is a FRAUD in the EXTREME


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I don't know where you get your facts...but you need to look elsewhere! What you're saying is so far from the truth.

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It’s true that’s when he lost me when he said it’s OK to murder a child about to be born. I was totally shocked.

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Many justify & CONsider the worst of lRFK’s position as the lesser of 2 evils. “Lesser” still leaves evil as ‘OK.’

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As a healthcare provider I agree with his statements and pray he will carry through with the plan at hand given the opportunity. I agree our children are being poisoned from every aspect, food, water, etc… we cannot claim to be the greatest country on earth while our children suffer at the hands of chronic disease becoming adults in the system of sickcare.

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I won't watch or listen to anything RFK Jr says because he is pro mandating (forcing, that is) 'safe' vaccines and that is morally wrong. Haven't the public sussed out yet that any candidate who is being allowed to stand for election is part of the evil corrupt system? If they weren't, then they wouldn't be allowed to stand, their voices would not be heard and they would be effectively cancelled.

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Gain a perspective. The Harris presidency would be the end of the US. She already wants endless war , and censorship. They didn't even vote for her. Biden got replaced with 'their' candidate. A coup.

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RF'nK jr doesn't give 2 shits about children. He supports the MASS MURDER OF OVER 20,000 Palestinian children and has the blood of over 50,000 innocent Palestinians. RF'nK jr is COMPLICIT IN MASS MURDER...GENOCIDE.

“I want to say it emphatically. I am PRO-VACCINE. I have been fiercely PRO-VACCINE. I believe that we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination for all Americans.” – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

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Reclaiming Camelot: JFK New Frontier vs. The Deep State



Gain a perspective. The Harris presidency would be the demise of the US. They didn't even vote for her. She wants endless war, and censorship. Do you want that.

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Where are the patriots in this country!!?????Who listens to the voice of reason any longer??What are the F....republicans doing????I do not hear them talk about the subjects that JFK Jr is telling us about!!!!

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Trump supports Israel (as does RFK jr), biometrics, digital ID, technocracy, CV-19 shots, etc. Is RFK Jr. also controlled? RFK Jr. has stated that he supports Israel and agrees with the science on Climate Change. Welcome to Agenda 2030!

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You don't even know.

Harris presidency would be the demise of the US. She wants endless war, and censorship.

( or her 'masters' do). She had 4years in 'power' - what did she do?

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