Thank you Dr.Makis...for posting this. I love RFKjr not because he is a "kennedy" but because he walks the talk and and has been working to preserve our land and protect our beautiful parks his whole life....I also have been reading your substack for THREE YEARS....a rare voice of truth and experience in a sea of confusion and subterfuge...
Amen. From the first video I watched it was compelling. He was praying that the Lord would lead him to a way to fix what is oh so wrong in the crooked world of Big Pharma. Am halfway through his book, and believe me as a life-long investigative journalist, he exposes all the health agencies and killer Fauci in minute detail. His addenda is expansive because they probably felt the book would be attacked by factions like Black Rock, a giant investor in the crooked Big Pharma world.
Great man, and I hope he is successful in doing what he is setting out to do despite all the obstacles and roadblocks that will no doubt be put in front of him at every step.
America and the world need desperately him to turn around the trajectory on the sad state of health of so many people who are innocent victims of the scientific and medical fraud that has been taking place for too long and has been getting worse as time goes on (and was so obvious and as clear as day to see for all of during Covid).
Hopefully, he will also bring Dr. Makis onto his team of advisors which would be of tremendous benefit (the world's leading cancer expert that is a true warrior for the truth) for what he wants to do.
I hope he roots out all of the Corruption and that people get fired and charged for what they have done and not done that is wrong! Fire the stupid morons that haven't a Clue too and those that benefit from keeping people sick! It's about time for its been going on for far too long.
I hope you will join me in praying for all these men and women, that they will be protected and that they will be able to accomplish 40 or more years of work in 4 years!!
Please share your description of what that term means. Any of similar, also—because, because, it seems many voters really don’t know.
You assume much.
Just because someone refused to vote for DTs brand of mayhem, does NOT mean they voted for Harris. Voters are free to refuse to vote, if they cannot believe the candidates running, or to vote for a 3rd candidate.
Us, too! Our household is blended. We share a roof just to have shelter that works for us. We’ve done as much as we can, to avoid taking handouts; all have been legitimately deemed disabled with multiple diagnoses, & get rechecked to re validate that, every few years, despite them being “Permanent”.
We fear for our lives, because of what DTs incited in those who would take his bloviating frat-boy smack talk as encouragement to harm any/all on any kind of Social Security, Welfare, or are non-binary, or autistic, etc.
One cousin has been verbally aggressive in claiming we’re faking it for profits (despite never having been anywhere near us for decades, & not privy to med records). She has no understanding of how the help/support systems work, & twists things guided by political memes.
The incredibly harmful disinformation about these things, & more, has been EPIC, out of DTs mouth, & worse, as amplified by extremist GOP.
I was the same as you. You're getting your info from the MSM as we used to. As soon as my friend had the courage to urge us to listen directly to DT, fortunately mostly on X, I was very frustrated at how horrifically evil MSM is and how we'd been duped so bad. We just had to turn on a CNN or MSNBC right after we listened to him to see within a minute how they twist everything we just heard with our own ears. I trusted them for so long and repeated their verbage daily. I don't feel stupid anymore as they wanted me to be
Awake from woke, good for you. Trump was deceived and lied to, too. He did voice the benefits of Ivermectin and Hydrocholquine. But anything Trump advised the Demon-cats put their thumbs down on it.
You are so right about media!! But please never assume someone has been only hearing that tripe!
I lost any respect for that industry, decades ago. It’s really bad as “infotainment”, spliced with promotional junk,etc. Yes—terribly spun!! I yearn for the old Huntley-Brinkley Reports, from the 1950s!! (Just the facts, ma’am, like Joe Friday’s character)
Also a huge problem, is social media being glutted by bad memes & posts from other countries. Egads!! But at least those are getting sloppier—bad translations are giveaways—they’ve apparently suckered for letting AI write stuff, too, to save on staffing.
Most of what’s called “alternative” news, is also spun, one way or another. Have seen that happening, increasingly, the last 25 years or so.
What I did notice—mileage may vary—is to hurry fast—like within seconds of whatever event, be it political, trauma events, etc., & you have a chance to hear something accurate, before the brands spin it.
Like, immediately as the Loma Prieta quake in the Bay Area of CA wound to a stop, I quickly phoned home to check on family, cuz, kids home alone, spouse in transit, so….the call was connected, & nothing cut it off til it was done….. If I’d waited even one minute, the lines were clogged & no call could be made for what turned into hours.
I ..have.. watched DT speak…but, it has been so utterly, viscerally triggering, I cannot stand much of it. Similar for Musk & Gates, etc.
Watching his “music/softshoe interlude” go on for about 40 minutes, was a dead-giveaway; he was behaviourally telling public he already knew he’d taken the election, & didn’t care about bothering to give speeches anymore—pretty much confirmed by subsequent speech cancellations or changes.
What confirmed to me that elections are only bread-&-circuses, & candidates are interchangeable, is how prematurely Harris conceded…before Mountain & Pacific zones had even finished counting. This is not the 1st time.
I see that insult online so often ie if not 'for' Trump or Republican party then must be 'Communist', must be 'right wing ' or 'left wing' which simplifies complex issues into a voting 'choice' of two usually very corrupt leaders who work for billionaires, bankers Zionists etc & rarely for the people. In reality there is no choice just the illusion of it which elections create In people's minds. Has becone the same here in the UK and no doubt most countries ie we used to have two distinct political parties but now openly both are 'World Economic Forum', Rothschild, Rockefeller puppets who get away with drastically harmful policies and criminal behaviours that kill millions. WEF agenda is depopulation & its happening via owned governments & MSM worldwide; weatheri engineering to cause floods, storms, direct energy weapons to burn down whole communities eg Maui & hundreds of food processing plants, 'j a b s ' that sterilise, & maim, k. I. L. L etc. Trump no doubt paid millions by Big Harma to recommend the injections- he is known to do anything for money & has ended many lives by recommending the injections. How can Kennedy partner with such a criminal? Both are Zionists and Trump worshipped as 'anti war' but while he basks in his own narcissism, 100s of thousands of babies, chikdren, women etc shot, bombed, firebimbed to death in Gaza and Lebanon by Israel on going for over a year ( and 76 years before that). Trump even had his crimes ignored because he became president....He and UK could stop this genocide in an instant but UK Ziionist royals & Rothschikds created Israel and the agenda, Netanyahu does not hide, is 'Greater Israel' ie the whole Middle East, eventually the whole world. Sorry this is a long reply but the lies crimes of Trump etc are many.
Consider Trump's lack of starting new wars under 1st administration and compare
to how 3 new, avoidable wars suddenly popped up during Biden's tenure plus the real threat of a nuclear WW3 (reason enough to vote for Trump vs. the Dems' military/industrial complex forever wars). Perhaps I should've written "mostly" anti-war stance since you couldn't acknowledge any anti-war stance by Trump.
I did not comment on Trump's attitude re Gaza genocide nor Afghanistan.
I do not listen to "fox-noise", which you apparently do as you accuse me of repeating it. Also, proofread your comments prior to sending ("year anti-war ," ) ???.
DTs a “Disruptor”; that very unfortunately comes with his frat-boy ugly behaviors. He’s a crazed bloviator. But that sure resonated with certain voters.
He already knew he’d taken the election when he took about 40 minutes out of a speech for a soft-shoe music interlude—knew.he’d.taken it—that was a bit “tell”, how orchestrated it all was. & Harris conceding so very prematurely, before the Mountain & Pacific States had even gathered the ballots, was a giveaway that elections are only bread-&-circuses, preplanned staged productions.
Of COURSE he’s not “the father of vaccines”! Much of his claims are similar hogwash. He’s an industrialist! That’s kinda what they do! (& IMHO, it’s a very ugly way of doing any kind of business; it’s indicative of how vastly out-of-touch the very rich have always been with the bulk of populations they affect.)
I felt so bummed when Kennedy defected to DTs camp—BUT—if that meant Kennedy could seriously, really go after the LOOooonng-out-of-control entrenched PharmaChem industry, & all that is tentacled-into….then, I must be Cautiously very glad for his appointment!
I just hope it really does remodel & fix the guilty industries….tho, I’m Not betting the farm—because, most legislators are chronically, deeply beholden to the very industries they need to regulate, for putting them into office—that is a very difficult situation. That is, NO candidate for State or Fed. offices, & some local offices, can even run for office until they have shown willingness to take the money & pander to the big industries.
Just praying Kennedy, et al, can be successful at what he’s SAYING he’s gonna do, & that it isn’t just more hot air to keep people entrained to the party.
DT approached Bobby. RFK became more interested in teaming up with DT when he found out DT wanted to go after the bad guys. And DT had also been consulting with Dr Means & Calley. DT is for real. Just have to pray for us, and mostly him he can survive the real evil doers. They are unspeakable cold blooded monsters
DTs frat-boy smak-talk rhetoric & gaslighting, & his extremist sycophants, have been making our lives he!! already. Too many constituents only think in destructive memes, but worse?—they act on them. Society hasn’t even started to understand how bad that’s become, much less where that’s going.
We feel ..very.. threatened by his & Musk’s opinions on non-binary issues (mostly industry created now, I think—research phthalates effects on fetal development—that’s only just one—there’s more); & against anyone dependent on SSI/SSDI or Welfare, or other helps.
Back in the late 1990s, a bad meme got popular for a minit—long enuf to do some harm: “If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much room”. More followed.
But think about something….
—Poverty is industry NOT created by individuals—folks just want to live a life & be able to pursue happiness….but more & more of that has been stripped away.
—Strong clues point to gender-bending being INDUSTRY-CREATED.
—Even non-working citizens DO contribute to the economy by supporting millions of collateral jobs, & by being consumers.
So….how is it, that millions of voters have been conned, yet again, into believing it’s the disadvantaged, disabled, Other, or senior individuals that’s caused all the problems?
Ohhh…that’s a can of worms! But it’s not the pokes…no need of that.
The industries doing the harms worldwide, of all kinds, have no need to put that into the vacs—any of them.
They do it in so many other ways!!
Industries have been exposing everyone who uses body products, household products, clothes, medicines, & more, to nasty manmade chemical compounds made too stable to break down into their root-components.
Just One kind of Chemicals, called “phthalates”, DO have a feminizing effect, especially when a male fetus is exposed to it at a certain point in gestation—but it’s also a testosterone dampener at any age. And it has other awful effects.
Phthalates were invented in 1930.
Based on that, it’s a miracle the birthrates had not crashed below death rates, several decades ago.
There are thousands of other chemicals that affect all the hormones & nutrients, too. Truly, it’s miracles humans have not already gone extinct, just since 1960 with the start of “better living through chemistry” program, to push more chemical products.
But, maybe that’s testament to how resilient humans have been so far—tho, not so much now, related to the sheer volumes of chemical compounds we’re all exposed to 24/7.
Industries have used Consumer & Social Engineering mercilessly, to goad everyone towards consuming exactly how, what, & how much industries want consumers to consume…..& they’ve used obscene levels of Planned Obsolescence to assure maximum profiteering—that’s why electronic gadgets only last a few years—that is absolutely by design!
THAT is mostly what has caused Climate Emergency, & pillaged planetary resources to the brink of thousands of species’ failures.
There was NEVER any need of dumping vast, mountainous tonnages of new, unsold products in deserts here, South America, the Pacific Ocean, & more.
If anyone needs to get a clue who/what’s been destroying things, it’s big industries, & their policies, procedures & practices.
It’s a sordid history of over 120 years of big industries’ INTENTIONAL machinations.
They have NEVER worked on a humane scale.
They are mechanistic, & expect humans to work like machines til we drop, & to live with as little as they can manage to pay- but keep ‘em buying all the junk.
Industries, too, I’m very sure, are at the roots (& not alone!) of the antiabortion & anti-birth control issues that have been going on.
The other hands in that, include Opus Dei, the Jesuits, & Papacy—they play the long-game…that institution is nothing if not patient.
Industries DEPEND on constantly growing population…because, if population fails to keep growing, they cannot sell enuf products to keep getting the profits they covet.
Church does it, because the men in charge believe they know God’s will better than God…& it helps them stay in control…heaven forfend women should start being priests again!…& they are a big industry, also dependent on constantly growing population.
Trump recommended the vaccines'to millions of Americans ie genocide. He only cares for money & no doubt paid millions by Big Harma.He us a criminal allowed to run for president because he is part if the establishment but lies that he is anti it.
The pokes have enuf issues…just read another news bit—too soon to tell if it’s a sign of industry using media for damage control, or if it’s real….
That said, the spike proteins on the (engineered) virus contain substance that causes cancers, whether as infected, or from vacs, & maybe other ills.
I cannot stand DTs behaviors or voice—but at least he had sense to scoff at the idea it was a bad virus about to get us all.
Real statistics show, pretty much ALL flus have been under 1% death rates—that’s including the “Spanish” flu in 1918. —> That is, placing how many died into context of whole population. Including this flu. I was shocked to find that…especially when so many have been bug-eyed that millions have died….well, kids…there are over 8 Billion on the planet….millions = chump-change as context.
BOTH parties have pushed the vac, the shutdown, etc. both parties push various lies that industries want people to believe. At this point, after many decades of observing stuff….imho, elections are a scammer game—it doesn’t matter which main party—both are frauds. NO candidate can run for any election, State or Federal, & some City elections too, none can run for office, unless they have proven they will accept bribes from big industries.
He is intelligent enough to see the problem… and pivot based on new information. (Rather than try to suppress it) you have to give him credit for that. Did he push vaccine mandates or draconian lockdowns for a virus with an average death age of 84 (1 year above the average age of death in our country) 🤷🏻♀️
They attacked him for pushing HydroxyChloroq.. and Ivermectn, along with everything else they can dream up daily. Big pharma definitely didn't want us to know because they'd lose the control over us, and too much $$. Now its finally slowly coming out from Oncologists those things need to be officially repurposed for things like cancer and Parkinsons
I dearly hope Kennedy can even take a small bite out of PharmaChem’s entrenched, chronic manipulations of “research”, & can seriously straighten out the Agencies that had become industry sock puppets (a VERY apt description!)!!!
He has an unbelievably HUGE task, just to chip-away at a fraction of it.
Give him really good body guards—so he can do the work—he will need them.
I dearly hope this does not, yet again, devolve into mere “negotiations” with industry trying to continue their business-as-usual—the way so many class action lawsuits have done.
WHAT is the best way to give him a few witness Statements & information, that could help his efforts?
Yes....I am sure they will be out gunning for him. He needs body armor and eyes in the back of his head. What a brave and courageous man he is. God protect him that he may save our children. They are DOOMED if the mRNA KILL SHOTS are put into the childhood vax schedule.
I’ve witnessed many decades of industrial malfeasance. A number of my family have been harmed & died, because they were treated wrongly, for profit, & from providers having been trained by PharmaChem to comply with industry.
I’ve been harmed by PharmaChem, too—wrong treatments, wrong labels, & when working in healthcare. Pretty much EVERYONE who’s gone in for healthcare, has been, to one degree or another—most just don’t know it.
It goes way far beyond mRNA. The mRNA pokes are hopefully what rips-back the proverbial curtain from industries’ hidden fake wizards. The entire shutdown was pure Strategy used by industries to try to take control even more, & to help industries that had been losing profits to regain them—SO MUCH MORE machinations were going on!! The shutdown had very little to do with “your safety & benefit”!!
Yes! Kennedy needs body armour, & maybe his protection squad needs to test all his food/drink for toxins, too.
"The mRNA pokes are hopefully what rips-back the proverbial curtain from industries’ hidden fake wizard"...At least something good may come out of this horror. Every day I wake up wondering who among friends and family is sick and dying now....
This is old, however. In the meantime they have Reiner Fuellmich locked in a dungeon-- I feel very sorry for the German people. They have sunk into the loathsome Nazi swamp again. Why do the Germans always have to fall for such shiesh?
What we are witnessing right now is the biggest psychological operation in the history of mankind. The devil is about to reveal himself but in order to do it he needs the masses to believe that this person or that person will save them from the destruction that is coming. This is what is known as The Great Deception. Were it not so I would be happier than a pig wallowing in poop. Whenever things get this bad in history a false messiah has always risen to answer the call. The difference is that today's false messiahs dress in beautifully tailored three piece suits. Like any cult leader they say all the things their followers want to desperately hear. And then the curtain opens, hell is unleashed and for those who were duped there is no turning back or undoing what is about to be done. The warning signs have been there all along. The beguiled masses just choose now more than ever to ignore them. All of these can be found within the Obsidian system registered as Sovereign. You see, while you are bowing down and worshipping these false gods they have been amassing a fortune for themselves the likes of which has never been seen in the history of humanity. And while everything about you is crashing they will be busy cashing out and calling in their chips. Enjoy the circus while there is still time. Perhaps you will be one of the fortunate who gets a front row seat right where the horses splash you with mud as they go racing by.
Not too late to repent and to be soul saved, if you are reading this, then look On Line, for John 3:16 and make your informed choice. Best to read all of the Gospel of John, too.
Best to realise that the Bible has been heavily 'edited' many times for thousands of years by those in power and or the money to do so. Also mountains of mistranslations as the Bible translated from Hebrew to Latin, Greek, English etc. The Roman Empire got rid of many writings they did not like - some found decades ago buried in the desert eg Qumran etc whose translations show a completely different message about 'God', Christianity, pre- Christianity, the organised Christian Church, what Jesus said( if he existed) etc.
It is not safe to trust anything the translated Bible says it seems eg Scofield edited the Bible heavily ( paid by wealthy Zionsts to do so who wanted the lies that 'Israel' is ancient, chosen by God, the only place Jesus will return to when he returns etc. The current Bible is a mish mash of lies by those in power & causing hate and destruction for millenia.
I don't trust ANY of them. Not one of them will address the fraudulent monetary system. NOT ONE. You can't heal anything without first healing the monetary system They are ALL frauds.
It was an honor to vote for Trump because he cares about the people, and he is bringing a great team of people to turn this country around, and get rid of the swamp that cares nothing for this country, and wants to destroy it.
great team ? their ALL Zionist Israeli- 1 sters ..... who will usher in messianic end-times war .....and he wants to jail anybody who calls-out genocide and child-murder in've been had
I really struggle with those pointing out that Trump is including ‘Warp Speed advocates' into his appointments accusing another plandemic coming and thus will be facilitated.
When I believe Kennedy and want to believe Trump is for the people, and not a puppet of the globalist agenda like our PM is.
I really do hope he has an appointment for our beloved Dr. Makis, as much as I would hate to see him go.
My hope and prayer is that we are not being ‘played again'. I just wish I could be more confident in that.
Are being played again - Trump, Kennedy & all US presidents are Zionists and have had to be because Israrl even chooses Americas presidential candidates. Israels agenda is destruction of all currently living on tge Middke East who are not Zionists & Nutanyahu talks of 'Greater Israel' as tge agenda whichbis why so many countries in that area have been bombed to rubble and billions of peoole a year starved, bombed to death in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine and more. America is owned by Israel and Israel is owned by UK royals, Rothschilds (interbred for centuries) Trump works for Israel and got to be president due to Israel, was saved from certain bankruptcy decades ago due to his Jewish wealthy backers. It seems that Trump pretends to care about America but actually care about his money and how he can make more. He sold the 'v. X eens' to America ie mass murder. He is keen to let Israel go on slaughtering 100s of thousands of Palestinians but is meant to be 'anti war)
Israel became radically more brazen in its genocide due to Trump's presidency last time and this may have led to the False Flag by Israel on Oct 7th last year. Zionisms agenda is destruction of every country, & remaking them as 'Greater Israel' I am not anti Jewish but the dangers must be seen. Trump's father may have been J apparently.
All presidents are keen Zionists because AIPAC chooses the presidential candidates - anyone anti Israel ie anti genocide, anti ethnic cleansing would nev er make it in US politics. Hard to believe that Istarl has such a stranglehold on US and in fact, man y world governments where any polotician daring to disapprove if Israel is git rid of via poison campaigns in complicit MSM etc. UK the same plus many many more infiltrated owned by Zionism. And not forgetting that Israe was created by UK royals and their relatives and bankers the Rothschilds.
I was impressed with Kennedy buy not his Zionism - he has had to sell out to get into power & mightvregulate Big Pharma but most CEO, powerful snd richest are also Zionist
I pray for the safety for these individuals, trillions of dollars are at stake… it would not surprise me if the three letter agencies and the pharmaceutical company’s “connections” would make a tragedy happen. Please Lord, keep these right thinking individuals safe. 🙏 💕
Dr Makis - if you get talking to RFK & Jay Bhattacharya, I bet they would love to have you on their team.
I just emailed Smith by the way, protesting the outrageous plan to jail you. (Copied you in). These people are so wicked. A bunch of truly ugly tyrants.
Criminal Trump wants to 'clean up' a few things?. How about Trump stopping his boot licking of Israel while Israel slaughters 100s of thousands of Palestinian babies, children, women, elderly, men wtc etc who are bombed, tortured, shot, starved to death? US, UK could stop the genocide immediately but they work together as Zionist psychopaths. Trump recommended the j a b s to Anericans - paid a few millions by Big Harma? He will do anything for money it seems.
I hope that Kennedy does not get bought off - he has the right idea ie stop Big Harma's ownership of US ( & many other) governments allowing the poisoning of multi millions a yr with harmful drugs that make trillions in profit. But Kennedy says that people can get vaccinated if they want ie does not seem to realise that all vaccines are damaging to health & have never prevented any illnesses ( Does he know the Covid ones are s not vxeens?
Thank you Dr.Makis...for posting this. I love RFKjr not because he is a "kennedy" but because he walks the talk and and has been working to preserve our land and protect our beautiful parks his whole life....I also have been reading your substack for THREE YEARS....a rare voice of truth and experience in a sea of confusion and subterfuge...
Amen. From the first video I watched it was compelling. He was praying that the Lord would lead him to a way to fix what is oh so wrong in the crooked world of Big Pharma. Am halfway through his book, and believe me as a life-long investigative journalist, he exposes all the health agencies and killer Fauci in minute detail. His addenda is expansive because they probably felt the book would be attacked by factions like Black Rock, a giant investor in the crooked Big Pharma world.
Great man, and I hope he is successful in doing what he is setting out to do despite all the obstacles and roadblocks that will no doubt be put in front of him at every step.
America and the world need desperately him to turn around the trajectory on the sad state of health of so many people who are innocent victims of the scientific and medical fraud that has been taking place for too long and has been getting worse as time goes on (and was so obvious and as clear as day to see for all of during Covid).
Hopefully, he will also bring Dr. Makis onto his team of advisors which would be of tremendous benefit (the world's leading cancer expert that is a true warrior for the truth) for what he wants to do.
Anyone who has eyes to see can see that there is a problem. Almost everyone I meet has a child on the spectrum or knows someone who does.
RFK thanks for advocating for us!
I hope he roots out all of the Corruption and that people get fired and charged for what they have done and not done that is wrong! Fire the stupid morons that haven't a Clue too and those that benefit from keeping people sick! It's about time for its been going on for far too long.
I hope you will join me in praying for all these men and women, that they will be protected and that they will be able to accomplish 40 or more years of work in 4 years!!
Trump is the “father of the vaccine”, Trump’s words, not mine.
After 61 years, I could not vote for Trump a third time.
so, you voted for Communism!
Please share your description of what that term means. Any of similar, also—because, because, it seems many voters really don’t know.
You assume much.
Just because someone refused to vote for DTs brand of mayhem, does NOT mean they voted for Harris. Voters are free to refuse to vote, if they cannot believe the candidates running, or to vote for a 3rd candidate.
Not to worry. Fauci, along with the others lied to DT and all of us. Rest assured those Dr's & pharmas will be paying a huge price from the new admin
Thank you Chi! I did not vote. I don’t vote for people that want to injure me or kill me.
Us, too! Our household is blended. We share a roof just to have shelter that works for us. We’ve done as much as we can, to avoid taking handouts; all have been legitimately deemed disabled with multiple diagnoses, & get rechecked to re validate that, every few years, despite them being “Permanent”.
We fear for our lives, because of what DTs incited in those who would take his bloviating frat-boy smack talk as encouragement to harm any/all on any kind of Social Security, Welfare, or are non-binary, or autistic, etc.
One cousin has been verbally aggressive in claiming we’re faking it for profits (despite never having been anywhere near us for decades, & not privy to med records). She has no understanding of how the help/support systems work, & twists things guided by political memes.
The incredibly harmful disinformation about these things, & more, has been EPIC, out of DTs mouth, & worse, as amplified by extremist GOP.
I was the same as you. You're getting your info from the MSM as we used to. As soon as my friend had the courage to urge us to listen directly to DT, fortunately mostly on X, I was very frustrated at how horrifically evil MSM is and how we'd been duped so bad. We just had to turn on a CNN or MSNBC right after we listened to him to see within a minute how they twist everything we just heard with our own ears. I trusted them for so long and repeated their verbage daily. I don't feel stupid anymore as they wanted me to be
Awake from woke, good for you. Trump was deceived and lied to, too. He did voice the benefits of Ivermectin and Hydrocholquine. But anything Trump advised the Demon-cats put their thumbs down on it.
You are so right about media!! But please never assume someone has been only hearing that tripe!
I lost any respect for that industry, decades ago. It’s really bad as “infotainment”, spliced with promotional junk,etc. Yes—terribly spun!! I yearn for the old Huntley-Brinkley Reports, from the 1950s!! (Just the facts, ma’am, like Joe Friday’s character)
Also a huge problem, is social media being glutted by bad memes & posts from other countries. Egads!! But at least those are getting sloppier—bad translations are giveaways—they’ve apparently suckered for letting AI write stuff, too, to save on staffing.
Most of what’s called “alternative” news, is also spun, one way or another. Have seen that happening, increasingly, the last 25 years or so.
What I did notice—mileage may vary—is to hurry fast—like within seconds of whatever event, be it political, trauma events, etc., & you have a chance to hear something accurate, before the brands spin it.
Like, immediately as the Loma Prieta quake in the Bay Area of CA wound to a stop, I quickly phoned home to check on family, cuz, kids home alone, spouse in transit, so….the call was connected, & nothing cut it off til it was done….. If I’d waited even one minute, the lines were clogged & no call could be made for what turned into hours.
I ..have.. watched DT speak…but, it has been so utterly, viscerally triggering, I cannot stand much of it. Similar for Musk & Gates, etc.
Watching his “music/softshoe interlude” go on for about 40 minutes, was a dead-giveaway; he was behaviourally telling public he already knew he’d taken the election, & didn’t care about bothering to give speeches anymore—pretty much confirmed by subsequent speech cancellations or changes.
What confirmed to me that elections are only bread-&-circuses, & candidates are interchangeable, is how prematurely Harris conceded…before Mountain & Pacific zones had even finished counting. This is not the 1st time.
I see that insult online so often ie if not 'for' Trump or Republican party then must be 'Communist', must be 'right wing ' or 'left wing' which simplifies complex issues into a voting 'choice' of two usually very corrupt leaders who work for billionaires, bankers Zionists etc & rarely for the people. In reality there is no choice just the illusion of it which elections create In people's minds. Has becone the same here in the UK and no doubt most countries ie we used to have two distinct political parties but now openly both are 'World Economic Forum', Rothschild, Rockefeller puppets who get away with drastically harmful policies and criminal behaviours that kill millions. WEF agenda is depopulation & its happening via owned governments & MSM worldwide; weatheri engineering to cause floods, storms, direct energy weapons to burn down whole communities eg Maui & hundreds of food processing plants, 'j a b s ' that sterilise, & maim, k. I. L. L etc. Trump no doubt paid millions by Big Harma to recommend the injections- he is known to do anything for money & has ended many lives by recommending the injections. How can Kennedy partner with such a criminal? Both are Zionists and Trump worshipped as 'anti war' but while he basks in his own narcissism, 100s of thousands of babies, chikdren, women etc shot, bombed, firebimbed to death in Gaza and Lebanon by Israel on going for over a year ( and 76 years before that). Trump even had his crimes ignored because he became president....He and UK could stop this genocide in an instant but UK Ziionist royals & Rothschikds created Israel and the agenda, Netanyahu does not hide, is 'Greater Israel' ie the whole Middle East, eventually the whole world. Sorry this is a long reply but the lies crimes of Trump etc are many.
The only time it was worth voting for him (thanks to Kennedy, and anti-war stance).
'Bibi's doing a good job '.......' Israel finish the job in Gaza "......year anti-war , alright .....turn-off fox-noise
Ben, consider Trump's stance on the Ukraine war.
Consider Trump's lack of starting new wars under 1st administration and compare
to how 3 new, avoidable wars suddenly popped up during Biden's tenure plus the real threat of a nuclear WW3 (reason enough to vote for Trump vs. the Dems' military/industrial complex forever wars). Perhaps I should've written "mostly" anti-war stance since you couldn't acknowledge any anti-war stance by Trump.
I did not comment on Trump's attitude re Gaza genocide nor Afghanistan.
I do not listen to "fox-noise", which you apparently do as you accuse me of repeating it. Also, proofread your comments prior to sending ("year anti-war ," ) ???.
DTs a “Disruptor”; that very unfortunately comes with his frat-boy ugly behaviors. He’s a crazed bloviator. But that sure resonated with certain voters.
He already knew he’d taken the election when he took about 40 minutes out of a speech for a soft-shoe music interlude—knew.he’d.taken it—that was a bit “tell”, how orchestrated it all was. & Harris conceding so very prematurely, before the Mountain & Pacific States had even gathered the ballots, was a giveaway that elections are only bread-&-circuses, preplanned staged productions.
Of COURSE he’s not “the father of vaccines”! Much of his claims are similar hogwash. He’s an industrialist! That’s kinda what they do! (& IMHO, it’s a very ugly way of doing any kind of business; it’s indicative of how vastly out-of-touch the very rich have always been with the bulk of populations they affect.)
I felt so bummed when Kennedy defected to DTs camp—BUT—if that meant Kennedy could seriously, really go after the LOOooonng-out-of-control entrenched PharmaChem industry, & all that is tentacled-into….then, I must be Cautiously very glad for his appointment!
I just hope it really does remodel & fix the guilty industries….tho, I’m Not betting the farm—because, most legislators are chronically, deeply beholden to the very industries they need to regulate, for putting them into office—that is a very difficult situation. That is, NO candidate for State or Fed. offices, & some local offices, can even run for office until they have shown willingness to take the money & pander to the big industries.
Just praying Kennedy, et al, can be successful at what he’s SAYING he’s gonna do, & that it isn’t just more hot air to keep people entrained to the party.
Kennedy, Musk, Ramaswamy and Trump have steep mountains to climb. I hope they succeed.
DT approached Bobby. RFK became more interested in teaming up with DT when he found out DT wanted to go after the bad guys. And DT had also been consulting with Dr Means & Calley. DT is for real. Just have to pray for us, and mostly him he can survive the real evil doers. They are unspeakable cold blooded monsters
DTs frat-boy smak-talk rhetoric & gaslighting, & his extremist sycophants, have been making our lives he!! already. Too many constituents only think in destructive memes, but worse?—they act on them. Society hasn’t even started to understand how bad that’s become, much less where that’s going.
We feel ..very.. threatened by his & Musk’s opinions on non-binary issues (mostly industry created now, I think—research phthalates effects on fetal development—that’s only just one—there’s more); & against anyone dependent on SSI/SSDI or Welfare, or other helps.
Back in the late 1990s, a bad meme got popular for a minit—long enuf to do some harm: “If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much room”. More followed.
But think about something….
—Poverty is industry NOT created by individuals—folks just want to live a life & be able to pursue happiness….but more & more of that has been stripped away.
—Strong clues point to gender-bending being INDUSTRY-CREATED.
—Even non-working citizens DO contribute to the economy by supporting millions of collateral jobs, & by being consumers.
So….how is it, that millions of voters have been conned, yet again, into believing it’s the disadvantaged, disabled, Other, or senior individuals that’s caused all the problems?
There is a theory that the jabs also designed to create 'gender fluidity'
Ohhh…that’s a can of worms! But it’s not the pokes…no need of that.
The industries doing the harms worldwide, of all kinds, have no need to put that into the vacs—any of them.
They do it in so many other ways!!
Industries have been exposing everyone who uses body products, household products, clothes, medicines, & more, to nasty manmade chemical compounds made too stable to break down into their root-components.
Just One kind of Chemicals, called “phthalates”, DO have a feminizing effect, especially when a male fetus is exposed to it at a certain point in gestation—but it’s also a testosterone dampener at any age. And it has other awful effects.
Phthalates were invented in 1930.
Based on that, it’s a miracle the birthrates had not crashed below death rates, several decades ago.
There are thousands of other chemicals that affect all the hormones & nutrients, too. Truly, it’s miracles humans have not already gone extinct, just since 1960 with the start of “better living through chemistry” program, to push more chemical products.
But, maybe that’s testament to how resilient humans have been so far—tho, not so much now, related to the sheer volumes of chemical compounds we’re all exposed to 24/7.
Industries have used Consumer & Social Engineering mercilessly, to goad everyone towards consuming exactly how, what, & how much industries want consumers to consume…..& they’ve used obscene levels of Planned Obsolescence to assure maximum profiteering—that’s why electronic gadgets only last a few years—that is absolutely by design!
THAT is mostly what has caused Climate Emergency, & pillaged planetary resources to the brink of thousands of species’ failures.
There was NEVER any need of dumping vast, mountainous tonnages of new, unsold products in deserts here, South America, the Pacific Ocean, & more.
If anyone needs to get a clue who/what’s been destroying things, it’s big industries, & their policies, procedures & practices.
It’s a sordid history of over 120 years of big industries’ INTENTIONAL machinations.
They have NEVER worked on a humane scale.
They are mechanistic, & expect humans to work like machines til we drop, & to live with as little as they can manage to pay- but keep ‘em buying all the junk.
Industries, too, I’m very sure, are at the roots (& not alone!) of the antiabortion & anti-birth control issues that have been going on.
The other hands in that, include Opus Dei, the Jesuits, & Papacy—they play the long-game…that institution is nothing if not patient.
Industries DEPEND on constantly growing population…because, if population fails to keep growing, they cannot sell enuf products to keep getting the profits they covet.
Church does it, because the men in charge believe they know God’s will better than God…& it helps them stay in control…heaven forfend women should start being priests again!…& they are a big industry, also dependent on constantly growing population.
Trump recommended the vaccines'to millions of Americans ie genocide. He only cares for money & no doubt paid millions by Big Harma.He us a criminal allowed to run for president because he is part if the establishment but lies that he is anti it.
The pokes have enuf issues…just read another news bit—too soon to tell if it’s a sign of industry using media for damage control, or if it’s real….
That said, the spike proteins on the (engineered) virus contain substance that causes cancers, whether as infected, or from vacs, & maybe other ills.
I cannot stand DTs behaviors or voice—but at least he had sense to scoff at the idea it was a bad virus about to get us all.
Real statistics show, pretty much ALL flus have been under 1% death rates—that’s including the “Spanish” flu in 1918. —> That is, placing how many died into context of whole population. Including this flu. I was shocked to find that…especially when so many have been bug-eyed that millions have died….well, kids…there are over 8 Billion on the planet….millions = chump-change as context.
BOTH parties have pushed the vac, the shutdown, etc. both parties push various lies that industries want people to believe. At this point, after many decades of observing stuff….imho, elections are a scammer game—it doesn’t matter which main party—both are frauds. NO candidate can run for any election, State or Federal, & some City elections too, none can run for office, unless they have proven they will accept bribes from big industries.
Monsters and murderers, too.
Dr. Stanley Plotkin is the grandfather of vaccines.
He is intelligent enough to see the problem… and pivot based on new information. (Rather than try to suppress it) you have to give him credit for that. Did he push vaccine mandates or draconian lockdowns for a virus with an average death age of 84 (1 year above the average age of death in our country) 🤷🏻♀️
They attacked him for pushing HydroxyChloroq.. and Ivermectn, along with everything else they can dream up daily. Big pharma definitely didn't want us to know because they'd lose the control over us, and too much $$. Now its finally slowly coming out from Oncologists those things need to be officially repurposed for things like cancer and Parkinsons
I dearly hope Kennedy can even take a small bite out of PharmaChem’s entrenched, chronic manipulations of “research”, & can seriously straighten out the Agencies that had become industry sock puppets (a VERY apt description!)!!!
He has an unbelievably HUGE task, just to chip-away at a fraction of it.
Give him really good body guards—so he can do the work—he will need them.
I dearly hope this does not, yet again, devolve into mere “negotiations” with industry trying to continue their business-as-usual—the way so many class action lawsuits have done.
WHAT is the best way to give him a few witness Statements & information, that could help his efforts?
Yes....I am sure they will be out gunning for him. He needs body armor and eyes in the back of his head. What a brave and courageous man he is. God protect him that he may save our children. They are DOOMED if the mRNA KILL SHOTS are put into the childhood vax schedule.
I’ve witnessed many decades of industrial malfeasance. A number of my family have been harmed & died, because they were treated wrongly, for profit, & from providers having been trained by PharmaChem to comply with industry.
I’ve been harmed by PharmaChem, too—wrong treatments, wrong labels, & when working in healthcare. Pretty much EVERYONE who’s gone in for healthcare, has been, to one degree or another—most just don’t know it.
It goes way far beyond mRNA. The mRNA pokes are hopefully what rips-back the proverbial curtain from industries’ hidden fake wizards. The entire shutdown was pure Strategy used by industries to try to take control even more, & to help industries that had been losing profits to regain them—SO MUCH MORE machinations were going on!! The shutdown had very little to do with “your safety & benefit”!!
Yes! Kennedy needs body armour, & maybe his protection squad needs to test all his food/drink for toxins, too.
Yes, much prayers needed!!
"The mRNA pokes are hopefully what rips-back the proverbial curtain from industries’ hidden fake wizard"...At least something good may come out of this horror. Every day I wake up wondering who among friends and family is sick and dying now....
"maybe test all his food/drink for toxins, too".
Beyond appalling....look what is happening in Germany:
This is old, however. In the meantime they have Reiner Fuellmich locked in a dungeon-- I feel very sorry for the German people. They have sunk into the loathsome Nazi swamp again. Why do the Germans always have to fall for such shiesh?
I just read the 2025 vaccine schedules, and the Covid-19 vaccine is listed just above the regular flu jab.
I do not know if Covid-19 is being imposed on babies, under six months old, and/or on pregnant females.
They are sed on pregnant women & babies. Huge number of pregnant women lose their babie umue miscarriage after.
What we are witnessing right now is the biggest psychological operation in the history of mankind. The devil is about to reveal himself but in order to do it he needs the masses to believe that this person or that person will save them from the destruction that is coming. This is what is known as The Great Deception. Were it not so I would be happier than a pig wallowing in poop. Whenever things get this bad in history a false messiah has always risen to answer the call. The difference is that today's false messiahs dress in beautifully tailored three piece suits. Like any cult leader they say all the things their followers want to desperately hear. And then the curtain opens, hell is unleashed and for those who were duped there is no turning back or undoing what is about to be done. The warning signs have been there all along. The beguiled masses just choose now more than ever to ignore them. All of these can be found within the Obsidian system registered as Sovereign. You see, while you are bowing down and worshipping these false gods they have been amassing a fortune for themselves the likes of which has never been seen in the history of humanity. And while everything about you is crashing they will be busy cashing out and calling in their chips. Enjoy the circus while there is still time. Perhaps you will be one of the fortunate who gets a front row seat right where the horses splash you with mud as they go racing by.
Not too late to repent and to be soul saved, if you are reading this, then look On Line, for John 3:16 and make your informed choice. Best to read all of the Gospel of John, too.
Best to realise that the Bible has been heavily 'edited' many times for thousands of years by those in power and or the money to do so. Also mountains of mistranslations as the Bible translated from Hebrew to Latin, Greek, English etc. The Roman Empire got rid of many writings they did not like - some found decades ago buried in the desert eg Qumran etc whose translations show a completely different message about 'God', Christianity, pre- Christianity, the organised Christian Church, what Jesus said( if he existed) etc.
It is not safe to trust anything the translated Bible says it seems eg Scofield edited the Bible heavily ( paid by wealthy Zionsts to do so who wanted the lies that 'Israel' is ancient, chosen by God, the only place Jesus will return to when he returns etc. The current Bible is a mish mash of lies by those in power & causing hate and destruction for millenia.
I don't trust ANY of them. Not one of them will address the fraudulent monetary system. NOT ONE. You can't heal anything without first healing the monetary system They are ALL frauds.
It was an honor to vote for Trump because he cares about the people, and he is bringing a great team of people to turn this country around, and get rid of the swamp that cares nothing for this country, and wants to destroy it.
great team ? their ALL Zionist Israeli- 1 sters ..... who will usher in messianic end-times war .....and he wants to jail anybody who calls-out genocide and child-murder in've been had
I really struggle with those pointing out that Trump is including ‘Warp Speed advocates' into his appointments accusing another plandemic coming and thus will be facilitated.
When I believe Kennedy and want to believe Trump is for the people, and not a puppet of the globalist agenda like our PM is.
I really do hope he has an appointment for our beloved Dr. Makis, as much as I would hate to see him go.
My hope and prayer is that we are not being ‘played again'. I just wish I could be more confident in that.
Are being played again - Trump, Kennedy & all US presidents are Zionists and have had to be because Israrl even chooses Americas presidential candidates. Israels agenda is destruction of all currently living on tge Middke East who are not Zionists & Nutanyahu talks of 'Greater Israel' as tge agenda whichbis why so many countries in that area have been bombed to rubble and billions of peoole a year starved, bombed to death in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine and more. America is owned by Israel and Israel is owned by UK royals, Rothschilds (interbred for centuries) Trump works for Israel and got to be president due to Israel, was saved from certain bankruptcy decades ago due to his Jewish wealthy backers. It seems that Trump pretends to care about America but actually care about his money and how he can make more. He sold the 'v. X eens' to America ie mass murder. He is keen to let Israel go on slaughtering 100s of thousands of Palestinians but is meant to be 'anti war)
Israel became radically more brazen in its genocide due to Trump's presidency last time and this may have led to the False Flag by Israel on Oct 7th last year. Zionisms agenda is destruction of every country, & remaking them as 'Greater Israel' I am not anti Jewish but the dangers must be seen. Trump's father may have been J apparently.
Pardon typos
Kennedy was a good pick, but the problem is.He is supporting the genocide in gaza. That changed my opinion of him because he said he was against war.
All presidents are keen Zionists because AIPAC chooses the presidential candidates - anyone anti Israel ie anti genocide, anti ethnic cleansing would nev er make it in US politics. Hard to believe that Istarl has such a stranglehold on US and in fact, man y world governments where any polotician daring to disapprove if Israel is git rid of via poison campaigns in complicit MSM etc. UK the same plus many many more infiltrated owned by Zionism. And not forgetting that Israe was created by UK royals and their relatives and bankers the Rothschilds.
I was impressed with Kennedy buy not his Zionism - he has had to sell out to get into power & mightvregulate Big Pharma but most CEO, powerful snd richest are also Zionist
I pray for the safety for these individuals, trillions of dollars are at stake… it would not surprise me if the three letter agencies and the pharmaceutical company’s “connections” would make a tragedy happen. Please Lord, keep these right thinking individuals safe. 🙏 💕
Dr Makis - if you get talking to RFK & Jay Bhattacharya, I bet they would love to have you on their team.
I just emailed Smith by the way, protesting the outrageous plan to jail you. (Copied you in). These people are so wicked. A bunch of truly ugly tyrants.
Criminal Trump wants to 'clean up' a few things?. How about Trump stopping his boot licking of Israel while Israel slaughters 100s of thousands of Palestinian babies, children, women, elderly, men wtc etc who are bombed, tortured, shot, starved to death? US, UK could stop the genocide immediately but they work together as Zionist psychopaths. Trump recommended the j a b s to Anericans - paid a few millions by Big Harma? He will do anything for money it seems.
I hope that Kennedy does not get bought off - he has the right idea ie stop Big Harma's ownership of US ( & many other) governments allowing the poisoning of multi millions a yr with harmful drugs that make trillions in profit. But Kennedy says that people can get vaccinated if they want ie does not seem to realise that all vaccines are damaging to health & have never prevented any illnesses ( Does he know the Covid ones are s not vxeens?