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Everything about "Covid-19", for me, stank to high heaven of criminality and fraud, almost from the get-go. It was almost an instant replay of the SARS scam of 2003, except then, it was a flu the Chinese had caught from eating civets, but now, it was a cold the Chinese had caught from eating bats! Nevermind the Chinese have been eating civets and bads for thousands of years, but now? They catch diseases from them?! Give me a break! Meanwhile Dr. David Martin some time ago revealed Justin Castreu's financial stake in the Fraudemic with his interest in Arbutus Biopharma and Acuitas Therapuetics in British Columbia. Also here in British Columbia like everywhere else, Chief Camp Physician "Butcher Bonnie" Henry and Reichsführer-SS Adrian Dix did everything they could to foment panic and hysteria over a disease which – if it ever existed and I very much have my doubts – had a mortality rate of 0.007%! You're in more danger driving to work in the morning! I was forced to walk away from my job in November of 2017; I was denied health care, welfare and unemployment benefits. I was forbidden to travel, almost all forms of social contact were forbidden me: The analogy to the Nazi Nuremberg Decrees of 1934 against the Jews was precise and entirely appropriate, but any time any caller tried to bring attention to this on CFAX Radio's morning show they were immediately cut off – but the fact remains we were at Stage 5 of Genocide progression, without a word of exaggeration.

In Canada the Federal and Provincial Governments were and remain in violation of International Law (The Geneva Conventions, the Nuremberg Code and The Helsinki Accords), numerous articles of our gossamer constitution and 6 major federal acts including the War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Act, but Rocco Galati's lawsuit against the British Columbia government, BC Ferries and three long-term care facilities was immediately dismissed; in my humble opinion this was an absolute outrage. Obviously "The Law" far as these criminals are concerned are merely words on paper and exists only for their use and convenience.

Finally the very notion of of enforced medical mandates is an abomination and an absolute violation of any form of normative ethics worth mentioning, yet in New York and Florida (if Jeff Rense is to be believed) legislation has been passed allowing the governments to arrest anyone at any time, force any medical procedure on them they wish and to hold that person indefinitely without accusation or cause – and the appeals court of New York supported this! ... and in May of this year comes the WHO Pandemic Response Treaty to foist these atrocities on all of humanity...

I don't think I'm being crazy or even extreme by calling for the Death Penalty for all responsible for this, the most appalling crime in human history... but I go to work, go to the mall, and 20% of the morons are sporting masks again... the stupidity, the sheep-like gullibility of humanity... I'm numb. Words fail me. To paraphrase Shakespeare: "Once more into the abyss, dear friends, once more!"

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ALL built on the most corrupt medical test ever devised, the SARScoV2 RT PCR. A massive false positive generator that was the overwhelmingly most use test across the planet. Pushed by government and media across the planet. High sensitivity and no specificity. Fabricated by Christian Drosten and his pals who tried to pull the same thing with coV and MERS. But failed.

As revealed by a international professional peer review that did a point by point examination of the molecular chemistry and methodology used in the Corman Drosten protocol that backs the test, compared what they found with the best information on PCR testing and concluded, "the test is so flawed on a molecular and methodological basis as to be useless as a medical diagnostic test". Endorsed by every international and domestic public health agency on the planet. Tied to every case, hospitization and death statistic there is. Influenced the outcome of much 'research'. See the Corman Drosten Review report online.

NTM, look at what the German government is trying to do to a man who was among the first to expose what has occurred through fabricated charges and the courts, Reiner Fuellmich. PU.

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Its inventor, Kari Mullis publicly stated the PCR Test was never intended to nor ever should be used as a diagnostic tool. He had some curious things to say about Tony Fraudci before his curious demise...


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Mullis , before his nefarious, untimely demise, always said the PCR technology could be made to say whatever the test developer wanted. The review clearly outlines what was purposefully done to make the test able to read even very minute amounts of viral genetic material through high amplification rates, Ct. From unidentifiable viruses. They left out the parts of the test that identifies virus genomes. It only reads viral fragments. From infections that could have occurred years in the past. PU.

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